Passing Inherited Class's Member Functor - c++

I'm writing a game code using C++. I want to bind the Child's member function into a delegate.
I want to use init_and_bind function like this simplified code:
class Parent {
Widget* widget;
class Child : public Parent {
void foo() {
widget->init_and_bind(this, &Child::bar);
void bar() { /* do something */ }
I want to implement init_and_bind in Widget class, so I implemented like below code:
// pre-defined in engine
void Delegate::bind(Parent* object, void(Parent::* function)());
void Widget::init_and_bind(Parent* object, void(Parent::* function)()) {
delegate->bind(object, function);
But it doesn't work. Because the init_and_bind's second parameter only accepts Parent's member functor type. So I can't pass Child's member functor. So I tried to use template and reinterpret_cast:
template<typename T>
void Widget::init_and_bind(Parent* object, void(T::* function)()) {
delegate->bind(object, function); // error
delegate->bind(object, reinterpret_cast<void(Parent::*)()>(function); // error
But it also doesn't work. Because it is failed to cast the Child's functor to Parent's functor.
So, what type should be init_and_bind's second argument?

While the immediate solution is to static_cast, I think you shouldn't turn init_and_bind into a template. The generated code will always be the same pretty much. The only difference is possibly in how the actual cast is performed.
So you'll be getting a fair bit of code bloat, all because of a very small difference. I suggest you encapsulate that difference instead. Add a helper type to Widget for that:
class Widget {
struct MemFunc {
void(Parent::* function)();
template<class T>
MemFunc(void(T::* func)()) :
void init_and_bind(Parent* object, MemFunc mf) {
delegate->bind(object, mf.function);
That way, only the very small piece of code that needs templating is in fact templated. What's best, it's happening transparently on the caller side. And it's probably not even going to cause any bloat. Because your original non-template version required the caller to static_cast anyway.


