nanoKONTROL2 receive/send data RtMidi c++ - c++

Two Questions:
1) Is it possible to send a message to the device and receive all the current input values?
I am trying to receive and send data to the KORG nanoKONTROL2. I found an API for real-time input/output called RtMidi. Receiving data is no issue, but I don't have the state where the sliders and knobs are in when the application starts. I presume, if this could be done, you need to send a message to the device.
There is an RtMidiOut class with sendMessage functionality where you can send data (vector<uchar>) to the device, but I don't know what data to send (I did try with some for loops to see if anything happens, but no luck).
2) Is it possible to turn the button lights on/off? If so, how?
To clarify the second question; I am trying to create a toggle where the light of the button on the device will turn on/off according to the state of the toggle.
Additional Information: The received data exists of 3 unsigned char's where the first value is probably an id, I am not quite sure, the second is the button/slider id and the third is its value.
Source code link to GitHub.


How do I use CANOpen on a Maxon's EPOS controller

I am a french student in robotics and I have a project in which I have to connect 3 EPOS and my computer via EPOS 3.
I already wrote a programm in C++ to send bytes but I don't understand what to send and when.
For my project, I want to have the computer in master mode to send data to each controller (has orders) and when they all recieved it, I activate them by sending a global message and put them to sleep when they are finished
I read a lot of documentation and I think I want to initialze the NMT first ?
But I can't find anything such as an example or anything more than abstracts schematics.
I used a programm given by maxon to send bytes directly and the controller respond but never what I expect it to be.
And when I try to initialize it, the led on the controller shows me that it's not initialize.
Anyway thank you for everyone who will take the time to reply !

How do I create new tasks TI RTOS?

I've been trying to develope an APP for the CC2650 from TI. Im working with the SimpleBLEperipheral example.
What I want to do is:
read a UART (up to 80 byte length)
Write the message to a characteristic
The messages come once a second. Here is, where the problem begins:
When I send a request to the device, that is connected via UART, I get a short answer, that is mixed with the messages, that are secondly sent.
In my App I read the UART once a second in the SimpleBLEPeripheral_performPeriodicTask of the example.
The answers, that come in between the messages will not be read, because of timing problems. My idea was to create a task only for reading the UART and use a callback, but that doesnt seem to work. When I create another task, the App doesnt work at all. No task gets called and the device doesnt advertise.

