Power BI table visual to get only latest date value - powerbi

I am very new to Power BI. I have connected mysql database to get data. Am doing search in one filter , based on the searched customer, it will show up the data in table visual.
But, i stuck to show only the latest date data of a category.
If you see in the above image, there are two initial proposal rows. But, i need only one row of initial proposal category which can be differentiate by the date modified column.
to be more clear --> category Id and date_modified are from table1 and inserted_prefix from table two.
now, in the below image. I selected different customer. he had, 3 initial proposal and 5 initial design. So i need only one initial deign and initial proposal which is latest date.
Please suggest me how can i get only the latest data of each category by using measure or any other way.
Thanks a ton in advance.

I got my requirement.
Just a small tweek in data selections. just make sure to have date modified with Latest. insert_prefix select last as showin in below images.


Default Silcer Selection in Power BI (latest date)

I have one query can somebody please tell how to show Latest date in a date format
So basically, I want to show the latest date selected by default and if the user wants to select other dates they can change manually but the latest date should be in a date format
Date = IF('Query'[Date] = MAX('Q'[Date]), "Latest Date", FORMAT('Query'[Date], "MM-DD-YYYY"))
Please help to show the latest date in a date format
First of all, unless you use a static value like "Latest Date" as you have done in the column above, you will not be able to set the slicer to the latest date. However, you can have your report behave as though the latest date were selected if nothing is selected.
Based on your formula, I am assuming that the table Query holds the static latest date of the model and that the table Q is your calendar table.
Create these measures:
Pivot Date = MAX(Query[Date])
Earliest Selected Date = IF(ISFILTERED(Q[Date]),MIN(Q[Date]),[Pivot Date])
Latest Selected Date = IF(ISFILTERED(Q[Date]),MAX(Q[Date]),[Pivot Date])
Now the hard part is you need to write all your measures to use the date range defined by Earliest and Latest Selected instead of just leaving it up to the slicer to control the dates. This allows you to control what's displayed when nothing is selected.
ExampleMeasure =
var start_date = [Earliest Selected Date]
var end_date = [Latest Selected Date]
CALCULATE([Some Measure], removefilters(q[date]), q[date] >= start_date, q[date] <= end_date)
One of the drawbacks of this approach is that you may be depending on your slicer to show the user which dates are selected. To overcome that, add an unobtrusive visual that shows the dates in use. I like to use a Multi Row Card for this and place it in the top right corner of every page. I include these measures: Available From, Available to, Selected From and Selected To. That way viewers know how much data is in the report overall, and they know what's selected at this time. Placing this in the same place on every page in every report is an excellent practice as your viewers will become habituated to consulting this spot for date info.
Finally, I want to point out that you could implement this logic with calculation groups, and that is how I would do it in one of my own reports. Doing so would eliminate the need to modify all the measures you already have, but it would introduce a number of complexities. Calculation Groups have a big learning curve, so you need to be prepared for that journey. The alternative I have suggested will be quicker than getting up to speed on Calculation Groups. However, you should learn how to use them. I highly recommend everything at sqlbi.com on this topic. They have an excellent search tool on the site to find all their content related to Calculation Groups.

Power BI - Copying data to new column before refreshing data

This is what I hope to be a very simple issue, I'm just having a hard time putting the right search terms together in order to find the answer.
Basically, I want to preserve the data from the last refresh before the data is refreshed again, in order to compare the difference.
I have a basic web scrape that runs off and grabs the latest stock price for Microsoft:
What I want to be able to do during the refresh is to first copy the current value (283.85) to a new column and then refresh the data, so that I have a side by side current and previous price.
Really tried to find an answer, but I don't think I'm using the correct terminology.
I have never used this method. Would it be easier to add a date column to your current table and make it your record table? That way you can do a comparison and visuals from your data.
If you really want separate tables you could update your table with the date column and then write a table query to get your latest stock price according to date

Power BI Table w/ Slicer Where Other Columns Adjust Parameters Based Off Selection

I have the following Power BI table example for an operating expense report that uses a slicer to filter the first column named "Actual". This is to see the operating expenses for one month compared to the budget figures for the year. It also compares the year-to-date and annual figures. How can I create dynamic columns that change based on the slicer selection? These additional columns are not shown in the pic below but included in the last pic. The Budget column below was just created as an example to show what it should look like.
I set up a star schema with several tables shown below. There's only one expense fact table used and the slicer only works for the first column as previously stated but I need all the other columns to use different parameters and adjust based off what's selected in the slicer. The last image is an overview of the info and the parameters for each column. I tried creating new columns with measures for the budget to see if I can get that going but can't figure out how to make it adjust with the slicer selection.
I'm not sure if I should be using separate queries for each column or can this be done using the one expense table. Hope this isn't too confusing. Please let me know if more info is needed.
If I understood what you wanted correctly I think I solved your problem.
I was able to create the following:
I did not use all values since I did not want to type everything, if you provide some test data it is easier to replicate you dashboard.
This matrix (so not table) allows you to filter for Date (if you so desire, you can always show all date's in the matrix) Book and AccountTree.
The way this is done is by putting the address column in the ROWS for the matrix, Putting the Date column in the COLUMNS of the matrix and putting your values (actual, budget, variance) in the values of the matrix.
For the date is used days, since it was easier to type. You can always use weeks, months, quarters or years.
For this to work you have to create the following relationships:
Hope this helps.
If not, please provide test data so it is easier to try and solve your problem.

