Visual Studio 2017 Tools > Extensions and Updates failure - visual-studio-2017

I am trying to install the Xamarin update extension. When searching in the 'Online' tab of Extensions and Updates because the content type of the response message does not match the content type of the binding message.
However there is nothing in the search bar when the message appears and the message remains after I enter anything in the search.
Any advice would be wonderful.

Using the VS Installer I was able to repair my version of Visual Studio and the error no longer appeared.


Strange Message Visual Studio

I have an active project on visual studio community 2017, before ten days or so, a strange message is showing without knowing what is the origin package or component that is causing this to appear.
The message is not allowing me to build the project any more
Any Suggestions ?
It was a trial package that I've installed from NuGet, the strange thing is the dialog is not giving any indication from which package it is coming from.
NuGet should handle this or the Developer of the package should? anyway it took three days from me to know the reason

Error message 'Value cannot be null. Parameter name: userContext' in Visual Studio 2017

I get error message
'Value cannot be null. Parameter name: userContext'
in Visual Studio 2017 when trying to click notification or opening Extensions and updates from tools folder.
Before answering can you look this Answer. The answer did not work on me.
I had same problem to. My solution is quite similar from Tahir Hassan.
Go to ...AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0...\ delete the file "privateregistry.user.bin"
Start Visual Studio -> VS only ask to sign in or not.
You don't have to download any updates after that.
I had this problem. Close VS, go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\ and delete/rename a folder whose name starts with 15.0_.
Then start Visual Studio, then download and install the latest update.
After that it should work - Best of luck.
I had a similar issue with Visual Studio 2022. I would perform Ctrl + F and it would simply give me a message box saying:
Value cannot be null. Parameter name: textView.
Simply closing and reopening Visual Studio worked to resolve this, if anyone is experiencing this issue.

Access Denied when trying to select a Visual Studio 2017 Extension

I have been using Visual Studio for ages, version after version. Lately I installed VS.2017 but every time I try to install a tool or extension things go wrong. I am using a restricted (non-admin) account as I always have.
Select Tools in the menu bar at the top
Select Extensions and Updates in the drop down menu
Try to select any from the list
When I do that I get a very informative dialog that only says "Access Denied" and nothing else. As a result I cannot install any extensions. In some cases after doing that then I cannot start VS anymore without getting "Unknown Error" which luckily I got rid of thanks to another post in SO.
Why is this happening in the new VS 2017? I never had any problem installing extensions or updates while running a Restricted User Account.

IntelliSense and browsing information will not be available for C++ projects

In Visual Studio trying to create a blank C++ project Win32 Console Application my app Settings are
Console application
Check empty project
Precompiled headers is unchecked
Visual Studio tries to set it all up and then gives me the follow error:
Everything works except project has zero IntelliSense.
Here is what I tried so far:
I tried to install latest version of Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 it keeps telling me the version you are trying to install is an older version and the one I have - is the latest.
There was something about Fallback Location setting it to true, tried that still the same.
Tried to run VS in admin mode, the same error.
Maybe someone had similar problem?
I have had the same problem too. I figured out my problem by install Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows Desktop. The link is
May it can help you with your problem. good luck
I just had the same problem and solved it by starting Visual Studio as administrator.
The problem appeared, because I had previously started Visual Studio as admin, and the Debug Folder it created wasn't writable then for the normal user.
Otherwise: deletion of the Debug folder would presumably also have fixed the problem.

MFC DateTime picker format changes when I open visual studio

I have a form in which I have placed a MFC DateTimePicker control. I set its format property to Time. Work with my app and everything is fine. But when I close visual studio and open it the next time, format has changed to its default value.
I noticed everything saves just fine, since if I build my solution using devenv.exe at command line the dialogs are displayed correctly. So it seems to me that whenever I open VS, it changes my setting.
How do I avoid this?
Tried VS2010, the problem did not occur there. However the project I'm working on is using VS2003 so the problem still persists.
you are the 210th user of visual studio who found that bug but don't worry this will not show you from visual studio 2005 onward.
As per release note by Microsoft this issue came due to the,
behavior occurs because a problem exists in the Visual Studio .NET resource editor for Visual C++ projects.
For more information on this please seen following bug of visual studio resource editor.
FIX: The Format property of the DateTimePicker control reverts to Short Date in Visual Studio .NET 2003