Give another class access to specific methods - c++

I am working on game engine as a project during the summer. Every scriptable component should have access to some methods in the scene which they are in. To make this possible i pass lambdas from the scene that calls the respective methods to the scriptable where they are implicitly converted to std::function types.
class Scene
unsigned int _currentId;
std::vector<System*> _systems;
bool exists(unsigned id);
void destroy(unsigned int);
void addComponent(Component*, unsigned int);
template<typename T> T& getComponent(unsigned int);
template<typename T> bool hasComponent(unsigned int);
template<typename T> void removeComponent(unsigned int);
unsigned int instantiate(std::vector<Component*>);
void initiate();
void update(long dt);
template<typename T>
inline T & Scene::getComponent(unsigned int id)
for (System* system : _systems) {
if (system->corresponds(T)) {
return static_cast<T*>(system->getComponent(entityId));
template<typename T>
inline bool Scene::hasComponent(unsigned int id)
for (System* system : _systems) {
if (system->corresponds(T)) {
return system->contains(id);
template<typename T>
inline void Scene::removeComponent(unsigned int id)
for (System* system : _systems) {
if (system->corresponds(T)) {
return system->destroy(id);
The callback method works for the non-template functions i need access to, but not the templated ones, so it's out of the question.
typedef std::function<void(int)> ChangeSceneCallback;
typedef std::function<int(std::vector<Component*>)> InstantiateCallback;
typedef std::function<void(int)> DestroyCallback;
typedef std::function<bool(int)> ExistCallback;
typedef std::function<void(Component*, unsigned int)> AddComponentCallback;
class Scriptable: public Component
ChangeSceneCallback changeScene;
InstantiateCallback instantiate;
DestroyCallback destroy;
ExistCallback exists;
void assignCallbacks(ChangeSceneCallback, InstantiateCallback etc ...);
virtual void init() = 0;
virtual void update() = 0;
Scriptable can't have access to public methods in scene because this would give the user / developer access to them (Scriptable is a base class for the behaviour of the game). That is why i need to come up with something that gives scriptable limited access to scene.
Any thoughts?

You cannot have a type erased "template callback". You have to choose between the template or the type erasure. Let me explain.
This is what a "template callback" look like. This is in fact a generic lambda:
auto print_callback = [](auto var) {
std::cout << var << std::endl;
print_callback(4) ; // prints "4"
print_callback(4.5); // prints "4.5"
print_callback("hello"); // prints "hello"
It seems good but notice that you can't do that with std::function, since you have to predefine the signature.
std::function<void(int)> func_print_callback = print_callback;
func_print_callback(5); // Yay! Prints "5"
func_print_callback("hello"); // error
The thing is, you might think the limitation is only because std::function need a specific signature to work with, but the limitation is much deeper than that.
The thing is, the is no template function. They don't exists. Function template on the other hand, do exist. Why I emphasize so much on the order of my words is because the name of this thing says it all: it is not a function, it a template that is used to make functions.
Here's a simple example:
template<typename T>
void foo(T t) {
std::cout << t << std::endl;
This function is not compiled. Because it's not a function. No function foo will exist until the hole T has been filled.
How do you fill the hole named T supposed to be a type?
By filling it with a type of course!
foo(5.4); // the hole T is `double`
When the compiler sees this, it knows you need a function named foo that takes a double as parameter. There is no function named foo that takes a double. But we gave the compiler a tool to create one: the template!
So the compiler will generate this function:
void foo_double(double t) {
std::cout << t std::endl;
The word here is this: generate. The compiler need to create the function in order to exist. The compiler generate code for you.
When the function is generated and compiled, T do not exist anymore. A template parameter is a compile-time entity, and only the compiler knows about them.
Now, I'll explain to you why there is no such thing as a template callback.
