unable to connect via rdp to a google cloud windows server vm - google-cloud-platform

I have one instance of a Windows Server 12 R2 VM on google cloud that's working properly and I have connected to it successfully using RDP. I have tried to replicate it by creating a snapshot out of it and creating an instance from the snapshot. According to the platform the instance was created, but i can't seem to connect to it or to get a password. When I click "Get windows password" I get this:
forever. When i try to connect to it, I get
I have no idea what to do, any help would be appreciated.Thanks

The password creation tool from the console only works for images builted from the official image repo. In this case your source is a previous VM through a snapshot. In that case, and also in migrations all the previous credentials are kept in the new VM. You can download the GCP RDP agent here and access using the credential you used to have in your source VM.
Connecting to a Windows Instance
In the case you can not get to enter the VM, it seems to be a firewall rules issue. By default the port tcp:3389(RDP access) is open to all VM at the default network, check your VM is in that network or check if the firewall rule has a tag to be applied.
If not, apply a tag to your new machine and create a firewall rule tobe applied to that tag.
Hope it help. Keep us posted!


GCP VM instance hosted Website showing connectino refused error message

I am trying to fix a website that is hosted on Google Cloud Platform using VM instance. The website is giving me a connection refused error message. I have checked that the firewall rules are set up and are provided to the VM instance.
The VM external IP is static and the same IP is present on both cloud DNS and GoDaddy.
I'm also unable to SSH into the instance.
The SSH screen is stuck here and is not loading any further
I have given the necessary permissions to the instance and the user (Compute Admin, Compute Instance Admin (v1)), but still no luck.
As the instance is created from a custom image, so later, I tried creating another instance with the same config and I was able to SSH from it. So, please find some screenshots attached below if those could be of any help
netstat -a
route -n
df -h
I am new to this so any help to fix the issue and get the website up and running would be highly appreciated.
If it worked at the second attempt (2nd Instance I mean), I suspect that the SSH service hasn't started properly. I would recommend you to check the Serial Port Output, and Accessing into the Instance through the serial port in order to be able to troubleshoot it.
Note that you'll need a user to access through the serial port. If you don't have any user created, you will be able to do so using an startup-script.
Hope this helps!

authentication failure between 2 ec2 instances with windows server 2016

I am a newbie to AWS Cloud. Recently I was given the requirement to do a Automation Anywhere Clustered Control Room installation on AWS Cloud. Based on this requirement, I set up 2 EC2 instances (as a test run) with Windows Server 2016 AMI. I installed MS SQL server on one of the instances and opened port 1433 for access from the other instance. I installed Control Room on the first instance successfully (using custom install). When I completed the installation on the second instance, I got credential vault error. I have created a shared folder which is accessible by both the instances inspite of which I am getting the error. I have security groups and firewalls setup appropriately alsoI have shared the snapshot below. I have been informed that there is an authentication issue between the 2 instances. How do I get this to work?
Any and all help is much appreciated.
I don't know if this is a duplicate of any other question. If it is, please point me in the right direction.
I was able to solve the problem. I reinstalled the control room on both the EC2 machines with Manual mode for the Credential Vault access.
I also reset the firewall to allow only 80 and 443 (for now) both locally and remotely on the second EC2 instance.

