Git repository/solution with projects as submodules - c++

I have an interesting configuration I might be going completely wrong about.
I have a solution that has it's own project, and another two projects that are loaded from two separate submodules of the repository.
I use those projects to build two libraries I use for my own project and then use the pre-build event of the main project to copy freshly built .dlls to the output folder of my project.
However, I've come to a snag. One of the submodule projects is using multi-byte character set, while the other one uses unicode character set.
I can change the character set of my own project, but I cannot change anything within the submodules since I'm changing just my local copy - anyone else who clones the repository would still get the unchanged version.
Is there a way I can somehow edit the project properties via some sort of pre-built event of another project, or something similar?
Doing it this way ensures that anyone who tries to modify project has the .dll version compiled on their own machine. Is that worth the effort or am I just over-complicating things? Should I just compile the libraries and then add the compiled .dlls to my project and leave the submodules out of it?


TFS Build 2015 - Using Globally Referred Files in Every Build

So, we are in this process of migrating XAML Builds to vNext (2015) Builds on TFS, and we are trying to "do things as clean as possible", since we had many, many customizations on the XAML builds that could be avoided and actually gave us problems along the way.
One major issue we are facing is with paths and "global files". Let me explain:
There are some files that, for commodity reasons, we have on a single place and every SLN file on that Collection refers them. Those files are such ones as Code Analysis RuleSets, Signing Files (SNK), etc. So the change is made in one place only and it affects every build.
Well, in XAML Builds we have a Build that runs with CI that downloads (Gets) those files, and since we hammered-in the same exact pathing for TFS and Machine (with a environment variable for the beginning of the path), the path is the same on the Developers and Build machines. However, this creates dependencies between builds and workspace issues.
My question here is, is there a configuration that I am missing that allows referring to files in other branches other than the build one? Since I’m trying to keep the build machines as “disposable” as possible, it’s running with an Agent Config Out of the Box: No custom paths, no hardwiring.
I already tried referring the files directly with their source control path, for example. The only options I’m seeing are either creating a PowerShell/CMD Script that downloads those files right into the same folder as the SLN or keeping it “as it is” and use relative paths putting a “Build” Build Step before the actual Build Step so it downloads the files to the server.
Isn’t there an “Elegant” way of doing this? Or is our methodology wrong from the get go?
You can add a Copy Files step to copy the files that the build needs:

What is the SVN best practice for storing source when developing and testing with IDEs?

I do a fair amount of personal development on my computer and have used TortoiseSVN (I'm on windows) for web projects, but haven't used any version control for other languages. Anyways, soon I will be starting a decent sized C++ project and was going to try using SVN for it.
For web development, I normally just used notepad++ and it was really easy to manage it with SVN (just commit the whole source folder). However, for this project I will be using an IDE (most likely Eclipse CDT or Visual Studio) and was wondering what the best practice is to manage all of the IDE, project, and binary files. My guess was to make the IDE project outside of the version control, and just point to all of the source files into the SVN so all of the build and project files aren't committed. This way the only files in the SVN would be the .cpp and .h files.
However, if I wanted to switch to a new branch, then I would need to update the location of all of the source and headers to the new folder which seems like it would be a huge hassle.
Whats the best way to handle this?
Ok, it seem I misgot the aim of the question in the first round. Now I'm assuming what is asked really to what to put under source control and what not.
Well, naturally everything but temporary/transient files.
If you install GitExtensions, it right away has a feature to populate the .gitignore file. Certainly depending on language you adjust it. Sure, solution, project, make files belong under control. .USER files storing some IDE preferences do not. As both IDEs and source control is ubiquitously used the content is fairly separated for many years, and should be pretty obvious as you do it.
External dependencies normally also shall be in a repo, though choice shall be made in which one. Some store everything together, others keep one dependency repo, others separate repos per component -- all depends on actual components and workflow. And you can replace physical storage of deps by an info file with stable links to the used version. It may also be covered later on the first change in dependencies.
For Visual Studio, there is a plugin that manages your files for you. As long as the files are part of the project, then they will be put into source control by the plugin. See ankhsvn for plugin info. Note that the express versions of Visual Studio are not supported.
I am sure eclipse has a plugin for SVN as well.

C++ Using projects instead of libs

I have a huge solution in VS2010 that includes several projects.
I am basically working with one of these projects.
This project needs the other projects.
However, they are currently linked with this one project only by Properties->Linker->Input.
These Input dependencies are filled by project1.lib, project2.lib, etc.
Does anybody know how I can make my project use the actual projects instead of their libs?
I am asking because I want to strip down the code, and if I remove something from the other projects, I would still have to generate the libs to actually see the changes.
That is why I would like to link directly to the other projects so that any changes are "visible" immediately.
You can use Project references
Project properties->Common Properties->References

CMake: how best to build multiple (optional) subprojects?

