how to create a amazon cloud machine using ec2 - amazon-web-services

I am new to the amazon world.
I have got an amazon ec2 machine with it's public dns and a .pem file . i have connected to the machine using putty by generating a ppk file . now i am able to login to the remote machine using root user. Can someone help me how to create a remote desktop machine or as a cloud machine like the way windows has a rdp feature so that i can install the software. Do i need to install vncserver on it ?. if yes, is there any handy video or documentation which can provide me steps to connect . i have to install appache 2 and mysql on it.
Appreciate your help.
P.S. I can't see any instance on the amzon ec2 which can be created with the machine dns i have got.

1) To see you instance in AWS Console, you need to choose region, where that ec2 server is deployed.
Click on right top menu, there is list of regions there.
2) As we understood, you need to install LAMP Server on that instance.
There are lots of examples how to do it (without GUI, using command line interface).
Find them easily typing how to setup lamp server on ubuntu/centos, depending on your OS.


Unable to install anything on AWS ubuntu

I thought of migrating my php application from shared hosting to AWS. however i'm facing some difficult while installing packages, whenever i try to install a package it saying connecting to some xyz server and halts, the installation does not proceed. I followed below steps
1.) I created amazon AWS free tier account
2.) I created a security group policy
3.) I generated a elastic IP from the pool
4.) I created an AWS ec2 instance using Ubuntu x64 v16 (Did all the setup and was fine)
5.) Generated the .pem key and downloaded it, also connected via SSH using the key, i'm able to connect
6.) I then associated the Elastic IP to the instance and restarted the instance
whenever i try to connect to the public IP address it says server took too long to respond or is not accessible. I thought might be i need to install Apache
I'm trying to install Apache, also not only Apache even if i run sudo update && upgrade it just shows a message connecting to server and hangs up!
What my be the problem? Where did i go wrong?

How to remotely connect to GCP ML Engine/AWS Sagemaker managed notebooks?

GCP has finally released managed Jupyter notebooks. I would like to be able to interact with the notebook locally by connecting to it. Ie. i use PyCharm to connect to the externaly configured jupyter notebbok server by passing its URL & token param.
Question also applies to AWS Sagemaker notebooks.
AWS does not natively support SSH-ing into SageMaker notebook instances, but nothing really prevents you from setting up SSH yourself.
The only problem is that these instances do not get a public IP address, which means you have to either create a reverse proxy (with ngrok for example) or connect to it via bastion box.
Steps to make the ngrok solution work:
download ngrok with curl >
create ngrok free account to get permissions for tcp tunnels
run ./ngrok authenticate with your token
start with ./ngrok tcp 22 > ngrok.log & (& will put it in the background)
logfile will contain the url so you know where to connect to
create ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file (on SageMaker) and paste your public key (likely ~/.ssh/ from your computer)
ssh by calling ssh -p <port_from_ngrok_logfile> (or whatever host they assign to you, it;s going to be in the ngrok.log)
If you want to automate it, I suggest using lifecycle configuration scripts.
Another good trick is wrapping downloading, unzipping, authenticating and starting ngrok into some binary in /usr/bin so you can just call it from SageMaker console if it dies.
It's a little bit too long to explain completely how to automate it with lifecycle scripts, but I've written a detailed guide on
On AWS, you can use AWS Glue to create a developer endpoint, and then you create the Sagemaker notebook from there. A developer endpoint gives you access to connect to your python or Scala spark REPL via ssh, and it also allows you to tunnel the connection and access from any other tool, including PyCharm.
For PyCharm professional we have even tighter integration, allowing you to SFTP files and debug remotely.
And if you need to install any dependencies on the notebook, apart from doing it directly on the notebook, you can always choose new>terminal and you will have a connection to that machine directly from your jupyter environment where you can install anything you want.
There is a way to SSH into a Sagemaker notebook instance without having to use a third party reverse proxy like ngrok, nor setup an EC2 bastion, nor using AWS Systems Manager, here is how you can do it.
Use your own VPC and not the VPC managed by AWS/Sagemaker for the notebook instance
Configure an ingress rule in the security group of your notebook instance to allow SSH traffic (port 22 over TCP)
How to do it
Create a lifecycle script configuration that is executed when the instance starts
Add the following snippet inside the lifecycle script :
INSTANCE_IP=$(/sbin/ifconfig eth2 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}')
echo "SSH into the instance using : ssh ec2-user#$INSTANCE_IP" > ~ec2-user/SageMaker/ssh-instructions.txt
Add your public SSH key inside /home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys, either manually with the terminal of jupyterlab UI, or inside the lifecycle script above
When your users open the Jupyter interface, they will find the ssh-instructions.txt file which gives the host and command to use : ssh ec2-user#<INSTANCE_IP>
If you want to SSH from a local environment, you'll probably need to connect to your VPN that routes your traffic inside your VPC.
GCP's AI Platform Notebooks automatically creates a persistent URL which you can use to access your notebook. Is that what you were looking for?
Try using CreatePresignedNotebookInstanceUrl to access your notebook instance using an url.

unable to connect via rdp to a google cloud windows server vm

I have one instance of a Windows Server 12 R2 VM on google cloud that's working properly and I have connected to it successfully using RDP. I have tried to replicate it by creating a snapshot out of it and creating an instance from the snapshot. According to the platform the instance was created, but i can't seem to connect to it or to get a password. When I click "Get windows password" I get this:
forever. When i try to connect to it, I get
I have no idea what to do, any help would be appreciated.Thanks
The password creation tool from the console only works for images builted from the official image repo. In this case your source is a previous VM through a snapshot. In that case, and also in migrations all the previous credentials are kept in the new VM. You can download the GCP RDP agent here and access using the credential you used to have in your source VM.
Connecting to a Windows Instance
In the case you can not get to enter the VM, it seems to be a firewall rules issue. By default the port tcp:3389(RDP access) is open to all VM at the default network, check your VM is in that network or check if the firewall rule has a tag to be applied.
If not, apply a tag to your new machine and create a firewall rule tobe applied to that tag.
Hope it help. Keep us posted!

GUI tools to access AWS EC2 running Ubuntu

I'm asking this here because google couldn't point me out in the proper direction. Are there any available tools for manipulating an EC2 instance via SSH using a GUI. I'm not very familiar with Ubuntu CLI commands (I actually crashed an instance by doing something over putty) so a GUI is my only option. What I actually want to do is to install a Glassfish web server on the instance. All necessary ports are forwarded (4848,8080,80).

Run ipython/jupyter notebook server on aws ec2 without an ssh client

I can set up a ipython/jupyter notebook server on aws ec2 by following this tutorial, it starts the remote server by entering $jupyter notebook in the local terminal.
However I also saw a pre-configured community AMI graphlab-create, which will run the remote server without the need of a Linux/Unix ssh client at all.
I'm wondering how that could be realized, since some students may not have an access to a linux/unix system. Any hint is appreciated.
Using windows is not an issue. I hooked up to my notebook in AWS from my home computer. I have Windows 10.
You can link up to AWS using putty.
I am using a Ubuntu AMI.
Once you have a terminal open you simply follow the instruction you gave in your link
It worked like a charm for me.