SSH browser doesn't work in Compute Engine GCP

When i click the SSH button in the Complete Engine page, the shell window pops up and it shows that the ssh keys are being migrated. After that dialog disappears, nothing happens. I get a blank page without any prompt.
If you're using Firefox (same as me). This seems to be the problem as chrome works fine. Apparently Firefox has a bug. Idk if it's an actual bug or it's done on purpose because sometimes (less times) this works on Firefox and then sometimes doesn't unless I keep and keep reopening an closing the SSH.
Instead of opening and closing every time hoping for a chance to work and or using chrome, If you have linux or in my case I have Windows subsystem for Linux on my windows computer, so I can just SSH to it.
For windows, you could use the subsystem, or use Putty (Here's a putty tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmh94mNQHQc on how to connect to GCC) That putty tutorial is also similar to how you can do it on the subsystem so you can still watch it for that too
It's a bug in a Chromium library that affects Firefox. Use Chrome as a workaround.
To use the browser to SSH to a GCE instance, you need to be a compute instance admin. Also, if you run that instance with a Service Account, your account need to be a Service Account user. Check this link for more information: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/ssh-in-browser
In addition, did you check that your firewall allows connections to SSH port (22) from Google IP ranges ?
You can find them by using these commands (see https://support.google.com/a/answer/60764)
nslookup -q=TXT _netblocks.google.com
nslookup -q=TXT _netblocks2.google.com
nslookup -q=TXT _netblocks3.google.com
You can try different methods of connecting an instance to see if the issue is underlying at SSH or somewhere else.
There are several ways to connect a Linux instance via the SSH. You can connect to an instance via the terminal. You can connect via the Cloud Console Web UI which is in general the most convenient way to connect to an instance. Also, you can use Google Cloud SDK and run below command to connect to an instance via SSH:
$ gcloud compute ssh [INSTANCE_NAME]
You can also use Cloud Shell to connect your instance from the Cloud Console web UI by using the same command as above. You can connect via the serial console using the Google Cloud Platform Console, the gcloud command-line tool, or a third-party SSH client. The serial console authenticates users with SSH keys. Specifically, you must add your public SSH key to the project or instance metadata, and store your private key on the local machine from which you want to connect. There are other advanced methods to connect to an instance.
I would also recommend to check if you have firewall rule for port 22 which is required for SSH. You can go to the VPC Network from Cloud Console and then Firewall Rules tab, check if you have firewall rule for port 22 and that rule applied to affected instance or not. If there no firewall rule for port 22, create firewall rule and apply to the affected instance.
You can also follow this SSH troubleshooting steps mentioned at this link.
I have the same problem and after recreating 4 instances and going thru every possible ssh key scenario I decided to try chrome and it worked fine whereas in firefox i get the blank black screen after the key handshake. I watched thru the serial port and the sys log showed all of the same entries for my broken web ssh session in firefox as it did for the working chrome web ssh session which means it has to be a problem with firefox.
Same issue. Ad blocker was to blame. Try whitelisting, disabling or use a private window.

How to connect to AWS windows server without rdp?

I have changed some rdp settings to the windows server. I can see the screenshot but I cannot able to connect to the instance. What are the other methods to connect to the instance? I dont have snapshots. How to fix this?
Create an AMI of your server before doing anything below.
You will not be able to connect to the instance using RDP if you have messed up RDP thru any other tool. You might be able to repair your settings by attaching the root EBS volume on another Windows instance and repairing.
This document will show you how to attach the Windows volume to another server. Just skip the stuff about resetting the password.
Resetting the Windows Administrator Password
If the changes to RDP were made in the registry, you can also attach the registry on the other Windows instance. Then undo / repair your changes.
Just make sure that you are using the same Windows versions for everything above.
Load or Unload Registry Hives
Edit another Windows install's registry

how to create a amazon cloud machine using ec2

I am new to the amazon world.
I have got an amazon ec2 machine with it's public dns and a .pem file . i have connected to the machine using putty by generating a ppk file . now i am able to login to the remote machine using root user. Can someone help me how to create a remote desktop machine or as a cloud machine like the way windows has a rdp feature so that i can install the software. Do i need to install vncserver on it ?. if yes, is there any handy video or documentation which can provide me steps to connect . i have to install appache 2 and mysql on it.
Appreciate your help.
P.S. I can't see any instance on the amzon ec2 which can be created with the machine dns i have got.
1) To see you instance in AWS Console, you need to choose region, where that ec2 server is deployed.
Click on right top menu, there is list of regions there.
2) As we understood, you need to install LAMP Server on that instance.
There are lots of examples how to do it (without GUI, using command line interface).
Find them easily typing how to setup lamp server on ubuntu/centos, depending on your OS.