Type erased container such as std::function are implemented with pointer to function. I'll use type aliases to ease the syntax a bit. It works like this:
// A function
void foo(int) {}
// The type of the pointer to function
using func_ptr = void(*)(int);
// A pointer to foo
func_ptr ptr = &foo;
The pointer to the function foo has a value that points to the location of foo in the memory.
Now imagine we have a way to have template function pointer. We would have to point to a function that does not exist yet. It has no memory location, so it cannot make sense. And through the pointer, when invoked as a function, you'd have to generate the function code.
Since a pointer to function can point to any function, even functions that aren't known to the compiler yet, you'd have to somehow generate the function code and compile it. But the value of the pointer, to which function our pointer points to, is defined at runtime! So you'd have to compile code at runtime, for code that you don't know yet, from a value that does not exist, when the compiler don't exist anymore. As you can see, pointer to template function, template std::function or virtual template function cannot exist.
Now that you have understood the problem, let me propose a solution: drop the callback usage. You should call those functions directly.
You seem to use callback only to be able to call private member functions. This is the wrong way to do it, even if it works. What you need is friend, the feature of C++ that allows you to access private members.
class Scene {
friend Component;
// ...
class Component {
// Let `scene` be a reference to your scene
void addComponent(Component* c, unsigned int id) {
scene.addComponent(c, id);
template<typename T>
T& getComponent(unsigned int id) {
return scene.getComponent<T>(id);
template<typename T>
bool hasComponent(unsigned int id) {
return scene.hasComponent(id);
template<typename T>
void removeComponent(unsigned int id) {
// ...
Since the Component class is the only friend to Scene, only it can call private member functions. Since all those newly defined functions in Component are protected, only class that extends from Component can call those. They are invoked like this:
class Scriptable : public Component {
void foo() {
hasComponent<Bar>(87); // works, call function defined in `Component`


Create a templated variable within a templated class of a different type

I'm not sure what I am asking for is possible.
I have a templated class called Controller. This is a variadic template class which takes multiple classes and can set their values as such.
Controller<ClassA,ClassB,ClassC>* myController = new Controller<ClassA,ClassB,ClassC>(*a,*b,*c);
This takes a bunch of different classes together and allows me to to set their values at the same time. setValues is a templated function which allows any type to be passed in. However, right now I am trying to modify my class so that I can set a value within the controller itself for easy retrieval. However this is the part that is proving difficult.
class Controller
Controller(Classes&...objects) : objects(objects...){}
Controller(std::tuple<Classes&...> tup) : objects(tup){}
template<typename T>
void setValues(T value)
std::apply([&](auto&...x) { x.updateValue(value),...);}, objects); //calls the updateValue function for each class
std::tuple<Classes&...> objects;
I want to add the following as a private variable T controllerValue; However, I know that I cannot simply declare T because we cannot define member templates and the compiler has no idea what to expect. Which then I tried to create a private struct:
template<typename T>
struct ControllerValue { T value; };
However, I cannot define a struct underneath that, because the same problem occurs. The compiler has no idea what type ControllerValue is. What I would like is something like this:
class Controller
Controller(Classes&...objects) : objects(objects...){}
Controller(std::tuple<Classes&...> tup) : objects(tup){}
template<typename T>
void setValues(T value)
thisValue.value = value;
std::apply([&](auto&...x) { x.updateValue(value),...);}, objects); //calls the updateValue function for each class
template<typename T>
T getValue() const { return thisValue.value }
std::tuple<Classes&...> objects;
template<typename T>
struct ControllerValue { T value; };
ControllerValue thisValue;
This will not compile at all for the same reason that the compiler has no idea what type ControllerValue should be. And this is where I am stuck. Is this even possible to do? If not, what is another way that I can make this work?
