How to get weights format from TensorFlow .pb model? - c++

I want to reorganize the nodes of tensorflow .pb model,so I first get NodeDef from GraphDef, and get attr use NodeDef.attr().for the node of "Conv2D".
I can get parameters such as strides,padding,data_format,use_cudnn_on_gpu from attr, but cann't get the weights format parameters.
The language I use is c++.
How to get it! Thank you!

Conv2D has two inputs: the first one is data and the second one is filter (or weights), so you can simply check the format of the second input of Conv2D. If you are using C++, you can try this:
# Assuming inputs: conv2d_node, node_map.
filter_node_name = conv2d_node.input(1)
filter_node = node_map[filter_node_name]
# You might need to check identity node here.
# Get the shape of filter_node using NodeDef.attr()


Finding word similarities along the output or input vectors using gensim word2vec?

I know that you can use model.wv.most_similar(...) to get words by cosine similarity in gensim.
I also know gensim gives you input and output vectors in e.g. model.syn0 and model.syn1neg.
Is there a simple way to calculate cosine similarity and create a list of most similar using only the input or output vectors, one or the other? E.g. I want to try doing it using just output vectors.
There's no built-in facility, but I believe you could achieve it by creating a separate KeyedVectors instance where you replace the usual ('input projection'/'syn0') vector-array with the same-sized output array (as exists in negative-sampling models).
Roughly the following may work:
full_w2v_model = ... # whatever training/loading is necessary
full_w2v_model.wv.save_word2vec_format(PATH) # saves just the word-vectors
out_vecs = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(PATH) # reloads as separate object
out_vecs.vectors = full_w2v_model.syn1neg # clobber raw vecs with model's output layer
(Let me know if this works as-is or neds some further touch-up to work!)

Approach to get the weight values from the pre-trained weights from Darknet?

I'm currently trying to implement YOLOv3 object detection model in C(only detection, not training).
I have tested my convolution method with arbitrary values and it seems to be working as I expected.
Before stacking up multiple method calls to do forward propagation, I thought it would be safe to test with the actual pretrained weight file data.
When I look up Darknet's pre-trained weight file, it was a huge chunk of binary files. I tried to convert it to hex and decimals, but it still doesn't look simple to pinpoint what part of values to use.
So, my question is, what should I do to extract the decimal numbers of the weights or the filter values so that I can use them in the same order of the forward propagation happening in YOLOv3?
*I'm currently trying to build my c version of YOLOv3 using the structure image shown in
*My c code will be run on an FPGA board called MicroZed, along with other HDL code.
*I tried to plug some printf functions into some places of Darknet code to see what kinds of data are moving around when YOLOv3 runs, however, when I ran it on in Linux terminal, it didn't show anything new and kept outputting the same results.
Any help or advice will be really appreciated. Thank you!
I am not too sure if there is a direct way to read darknet weights, but you can convert it into .h5 format and obtain the weight values from it
You can convert the darknet yolov3 weights into .h5 format (used by keras) by using the appropriate command from this repository.
You can choose the command based on your Yolo version from the list shown in the ReadMe of the linked repo. For the standard yolov3, the command for converting is
python tools/model_converter/ cfg/yolov3.cfg weights/yolov3.weights weights/yolov3.h5
Once you have the .h5weights, you can use the below code snippet for obtaining the
values from the weights. credit/source
import h5py
path = "<path to weights>.h5"
weights = {}
keys = []
with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f: # open file
f.visit(keys.append) # append all keys to list
for key in keys:
if ':' in key: # contains data if ':' in key
param_name = f[key].name
weights[f[key].name] = f[key].value

Error while passing test data point to sci-kit learn <endpoint>.predict() function created inside AWS-Sagemaker

I created a scikit learn model endpoint inside AWS Sagemaker. I want to make predictions on my test set using this endpoint. My endpoint creation code looks like
predictor = sklearn.deploy(1, 'ml.m4.xlarge')
from sagemaker.predictor import csv_serializer
predictor.content_type = 'text/csv'
predictor.serializer = csv_serializer
predictor.deserializer = None
When I pass my test data point as a list predictor.predict(l) where l is the list, it throws an error
ValueError: Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead:
When I pass it as a numpy array of 2 dimensions(I checked dimensions using .ndim), it still throws the same error. When I tried to pass the data as a string separated by commas without any spaces, it still throws the same error.
Reshape your data either using array.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single feature or array.reshape(1, -1) if it contains a single sample.
This line gets displayed every time the Valueerror is thrown but even after reshaping, the same error persists.
So I have tried the formats '2,3,4,5', ['2,3,4,5'], array[[2,3,4,5]],[2,3,4,5] but none of these work.
Can someone please convey what the right format is for the input to the predictor function of sci-kit learn?
Are you still having problems with your input dimensions? Users are able to implement their own input_fn in order to help with debugging as well. I suggest you try printing the deserialized input when it is passed to the inference call to see where you might be having trouble with the dimension size.

