Qt's dialog box button size bug - c++

In a QDialogButtonBox class object, its button sizes are reduced:
While in other dialogs, the buttons look normal:
Both dialogs were made through Qt's Designer Mode, with no additional code on my part concerning these QDialogButtonBox class objects.
Any ideas?

Unfortunately, I can't post the code to show it, however, all the QButtonDialogBox options and properties, regarding the size policy and everything else, were not changed in code, thus having default values from Qt Designer.
The end result is that, in some dialogues, it looks well, and, in others, it simply doesn't... (As images in the previous post show.)
Removing/adding/changing the layouts hasn't changed anything...
I tend to think that something is wrong in the application, but I cannot figure out what.
I solved this problem by:
Replacing QMessageBox::questioncall with QMessageBoxobject on stack.
Setting minumum size for the buttons in the QDialogButtonBox object in the code.
I've been setting stylesheets just a couple of times in the code, but it has nothing to do with QPushButton or QDialogButtonBox objects... mainly changing background-colors for QMenu objects etc.
If I figure out what was the issue, I'll be sure to post it here!


How to Create Custom, Instant, Arrow-Shaped ToolTip with unique shape?

On many web-pages nowadays, you'll frequently see instant tooltips with an arrow that points to their target, similar to:
(More specifically, I'm looking for something like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Jedht9Arec)
How would you exactly replicate this in QT? I'm not necessarily looking for something super automated, just something that can be given a position to appear at, and a function call to remove it. Furthermore, if possible, it should have curved, anti-aliased corners.
I've tried using custom QToolTip, but it's behavior does not meet my standards. I've also tried a custom QDialog with a Popup flag, but it freezes the dialog it appears above.
Any recommendations on how to proceed?
As requested by two comments below, here is the code for the QDialog scenario previously referenced. Prepare yourself, it's a lot:
// Assuming "this" is the parent dialog
QDialog* popup = new QDialog(this, Qt::Popup);
This code blocks mouse hover events of the parent dialog (the "this" object), thus making it unsuitable as a tool-tip replacement.
You can use QWidget::setMask to specify custom shape of a widget. Additionally you'll have to set widget's window flags to include Qt::ToolTip.

Resize QDockWidget without undocking and docking

I found a weird behaviour of QDockWidget when I tried to insert it into own application. The problem is that after dragging border of widget, it size goes back, so I can't change its size. So then I opened official qt example. But the same problem exist in this example. You can see it below. (After undocking and docking again problem disappears)
Another KDE applications in my system doesn't have such bug, so I think there is some function in Qt wich fixes this problem. Please help me to fix this example.
The only thing you need to do is to call QMainWindow::resizeDocks. After that the bug will disappear.

Qt: QVideoWidget doesn't show up and disables all buttons within application OR extremely slows down the application

To make it clear the question is: Why, when I add a QVideoWidget to my application, all buttons become not clickable, the scrollbars don't work, and the comboboxes as well become not clickable? Is QVideoWidget disabling those functionalities? Or is that maybe (like I read in this SO question) QVideoWidget is extremely slowing down my application, just by being added to the application?
Now the details:
I really hope someone can help me with this. I'm trying to place a QvideoWidget into my desktop application with the following code (nothing special, just like in the tutorials):
// ...
// more code above for other things...
// main video-player widget
video_widget = new QVideoWidget;
video_widget->setMaximumHeight(100); // I could set any size here...this is not the point
video_widget->setStyleSheet(STYLE_WIDGET_BG); // same background as the other widgets...
media_player = new QMediaPlayer(0, QMediaPlayer::VideoSurface);
TV_V_LAYOUT_MAIN_2->addWidget(video_widget); // #define TV_V_LAYOUT_MAIN_2 ui.lvl_4_tv2_h_1 --> this a layout inside another layout...
return; // this function is called inside the MainWindow constructor
So there are the situations:
1) Without adding the videowidget, everything works fine...
2) As soon as I add the QVideoWidget with the code above:
app overview
What happens?
The video player doesn't show up in any way. There should be at least the gray background like the other widgets, but nothing. Yet the buttons position lowers, so I guess the player was inserted...The problem is: all buttons (and I mean ALL buttons within my application) are disabled. So are the comboboxes and the scrollbar. By disabled I mean, when you click them, it doesn't normally "animate" like when a button is cliked, and the scrollbar doesn't scroll...
By the way the QVideoWidget is not places into the same layout as the buttons below. You can see the layout hierarchy here: Layouts with Qt Designer
I guess I'm missing something very simple. Anyone got the solution for me?
INFO: I'm programming with Visual Studio 2013 with Qt Add-In; I use only standard libraries; gstreamer is included in the project as well (nothing implemented yet).
OLD EDIT: it may be that the inserting of the video-widget extremely slows down the application, therefore giving the illusion that the scrollbar and the buttons don't work, just because it takes a lot of time for them to process the user interaction. Is this possible? Any solution for that?
Got the solution:
If your QVideoWidgets or QMediaPlayers extremely slow down your application, all you have to do, if you haven't yet, is to move all (or just the nedeed) Qt dll's into your project folder.
That's very basic, I know, yet that was my problem. Now it works like heaven.

QDialog or QMessageBox show Qt::BusyCursor when added to existing application

I am new to qt and I have an issue I cannot understand.
I have created my own QDialog and now I want to add it to an existing application.
In QT creator, everything works fine but when I add either my custom dialogue or even a
message box to the existing code, something odd happens.
The dialogue works just fine but when I hover over the main area of the dialogue
the icon changes to a Qt::BusyCursor the busy wait icon.
At first I assumed this must be a threading issue but then isn't .exec() suppose to block?
Also when I hover over the title bar or the message box / dialogue, it seems fine i.e it shows a Qt::ArrowCursor, in both cases the dialogue functionally works fine also.
I have tried to set the .setCursor() on both and it did not work still a busy icon.
can anyone give me some hints as to what I might look at to investigate this more.
Thanks a lot!!!
I can suggest you to use
and reset it with

Qt -how to know whether content in child widgets has been changed?

In QMainWindow I have 2 QSplitters. In that splitters I have QTextEdit, QLineEdits, QTableWinget, Ragio buttons and so on... I want to know if somthing has been chaged after pressing File->New menu button. Is there any general method for doing this?
Somwhere I have read that it is recomended to use isWindowModified() function of QMainWindow, but seems it doesn't work.
setWindowModified() does not propagate the windowModified flag to the parents. This bug is described here: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-20150. I have just tried it and indeed it did not work.
The isWindowModified() could be useful here since according to http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qwidget.html#windowModified-prop it propagates up to the parent.
However, I think you would need to set this yourself. For example, if you clicked the new button which leads to some text being inserted into a QTextEdit, you still need to call QTextEdit's setWindowModified() function - which will then propagate up to your QMainWindow - and you can just check QMainWindow afterwards. (However, you wouldn't know which children were modified)
Maybe you should have a look at QWidget::changeEvent.