Give another class access to specific methods

I am working on game engine as a project during the summer. Every scriptable component should have access to some methods in the scene which they are in. To make this possible i pass lambdas from the scene that calls the respective methods to the scriptable where they are implicitly converted to std::function types.
class Scene
unsigned int _currentId;
std::vector<System*> _systems;
bool exists(unsigned id);
void destroy(unsigned int);
void addComponent(Component*, unsigned int);
template<typename T> T& getComponent(unsigned int);
template<typename T> bool hasComponent(unsigned int);
template<typename T> void removeComponent(unsigned int);
unsigned int instantiate(std::vector<Component*>);
void initiate();
void update(long dt);
template<typename T>
inline T & Scene::getComponent(unsigned int id)
for (System* system : _systems) {
if (system->corresponds(T)) {
return static_cast<T*>(system->getComponent(entityId));
template<typename T>
inline bool Scene::hasComponent(unsigned int id)
for (System* system : _systems) {
if (system->corresponds(T)) {
return system->contains(id);
template<typename T>
inline void Scene::removeComponent(unsigned int id)
for (System* system : _systems) {
if (system->corresponds(T)) {
return system->destroy(id);
The callback method works for the non-template functions i need access to, but not the templated ones, so it's out of the question.
typedef std::function<void(int)> ChangeSceneCallback;
typedef std::function<int(std::vector<Component*>)> InstantiateCallback;
typedef std::function<void(int)> DestroyCallback;
typedef std::function<bool(int)> ExistCallback;
typedef std::function<void(Component*, unsigned int)> AddComponentCallback;
class Scriptable: public Component
ChangeSceneCallback changeScene;
InstantiateCallback instantiate;
DestroyCallback destroy;
ExistCallback exists;
void assignCallbacks(ChangeSceneCallback, InstantiateCallback etc ...);
virtual void init() = 0;
virtual void update() = 0;
Scriptable can't have access to public methods in scene because this would give the user / developer access to them (Scriptable is a base class for the behaviour of the game). That is why i need to come up with something that gives scriptable limited access to scene.
Any thoughts?
You cannot have a type erased "template callback". You have to choose between the template or the type erasure. Let me explain.
This is what a "template callback" look like. This is in fact a generic lambda:
auto print_callback = [](auto var) {
std::cout << var << std::endl;
print_callback(4) ; // prints "4"
print_callback(4.5); // prints "4.5"
print_callback("hello"); // prints "hello"
It seems good but notice that you can't do that with std::function, since you have to predefine the signature.
std::function<void(int)> func_print_callback = print_callback;
func_print_callback(5); // Yay! Prints "5"
func_print_callback("hello"); // error
The thing is, you might think the limitation is only because std::function need a specific signature to work with, but the limitation is much deeper than that.
The thing is, the is no template function. They don't exists. Function template on the other hand, do exist. Why I emphasize so much on the order of my words is because the name of this thing says it all: it is not a function, it a template that is used to make functions.
Here's a simple example:
template<typename T>
void foo(T t) {
std::cout << t << std::endl;
This function is not compiled. Because it's not a function. No function foo will exist until the hole T has been filled.
How do you fill the hole named T supposed to be a type?
By filling it with a type of course!
foo(5.4); // the hole T is `double`
When the compiler sees this, it knows you need a function named foo that takes a double as parameter. There is no function named foo that takes a double. But we gave the compiler a tool to create one: the template!
So the compiler will generate this function:
void foo_double(double t) {
std::cout << t std::endl;
The word here is this: generate. The compiler need to create the function in order to exist. The compiler generate code for you.
When the function is generated and compiled, T do not exist anymore. A template parameter is a compile-time entity, and only the compiler knows about them.
Now, I'll explain to you why there is no such thing as a template callback.
Type erased container such as std::function are implemented with pointer to function. I'll use type aliases to ease the syntax a bit. It works like this:
// A function
void foo(int) {}
// The type of the pointer to function
using func_ptr = void(*)(int);
// A pointer to foo
func_ptr ptr = &foo;
The pointer to the function foo has a value that points to the location of foo in the memory.
Now imagine we have a way to have template function pointer. We would have to point to a function that does not exist yet. It has no memory location, so it cannot make sense. And through the pointer, when invoked as a function, you'd have to generate the function code.
Since a pointer to function can point to any function, even functions that aren't known to the compiler yet, you'd have to somehow generate the function code and compile it. But the value of the pointer, to which function our pointer points to, is defined at runtime! So you'd have to compile code at runtime, for code that you don't know yet, from a value that does not exist, when the compiler don't exist anymore. As you can see, pointer to template function, template std::function or virtual template function cannot exist.
Now that you have understood the problem, let me propose a solution: drop the callback usage. You should call those functions directly.
You seem to use callback only to be able to call private member functions. This is the wrong way to do it, even if it works. What you need is friend, the feature of C++ that allows you to access private members.
class Scene {
friend Component;
// ...
class Component {
// Let `scene` be a reference to your scene
void addComponent(Component* c, unsigned int id) {
scene.addComponent(c, id);
template<typename T>
T& getComponent(unsigned int id) {
return scene.getComponent<T>(id);
template<typename T>
bool hasComponent(unsigned int id) {
return scene.hasComponent(id);
template<typename T>
void removeComponent(unsigned int id) {
// ...
Since the Component class is the only friend to Scene, only it can call private member functions. Since all those newly defined functions in Component are protected, only class that extends from Component can call those. They are invoked like this:
class Scriptable : public Component {
void foo() {
hasComponent<Bar>(87); // works, call function defined in `Component`

