MySQL Trouble transitioning from Injection to Paramterization - c++

I have the following code here that executes a query. Originally, I used SQL Injection to return row results. Hearing I should use parametrization, I rearranged my code and read the MySQL docs on how to do so. I'm using MySQL's C library in a C++ application.
However, it's not returning the results.
I know my SQL statement is 100% fine. It has been tested. The only thing I changed was changing %d (injection) to ?, which accepts the player's ID.
This returns -1. It's a SELECT statement though, so maybe it's normal?
// Get the number of affected rows
affected_rows = mysql_stmt_affected_rows(m_stmt);
This returns 2. This is correct. I have two fields being returned.
// Store the field count
m_fieldCount = mysql_field_count(&m_conn);
This returns 0 (success)
if (mysql_stmt_store_result(m_stmt))
Finally, this returns null.
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
I need m_result so I can read the rows. "mysql_stmt_store_result" sounds similar, but doesn't return MYSQL_RESULT.
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
/// <summary>
/// Executes a query.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query">The query to execute.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true on success, else false.</returns>
bool SQLConnection::executeQuery_New(const char *query)
int param_count = 0;
int affected_rows = 0;
// Validate connection.
if (!m_connected)
return false;
// Initialize the statement
m_stmt = mysql_stmt_init(&m_conn);
if (!m_stmt) {
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_init(), out of memory\n");
return false;
// Prepare the statement
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(m_stmt, query, strlen(query))) {
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_prepare(), INSERT failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
return false;
// Get the parameter count from the statement
param_count = mysql_stmt_param_count(m_stmt);
if (param_count != m_bind.size()) {
fprintf(stderr, " invalid parameter count returned by MySQL\n");
return false;
// Bind buffers
// The parameter binds are stored in std::vector<MYSQL_BIND>
// I need to convert std::vector<MYSQL_BIND> m_bind to MYSQL_BIND *bnd
MYSQL_BIND *bind = new MYSQL_BIND[m_bind.size() + 1];
memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind) * m_bind.size());
for (int i = 0; i < param_count; i++)
bind[i] = m_bind[i];
if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(m_stmt, &bind[0]))
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_bind_param() failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
return false;
// Execute the query
if (mysql_stmt_execute(m_stmt)) {
fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_execute(), 1 failed\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
return false;
// Get the number of affected rows
affected_rows = mysql_stmt_affected_rows(m_stmt);
//if (affected_rows == -1) {
// fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_execute(), 1 failed\n");
// fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(m_stmt));
// return false;
// Store the field count
m_fieldCount = mysql_field_count(&m_conn);
// Store the result
if (mysql_stmt_store_result(m_stmt))
fprintf(stderr, " failed retrieving result\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_error(&m_conn));
int d = mysql_errno(&m_conn);
return false;
// This looks similar to the last above statement, but I need m_result. I used mysql_store_result earlier when using injection and it worked fine, but here in this case it returns null.
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
// Close the statement
if (mysql_stmt_close(m_stmt)) {
/* mysql_stmt_close() invalidates stmt, so call */
/* mysql_error(mysql) rather than mysql_stmt_error(stmt) */
fprintf(stderr, " failed while closing the statement\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_error(&m_conn));
return false;
// Delete bind array
if (bind) {
delete[] bind;
bind = NULL;
return true;
How I'm adding an int parameter (player's id):
void SQLConnection::addParam(int buffer, enum_field_types type, unsigned long length)
memset(&bind, 0, sizeof(bind));
bind.buffer = (char *)&buffer;
bind.buffer_type = type;
bind.is_null = 0;
bind.length = &length;
My variables and their types:
class SQLConnection
MYSQL m_conn;
MYSQL_ROW m_row;
MYSQL_RES *m_result;
char m_errorMessage[ERROR_MSG_MAX];
bool m_connected;
MYSQL_STMT *m_stmt;
std::vector<MYSQL_BIND> m_bind;
int m_fieldCount;
// ...
And finally its calling function at the end of the SQL statement:
...WHERE player_id = ?;");
conn.addParam(m_id, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0);
if (!conn.executeQuery_New(buffer)) {
return "";
// Close the connection.
std::string s = conn.getField("max_value_column_name");
The error code I get is 2014:
Just for the sake of interest, this is a prior function I used. This worked fine for injection. Using the new function above with parameterization is the one causing the issues.
bool SQLConnection::executeQuery(const char *query)
// Validate connection.
if (!m_connected)
return false;
// Execute the query
int status = mysql_query(&m_conn, query);
if (status != 0) {
sprintf(m_errorMessage, "Error: %s", mysql_error(&m_conn));
return false;
// Store the result
m_result = mysql_store_result(&m_conn);
return true;
After I started having language religious wars in my head about using C# over C++, I thought I'd give one last attempt here. Any help is appreciated.
This is how I read in column names prior to parameterization (maybe this code needs to be updated after calling mysql_stmt_store_result(m_stmt)?
std::string SQLConnection::getField(const char *fieldName)
unsigned int name_field = 0;
mysql_stmt_data_seek(m_stmt, 0);
mysql_stmt_fetch_column(m_stmt, &bind, 0, 0);
//mysql_data_seek(m_result, 0);
//mysql_field_seek(m_result, 0);
const unsigned int num_fields = mysql_stmt_field_count(m_stmt);
// const unsigned int num_fields = mysql_num_fields(m_result);
std::vector<char *> headers(num_fields);
for (unsigned int i = 0; (field = mysql_fetch_field(m_result)); i++)
headers[i] = field->name;
if (strcmp(fieldName, headers[i]) == 0)
name_field = i;
while ((m_row = mysql_fetch_row(m_result))) {
return std::string(m_row[name_field]);
return "";
What I'm finding is in this last function there are equivalent functions for statements, like mysql_num_fields() is mysql_stmt_field_count(). I'm thinking these need to be updated because it's using m_stmt and not m_result anymore, which gives reason to update the functions so m_stmt is used. It's not very apparent how to update the second half of the function though.