GNU Radio general_work() function

I have trouble with using general_work function for a block which takes a vector as an input and outputs a message.
The block is a kind of demodulator. In fact it is working great if I send some data after and after (periodically).
But I need to create only one data (frame) which has a predefined size and sent it to this block. And I want this block to handle all of the items in its buffer without waiting for more data.
As I understand, it is about the buffering and scheduler structure of GNU Radio, but, I couldn't figure it out how to provide an ability to this block to handle all the symbols of the frame that I've sent without waiting for another frame.
For example, lets say my frame has 150 symbols. The scheduler calls my general_work function two, three, or four times (I don't know how it decides the number of calls for my general_work).
However, it stops lets say at symbol #141, or 143. Every time I run it, it stops at different symbol number. If I send another frame, it completes to handle remaining items (symbols) in its buffer.
Does anybody know how can I tell the scheduler to not wait for another frame to complete the remaining items in its buffer from the previously sent data.
First of all, thank you for your advices. In fact, I am studying on a link layer protocol and its implementation using SDR for my graduate thesis. Because I'm not a DSP expert, I need a wifi phy layer (transceiver). So, I decided to use an OOT module, "802.11 a/g/p Transceiver" project developed by Bastian Bloessl which is available on He provided an example flow-graph (wifi_loopback.crc) to simulate the transceiver. By the way, besides the transceiver (DSP stuff) itself, he also developed some part of the data link layer issues for 802.11 such as framing and error control. In the example flow-graph, the "Message Strobe" block is used as a kind of application layer for producing data periodically and send them to a block called "OFDM MAC" which has 4 message ports (app_in, app_out, phy_in, and phy_out). In this block, the raw data which is coming from the "Message Strobe" is encapsulated by adding a header and FCS information. Then, the encapsulated data is sent (phy_out) to a hierarchical block called "Wifi PHY Hier" in order to do some DSP issues such as scrambling, coding, interleaving, symbol mapping and modulation etc. In some way, the data is converted to signal and received by the same block ("Wifi PHY Hier") and the opposite process is handled such as descrambling, decoding etc. And it gives the decoded frame to "OFDM MAC" block (phy_in). If you run this flow-graph, everything is normal. I mean, the data sent by "Message Strobe" is received correctly.
However, because I am trying to implement a kind of link layer protocol, I need some feedback from destination to source such as an ACK message. So, I decided to start by implementing a simple stop&wait protocol that the source sends a message and wait for an ACK from the destination, DATA -> ACK -> DATA -> ACK... and so on. In order to do that, I create a simple source block which sends only one data and wait for an ACK message to send another data. The data I produce with my source block is the same as the data produced by "Message Strobe". When I replace the "Message Strobe" block with my source block, I realized that something is wrong because I couldn't receive my data. So, I've followed my data in order to find which step cause this situation. There is no problem with the transmission process. In the receive process, I found the problematic block which is in the "Wifi PHY Hier" block and is the last block before this hierarchical block gives its data to "OFDM MAC" block. This problematic block which is called "OFDM Decode MAC" has two ports. The output port is a message port and the input port is complex vector. So, I reviewed the code of this block, specially, the general_work() function of it. For my particular test data, in order to complete its job correctly, it should consume 177 items to produce an output to "OFDM MAC". However, it stops consuming items after 172 items are consumed. I override the forecast() method and set ninput_items_required[0] = 177. But in this case, nothing is happened, because, as I understand, the scheduler has never see 177 items in the input buffer. As you said, this is because the block ("OFDM Decode Signal") that writes into this block's input buffer produce 172 items.
I did not go deep further yet but the interesting point is when I send a second data (in the runtime) after a period, without waiting for an ACK, the remaining 5 items of the first data I've sent are consumed in some way and received correctly by the "OFDM MAC" block. And now the second data is in the same problematic situation that the previus data has experienced.. If I send third data, the second one is also received correctly. I'm really confused. How can this be ?
I'll comment quickly on your text, and then advise below:
I have trouble with using general_work function for a block which
takes a vector as an input and outputs a message.
That block is, from a sample stream perspective, a sink. You will find that when using sink as a block type in gr_modtool, you will get a sync_block, which means you will only have to implement a work, not a general_work, and a forecast.
The block is a kind of demodulator. In fact it is working great if I
send some data after and after (periodically).
So that's great!
But I need to create only one data (frame) which has a predefined size
and sent it to this block. And I want this block to handle all of the
items in its buffer without waiting for more data.
That sounds like your block doesn't actually take streams of samples, but blocks. That is either a job for
message passing (so your block would have no input stream, just a message port) or
tagged stream blocks.
Sounds like the second to me.
As I understand, it is about the buffering and scheduler structure of
GNU Radio, but, I couldn't figure it out how to provide an ability to
this block to handle all the symbols of the frame that I've sent
without waiting for another frame.
Frame is what you make of this – to GNU Radio, your samples are just items that get written to and read from a buffer.
For example, lets say my frame has 150 symbols. The scheduler calls my
general_work function two, three, or four times (I don't know how it
decides the number of calls for my general_work).
It doesn't decide -- that's probably the chunks in which the symbols get written into the input buffer of your block. You don't have to consume all of these (or any of these) if your block isn't able to produce output with the input given. Just let GNU Radio know how many items were consumed (in the sync block case, it's implicitly done with the return value; in the general_work case, you might have to manually call consume – another reason to change your block type!).
However, it stops lets say at symbol #141, or 143. Every time I run
it, it stops at different symbol number. If I send another frame, it
completes to handle remaining items (symbols) in its buffer.
That sounds like a bug in your algorithm, not in GNU Radio. Maybe your input buffer is simply full, or maybe the block that writes into it simply doesn't provide more data?
Does anybody know how can I tell the scheduler to not wait for
another frame to complete the remaining items in its buffer from the
previously sent data.
The scheduler doesn't wait; as soon as there is data to be processed, it instantly "wakes" your block, and asks it to process the items.
I've reached Bastian, the guy who developed this OOT module. He said that the reason of the problem was a kind of padding issue. If a block called "Packet Padding2", which can be found in another OOT module that also developed by him, is used after "Wifi PHY Hier" and set the Pad Tail parameter of this block to appropriate value, the problem is solved.