Imagine an overall project with several components:
Now, let's say web depends on io which depends on basic, and all those things are in one repo and have a CMakeLists.txt to build them as shared libraries.
How should I set things up so that I can build the three apps, if each of them is optional and may not be present at build time?
One idea is to have an empty "apps" directory in the main repo and we can clone whichever app repos we want into that. Our main CMakeLists.txt file can use GLOB to find all the app directories and build them (not knowing in advance how many there will be). Issues with this approach include:
Apparently CMake doesn't re-glob when you just say make, so if you add a new app you must run cmake again.
It imposes a specific structure on the person doing the build.
It's not obvious how one could make two clones of a single app and build them both separately against the same library build.
The general concept is like a traditional recursive CMake project, but where the lower-level modules don't necessarily know in advance which higher-level ones will be using them. Yet, I don't want to require the user to install the lower-level libraries in a fixed location (e.g. /usr/local/lib). I do however want a single invocation of make to notice changed dependencies across the entire project, so that if I'm building an app but have changed one of the low-level libraries, everything will recompile appropriately.
My first thought was to use the CMake import/export target feature.
Have a CMakeLists.txt for basic, io and web and one CMakeLists.txt that references those. You could then use the CMake export feature to export those targets and the application projects could then import the CMake targets.
When you build the library project first the application projects should be able to find the compiled libraries automatically (without the libraries having to be installed to /usr/local/lib) otherwise one can always set up the proper CMake variable to indicate the correct directory.
When doing it this way a make in the application project won't do a make in the library project, you would have to take care of this yourself.
Have multiple CMakeLists.txt.
Many open-source projects take this appraoch (LibOpenJPEG, LibPNG, poppler &etc). Take a look at their CMakeLists.txt to find out how they've done this.
Basically allowing you to just toggle features as required.
I see two additional approaches. One is to simply have basic, io, and web be submodules of each app. Yes, there is duplication of code and wasted disk space, but it is very simple to implement and guarantees that different compiler settings for each app will not interfere with each other across the shared libraries. I suppose this makes the libraries not be shared anymore, but maybe that doesn't need to be a big deal in 2011. RAM and disk have gotten cheaper, but engineering time has not, and sharing of source is arguably more portable than sharing of binaries.
Another approach is to have the layout specified in the question, and have CMakeLists.txt files in each subdirectory. The CMakeLists.txt files in basic, io, and web generate standalone shared libraries. The CMakeLists.txt files in each app directory pull in each shared library with the add_subdirectory() command. You could then pull down all the library directories and whichever app(s) you wanted and initiate the build from within each app directory.
You can use ADD_SUBDIRECTORY for this!
I ended up doing what I outlined in my question, which is to check in an empty directory (containing a .gitignore file which ignores everything) and tell CMake to GLOB any directories (which are put in there by the user). Then I can just say cmake myrootdir and it does find all the various components. This works more or less OK. It does have some side drawbacks though, such as that some third-party tools like BuildBot expect a more traditional project structure which makes integrating other tools with this sort of arrangement a little more work.
The CMake BASIS tool provides utilities where you can create independent modules of a project and selectively enable and disable them using the ccmake command.
Full disclosure: I'm a developer for the project.

How to create two mains in an eclipse C++ project

We've got a program which runs separately, executed with an execvp command. So it needs a main method, but I believe that poses a problem to eclipse with a managed make. Do we have to keep this code segregated into a separate project, or is there a way to incorporate it into the same eclipse project?
Create a project for each executable that has a main() function, and create an additional project to represent the software as a whole (a "container" project of sorts). Eclipse allows you to specify projects as dependencies of other projects, and in this case you will want to set up the container project to list the other projects as "Referenced Projects".
To do this, create the container project, then right-click on the project in the left-hand column (project explorer) and click "Properties". A dialog box will appear. Select the "Project References" item in the list on the left-hand side and you will see a list of all projects that Eclipse is currently working with. Check the boxes next to the projects for your individual executables, then click OK. Now, when you perform a build on the container project, Eclipse should automatically perform a build on these dependent projects as well.
When using sub-projects in this manner, I have (personally) found it useful to create a working set that includes the container project and all of the sub-projects (this can make searching the entire software project easier).
Keep it in the same project and use preprocessor defines which you define differently depending on what kind of main you want to include in the current project. Here the mains are in the same file, but they can of course reside in different files.
#if defined(MAIN_ONE)
int main()
// Do stuff
#elif defined(MAIN_TWO)
int main()
// Do some other stuff
If the makefile being invoked doesn't compile the 2 main() methods into the same executable, it won't cause a problem. I don't know how eclipse projects are handled - if it's like VS, where "project" means a single executable or library, and "solution" is a group of "projects", then it would seem you'd need more than one project. If, OTOH, a "project" can contain different "subprojects" where a "subproject" is an executable or library, you should be able to handle that easily.
I am not aware of any easy way to build two mains using Eclipse build system. The smallest change you need to do might be to move to makefiles and use makefile targets to build.
Instead, I'd advise you to move to using CMake. CMake can be used to generate makefiles to be used with eclipse. The advantage you get from using CMake is that you can easily state how to build the libraries and link the libraries to form the executables. CMake can generate builds for Eclipse, Visual Studio, Code Blocks, or makefiles (so you can use command prompt).
This is built in the C++ language. You would have to modify it to get your result. There is something to do 2 things at once if that is what you want.