You may need a better understanding of how stmt works.You can't get the final results by mysql_store_result() when you're using stmt.
You shoud bind several buffers for the statement you're using to accept the result set. You can finish this by mysql_stmt_bind_result(), just like mysql_stmt_bind_param().
Then you can use the buffers bound by mysql_stmt_bind_result() to return row data. You can finish this by mysql_stmt_fetch().
Do the fetch method repeatedly, so you can get the whole result set row by row.
The basic sequence of calls:
mysql_stmt_fetch (repeatedly, row by row)
It works for me.
It's a long time since I finished this part of my project, you'd better read the manual carefully and find more examples of stmt.
Sorry for my poor English. Good luck!


MariaDB Connector C, mysql_stmt_fetch_column() and memory corruption

I'm working on a wrapper for MariaDB Connector C. There is a typical situation when a developer doesn't know a length of a data stored in a field. As I figured out, one of the ways to obtain a real length of the field is to pass a buffer of lengths to mysql_stmt_bind_result and then to fetch each column by calling mysql_stmt_fetch_column. But I can't understand how the function mysql_stmt_fetch_column works because I'm getting a memory corruption and app abortion.
Here is how I'm trying to reach my goal
// preparations here
if (!mysql_stmt_execute(stmt))
int columnNum = mysql_stmt_field_count(stmt);
if (columnNum > 0)
MYSQL_RES* metadata = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt);
MYSQL_FIELD* fields = mysql_fetch_fields(metadata);
MYSQL_BIND* result = new MYSQL_BIND[columnNum];
std::memset(result, 0, sizeof (MYSQL_BIND) * columnNum);
std::vector<unsigned long> lengths;
for (int i = 0; i < columnNum; ++i)
result[i].length = &lengths[i];
if (!mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, result))
while (true)
int status = mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
if (status == 1)
m_lastError = mysql_stmt_error(stmt);
isOK = false;
else if (status == MYSQL_NO_DATA)
isOK = true;
for (int i = 0; i < columnNum; ++i)
my_bool isNull = true;
if ( > 0)
result[i].buffer_type = fields[i].type;
result[i].is_null = &isNull;
result[i].buffer = malloc(;
result[i].buffer_length =;
mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt, result, i, 0);
if (!isNull)
// here I'm trying to read a result and I'm getting a valid result only from the first column
If I put an array to the mysql_stmt_fetch_column then I'm fetching the only first field valid, all other fields are garbage. If I put a single MYSQL_BIND structure to this function, then I'm getting an abortion of the app on approximately 74th field (funny thing that it's always this field). If I use another array of MYSQL_BIND then the situation is the same as the first case.
Please help me to understand how to use it correctly! Thanks
Minimal reproducible example

if(result == NULL) is returning false always even when the query returns zero rows

