Creating secondary menu bar under the first one ORACLE APEX - oracle-apex

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to create a secondary menu under the first one?
So another menu bar under 'Home, Team/People' and above 'Home' Title

Yes, but you don't create them as a Menu. In APEX (At least with theme 42) you have to choose Side Navigation or Top Navigation (not both).
What I've done is define my side menu then I added items to the Navigation list (in my case I have no need for submenus on the Nav. Bar) and the end result is that I have items to click on on left and top.

Yes, you can. So, you can have only one menu list, which is for the application in general, but what you could do is add a region on page 0 which represents a list.
I'm assuming you're familiar with APEX development, then you can follow these steps:
Fist you need to have the page 0(a.k.a global page) in your application. So, create it if there's not.
In page 0, create a new region.
Set the following region's attributes:
Type: List;
Position: Page Navigation;
Template: none (- Select -).
In source tab, select which list do you want to display there.


Alternative to legacy tabs parent set in current navigation menu in oracle apex?

Just like we could make parent tab set and combine all tabs in it.
Is it possible to do the same with navigation menus?
Basically, how can we convert set of tabs to navigation menus explicitly?
or create a parent list that would contain all the other lists.
Ex: Manager list, employee list all could get combined to one parent list,
Is this possible?
In shot, how can we convert the standard tab set in navigation menu format?
Within Lists you can develop structures as many levels deep as you like. To do so just specify the parent list entry.
One customer that comes to mind has a single Navigation Menu list with several hundred entries, numerous levels deep.
With APEX 20.1 you now have the choice of displaying the Navigation Menu on the side, on the top or as a Mega Menu.

Set active tab when navigating from one tab to another by button click

I have been struggling with this for a while now. I'm trying to navigate to one tab (let's say Home) to another (let's say About). I'm able to navigate that either the page get's added to nav stack, but then it's not changing active tab. That, or then we use select to set the active tab, which means that I lose the navigation stack. Here's the latter option code:
export class HomePage implements OnInit {
tab: Tabs;
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) { = this.navCtrl.parent;
navigate() {;
But this means that as mentioned, I lose the nav stack and can't use the back button that would show if I use push. That brings us to the other option, when I use .push():
The active tab won't change, but still shows Home as the active tab, even though we are successfully navigated to About tab.
So what I wish for, is to have both the 'Back' button and the active tab (About) selected when I'm clicking the button to go to About from Home. Here's a demo with the push option, as you can see the active tab does not change:
PS. I looked at this question, but it wasn't useful to me: Changing tabs dynamically in Ionic 2
I'm using Ionic 3
I don't think this is how the tabs component is intended to work. With tabbed navigation you kind of have n navigation stacks (where n is the number of different tabs you have) which means if you .push() a new page on the nav-stack you push it on the stack of the currently selected tab.
Switching to another tab kind of is the same as starting with a new root, you start with the initial page ([root]="yourFirstPage") and can then add new pages to this particular nav-stack (and you can pop them off the nav-stack with a back button).
In you particular example you are trying to .push() the About page on the stack of the Home page and expect the NavController to know that you intended to switch to another stack and to push a new page to the new stack.
One solution to your problem could be to always remember the previous tab when you use .select() and display back button manually in the navbar which uses .select(previousTab) on click.
I hope that makes things clearer for you.
It's the default behaviour to act like this. When you select a tab it clears the nav stack and set the root to another page. When you push your about page when in home page you're pushing a new page in your home nav stack, this is why it doesn't change and shoudn't change.
The reason to use tabs is that you can segment and divide stuff in they correct categories. When updating a product you don't whant the user the see, for example, billing information in the same stack of products since it doesn't belongs to that category.
The .select() method (whose you've implemented in your is the closest you can have from beeing able to select a tab without clicking in a specific tab.
What you can do is simply remove about from beeing a tab and push it in home OR remove the button to go from the home to about page, since there's already a tab for this.
In any case what you want to do is an error that Ionic team removed the possibilities from people doing.
Hope this helps you.

Crash/Assertion after calling ForceRecalcLayout

I have added Ribbon to an existing MFC application.
The ribbon is created using the Editor.
In one of the panel I have a Custom CMFCRibbonGallery (derived from) whose contents (icon) I change dynamically. (It is much like the Styles Gallery in Excel.
After every time I change the contents I call ForceRecalcLayout which most of the time results in an Assert usually on m_pHighlighted or m_pPressed. Please see the attached snaphot1.jpeg, this Assert happened while I was moving the mouse over the Ribbon Gallery elements (Expanded mode popup) while ForceRecalcLayout was called.
On a different use case if I add the Sub Item (like we have "New Cell Style" in Styles Gallery of Excel) to the QAT using the context menu and then try to create a New cell style I get an Assert on the CMFCRibbonButton. Refer snapshot2.jpg
When just the icon changes it is sufficient to invalidate the ribbon.
Only if the size of the individual items are changed you Need to call RecalcLayout.
I see no reason to call ForceRecalsLayout.

how to set the rights for placeholder ribbon

beginner question for sitecore about settings the right.
So I have an item is open in the page editor.
The renderings on the page has bunch of icons on the ribbon. One of them called 'select the parent element (element name)'.
In my case when I click on it, I am presented with the placeholder with button 'add here' and the ribbon with some component buttons that a user can use to add the controls.
"how I add access to the button on that ribbon for certain role? Where do I set it up? "
For some certain role that placeholder's ribbon is completely empty, including there is no button 'select the parent element' even though
i know there is a parent element.
thank you very much for help,
Here are the screenshots (no icons on the placeholder ribbon, and the user's rights:
enter image description here
And here is how that looks for the admin:
All the settings for the Page Editor are held in the Core database. So in the Sitecore Desktop, switch to the core database and open up the Content Editor.
Navigate to : /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit
This item holds the items that make up the page editor. To edit the ribbon menues, go to:
I don't remember seeing that particular button in the Core database, so this is likely a built-in feature that requires the user to have one of the built-in permissions.
The first thing I would check is that Designing is turned on. Have the user go to the 'View' tab in Page Editor and make sure they have checked the 'Designing' checkbox.
If that doesn't work, it sounds like the user you have does not have design access to the page. I would examine the inherited roles using the User Manager and check if they have the Sitecore Designer role inherited.
It is possible they just need to be provided the correct role in the system so that they can access the buttons.
Have you tried the "Sitecore Client developing role"?
Also, for the blue arrow drop list location, in order for the rendering button to show up in that location, you have to check whether the button in the webedit folder under core database(/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Default Rendering Buttons). The Type field needs to be "Common" in order to show up in the blue arrow droplist.
Example can be the "Edit related item" (/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Default Rendering Buttons/Edit related item) shows up in the blue arrow droplist.

Joomla! 2.5 Menus

I've just had my website migrated from Joomla 1.5 to 2.5, however, I am struggling with the menus. This might be because of my choice of template.
The website is using the bizglobal 1.7 template. The problem is the top menu: I can set up various menus and submenus, but I want all the menu items to be available. For example, if I select the first top level item then all the ones below are immediately available. But the remaining top level items don't show their children unless I click on the parent menu item - whereupon the original children don't drop down. Pictures are better than words, so please have a look at with the green top menu (currently SimSig and Forum).
Many thanks.
In the module manager look for the module that's displaying your main menu, it should be type menu.
Is the show sub items marked to yes?