The meaning of sigma_s and sigma_r in detailEnhance function on OpenCV - c++

The detailEnhance function provided by openCV have parameters InputArray, OutputArray, sigma_s and sigma_r. What does sigma s and r mean and what is it used for?
Here is the source:
Thank you in advance.

sigma_s controls how much the image is smoothed - the larger its value, the more smoothed the image gets, but it's also slower to compute.
sigma_r is important if you want to preserve edges while smoothing the image. Small sigma_r results in only very similar colors to be averaged (i.e. smoothed), while colors that differ much will stay intact.
See also:


How to use buildOpticalFlowPyramid?

I'm using OpenCV 3.3.1. I want to do a semi-dense optical flow operation using cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK, but I've been getting some really noticeable slowdown whenever my ROI is pretty big (Partly due to the fact that I am letting the user decide what the winSize should be, ranging from from 10 to 100). Anyways, it seems like cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid can mitigate the slowdown by building image pyramids? I'm sorta familiar what image pyramids are, but in context of the function, I'm especially confused about what parameters I pass in, and how it impacts my function call to cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK. With that in mind, I now have these set of questions:
The output is, according to the documentation, is an OutputArrayOfArrays, which I take it can be a vector of cv::Mat objects. If so, what do I pass in to cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK for prevImg and nextImg (assuming that I need to make image pyramids for both)?
According to the docs for cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid, you need to pass in a winSize parameter in order to calculate required padding for pyramid levels. If so, do you pass in the same winSize value when you eventually call cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK?
What exactly are the arguments for pyrBorder and derivBorder doing?
Lastly, and apologies if it sounds newbish, but what is the purpose of this function? I always assumed that cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK internally builds the image pyramids. Is it just to speed up the optical flow operation?
I hope my questions were clear, I'm still very new to OpenCV, and computer vision, but this topic is very interesting.
Thank you for your time.
I used the function to see if my guess was correct, so far it has worked, but I've seen no noticeable speed up. Below is how I used it:
// Building pyramids
int maxLvl = 3;
maxLvl = cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid(imgPrev, imPyr1, cv::Size(searchSize, searchSize), maxLvl, true);
maxLvl = cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid(tmpImg, imPyr2, cv::Size(searchSize, searchSize), maxLvl, true);
// LK optical flow call
cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(imPyr1, imPyr2, currentPoints, nextPts, status, err,
cv::Size(searchSize, searchSize), maxLvl, termCrit, 0, 0.00001);
So now I'm wondering what's the purpose of preparing the image pyramids if calcOpticalFlowPyrLK does it internally?
So the point of your question is that you are trying to improve speed of optical flow tracking by tuning your input parameters.
If you want dirty and quick answer then here it is
KTL (OpenCV's calcOpticalFlowPyrLK) define a e residual function which are sum of gradient of point inside search window .
The main purpose is to find vector of point that can minimize residual function
So if you increase search window size (winSize) then it is more difficult to find that set of points.
If your really really want to do that then please read the official paper.
See the section 2.4
I took it from official document
Hope that help

Normalizing output of opencv idft call

I am using opencv to compute a butterworth filter of an image. The image in questions is a physical parameter, i.e. the pressure, in some units, at every nodal point. It is not just gray scale or color values.
I have followed the examples here:
I have successfully implemented this filter. I.E. I can DFT, create the filter kernel, apply it, and inverse Fourier transform back.
However, the magnitude of the values after the idft are completely off.
In particular, I replicate lines of code that can be found in both the above links:
// Perform Inverse Fourier Transform
idft(complexImg, complexImg);
split(complexImg, planes);
imgOutput = planes[0].clone();
In the above code segment,
1.) I compute the idft of complexImg and save it to complexImg.
2.) I split complexImg into real and imaginary parts (which is saved in planes[0] and planes[1], respectively)
3.) I save the save the real part to imgOutput as my original image was real.
However, if the original image, i.e. imgInput had a mean value of the order of O(10^-1), imgOutput has a mean value of the order of O(10^4 to 10^5). It seems some type of normalization is needed? In the above example links, the values are normalized between 0 and 1 for viewing purposes, but that is not what I need.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
The problem was solved by normalizing by 2*N, where N is the number of pixels in the image.
imgOutput = imgOutput/imgOutput.cols/imgOutput.rows/2;
According to the documentation:
None of dft and idft scales the result by default. So, you should pass DFT_SCALE to one of dft or idft explicitly to make these transforms mutually inverse.
Therefore something liek this would fix it:

OpenCV HSV weird converted

I am working on project what detect hematoma from skin. I am having issue with color after convertion from RGB to HSV. My algorithm detect hematoma by its color.
With some images I have good results like here:
Original img:
Result img:
But with some images i have bad result like this:
Original img:
Result img:
The same original image after convertion to HSV:
Do you have any ideas how to fix it?
Looking at your result image I think that you are only using the H channel of the original image in your algorithm. The false positive detection can inherit from that the some part of the healty skin has quite the same H value than the hematoma has. You can see on the qrey-scale image of H channel that both parts have similar values:
The difference between the two parts is the saturation value. On the following image you can see the S channel of the original image and it shows perfectly that at the hematoma the saturation is much higher than at other the part of the arm:
This was expected because the hematoma has much stronger color than the healty skin has.
So, I suggest you to use both H and S channel in your algorithm that is you have to take into account only that parts of H image where the S image contains high saturation values. A possible and simple solution to do that is that you binarize both H and S images and with an AND operation you can execute this filtering:
H image after binarisation:
S image after binarisation:
Image after H&S operation:
You can see that on the result image only the hematoma part is white (except some noise but you can eliminate easily, for example by size or by morphological filtering).
Important to note that binarization is one of most important (and sometimes also very complicated) step in the object detection algorithms namely binarization is the first highlight of the objects to detect.
If the the external conditions (lighting, color of objects etc.) do not change significantly from image to image you can use fix binaraziation thresholds. If this constant environment can not be issured you have to use more complicated methods. There are a lot of possibilies you can use, here you can read some examples:
Wikipedia - Thresholding
Wikipedia - Balanced histogram thresholding
Several solutions are based on the histogram analysis: on the histograms with objects there are always more local maximums which positions can vary depend on the environment and if you find them you can adapt the binarization threshold easily.
For example the histogram of the H channel of the original image is the following:
The first maximum belongs to the background, the second to the skin and the last to the hematome. It can be supposed that these 3 thresholds can be found in each image only their positions vary depend on the lighting or on other conditions. To put a threshold between the 2nd and the 3rd local maximum it can be a good choice to highlight the hematome.
Finally I offer you the read the following articel about thresholding in OpenCV:
OpenCV - Thresholding

How to filter a single column mat with Gaussian in OpenCV

I have mat with only one column and 1600 rows. I want to filter it using a Gaussian.
I tried the following:
Mat AFilt=Mat(palm_contour.size(),1,CV_32F);
But I get the exact same values in AFilt (the filtered mat) and A. It looks like GaussianBlur has done nothing.
What's the problem here? How can I smooth a single-column mat with a Gaussian kernel?
I read about BaseColumnFilt, but haven't seen any usage examples so I'm not sure how to use them.
Any help given will be greatly appreciated as I don't have a clue.
I'm working with OpenCV 2.4.5 on windows 8 using Visual Studio 2012.
You have a single column but you are specifying the width of the gaussian to be big instead of specifying the height! OpenCV use row,col or x,y notation depending on the context. A general rule is whenever you use Point or Size, they behave like x,y and whenever the parameters are separate values they behave like row,col.
The kernel size should also be odd. If you specify the kernel size you can set sigma to zero to let OpenCV compute a suitable sigma value.
To conclude, this should work better:
The documentation og GaussianBlur says the kernel size must be odd, I would try using an odd size kernel and see if that makes any difference

Perlin's Noise with OpenGL

I was studying Perlin's Noise through some examples # and couldn't help to notice that his make3DNoiseTexture() in perlin.c uses noise3(ni) instead of PerlinNoise3D(...)
Now why is that? Isn't Perlin's Noise supposed to be a summation of different noise frequencies and amplitudes?
Qestion 2 is what does ni, inci, incj, inck stand for? Why use ni instead of x,y coordinates? Why is ni incremented with
inci = 1.0 / (Noise3DTexSize / frequency);
I see Hugo Elias created his Perlin2D with x,y coordinates, and so does PerlinNoise3D(...).
Thanks in advance :)
I now understand why and am going to answer my own question in hopes that it helps other people.
Perlin's Noise is actually a synthesis of gradient noises. In its production process, we must compute the dot product of a vector pointing from one of the corners flooring the input point to the input point itself with the random-generated gradient vector.
Now if the input point were a whole number, such as the xyz coordinates of a texture you want to create, the dot product would always return 0, which would give you a flat noise. So instead, we use inci, incj, inck as an alternative index. Yep, just an index, nothing else.
Now returning to question 1, there are two methods to implement Perlin's Noise:
1.Calculate the noise values separately and store them in the RGBA slots in the texture
2.Synthesize the noises up before-hand and store them in one of the RGBA slots in the texture
noise3(ni) is the actual implementation of method 1, while PerlinNoise3D(...) suggests the latter.
In my personal opinion, method 1 is much better because you have much more flexibility over how you use each octave in your shaders.
My guess on the reason for using noise3(ni) in make3DNoiseTexture() instead if PerlinNoise3D(...) is that when you use that noise texture in your shader you want to be able to replicate and modify the functionality of PerlinNoise3D(...) directly in the shader.
My guess for the reasoning behind ni, inci, incj, inck is that using x,y,z of the volume directly don't give a good result so by scaling the the noise with the frequency instead it is possible to adjust the resolution of the noise independently from the volume size.