I am using the Cassandra C++ driver in my application. I am observing many crashes. After debugging I identified that even when the query output is zero rows , the if (result == NULL) is false and when I iterate through the result, one place or other it is crashing. Below is the code sample. Please suggest me any solution for this.
const char* query = "SELECT variable_id, variable_name FROM aqm_wfvariables WHERE template_id = ?;";
CassError rc = CASS_OK;
CassSession* session = NULL;
return false;
CassStatement* statement = cass_statement_new(query, 1);
cass_statement_bind_int32(statement, 0, wf_template_id );
CassFuture* query_future = cass_session_execute(session, statement);
rc = cass_future_error_code(query_future);
if (rc != CASS_OK) {
logMsg(DEBUG, 7, "cass_session_execute failed for query #%d:%s:%s", 1, __FILE__, query);
return false;
const CassResult* result = cass_future_get_result(query_future);
if (result == NULL) {
logMsg(DEBUG, 7, "No values are returned for query #%d:%s:%s", 1, __FILE__, query);
return false;
CassIterator* row_iterator = cass_iterator_from_result(result);
while (cass_iterator_next(row_iterator)) {
const CassRow* row = cass_iterator_get_row(row_iterator);
/* Copy data from the row */
You should use
instead of
(result == NULL)
to verify if query returns zero rows. In your code, result is always an instance of CassResult and not a null reference when zero rows are returned.

With C++ can you return a sqlite3_stmt from a method?

I'm trying to reduce duplicate sqlite code in my object. To do so I wanted one method that had the sqlite interaction and just return a sqlite3_stmt. My problem is that the sqlite3_stmt pointer is always null. My question is, am I doing something wrong or can this not be done with sqlite?
SqliteIO sqldb;
string GET_CONFIG = "select* from config; ";
sqlite3_stmt *statement;
assert(sqldb.sqlForResults(GET_CONFIG, statement));
assert(statement != NULL); //this fails
bool SqliteIO::sqlForResults(string pSql, sqlite3_stmt *statement ){
bool lbRetVal=false;
if(mDB == NULL){
cerr << "No database to query";
Logger::error("SqlliteIO::getAllScheuled() null database handle");
} else {
sqlite3_busy_timeout(mDB, 2000);
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(mDB, pSql.c_str(), -1, &statement, 0) == SQLITE_OK) {
lbRetVal = true;
string error = sqlite3_errmsg(mDB);
if(error != "not an error"){
cerr << pSql << " " << error << endl;
Logger::error("SqlliteIO::sqlForResults() "+ error + " " +pSql );
return lbRetVal;
sqlite3_stmt *statement; // this never gets initialized
assert(sqldb.sqlForResults(GET_CONFIG, statement));
assert(statement != NULL); //this fails
the statement variable in that block of code never gets initialized (you're passing a copy of it to sqlForResults()).
frankly, you're lucky that assertion is failing, as statement could have any garbage value (I'm guessing variables are zero-initialized in debug mode for your compiler)
The statement parameter of SqliteIO::sqlForResults() needs to have the type sqlite3_stmt**, not sqlite3_stmt*. So the call site would now look like:
SqliteIO sqldb;
string GET_CONFIG = "select* from config; ";
sqlite3_stmt *statement = NULL;
assert(sqldb.sqlForResults(GET_CONFIG, &statement));
Without the reference/address-of operator & before statement (like in the original question), you would be passing the value of statement to sqlForResults, which was NULL or 0 in this case. The relevant changes in sqlForResults are:
bool SqliteIO::sqlForResults(string pSql, sqlite3_stmt **statement ){
bool lbRetVal=false;
if(mDB == NULL){
// ...
} else {
// ...
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(mDB, pSql.c_str(), -1, statement, 0) == SQLITE_OK) {
// ...
// ...
return lbRetVal;
The parameter list now accepts a sqlite_stmt** arg, and we pass that directly to sqlite3_prepare_v2. In the original question, sqlForResults passed &statement to sqlite3_prepare_v2 - which is the address of the statement parameter for this SqliteIO::sqlForResults method call - which isn't what you want.
I know this is an old question, but I hope this helps.
EDIT: for clarity and to elude some more code from sqlForResults