How to save a model in tensorflow by using c++

How to save a model in Tensorflow by using c++? I have searched on google and baidu but not find any solutions for it. I then reading the api document of tensorflow, and the introduce is fewer introduction about C++
Model saving is implemented in Python only. There is currently no way to save a model using C++ APIs. C++ APIs allow you to load and use the models, not to train or save them.
Assume you have basic understanding of tensorflow C++ API and know how to construct a graph using the C++ API. You can make use of the 2 functions :
tensorflow::WriteTextProto() : your can get tensorflow::GraphDef (that represents all the operations you defined e.g. Add, multiply, Mean .... etc ) from tensorflow::Scope::ToGraphDef(), save the tensorflow::GraphDef to text protobuf file
tensorflow::checkpoint::TensorSliceWriter saves the current state of parameter matrices to external file (checkpoint), it's little complicated but it works well for me
firstly you'll have to get trained parameter to by calling tensorflow::Session::Run, which will return a list of parameter matrices to output_tensor (see sample below) :
std::vector<tensorflow::Tensor> output_tensor;
tensorflow::Session::Run({}, {"name_of_param_mtx_1", "name_of_param_mtx_2",}, {}, &output_tensor);
where the name_of_param_mtx_1 and name_of_param_mtx_2 above should be the name of your parameter matrices in tensorflow::Variable, e.g.
auto name_of_param_mtx_1 = tensorflow::ops::Variable (root.WithOpName("name_of_param_mtx_1"), {7, 17}, tensorflow::DT_FLOAT);
then you need to prepare following for tensorflow::checkpoint::TensorSliceWriter:
base address of the parameter raw data by calling tensorflow::Tensor.tensor_data().data()
shape of each tensorflow::Tensor , by calling tensorflow::Tensor::dim_size(NUM_DIMENSION). For eaxmple a 7x17 2D parameter matrix, NUM_DIMENSION can be 0 and 1, where tensorflow::Tensor::dim_size(0) is 7 and tensorflow::Tensor::dim_size(1) is 17.
name of this checkpoint, the name must be unique from other checkpoints in one file
create tensorflow::TensorSlice by calling tensorflow::TensorSlice::ParseOrDie("-:-"), it seems that the only argument of tensorflow::TensorSlice::ParseOrDie will be internally analyzed e.g. -:- means taking all items of a matrix. if users only want part of trained parameter matrix e.g. to only take 2nd column of all rows, then the string argument would be likely -:2 , I haven't figured out such advanced usage of tensorflow::TensorSlice::ParseOrDie.
Hope that helps.

What's caffe's input format?

I'm try to use caffe for audio recognition, but can't find a document for its input format.
I want to use leveldb, thus I must create a key and a value for each record, which is a pair of label string and data byte array.
It seems that no document describes this, and after I found the value is written by Datum.SerializeToString(), I can't find where Datum is and then lost.
Does anyone know how to convert non-image records into leveldb records for caffe? Thanks!
leveldb, lmdb and HDF5 are currently the main formats for feeding data into Caffe. The MemoryData layer enable in-memory input as well, so it's possible to use whatever input format and and use Caffe's python or c++ interfaces to populate the data blobs.
If you're already set on leveldb, this discussion on caffe issues could be useful.
Below is an example for populating a leveldb with python. It requires pycaffe and plyvel. It's adapted from caffe's github issues posted by Zackory. It's not specific to images as long as you represent each example in the form of a CxHxW where any or all can be equal to 1:
import caffe
db = plyvel.DB('train_leveldb/', create_if_missing=True, error_if_exists=True, write_buffer_size=268435456)
wb = db.write_batch()
count = 0
for file in dataset:
mat = # load numpy array from file
# Load matrix into datum object
datum =
wb.put('%08d_%s' % (count, file), datum.SerializeToString())
count += 1
# Write to db in regular intervals
if count % 1000 == 0:
# Write batch of images to database
del wb
wb = db.write_batch()
# Write last batch of images
if count % 1000 != 0:
I find constructing lmdb a lot simpler. lmdb example here.
The Datum object is defined with protobuf. See here:
It generates a file caffe.pb.h in .build_release/src/caffe/proto with the class Datum. You can have a look there to understand how this object works.