To clear up confusion, the use case would be something like this:
Controller<ClassA,ClassB,ClassC>* myController = new Controller<ClassA,ClassB,ClassC>(*a,*b,*c);
int commonValue = myController->getValue();
Controller<ClassA,ClassB,ClassC>* myController = new Controller<ClassA,ClassB,ClassC>(*a,*b,*c);
double commonValue = myController->getValue();
I think solving this exact problem is impossible in C++ (and still very cumbersome in languages with runtime generics). You can very easily create a polymorphic class that can only store any value:
class PolymorphicBase
virtual ~PolymorphicBase() = default;
template <class T>
class PolymorphicObject : public PolymorphicBase
T value;
PolymorphicObject(T value) : value(std::move(value))
A member of std::unique_ptr<PolymorphicBase> can sufficiently store any value, but how would such a value be retrieved? Probably the easiest is to expose the reference to PolymorphicBase and use dynamic type checks to see if the type is compatible with something you know, but what if you need the code to work for any type?
This is what lambdas with auto parameters are useful for. However, you would have to be able to pass such a lambda to a method on PolymorphicBase and implement that method in PolymorphicObject. This is impossible, since you cannot override a method template (it needs to be a template to accept a lambda) – that's where the compile-time and runtime parts of C++ clash. And there is simply no type in C++ that represents a function accepting any parameter (and knowing its type), which is a template by itself.
You can partially solve this by making the type of the lambda known to PolymorphicBase:
template <class Retriever>
class PolymorphicBase
virtual void retrieve(Retriever func) = 0;
virtual ~PolymorphicBase() = default;
template <class Retriever, class T>
class PolymorphicObject : public PolymorphicBase<Retriever>
T value;
PolymorphicObject(T value) : value(std::move(value))
void retrieve(Retriever func) override
auto lambda = [](auto arg)
std::cout << arg << std::endl;
PolymorphicObject<decltype(lambda), int> obj(6);
PolymorphicBase<decltype(lambda)> &ptr = obj;
This is useful if you ever have only a single way to retrieve the value.
I don't think this is needed in most cases anyway. Usually you use a fixed set of types as the values, so you can use a variant there, or they all implement a common interface, or (as you've pointed out in the comments) you actually meant to move the type parameter from the method to the class (which allows you to check that all the types actually support the value earlier than originally).
However, I agree that in languages with generics/templates it is somewhat hard to have a method that can actually choose its result type in a generic fashion, without being controlled by outside parameters.

Passing Inherited Class's Member Functor

I'm writing a game code using C++. I want to bind the Child's member function into a delegate.
I want to use init_and_bind function like this simplified code:
class Parent {
Widget* widget;
class Child : public Parent {
void foo() {
widget->init_and_bind(this, &Child::bar);
void bar() { /* do something */ }
I want to implement init_and_bind in Widget class, so I implemented like below code:
// pre-defined in engine
void Delegate::bind(Parent* object, void(Parent::* function)());
void Widget::init_and_bind(Parent* object, void(Parent::* function)()) {
delegate->bind(object, function);
But it doesn't work. Because the init_and_bind's second parameter only accepts Parent's member functor type. So I can't pass Child's member functor. So I tried to use template and reinterpret_cast:
template<typename T>
void Widget::init_and_bind(Parent* object, void(T::* function)()) {
delegate->bind(object, function); // error
delegate->bind(object, reinterpret_cast<void(Parent::*)()>(function); // error
But it also doesn't work. Because it is failed to cast the Child's functor to Parent's functor.
So, what type should be init_and_bind's second argument?
While the immediate solution is to static_cast, I think you shouldn't turn init_and_bind into a template. The generated code will always be the same pretty much. The only difference is possibly in how the actual cast is performed.
So you'll be getting a fair bit of code bloat, all because of a very small difference. I suggest you encapsulate that difference instead. Add a helper type to Widget for that:
class Widget {
struct MemFunc {
void(Parent::* function)();
template<class T>
MemFunc(void(T::* func)()) :
void init_and_bind(Parent* object, MemFunc mf) {
delegate->bind(object, mf.function);
That way, only the very small piece of code that needs templating is in fact templated. What's best, it's happening transparently on the caller side. And it's probably not even going to cause any bloat. Because your original non-template version required the caller to static_cast anyway.