Method of one class as callback from another

I will describe my problem the simplest as I can.
What is my issue:
I have frist class as a singleton:
class CTimer1
static CTimer1 * getInstance(); //This gives me pointer to instance
void setChannelA(uint8_t compareValue);
CTimer1(); //Prevent consttuction but allow in getInstance
CTimer1(const CTimer1&); //Prevent construction by copying
CTimer1& operator=(const CTimer1&); //Prevent assigment
~CTimer1(); //Prevent unwanted destruction
static CTimer1 * timerInstance;
static bool isCreated;
And here is second class where I would like to have possibility to call setChannelA method from CTimer1 class as a setPwm method from CServo class:
class CServo {
//public methods
void registerPwmTimer(void (*callback)(uint8_t u8_buffer));
void (*setPwm)(uint8_t u8_buffer); //As this method I would like to call setChannelA from CTimer1 class
Here is registerPwmTimer method:
void CServo::registerPwmTimer(void (*callback)(uint8_t u8_buffer))
setPwm = callback;
Then I have tried to assign pointer to this method as a following:
int main()
CTimer1 * timer1 = CTimer1::getInstance();
CServo servo1();
servo1.setPwm(10); //This is example how I want to call setChannelA method
I have error:
error: no matching function for call to 'CServo::registerPwmTimer(<unresolved overloaded function type>)'
What is important:
I can't use std::function because this is some part of code in C++ for embedded device, so I need to save memory consumption. Is there any way that I will be able to achieve this effect? If ony one possibility to do this is ot use some std library please for answers too. Thanks for your help.
Your problem is that a function pointer necessarily has to point to a static function. When you invoke an instance function (a method) there is a hidden first argument, which is the object on which the function was invoked. (This hidden argument is available as this within the function's definition.)
Your CServo::registerPwmTimer() function signature is simply incompatible with invocation of a member function; function pointers alone do not provide a way to bind an argument to the pointer, so even if you could convey the member function pointer using a (free) function pointer type, the hidden this argument could not be determined when the function pointer was invoked.
To put it another way, it would fail for the same reason that trying CTimer1::setChannelA(0) would fail -- you want to invoke that method, but you haven't communicated which object on which to invoke it.
Change the signature of CServo::registerPwmTimer to accept an std::function object instead of a raw function pointer. std::function objects can be constructed from function pointers, but they can also be constructed from lambdas, and some standard library functions return function objects:
void registerPwmTimer(std::function<void(uint8_t)>);
Now, you can use std::bind to create a new function that binds the object instance to the member function pointer:
servo1.registerPwmTimer(std::bind(&CTimer1::setChannelA, timer1));
Note that std::bind does not extend the lifetime of the object pointed to by timer1. If the returned function is invoked after that object is destructed, the result is undefined behavior.
Another alternative would be to accept both an instance and a pointer to a member function. The problem with this approach is it requires using templates:
template <typename T>
void registerPwmTimer(void (T::*)(uint8_t), T&);
This isn't bad in itself, but what you'll wind up doing is creating a polymorphic wrapper class so that you can insert this into your callback list alongside other callbacks that don't share the same T. At that point, you're just recreating std::function, since std::function already serves the purpose of being a polymorphic wrapper around callable things.
To illustrate the mess of implementing a polymorphic callable wrapper yourself, here is a very light example. I will show the declarations of a set of these types, and link to an example implementation.
This is the base type, with a pure virtual operator() that serves as the invocation operation.
class poly_callable
virtual void operator()(int) const = 0;
Now we have a type for function pointers (also works with pointer-to-functor):
template <typename T>
class fn_poly_callable : public poly_callable
typedef T fn_type;
virtual void operator()(int) const;
T fn;
And one for member functions -- oh, but const member functions and non-const member functions are not interchangeable, so we need an extra template parameter for that:
template <typename T, typename M = void (T::*)(int)>
class member_poly_callable : public poly_callable
typedef T object_type;
typedef M member_fn_type;
member_poly_callable(member_fn_type, object_type&);
virtual void operator()(int) const;
member_fn_type mfn;
object_type& target;
Plus we'll want some helper functions to allow the compiler to infer the template types. One for function pointers:
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<poly_callable> make_poly_callable(T fn)
return std::unique_ptr<poly_callable>(new fn_poly_callable<T>(fn));
Two for member functions (const and non-const):
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<poly_callable> make_poly_callable(void (T::*mfn)(int), T& target)
return std::unique_ptr<poly_callable>(new member_poly_callable<T>(mfn, target));
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<poly_callable> make_poly_callable(void (T::*mfn)(int) const, T& target)
return std::unique_ptr<poly_callable>(new member_poly_callable<T, void (T::*)(int) const>(mfn, target));
If you want to see it all in action, I made a "simple" and working example.
So... just use std::function. There's no reason to reinvent this stuff.

