Crash/Assertion after calling ForceRecalcLayout - mfc

I have added Ribbon to an existing MFC application.
The ribbon is created using the Editor.
In one of the panel I have a Custom CMFCRibbonGallery (derived from) whose contents (icon) I change dynamically. (It is much like the Styles Gallery in Excel.
After every time I change the contents I call ForceRecalcLayout which most of the time results in an Assert usually on m_pHighlighted or m_pPressed. Please see the attached snaphot1.jpeg, this Assert happened while I was moving the mouse over the Ribbon Gallery elements (Expanded mode popup) while ForceRecalcLayout was called.
On a different use case if I add the Sub Item (like we have "New Cell Style" in Styles Gallery of Excel) to the QAT using the context menu and then try to create a New cell style I get an Assert on the CMFCRibbonButton. Refer snapshot2.jpg

When just the icon changes it is sufficient to invalidate the ribbon.
Only if the size of the individual items are changed you Need to call RecalcLayout.
I see no reason to call ForceRecalsLayout.


How to change the sequence in the MDI Tab document menu?

In the tabbed document view of the MFC feature pack the user can re-order the tabs by dragging and dropping and when there is a larger number of tabs in use you have a drop down list at the end.
The problem is that the menu item for windows with the drop list of the first 9 sessions and more windows, plus the drop down list at the end of the tabbed bar are in document load order.
Does anyone know of a example on how to change the Document order in the CDocManager class in order to stay in sync?
The relevant code can be found in CMFCTabCtrl::OnShowTabDocumentsMenu.
So reorder the internal array and you have what you need.
You have the source code so it shouldn't be a real big thing.
You can use following code for it:
CMFCTabCtrl &t = ((CMainFrame*)m_pMainWnd)->GetMDITabs();
t.MoveTab(<your tab number>, t.GetTabsNum()-1);

Two column TPopupMenu to list shortcuts right aligned

Using Borland/CodeGear/Ebarcadero C++ Builder 2009. Is it possible to show shortcuts (or other text), right aligned in a second column in a TPopupMenu ?
For instance:
[image] Open File ctrl-O
[image] Close File ctrl-W
[image] BlahBlah ctrl-B
If so, how ?
I checked the break property on an item, but the results is not exactly what I want, since items are selectable on their own, instead of the complete line. Also it's not drawn that nicely.
Your feedback appreciated.
A menu item can have an image (see the TMenuItem.ImageIndex property), and can have a shortcut assigned (see the TMenuItem.ShortCut property). The VCL will automatically draw those elements for you, exactly as you have shown.
By default, they are a little squished together. You can use the TMenuItem.OnMeasureItem event to extend the Width:
If you still do not like the way the default drawing looks, or you want different text than the ShortCut to appear on the right side, you will have to owner-draw the menu items yourself (see the TMenuItem.OnDrawItem and TMenuItem.OnAdvancedDrawItem events), then you can make the menu items appear however you want.

Sitecore 8, MVC, Experience Editor: How to make a rendering refresh after a Field Editor Button has been used