Efficiency/Speed of updating GUI Elements while Reading CAN input

I had no experience with Controller Area Networks(CAN) or ValueCAN3 prior to this project, and I used an example from Intrepid for my reading of messages. However I am having issues with efficiency and frequency of the updates for my GUI which displays the analog and digital signals I am reading.
My GUI consists of 16 numeric up/down boxes for analog channels and 36 buttons that change to green depending if a digital signal is turned on (1) or off(0). While reading in my CAN messages I then update the GUI controls to display the appropriate feedback. However the digital channels respond almost instantly when I press a button on a CAN joystick that is plugged in, whereas the analog signals don't update that fast with the string pots I am using to vary the signal. Sometimes it takes an analog signal 1 - 2 seconds to respond.
Currently I set the GUI controls, and then I read the values from the GUI controls and send the values out over a socket connection to another application via UDP. I should probably change this to sending the data from the signals I receive directly rather then reading from the GUI controls I am setting, but I don't think that is the issue.
I am using System::Timers::Timer objects to update, read messages, and send out data packets. I need a rate of 50hz - 100hz, preferably closer to 100hz. Using the socket on the other end I can see that my packets are sent frequently enough, but the data doesn't change smoothly or frequently for the analog channels. If anyone has any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong, or how to process the data in a more efficient way please state it.
Here is the segment of code from Intrepid that reads the CAN messages:
// Read the messages every timer event (1000 ms)
if (m_bPortOpen) // only if the port is open
// call icsneoGetMessages to read out the messages
lResult = icsneoGetMessages(hObject,stMessages,&lNumberOfMessages,&lNumberOfErrors);
if (lResult != 0)
// a successful read
mNumberOfErrorsRead = lNumberOfErrors;
mNumberOfMessagesRead = lNumberOfMessages; // store the number of messages in the current buffer
My form requests a msg from my CanReader Object using:
msg = can->GetLatestMsg();
and that method grabs the last message received.
public: icsSpyMessage* GetLatestMsg()
return &stMessages[mNumberOfMessagesRead - 1];
I think this GetLatestMsg() seems like a bad way to implement the retrival of the latest message, but I'm not entirely sure how much this is affecting my program or how else I could do this because the CanReader is seperate from the Form so I'd have to pass an array of messages I think otherwise. I do suspect this might be skipping messages because it only reads the last one grabbed and not the ones leading up to it, which if those were read should make the GUI output appear smoother for transitions.
Another thing to note is that I am reading from 6 different PGNs, the analog signals correspond to 4 of the PGNs and 2 correspond to the digital signals.
After playing with my application and using the string pots on different analog channels I am noticing that some channels are updating more then others. And by checking the PGNs being accessed I find that I am accessing some more frequently then others.
Doesn't a CAN device broadcast the data at relatively the same rates for the different PGNs? and if yes then my GetLatestMsg() method must not be reading the different PGNs effectively. It reads a new msg every 5 milliseconds.
Additionally, does anyone know if I should make seperate reading timers to detect the different PGNs seperately?
If there is additional code I can provide for clarity please let me know.
After lots of testing and debugging I have found a stable solution. I am posting this answer in hopes that someone else may benefit from this explanation.
When reading message on a CANbus the messages are broadcasting across the bus and you have to pick out the messages you want based on the parameter group names (PGNs). Each PGN should be defined for different pieces of data.
For instance engine rpm would correspond to a particular PGN, and when you check the messages in your buffer, you will be looking for the messages with the PGN corresponding to the engine rpm.
In my case, I am reading/wanting 6 different PGNs from the valueCAN3 device I am using. Each of these messages contains different data that corresponds to analog and digital signals. The error with efficiency was related to how I was retreiving the latest message from the buffer.
When you are just streaming all the same data in each packet it makes sense to just grab the latest or most recent message from your buffer. However, in my case since I require 6 different PGNs that means I when I grab the last message off of the buffer it corresponds to just 1 of out the 6 PGNs, and since the messages on my CANbus are sent out at a constant rate and in the same order, I was reading about half of the packets all the time, and missing the other half. By grabbing the 2 most recent packets I found that all my channels are now updating at the speed needed for my application. All my signals change without noticable lag, and are easily meeting my 50hz - 100hz range that I required.
However, I think the optimal solution would be to read the latest message for each PGN when I pull from the buffer, rather then just the latest two messages, which could correspond to any of my 6 PGNs because I read more often then I receive the packets.

How to detect datacard connect and disconnect event on win32?

I have a data card, as soon as I insert the data card, I am getting the events by using wm_device_change event.
But I also want to get event, when my data connect actually connects to the outside world.
I mean to say, as soon as we click on connect/disconnect button of data card, I want to get the event. In other words, I want to know when connection is established and disconnected.
The data card is a Vodaphone data card and I am trying to browse using that data card. Whatever is the SDK, somewhere the OS should get the event of connection and disconnection to network is there any way to access that event which OS is getting. As I can see in notification the changes of Vodaphone connection and LAN connection.
Data card is a USB device having SIM within it, and can be used to access internet through GPRS.
How can I do this in a Win32 C/C++ program?
To detect a network change, you can use NotifyAddrChange(0,0); Since this is blocking, you will need a thread. The thread function can be as simple as
while(true) {
PostMessage(gHWnd, WM_APP,0,0);
Don't bother with the documented asynchronous behavior. That simply doesn't work.
Surely this would depend on your "Data Card" sdk or drivers and whether they support such an event.
Otherwise what I would suggest is that when you call the "Connect" or "Disconnect" methods within the SDK that you use any return value indicating suuccess or otherwise to raise your own event.
Without knowing what this data card is and what it is connecting to then I don't see how we can answer your question more fully.