Derived class template

I have some question on derived class templates. I have base and derived class templates like this:
// This is base class
class CParameter {
CParameter(std::string name) : name(name) {}
// virtual ~CParameter() {} // deleted for good design:)
std::string name;
// This is derived class
template <typename T>
class CTemplateParameter : public CParameter {
CTemplateParameter(std::string name) : CParameter(name) {}
T parameter;
and I declare some type parameters the push them to base class vector
//Base class parameters
std::vector<CParameter*> parameters; // !
CTemplateParameter<CMatrix4<float>> mat4;
CTemplateParameter<CVector3<float>> vec3;
CTemplateParameter<float> flt;
I have template SetParameter function:
// This method moved to CParameter base class
template <typename T>
bool SetParameter(const CTemplateParameter<T>& param) {
// switch(typeof(T)) {
// set parameter
if (std::is_same<T, int>::value)
// gLUniform1i(...)
else if (std::is_same<T, CMatrix4<float>>::value)
// glUniformMatrix4fv(..)
So my questions:
1) How to set all parameter individual?
// Notice this function is not template
void SetAll() {
for each parameter
2) Without enum, can I get type of parameter and create a type in run time? Like:
Pseudo code:
//get type of parameter[i]
//create a parameter from
T type = GetTypeofParameter(parameter[i]);
CTemplateParameter<type> newType;
3) Can i get a derived class type like this or how to cast?
CTemplateParameter<void*>* p = dynamic_cast<CTemplateParameter<void*>>(parameters[i]);
Thanks so much.
My comments seem to have pushed ADesignersEncyclopedia away from a template/virtual mix but not toward a practical alternative. The original question doesn't give enough info to decide whether there is a practical alternative. Lacking such a practical alternative, do the virtual/template mix correctly (with CRTP) rather than reject it entirely:
In your target class, you want setParameter in two forms, neither of which is a template. The first form dispatches to the setParameter inside the parameter class, which dispatches back to the second form in the target class:
bool SetParameter(const CParameter& param) {
return param.SetParameter( *this );
The second form is overloaded on the value type:
bool SetParameter(int value) {
// whatever
bool SetParameter(CMatrix4<float> const& value) {
// whatever
In your parameter base class, you want SetParameter pure virtual
class CParameter
virtual bool SetParameter( TargetType& ) const = 0;
Then you need a CRTP base class, which should be derived from your simple base class:
template<class ActualType>
class CRTPParameter : public CParameter
CRTPParameter(std::string name) : CParameter(name) {}
ActualType* This() {return static_cast<ActualType*>(this); }
ActualType const* This() const {return static_cast<ActualType const*>(this); }
// various things including
ActualType* clone() const { return new ActualType( *This() ); }
bool SetParameter( TargetType& target ) const
{ return target.SetParameter( This()->parameter ); }
Then your template class derives from your CRTP class
template <typename T>
class CTemplateParameter : public CRTPParameter<CTemplateParameter<T> > {
typedef CRTPParameter<CTemplateParameter<T> super;
CTemplateParameter(std::string name) : super(name) {}
If everything else is simple enough, then the whole CRTP scheme might be overkill and you could just move clone and SetParameter from CRTPParameter to CTemplateParameter and go back to not having CRTPParameter.
But in my experience with such structures, things soon get messy in CTemplateParameter in ways that a best dealt with by the extra layer.
You should define setParameter in Cparameter as an abstract method, and implement it in your template class.
I suggest to use a clone(or a factory) method, defined as I suggested in 1/. In this method you can copy(or create) your object then define it.
No. You can't cast CtemplateParameter<float> to CtemplateParameter<void*>
1) How to set all parameter individual?
You can't iterate and set the value for all of them, unless you know the type. And put a huge amount of dynamic_cast would not be the solution either as it is not scalable.
One solution would be to keep a map of std::function. These function would not take any parameter and return nothing. They will set the parameter with the right values. Pushing into the vector would be like this:
std::map<CParameter*, std::function<void()>> mySets;
// ...
mySets.emplace(&parameter, [ObjectThatGiveMeNext, &parameter]() {
Even if you contain the parameter, it is not your main container for parameters. It is only to keep track of which parameter is associated to which function.
The ideal would be to create this function when you create the parameter, because you know the type of the parameter there.
Another solution would be to create a virtual function updateValue that would call setParameter with this.
2) Without enum, can I get type of parameter and create a type in run time?
That is not really possible it's a context where you don't know the type, so you must either know the type (a switch case) or rely on polymorphic behaviour. I think the best here is to rely on polymorphic behaviour.
I would add a virtual function clone for that. Maybe not the famous straight clone function, but a clone function that return both the parameter and the function to set it's value. Something a bit like that:
std::tuple<std::unique_ptr<CParameter>, std::function<void()>> clone();
Consider a typedef or using in this case as the type is loooooong.
3) Can i get a derived class type like this or how to cast?
No you can't. You would need to convert the instance of your class to another, not related type. I would not do that. Instead, keep your code that deal with your specific derived class where you explicitely know the type and keep the generic code generic (eg: not trying to know the type). This is the best advice I can tell you right now.