We have a rendering listing the selected items in a TreeSelect in the current item. In our case we call them "Tags" (1)
We have added a Field Editor Button to the component to let the editor change selected items. (2) (As described on for example Adding a custom component)
When an editor clicks (2) the editor window (3) it is opened in a dialog. The editor may select different items(called tags in our case) using the TreeSelect.
When the editor presses the ok-button (4) the values are set.
Now to the problem:
The values are actually set as they get stored when the editor presses the Save button but we want our list on the page (1) to immediately reflect the set items when the editor presses the ok-button (4), i.e. before having to actually save the whole item.
How do we achieve that?
(I am in contacts with Sitecore support but so far I have not gotten any answers...)
After a lot of conversation with the support we still have no useful solution.
We tried turning it into a field renderer displaying the links.
What worked was:
The field do get updated when you have edited it in the popup field editor. (but...)
It looks good the first time when page is loaded.
You can make a WebEdit button with commands to edit the field and add it as Custom button to the field (register <command name="webedit:fieldeditor" type="Sitecore.Shell.Applications.WebEdit.Commands.FieldEditor, Sitecore.Client"/> and set Click on the button to webedit:fieldeditor(command={3473DDA1-2983-493C-AF7A-054C75AA7AD3},fields=NameOfField where the guid points to itelf and an "Icon" is set on it.)
What didn't work was:
The field get updated by the raw value, not what I want to display. Server code is involved, but not in the rendering of html-code.
When I want to edit the value in the field editor, the value sent to the field editor is not the raw value but what actually is displayed on the page. (I guess this can be solved somehow)
The issue to the support turned into a feature request to let the server be involved in rendering the field, not just sending a new value to the JavaScript updating it. The server does the first rendering so when it already is involved in updating, it should be allowed to do the rendering the following times too.
We have decided to not spend more time on this right now (we have other things to do too.) and have a bad editor experience as the field not get updated until the editor actually saves the item.
Still we have no suitable solution for this issue. If you want to keep working on it and want a reference to my issue it is 439059.
This may not be useful here. I've done this in normal sites, but not in Sitecore. But, here's one possibility....
This is a situation where you would pass a callback function to the child popup window. This callback will cause the caller / parent window to re-read/re-load the information that was just updated by the child.
User presses (2) to open Editor Window(3) (Editor window is opened and the Callback function is passed as a parameter)
User presses "OK" button (4). The "OK" button event handler updates the changes, then calls the Callback function which re-loads the now updated information, and closes the popup window.
Once the popup closes, the parent window now displays the information that the popup/editor just updated.
This takes some client side javascript (jquery) development but it is quite do-able normally.

create a scrollbar in a submenu qt?

I have a map application and a submenu which has dynamically added objects (i.e. points on a map) added to the submenu, depending on the layer that is loaded. I have the ability to hide each individual objects (i.e. a point) by clicking on the corresponding submenu item. Is there any way to organize the submenu? When there are a lot of points (i.e. 100) the entire submenu takes up the screen. Can I add a scrollbar to a submenu? I looked in the documentation, but couldn't find anything that support this feature.
From this bug report I was able to find out that you could do the following:
submenu->setStyleSheet("QMenu { menu-scrollable: 1; }");
Works like a charm.
There is no such possibility as far as I know.
Maybe you shouldn't use a sub menu for this but prefer a menu entry that show a Point manager GUI of your own which would have a QListWidget displaying all your points items.
I'm aware that this solution will break a (big?) part of your code but I don't see anything else.
I think you may be able to get the effect you want by creating and using your own QStyle subclass (via QApplication::setStyle()), and overriding the styleHint virtual method to return 1 when the StyleHint parameter passed in is SH_Menu_Scrollable. At least, that works for me when I create large QMenu objects and show them as popup menus.... It may also work for QMenus attached to the menu bar, but I havent tried that.
Whilst it is possible by subclassing the QMenu class to create a custom widget and going from there you're better off looking at a better way to display that information. You'll save yourself time and it'll be much easier for your users to not have to scroll through a big list of items in a small area.

MFC - How can I disable a list item?

I have a CListCtrl with checkboxes. I want to be able to disable one of the items so that the user cannot click the checkbox. Is this possible? If so, how?
Found the specifics on how to hide a checkbox in another question
Need only some rows in a CListCtrl control to have check boxes
Shortly: Not easily possible.
You'll need to sub-class the CListCtrl and implement this behavior on your own or download for example the MFC Grid Control that allows you to do that.
As for the removing check-boxes idea, yes, that might be possible, MSDN:
Version 4.70. Enables check boxes for items in a list-view control. When
set to this style, the control creates
and sets a state image list with two
images using DrawFrameControl. State
image 1 is the unchecked box, and
state image 2 is the checked box.
Setting the state image to zero
removes the check box.