Storing multiple types into the same container [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Heterogeneous containers in C++
(7 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Say I have the follow
class thing {
template<typename T> void method(T value) {}
What I want to do is to store whatever value is passed into value no matter what type into a std::vector or something and without turning this into a template class (because that doesn't solve my problem in anyway)
I want to be able to do this without using boost (as much i love boost i am not going to use it all the time)
Attempted Ideas
Void Pointer
My initial though is to use a void* however i would lose the type of the object and it could end up being unsafe.
My next thought was to use a union/struct like the one below:
union type_wrapper {
int a;
char f;
/* etc, etc, etc */
However i would run into the same problem as I would have to track the type, so i make sure it remains the same when ever used.
Wrapper Class
Then next thing i attempted was a class that would return the type in a function call like so:
template<typename T>
class type_wrapper {
T getType() { return /* get value of type/pointer/object here */ }
/*Stored in some manner */
Problem with is the same thing as with just the type on its own in that it cannot be stored in a list called lets say std::list<AClass> when its of type std::list<BClass> or std::list<int> etc
Other thing
All other examples i have looked at have do what i am doing but are expect that you track the type of the object one way or another, or use boost.
What could i try doing so that i could pass a parameter of type int and storing into a std::list etc it while using the same template function to pass a parameter of type 'cheese' (an imaginary class dedicated to filling your programs with cheese) and storing it into the same list, etc
I don't know if this will solve your problem, but you can use some polymorphic type for the container, and encapsulate the object in a generic derived class, so calls to object's member functions from the derived class' member functions can have full type information (they will be specialized templates), but your "thing" won't be generic, and client code won't care (or even know) about this inhertance:
class Aux {
virtual void DoSomething() =0 ;
template<typename T>
class AuxTemp : public Aux {
T *real_obj;
AuxTemp(const T &obj) : real_obj(new T(obj)) {} // create
AuxTemp(const AuxTemp &other) : real_obj(new T(*other.real_obj)) { } // copy
AuxTemp(AuxTemp &&other) : real_obj(other.real_obj) { other.real_obj=nullptr; } // move
~AuxTemp() { delete real_obj; } // destroy
void DoSomething() override {
real_obj->DoSomething(); // here we call the method with full type information for real_obj
class Thing {
std::vector<Aux*> v;
template<typename T> void Add(const T &value) {
v.push_back(new AuxTemp<T>(value));
void DoSomethingForAll() {
for(auto &x:v) x->DoSomething();
Yo can test this with:
class A {
void DoSomething() { std::cout << "A"<< std::endl; }
class B {
void DoSomething() { std::cout << "B"<< std::endl; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Thing t;
return 0;
For each new type you push to your vector, a new derived and specialized wrapper class is made by Add member function, so virtual table can handle calls to DoSomething in order to use the proper and full-aware-of-real-type version.
I think what I propose is a bizarre implementation "type-erasure" (you should google for this term to find more elaborated solutions).

Function pointer in class A to member function from class B

I'm searching a solution for this for a few days now. Didn't find any question related enough to answer regrettably so here is my question.
Consider the next code:
// dummy class A
class A {
void aFunction() { // <- this is the function I want to point at
cout << "aFunction() is called\n";
class B {
template <class Class> // get a function pointer
void setFunction( void (Class::*func)() ) {
p_func = func;
void (*p_func)(); // the function pointer
int main() {
B obj;
return 0;
I have a compilation error in setFunction() on p_func = func;:
cannot convert from 'void (__thiscall A::* )(void)' to 'void (__cdecl *)(void)'
And I don't seem to be able to get rid of it in any way. I know it has something to do with those invisible this pointers (__thiscall and __cdecl), but I don't know how to handle these. I tried making the member variable p_func a class template too (void (Class::*p_func)()) so it would have the same structure, but it that seems to be illegal to have 2 class templates in one class (why?), thus isn't the correct solution. This time the compiler complains about:
multiple template parameter lists are not allowed
This method (without the template) works perfectly on global functions (which is the workaround I currently use) and I saw the use of it in a library (sfgui), so it should be perfectly possible.