Is it possible to "copy" an object whose templated class derives from a non-templated base?

I've built a small, limited-scope, cross-platform UI library in C++. It uses the following classes to handle UI callbacks:
// Base class for templated __Callback class to allow for passing __Callback
// objects as parameters, storing in containers, etc. (as Callback*)
class Callback
virtual void execute() = 0;
virtual ~Callback() { }
Callback() { }
As the comment describes, this is the base class for callbacks - which allows for passing them as arguments and storing them inside UI widgets such that the proper callback can be executed (when, for example, a user clicks a button).
// C++ has no callbacks (in the sense of an action [method] of a
// target [object]), so we had to roll our own. This class can be used
// directly, but the NEW_CALLBACK macro is easier.
template <class __TargetType>
class __Callback : public Callback
typedef __TargetType TargetType;
typedef void (TargetType::*ActionType)(void);
virtual void execute()
__Callback(TargetType* target_, ActionType action_) :
Callback(), __target(target_), __action(action_) { }
virtual ~__Callback() { }
// target object for the callback
TargetType* __target;
// action (method) of the target that will be called
ActionType __action;
This templated class is the meat of the callback paradigm. It stores a pointer to an object and a pointer to a member function, such that the member function can be called on the target object at a later time.
#define NEW_CALLBACK(class_, obj_, act_) \
new __Callback<class_>(obj_, &class_::act_)
This macro just makes it a little easier to create a templated __Callback object.
This has been working great for a long while! A button with a callback might be instantiated like:
MyClass* obj = new MyClass();
Button* btn = new Button("Title", NEW_CALLBACK(MyClass, obj, btnClicked));
This would create a button, to be placed in a window or other container at a later time, and when clicked it will call obj->btnClicked().
Now, my question (sorry for the lengthy setup, I don't think I could pare it down any more than this). A case has arisen where I need to copy a Callback* object. Of course, since it's just a pointer to the base class, I can't determine the type of the templated derived class.
How would one go about copying an arbitrary Callback object, with the copy pointing to the same target and action as the original? Or, is there an entirely different approach to this callback problem that I should be taking (though I would prefer not to change it too much)?
Thanks all!
I don't know if there's a better approach that you should take, but this seems like an ideal use for a clone method.
You simply need to define a copy constructor in your __Callback template, define a pure virtual Clone method in your base class, and then implement that virtual method in your template (making use of the copy constructor that you've created)
For example:
class Callback
virtual Callback* Clone()=0;
template <class __TargetType>
class __Callback : public Callback
__Callback(const __Callback& other) :
__target(other.target_), __action(other.action_) { }
virtual Callback* Clone()
return new __Callback(this);
Use clone as a replacement for virtual constructors. Notice the
co-variant return types that make this really work. e.g.
struct Callback {
virtual Callback* clone() const;
struct Callback_impl {
virtual Callback_impl* clone() const;
You should also think about shared_ptr for lifetime management. All
this seems a little fragile.
To me it looks like you want std::function . It is polymorphic, type-safe and works with pointers to member functions through std::mem_fn.

