Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise : Web Essential 2017 not working - visual-studio-2017

I have installed the VS 2017 Enterprise but still having trouble to understand why Web Essential tools 2017 not working in my installed IDE. It's appearing in the Tools menu as "Reset Web Essential". Except this nothing is working let say the simple AddFile extension packed with it! when go to Tools->options nothing about it is here!
i already have restored my VS uninstalling Resharper ultimate but still nothing!


Moving from Visual Studio 2017 Pro to Community Edition

I was using VS 2017 Pro, and the license ran out. Now using VS 2017 CE. I have the CE edition working with the AWS code commit, and SSRS package. Wondering if uninstalling the PRO edition will cause any issues for the CE edition, AWS code commit, or SSRS.
You can safely uninstall the PRO edition without changing anything within the CE edition as they are different products and can exist side by side. With that being said, as long as you have the Visual Studio Installer on your machine, you can install any required packages needed that act as an 'update' on top of the CE edition.
I would uninstall the PRO edition via the Visual Studio Installer as it promts at the end if you want to use another version of Visual Studio, backup and settings you may have as that is known to be deleted for some reason.
You can read about backing up settings here.

Upgrading from visual studio 2017 community to Pro

I have been using the Community edition of Visual studio 2017 but now my office has purchased a Visual Studio 2017 Pro License key.
Is there a way in which I can upgrade using just the license key..?? without re-installing the software..?
I have tried following the steps in this Link
But I cant find the
License with a Product Key
NOTE: I have already signed in with my Microsoft account.
I have read this link
But it looks like the guy has already installed 2017 enterprise edition and then changed his license key.
We cannot upgrade VS 2017 from community to the Professional version, but we can keep those VS versions (community/professional/enterprise) on the same computer which is different with the previous VS versions, so you can download and install the VS professional 2017 without uninstall the existing VS community 2017.
BTW, the VS community 2017 is free and we can unlock it through sign in with the Microsoft account, but there have the license terms to check we have the freely use right or not, please check this and if not meet those requirements, please uninstall it.
I had this same concern at my job. My Visual Studio subscription was not available right away, but I wanted to start looking at code, so I installed Visual Studio 2022 Community.
Later, when I had access to my subscription, I removed Community using Visual Studio Installer and choosing More -> Uninstall. After that I logged on to the subscriber portal and downloaded and installed Professional.
Everything is working like normal now.

Visual Studio 2017 can't install Resharper ultimate

I have visual studio 2017 professional installed.
I installed Resharper Ultimate (as admin) and it said completed successfully, however there is no Resharper menu item in VS, and it's not found under Tools -> Options.
I have licenses for both.
I tried completely uninstalling Visual Studio and reinstalling, but still same result.
Edit: Resharper Ultimate is visible in the Installed Extensions and Updates menu, but nowhere else.
Anything else I could try?
If anyone has this issue, I found the solution in the comments here:
I had to delete %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_{some ID}\privateregistry.bin and privateregistry.user.bin file, and then run repair on Resharper installer.

Edit & continue not working in VS2015 Update 3 (x64)