To have some context over why I'd want this: I'm trying to create a button. This button should be able to call whatever function I'd like. For now, I'd like it to call the start() function of an animation class I'm making.
p.s.: I know this example is useless since I can't run p_func: the function isn't static. I still need to add an object pointer (setFunction( void (Class::*func)(), Class* )), but that does not seem to be a problem. And I know about typedef to make a function pointer more readable, but not with a class template.
After some more research I think the answer I need not the answer to this question, but rather another one. For once, I noticed that multiple template <class Class> is in fact allowed. However, it is not allowed on member variables since the compiler can't possibly know which class he'll need to use which probably is the reason for the error
multiple template parameter lists are not allowed
which is an odd description. Thanks anyway for the help, you did gave me a better insight.
You cannot convert a pointer-to-member Class::*func to a normal function pointer. They are of different types.
You should turn this:
void (*p_func)(); // the function pointer
into this:
void (class::*p_func)(); // the function pointer
You could also use a std::function<void()> and use boost::bind to bind it.
std::function<void()> fun = boost::bind(class::member_fun, args);
What about making your B class a template so you can do this:
class A {
void aFunction() { // <- this is the function I want to point at
std::cout << "aFunction() is called\n";
template<class T>
class B {
void setFunction( void (T::*func)() ) {
p_func = func;
void (T::*p_func)(); // the function pointer
void callfunc()
(t.*p_func)(); //call pointer to member
T t;
int main() {
B<A> obj;
return 0;
Live Example
I found the complete answer myself while searching for a way to save *objects of an unknown type without using templates or void pointers which has been answered here. The solution is a bit dodgy, because you'll have to create a dummy parent which allows for certain conversions.
The idea is that you create a Parent and every object that is allowed to be pointed to must inherit from it. This way you can create a pointer as Parent *obj which can hold multiple types of objects, but of course only classes that inherit from Parent.
The same applies for function pointers. If you define your pointer as void (Parent::*func)() as member variable. You can ask the user a template function pointer template <class Class> setFunction( void (Class::*f)() ), which can hold any pointer to any class. Now you need to cast the function pointer to the desired class, Parent: static_cast<void(Parent::*)()>(f). Mind that this only works when Class inherits from Parent. Otherwise you'll get a compilation error.
Minimal Working Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// dummy class Parent
class Parent {};
// class A
class A : public Parent { // Mind the inheritance!
A(int n) : num(n) {}
void print() { // <- function we want to point to
cout << "Number: " << num << endl;
int num;
// class B, will hold the 2 pointers
class B {
B() {}
template <class Class> // will save the function and object pointer
void setFunction( void (Class::*func)(), Class *obj) {
function = static_cast<void(Parent::*)()>(func);
object = obj;
void execFunction() { // executes the function on the object
void (Parent::*function)(); // the function pointer
Parent *object; // the object pointer
int main() {
A a(5);
B b;
b.setFunction(&A::print, &a);
return 0;
I don't really like this solution. A better solution would be that class B could have a function where it returns a bool when the function needs to be executed. This way you could simply place an if statement in the main-function that executes the desired function.
A a(5);
B b;
while (;;) {
if (b.aTest())
Where B::aTest() is declared as
bool B::aTest();
Hope this helps anyone that comes across the same problem. So it is perfectly possible but pretty dodgy in my opinion, and I don't encourage people using the first method.