C++ Functor Callback Setup

Im following Lars Haendel's Functor tutorial on to setup a callback system. I am a bit confused however and I am hoping someone can assist me.
Here is my Functor template
#include <igameevents.h>
// Abstract Base Class (Functor)
class TBaseCallback
// two possible functions to call member function. virtual cause derived
// classes will use a pointer to an object and a pointer to a member function
// to make the function call
virtual void operator()(IGameEvent *pEvent){}; // call using operator
virtual void Call(IGameEvent *pEvent) {}; // call using function
// Derived Template Class
template <class TClass> class TEventCallback : public TBaseCallback
void (TClass::*funcPtr)(IGameEvent*); // pointer to member function
TClass* thisPtr; // pointer to object
// constructor - takes pointer to an object and pointer to a member and stores them in two private variables
TEventCallback(TClass* _thisPtr, void(TClass::*_funcPtr)(const char*))
{ thisPtr = _thisPtr; funcPtr=_funcPtr; };
// override operator "()"
virtual void operator()(IGameEvent *pEvent)
{ (*thisPtr.*funcPtr)(pEvent); }; // execute member function
// override function "Call"
virtual void Call(IGameEvent *pEvent)
{ (*thisPtr.*funcPtr)(pEvent); }; // execute member function
What I want to do is basically allow other .dlls to use my HookGameEvent() function, and when a Game Event is called, I can run through a vector||list of my hooks, check if the event name matches, then execute the callbacks as needed. What is confusing me though is how I can store the callback in my HookEvent struct which looks like this.
std::vector<EventHook*> m_EventHooks;
struct EventHook
char *name;
EventHookMode mode;
//TEventCallback<IGameEvent*> pEventCallback;
I have it commented out for now, but im sure its obvious what im confused on and where I am screwing up. If anyone can provide any assistance it would be much appreciated.
Most people don't understand inheritance. Generally, derived classes are implementation details. The only time you utter their names are to construct them. Furthermore, virtual functions in a base should be private and pure, and should be completely inaccessible in derived classes, it's a design bug in C++ that this isn't enforced.
struct TBaseCallback
void operator()(IGameEvent *pEvent) { _Call(pEvent); };
void Exec(IGameEvent *pEvent) { _Call(PEvent); }
virtual void _Call(IGameEvent *pEvent)=0;
struct EventHook
char *name;
EventHookMode mode;
TBaseCallback *p;
void dispatch(char *msg; IGameEvent *e) const {
if(strcmp(msg,name)==0) p->Exec(e);
With this design, it doesn't make any difference what is in classes derived from TBaseCallback, and nor should it. Only the abstraction should ever be publically visible. In normal code this is hard to enforce .. when you're using DLLs to get the derived classes it is absolutely mandatory because the set of derived classes is open/arbitrary/infinite/indeterminate (take your pick).
BTW: when you push this to more complex abstractions you will soon discover why Object Orientation is a broken concept. With DLL loaded derived classes, you simply cannot cheat with dynamic_cast switches (because they're closed/specific/finite/determinate).
The class that is going to do the callbacks should hold a list of Functor objects to be called. These would be your
std::vector<EventHook*> m_EventHooks;
Now the EventHook should have a virtual function:
struct EventHook
virtual void notifyMe();
Then everyone that is interested in getting notified will create his own implementation of the hook:
struct MyEventHook : public EventHook
virtual void notifyMe() { ... whatever I want to do in that case ... }
Through the wonders of polymorphism, when you then iterate over all elements of your m_EventHooks container and call notifyMe() for those, the correct class' version will be called.
The problem I see (and there could very well be others) is that in pEventCallback's type, the template parameter should be a class type but is actually a pointer type. One fix (without limiting what types the callback wraps) is to use the base type:
struct EventHook
char *name;
EventHookMode mode;
TBaseCallback* pCallback;
If there's more to TEventCallback's API, and it needs to be accessible through an EventHook, you should move the code in TEventCallback that deals with an object and its method into a separate subclass.
// Example EventCallback that takes other args
class EventCallback : public TBaseCallback {
EventCallback(const EventArgs& evtArgs);
// EventCallback specific methods ...
virtual EventArgs& args();
virtual const EventArgs& args() const;
/* TReturn allows for calling methods with a non-void return. Return value is ignored.
template <class TClass, typename TReturn = void>
class TMethodCallback : public EventCallback
typedef TReturn (TClass::*TMeth)(IGameEvent*);
TMeth funcPtr; // pointer to member function
TClass* thisPtr; // pointer to object
// constructor - takes pointer to an object and pointer to a member and stores them in two private variables
TMethodCallback(TClass* _thisPtr, TMeth _funcPtr)
{ thisPtr = _thisPtr; funcPtr=_funcPtr; };
// override operator "()"
virtual void operator()(IGameEvent *pEvent)
{ (*thisPtr.*funcPtr)(pEvent); }; // execute member function
// override function "Call"
virtual void Call(IGameEvent *pEvent)
{ (*thisPtr.*funcPtr)(pEvent); }; // execute member function
You might as well make the default implementation of TBaseCallback::Call call TBaseCallback::operator().
void TBaseCallback::Call(IGameEvent *pEvent) { this->operator()(pEvent); };
I think you will be getting a complicated compiler error because you are using T* instead of T in your template instantiation.
Try this:
struct EventHook
char *name;
EventHookMode mode;
TEventCallback<IGameEvent> pEventCallback;
should compile, if that what you want.