PowerBI / PowerPivot - Data not aggregating by time frame

I have created a powerpivot model include in the image below. I am trying to include the "IncurredLoss" value and have it sliced by time. Written Premium is in the fact table and is displaying correctly. I am aiming for IncurredLoss to display in a similar fashion
I have tried the following solutions:
Add new related column: Related(LossSummary[IncurredLoss]). Result: No data
DAX Summary Measure: =CALCULATE(SUM(LossSummary[IncurredLoss])). Result: Sum of everything in LossSummary[IncurredLoss] (not time sliced)
Simply adding the Incurred Loss column to the Pivot Table panel. Result: Sum of everything in LossSummary[IncurredLoss] (not time sliced)
A few other notes:
LossKey joins LossSummary to PolicyPremiumFact
Reportdate joins PolicyPremiumFact to the Calendar.
There is 1 row in LossSummary per date and Policy. LossKey contains this information and is the PK on that table.
Any ideas, clarifications or pointers are most certainly welcome. Thank you!
The related column should work. I was able to get it to work in both Excel 2016 and Power BI Desktop. Rather than bombarding you with questions, I'll try and walk through how I would troubleshoot further, in the hopes it gets you to a solution faster:
First, check the PolicyPremiumFact table inside Power Pivot and see if the IncurredLossRelated field is blank or not. If it is consistently blank, then the related column isn't working. The primary reason the related column wouldn't work is if there's a problem with your relationships. Things I would check:
Ensure that the relationships are between the fields you think they are between (i.e. you didn't accidentally join LossKey in one table to a different field in the other table)
Ensure that the joined fields contain the same data (i.e. you didn't call a field LossKey, but in fact, it isn't the LossKey at all)
Ensure that the joined fields are the same data type in Power Pivot (this is most common with dates: e.g. joining a text field that looks like a date to an actual date field may work, but not act as expected)
If none of the above are the problem, it doesn't hurt to walk through your data for a given date in Power Pivot. E.g. filter your PolicyPremiumFact table to a specific date and look at the LossKeys. Then go the LossSummary table and filter to those LossKeys. Stepping through like this might reveal an oversight (e.g. maybe the LossKeys weren't fully loaded into your model).
If none of the above reveals anything, or if the related column is not blank inside Power Pivot, my suggestion would be to try a newer version of Excel (e.g. Excel 2016), or the most recent version of Power BI Desktop.
If the issue still occurs in the most recent version of Excel/Power BI Desktop, then there's something else going on with your data model that's impacting the RELATED calculation. If that's the case, it would be very helpful if you could mock up your file with sample data that reproduces the problem and share it.
One final suggestion I have is to consider restructuring your tables before they arrive in your data model. In your case, I'd recommend restructuring PolicyPremiumFact to include all the facts from LossSummary, rather than having a separate table joined to your primary fact table. This is what you're doing with the RELATED field to some extent, but it's cleaner to do before or as your data is imported into Power Pivot (e.g. using SQL or Power Query) rather than in DAX.
Hope some of this helps.

Creating Date Relationship in Power BI for Slicers

I'd like to slice across visuals based on dates in MS Power BI (i.e., one filter for say month will slice all visuals for that time period.
I created a date table from http://www.agilebi.com.au/power-bi-date-dimension/ to link to the date columns in each table.
I connected xlsx workbook.
Image of columns in Power BI
I added tried to edit the relationship so connect the 2 date columns. However, when I insert the filter using the date_table as values and try to use it, the visuals disappear.
Visuals are Gone
However, when I create the slicer and slice across multiple visuals, they go blank.
**I tried changing the type to "Both" but it didn't fix the problem.
The script at AgileBI.com.au creates a date table with a 'Date' field that has a data type of text. You can (surprisingly) do a relationship between 2 fields of different data types and not get an error. However, a join between a text field that contains dates, and a regular date field will mean that rows that look like they should match up do not.
You can confirm this is happening by picking a value in the 2 tables that you think should match up and seeing if they are identical. In my case, I had Tuesday, November 01, 2016 in my imported table, and 11/1/2016 in the other table. While they both represent the same date (in the US), they clearly look different. A good place to see this is in the Edit Relationship screen (and it definitely would have been helpful to include a screenshot of that in your original post).
Anyway, if the dates in your table don't match up to the corresponding (text) dates in the Date table, then when you filter to "2016" on your slicer, the visuals will all go blank.
I would recommend:
Click Edit Queries
On the left hand side, select the table of dates (called Invoked Function by the script)
Click on the header for the Date column (it will likely already be selected)
Select Transform on the ribbon
Change the Data Type from Any to Date
Click Home > Close & Apply
Hope this helps.