Event Callback Daemon

I am working on an event daemon in C++ that I would like to use member function callbacks. Basically an event queue would collect events which the daemon continuously services. There is a base class Event struct with an ID and all events would derive from it. I would like the methods registered for each event to use the derived event type in their signature.
struct Event
unsigned int eventId;
struct EventA : public Event
unsigned int x;
unsigned int y;
// and struct EventB, EventC (use your imagination...)
const unsigned int EVENT_A = 1;
const unsigned int EVENT_B = 2;
const unsigned int EVENT_C = 3;
class Foo
void handlerMethod_A(const EventA& e);
void handlerMethod_B(const EventB& e);
class Bar
void handlerMethod_C(const EventC& e);
Then the Daemon would allow these classes to subscribe their member functions using their 'this' pointer.
class EventDaemon
void serviceEvents();
template <class CallbackClass, class EventType>
void subscribe(
const unsigned int eventId,
CallbackClass* classInstancePtr,
void (CallbackClass::*funcPtr)(EventType));
Queue<Event*> eventQueue_;
So outside this class you could do something like:
EventDaemon* ed = new EventDaemon();
Foo* foo = new Foo();
Bar* bar = new Bar();
ed->subscribe(EVENT_A, foo, Foo::handlerMethod_A);
ed->subscribe(EVENT_B, foo, Foo::handlerMethod_B);
ed->subscribe(EVENT_C, bar, Bar::handlerMethod_C);
And the EventDaemon loop would be along the lines of
void EventDaemon::serviceEvents()
while (true)
if (eventQueue_.empty())
// yield to other threads
// pop an event out of the FIFO queue
Event e* = eventQueue_.pop();
// somehow look up the callback info and use it
So my question is how I can store the 'this' pointers and member function pointers in some sort of array by event ID. That way I could look up the 'classInstancePtr' and 'funcPtr' by using e->eventId and the event type as well for the reinterpret cast.
You are working too hard. Use boost functions:
These work whether you have a object or not. They will increase your compile time.
Note, whenever you come across these types of questions where you know many people must have had the same problem, there is probably a simple option and, if it is not in the standard library, it is probably in boost.
In response to Nick, I'm constantly throwing boost function objects into vectors and whatnot.
I've found that, while boost function objects can hold object references, having them do so can lead to bugs with object lifetimes and it is better to have them hold copies of the class objects (you run into the same bugs however you try to hold a reference to a object instance that you don't necessarily control the lifetime of). The pattern:
class Foo
struct Member
// member variable definitions
shared_ptr<Member> m_; // the only real member variable
// etc. including the all-important copy
// constructor and assignment operator and
// don't forget the member function that gets stuck into
// the boost function as a callback!
where all the member variables get held in a shared_ptr allows for good performance and you don't have to worry about lifetimes of objects held by function objects because you can copy them by value. Threaded code (what I always seem to be writing nowadays) needs additional things like at least one boost mutex element in Member or some other way to assure values don't get stomped on.
boost::function [or, if your system supports it, std::function] will take care of holding the this pointer quite well, with the added benefit of not requiring an actual object if it isn't necessary. So instead of void (SomeType::*)(EventA) you have std::function<void(EventA)>, and you call std::bind as appropriate.
subscribe(EVENT_A, std::bind(&foo::handleEventA, &foo, std::placeholders::_1));
A trivial wrapper function can be used to provide the same signature as you originally proposed and hide the nasty placeholders.
You do, of course, still have the issue of each event type having its own signature, and the need to ensure you use the correct Event ID code. In both cases, your base Event type can help out. Your callback need not accept an EventA&; it can accept an Event&, and dynamic_cast it to an EventA at runtime. For the ID, query the type directly.
struct Event {
virtual void ~Event() { }
virtual int ID() =0;
template<typename E>
struct EventHelper : Event {
virtual int ID() { return E::EventID; }
struct EventA : EventHelper<EventA> {
static const int EventID = 89;
Now, if you have an Event* object [when you go to dispatch your events], you can do p->ID() to get the appropriate ID, and if you have a EventA type [when you register your callbacks] you can do EventA::EventID.
