User changing background image - swift3

I will do my very best to explain my issue.
I have 30 images in a gallery giving the user the choice to select an image and change the main view controller background image, much like the Apple wallpapers in the settings menu.
My problem is, I don't know how to implement this.
I though image picker was a solution but as the images are stored inside the app, is this the best?
I have a collection view controller displaying 30 images in cells. Click on the cell and it takes you to selected image in a new vc. How do I have a "Select" button from that image (or the other 29 images) vc to the main vc? Each image vc has a storyboard ID.
I haven't attached code because I haven't written any worth sharing. I'm stuck.
Please be kind to me, I'm just learning in this male dominated world.
Merci beaucoup


There's any way to overlay an Image over autocad by holding some key?

I'm Having classes on computational design at university through AutoCad and we are asked to model some drawings. I'd like to know if there's any way to make the image I'm modelling appear on top of the screen while I hold some key, and go back to the model as soon as I release it.
There is no such built-in feature in AutoCAD. You can however insert the image in the background. Or you can write your own plugin to do that.
1) You can use the Attach command to attach your image in AutoCAD
2) Once the image is attached, then you can create your model on top of the image by using the "DR" alias for Draworder and select the image to place on top or behind your model.
3) Select the middle mouse button to Pan around and when you do this, your image file will disappear temporarily until you release your mouse button.
Hope that helps!

Change the order of ColumnLayout or ListView and save / restore it

I'm working on a stream overlay that extracts information out of a game (flight simulator) and displays it on the screen. Right now I'm using Qt in conjunction with a *.html to render the overlay. It is all working really well, however I wanted to add some customization options for the users of my overlay software and I figured the best way would be to render the Overlay in QML.
The main part of the overlay is a row that contains around 8 "elements" that display the relevant data.
One thing that should be customized is the order of the elements in the row. But I really have no idea how to implement this feature. I've seen a few posts and tutorials on how to customize the order in a View using the DelegateModel. However right now it's not a view but QML Components inserted in a RowLayout due to the fact that they are all different components (e.g. some of the images are actually animated for which I'm using a component that uses Canvas2D to draw the images). I guess I could figure out a way to store those elements in a model using the Loader Component to display the content in QML. But even then I'm not entirely sure how to store and restore the order of the elements. As far as I can tell the DelegateModel only changes the View and not the underlying model.
Any suggestion or best practice to accomplish my goal would be highly appreciated.

how to make title in TOCropViewController CocoaPod?

I need to add a title bar named "Crop Image" in this Cocoapod.
Please help me
I'm the developer of TOCropViewController. :)
There's no feature in the library at the moment to display text above the cropping content right now. But it would be fairly trivial to add a UILabel to the view and position it near the top of the view.
The challenge is that you'd then need to account for it when the device is rotated sideways. At the moment, the cropping content will fill the entire height of a horizontal device, so you'd need to override that to account for the text.
It's been a while since I wrote it, but I did include a property in the vertical layout code to add padding to the top of the view controller, so it SHOULD be relatively easy.
I sadly don't have time to add it myself, but I made an issue on the repo and added the pr requested tag. Hopefully someone with more free time than I do can add it. :)

Jssor Slider: Is there a way to have img thumbnail nav and caption with FX?

I have both a Jssor slider with pic thumbnails and a Jssor slider with active captions working but cannot seem to combine them in one slider that has both and works. Is it possible to have both in one slider? What would I add to one or the other to do that? I am not a programmer, just barely familiar with the code enough to adjust it. Thanks for your time and effort!

C++ Image Flow/Slider

I have a software which displays small image thumbnails at the bottom of the screen:
But these sample 5 are just a small portion of all the available ones. I am looking for ideas of libraries or just available open source code that would let me animate them as they switch to the previous/next ones in the list when the arrow button is pressed or the user flicks them left/right like on an ipod.
I am NOT using Qt (as another answer suggests using it).
Hey my be you need this one, has got nice animations and its native