After a bit of nightmare getting Vs2015 update 3 installed, as per this related question, I rebuilt my MFC C++ project to see how the update performed only to find Edit and Continue is no longer working! Specifically, making any change to any file and using Debug / Apply Code changes i get the following;
myfile.CPP ......\common\myfile.CPP(1): fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Did you
forget to add '#include "\cpp\common\stdafx.h"' to your source?
Project : error (null) : Build errors occurred.
The first include in the source file is
#include "\cpp\common\StdAfx.h"
This worked most of the time under update 2, but edit and continue was failing and reporting that it had succeeded reasonably regularly. Only reason I installed this update as it was supposed to fix this issue but now it is broken entirely and I'm looking at a full uninstall, and re-install of VS2015 update 2 over the weekend.
Anyone else hitting this problem and have a solution? Could possibly be a dodgy installation as even on the full ISO install, the installer failed with missing files and I had to skip two sections. Given this is a release and not a release candidate, the QA seems abysmal, I fail to see why a release version would include any beta functionality. VS2015 detail below;
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 Version 14.0.25421.03 Update
3 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.6.01055
Installed Version: Professional
LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2015 00325-60000-80195-AA437 Microsoft
LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2015
Visual Basic 2015 00325-60000-80195-AA437 Microsoft Visual Basic
Visual C# 2015 00325-60000-80195-AA437 Microsoft Visual C# 2015
Visual C++ 2015 00325-60000-80195-AA437 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015
Application Insights Tools for Visual Studio Package 7.0.20622.1
Application Insights Tools for Visual Studio
ASP.NET and Web Tools 2015.1 (Beta8) 14.1.11106.0 ASP.NET and Web
Tools 2015.1 (Beta8)
ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2012.2 4.1.41102.0 For additional
information, visit
ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2013 5.2.40314.0 For additional
information, visit
Common Azure Tools 1.8 Provides common services for use by Azure
Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.
InstallShield Limited Edition InstallShield. For more information
visit the Flexera Software website at Copyright © 2015 Flexera Software
LLC. All Rights Reserved.
JavaScript Language Service 2.0 JavaScript Language Service
JavaScript Project System 2.0 JavaScript Project System
Microsoft Azure Mobile Services Tools 1.4 Microsoft Azure Mobile
Services Tools
PreEmptive Analytics Visualizer 1.2 Microsoft Visual Studio
extension to visualize aggregated summaries from the PreEmptive
Analytics product.
SQL Server Data Tools 14.0.60519.0 Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools
TypeScript TypeScript tools for Visual Studio
Visual Assist For more information about Visual Assist, see the
Whole Tomato Software website at Copyright
(c) 1997-2016 Whole Tomato Software, Inc.
Visual Commander 2.3 For more information about Visual Commander,
see the website at
Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Vlasov Studio.
Visual Studio Tools for Universal Windows Apps 14.0.25420.01 The
Visual Studio Tools for Universal Windows apps allow you to build a
single universal app experience that can reach every device running
Windows 10: phone, tablet, PC, and more. It includes the Microsoft
Windows 10 Software Development Kit.
(Apologies for the ranty nature of this question, but I also put it up as a caveat for those thinking of installing this update)
Following on from the same discussion on MSDN here a breaking change in update 3 is as follows
Allow Precompiling (Native only): The debug option Debug > Options >
General > Allow Precompiling (Native only) is no longer supported with
Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 and the default debugger. This is a legacy
setting for a marginal performance improvement that has no functional
Disabling the above and doing a rebuild all fixes edit and continue.

VSU 2012 - Relase Project error on other computer (SQLCE)

Recently, i finished my large application project. I used database : SQL Compact, because i was reading and i read, that it's a local database, so i was very happy :). Troubles coming soon when I finally finished my application. The first thing, which i did, is try to open it on other computer, without difference software (visual studios etc.).
But it's error with SQL CE.
I searched solution for it for one week, but all, which i found it's for older versions of Visual Studio.
I'm have Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate Edition (i'm writting in C++) and i don't know what i can do now.
System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException (0x80004005): Unable to load
the native components of SQL Server Compact corresponding to the
ADO.NET provider version 8876. Install the correct version of SQL
Server Compact. See article 974247 in the Knowledge Base for more
Please help me ;X
SQL Server Compact is included on the Visual Studio 2012 DVD. You can start the installation using the following steps
Insert your Visual Studio 2012 DVD
Open the DVD in Windows Explorer
Navigate to the packages folder
Navigate to the SSCE40 folder
Run SSCERuntime_x64-???.exe for 64bit and SSCERuntime_x86-???.exe for 32bit where ??? indicates the language. For instance the 64 bit English language version is named SSCERuntime_x64-enu.exe
Choose the installation options that meet your requirements and start the installation.
If you do not have your Visual Studio 2012 DVD handy you can download SQL Server Compact from the MSDN website.