mysql_real_query returns 1, mysql_error returns a NULL string

When I run a first query, mysql_real_query returns 1, from what I understand, this is normal, I have to call mysql_errno() and mysql_error() to get information about the error. But why does mysql_error() return a NULL string?
After running a second query or mysql_ping I receive a violation exception.
Any clue to what's happening ?
Also, should I be using C++ connector in a C++ program or may the C connector (which is what I am using) work as well. Would I have to compile it under my compiler to get it to work?
Here is a part of the code I use, may this help someone pinpoint me the solution. I do not know what is wrong here.
char req[50];
static char *serverOptions_p[] = {
"--datadir=C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/data/abc",
"--language=C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/share/english",
int numElements = sizeof (serverOptions_p) / sizeof(char *) - 1;
static char *serverGroups_p[] = { "mysql_server", NULL };
if (mysql_library_init(numElements, serverOptions_p, (char **) serverGroups_p)) {
d_connectionHandle_p = mysql_init(NULL);
if (d_connectionHandle_p) {
my_bool mb = true;
mysql_options(d_connectionHandle_p, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &mb);
if (mysql_real_connect(d_connectionHandle_p, server_p, user_p, password_p, database_p, 0, NULL, 0)) {
sprintf(req, "CREATE DATABASE %s", database_p);
mysql_real_query(d_connectionHandle_p, requete, strlen(requete));
else {
int e;
strcpy(req, "SELECT * FROM test");
if ((e = mysql_real_query(d_connectionHandle_p, req, strlen(req))) != 0) { // This is where it returns 1
const char *err = mysql_error(d_connectionHandle_p); // Returns an empty string
if (err)
According to the manual, a non-zero return value means an error occurred:
Return Values
Zero if the statement was successful. Nonzero if an error occurred.

How to make upnp action?

I want to implement port-forwarding using intel-upnp.
I got XML data like:
Device found at location:
service urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1
controlurl /upnp/control/WANIPConn1
eventsuburl : /upnp/control/WANIPConn1
scpdurl : /gateconnSCPD.xml
And now, I want to make upnp-action. But, I don't know how to make it.
If you know some code snippet or helpful URL in C, please tell me.
char actionxml[250];
IXML_Document *action = NULL;
strcpy(actionxml, "<u:GetConnectionTypeInfo xmlns:u=\"urn:schemas-upnp- org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1\">");
action = ixmlParseBuffer(actionxml);
int ret = UpnpSendActionAsync( g_handle,
I know this is an old question, but it can be kept for reference. You can take a look at the sample code in the libupnp library here:
The relevant code is in the function TvCtrlPointSendAction():
int TvCtrlPointSendAction(
int service,
int devnum,
const char *actionname,
const char **param_name,
char **param_val,
int param_count)
struct TvDeviceNode *devnode;
IXML_Document *actionNode = NULL;
int rc = TV_SUCCESS;
int param;
rc = TvCtrlPointGetDevice(devnum, &devnode);
if (TV_SUCCESS == rc) {
if (0 == param_count) {
actionNode =
UpnpMakeAction(actionname, TvServiceType[service],
0, NULL);
} else {
for (param = 0; param < param_count; param++) {
if (UpnpAddToAction
(&actionNode, actionname,
TvServiceType[service], param_name[param],
param_val[param]) != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
("ERROR: TvCtrlPointSendAction: Trying to add action param\n");
/*return -1; // TBD - BAD! leaves mutex locked */
rc = UpnpSendActionAsync(ctrlpt_handle,
TvServiceType[service], NULL,
TvCtrlPointCallbackEventHandler, NULL);
if (rc != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
SampleUtil_Print("Error in UpnpSendActionAsync -- %d\n",
rc = TV_ERROR;
if (actionNode)
return rc;
The explanation is that you should create the action with UpnpMakeAction() if you have no parameters or UpnpAddToAction() if you have parameters to create your action, and then send it either synchronously or asynchronously.