So now, all you have to store is a std::function<void(const Event&)> and an associated int value for each of your callbacks, no matter what the actual type of event you have.
void subscribe(int id, std::function<void(const Event&)> f) {
callbacks.insert(std::make_pair(id, f));
template<typename E>
void subscribe(std::function<void(const Event&)> f) {
subscribe(E::EventID, f);
template<typename O, typename E>
void subscribe(O* p, void (O::*f)(const Event&)) {
subscribe<E>(std::bind(f, p, std::placeholders::_1));
You still have the issue that user error when subscribing can result in a function being called incorrectly. If you've used dynamic_cast correctly within the callback, this will get caught at runtime, but a compile time check would be nice. So what if we automate that dynamic_cast? For this step, I'm going to use c++11 lambdas, but it can be implemented in C++03 as well using a variety of methods.
template <class CallbackClass, class EventType>
void subscribe(CallbackClass* classInstancePtr, void (CallbackClass::*funcPtr)(EventType)) {
subscribe<EventType::EventID>([&](const Event& e) {
(classInstancePtr->*funcPtr)(dynamic_cast<const EventType&>(e));
So now we've gone full circle back to your original interface where your callbacks accept the actual type they are going to be working on, but internally you've squeezed them all into a common signature.
Okay, so I finished an implementation of my original desired interface. I was looking through Dennis' answer but eventually got lead to functors and I realized what I was looking for was a simple polymorphic solution. I failed to grasp before that I could create a non-templated base class with which to use for storing templated classes in vectors/arrays. I think this is what mheyman was trying to tell me... so I apologize I didn't get it right away. Just to clarify though I was really looking for the implementation solution for my own benefit and knowledge, not just a 3rd party library to get the job done. So I guess I would be looking for how Boost functions work, not just that they exist and are awesome.
If anyone is still interested here are the important parts of what I ended up with (minus some extraneous stuff and error checking):
EventFunctor is basically a pointer to member function template class
EventFunctorBase is the non-templated base class used to store them in a vector
The Event is dynamic cast using the templated type before being used to invoke the callback
class EventDaemon
template <class CallbackClass, class EventType>
void subscribe(
const EventId eventId,
CallbackClass* callbackClassInstancePtr,
void (CallbackClass::*funcPtr)(const EventType&));
EventFunctorBase* callbacks_[MAX_NUM_EVENTS];
template <class CallbackClass, class EventType>
void EventDaemon::subscribe(
const EventId eventId,
CallbackClass* callbackClassInstancePtr,
void (CallbackClass::*funcPtr)(const EventType&))
callbacks_[eventId] = new EventFunctor<CallbackClass,EventType>(callbackClassInstancePtr,funcPtr);
class EventFunctorBase
virtual ~EventFunctorBase();
virtual void operator()(const Event& e)=0;
template <class CallbackClass, class EventType>
class EventFunctor : public EventFunctorBase
CallbackClass* callbackClassInstancePtr,
void (CallbackClass::*funcPtr)(const EventType&));
virtual void operator()(const Event& e);
CallbackClass* callbackClassInstancePtr_;
void (CallbackClass::*funcPtr_)(const EventType&);
template <class CallbackClass, class EventType>
CallbackClass* callbackClassInstancePtr,
void (CallbackClass::*funcPtr)(const EventType&))
template <class CallbackClass, class EventType>
/*virtual*/ void EventFunctor<CallbackClass,EventType>::operator()(const Event& e)
(callbackClassInstancePtr_->*funcPtr_)(dynamic_cast<const EventType&>(e));
EventDaemon loop
while (true_)
if (eventQueue_->empty())
// yield to other threads
Event* e = eventQueue_.pop();
My final steps here will be to try and remove the need to have the developer define an ID for each event... of course this might end up a new post later this week.