Copying a Website Template to AWS LightSail Joomal Stack - templates

I have purchased a Joomla website template (including all content and images) from When I was originally developing the website on my local machine using MAMP I created a folder under the HTDOCS parent directory and access the website by typing 'localhost\folder name'.
I have attempted to copy the files to the '/opt/bitnami/apps/folder name' assuming that this would be the correct method given that /opt/bitnami/apps/ contains the folders and files for the phpmyadmin dashboard, however this doesn't seem to work.
I followed the instructions as per, but this doesn't work because the conf directory doesn't exist within the template files. I assume this is because the Bitnami Stack includes the conf and htdocs directories under the Joomla parent by default, whereas in MAMPS the htpdocs directory would be the parent to the directories containing the content and so forth.
Is there something I am missing from this process?
Thank you for your help.

I would advise you the following:
First make a backup of /opt/bitnami/apps/joomla
Once the backup is done. Copy the template to /opt/bitnami/apps/joomla/htdocs
If it is a template with database contents you will also need to migrate the template database to mysql. The included phpmyadmin can be helpful.
You will probably have to modify the configuration files in case they are overwritten. Use the previously backed up folder for reference.


S3 Static site downloads index.html after uploading files

I have a static site that I served to s3 called
I wrote a script using boto3 to replace the files with new ones and since then, my site doesn't open - instead it downloads the index.html file.
From what I can tell, I didn't change any settings. The site was working fine before I re-uploaded the files. Since then, I deleted all the files and re-uploaded them manually, but I am still running into the same error.
I thought this might have to do with the file types, but they were the correct text/html file types when re-uploading manually and I am adjusting my script to specify file types when calling put_object instead of upload_file with boto3.
Static site hosting is turned on for that bucket and public permissions to read are set. I'm just not sure how s3 all of a sudden won't serve my static site.
I followed the answer here, but I don't see a Content-Disposition property.
Any help would be appreciated - web development is not my strong suit!

VuePress build deletes CNAME file in ./docs needed for Github Pages custom domain

I'm trying to get VuePress to work well with GitHub Pages and a custom domain. I have the site working -- (repo) -- as long as I manually add a CNAME file to my output folder ('./dest', or in my case, './docs', because that's where GitHub Pages looks for the site) every time after I issue a build command. Otherwise, I assume the build command deletes everything in my output folder and rebuilds the entire site.
Is there a way to get vuepress build to either leave that file alone, or copy a CNAME file from my ./src to my ./docs? Should I be looking at the configureWebpack config to use webpack to do it? (I'm new to webpack.)
Different product completely, but I noticed that Docusaurus for React has a CNAME config setting that does this for you, so I thought I'd check to see if the VuePress community had something similar.
See relative document
Sometimes you may need to provide static assets that are not directly referenced in any of your Markdown or theme components - for example, favicons and PWA icons. In such cases, you can put them inside .vuepress/public and they will be copied to the root of the generated directory.

dotCMS backup from .zip

I have a problem with dotCMS. I have a site which is uploaded to the Internet and I want to export it to take care of this site locally on my computer. I've downloaded all data/assets from Maintenance -> Export dotCMS Content. I have a zip file with all content from this site. I managed and configured dotCMS locally on my computer. I have no idea how I can get access in dotCMS to my site from that zip file. In Maintenance menu I have no option to upload this site. I've read about folder dotCMS/ but I don't have anything like that. Can anyone tell step by step, how can I manage my site from zip file locally? Thx
Create a new database for dotCMS and replace the with your downloaded .zip. Start dotCMS and it should import your site on initial startup. There are some caveats - the databases and versions should match from the server you've downloaded the .zip from.
So to add a couple things to Will's answer in case a few more details help:
The easiest way to do what Will advised may be to start with a new dotCMS distribution.
Make sure the versions of both dotCMS and the database in the new installation match those of the site you made the backup from.
Go through all the normal install steps (including setting up a database), but before you actually start dotCMS, replace the file in the ROOT (/dotserver/tomcat-8.0.18/webapps/ROOT) with your own ZIP file (renaming your file to
Alternately, if you want to start with an existing install.
You still need to make sure the dotCMS and database versions match those of the site you backed up.
You still need to replace the file with your backup ZIP file.
In addition, make sure you create a new DB (and update the context.xml file to point to it) before you start up dotCMS. If you don't do this, the file (your backup) will not get read when dotCMS starts up.

Azure Web Job writes files in a website's directory

I attached a Web Job to my Azure website. The webjob prepares a file and I want to save it on a proper folder in the website.
Environment.CurrentDirectory run on the script returns a path under a Temp directory: Temp\jobs\triggered\WEBJOBNAME\q0uwrohv.x5e
I tried to go down on the directory tree:
string path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, #"..\..\..\..\..\Data")
But it doesn't work:
How to make and save files from WebJob to a particular path?
I don't want to use blob store.
The path for the root of your Azure Web Site is (usually) d:\home\site\wwwroot.
d:\home is also stored in an environment setting called %HOME%.
To get more insight on the different paths you can use on your site go to:
https://{sitename}, there' you'll have the Debug Console where you can browse through your site and Environment to see all the environment variables you can use.
Your WebJob will have access to the same paths/environment as your Web Site.
For more information on this administration site go to:
try the following instead of putting a file location in the value parameter just put this as I show you here
you can do it in the app.config file
add key="app:TempFolderPath" value="~/temp/"/
add key="app:TempReportDirectory" value="~/temp/"/
the web job will automatically put in this location of
D:\local\Temp\jobs\continuous\ImporterWebJob\yex3ad1c.3wo\~\temp\...your file...
I hope this will not give you any errors.

Templates Folder in Magnolia CMS 5

I am setting up a Magnolia-based website and trying to place a template script into the templates folder in the webapp. However, I cannot find that folder anywhere. All tutorials say that, if I go to this directory magnolia-5.0/apache-tomcat-7.0.40/webapps/magnoliaAuthor in my enviroment, I can get it, but I haven't managed it.
I attach an screenshot of my magnoliaAuthor folder in which every folder that is supposed to be there actually is, except for the only one that I need (templates).
Hope you can help me with this. Thanks!
What kind of template?
If it is jsp, you can just place it anywhere you want in that folder and reference it from the template definition.
If it is freemarker template, those are by default served from either the classpath or from repository, so for testing you can just upload it to the repo via templates app http://yourtomcat:port/magnoliaAuthor/.magnolia/admincentral#app:templatesApp:;
BTW if you install samples module (add magnolia-templating-samples.jar in your WEB-INF folder), it will create folder "templates" in your webapp and extract sample jsp templates in that folder.