unable to install OpenCV - c++

Hi guys really new to Visual Studio 2017 and im trying to get openCV into it to play around with the stuff, tried following the instructions from this How to can I install/configure OpenCV3.2.0 with Visual Studio 2017?
but my cmake keeps showing the error that the cmakelist is not in the folder, not sure what i should do any ideas?

I have encountered the same problem. I just comment # ocv_update(CUDA_LINK_LIBRARIES_KEYWORD "PRIVATE") in the file cmake/OpenCVDetectCUDA.cmake


installed visual code and its giving me include error | path/crtdbg

so i have installed visual code after trying to learn some basics. i have installed visual studio 2022 before so i have that on my computer. i tried changing the path but im still getting the same error. i have installed vs code on another drive. i was wondering if anyone know how to fix this or whats causing it. i attached a screenshot of terminal to so you can see the error for yourself.

Installing Magick++ in visual studio 2019

I have tried to install Magick++.h in visual studio 2019.
First I download ImageMagick++ and installed my pc. Then I copied include & library path to project properties. there is no error when I am writing the program. after compiling, there is a build error. Can someone help to solve this problem?

How to fix error with SFML ln VS 2017?

Hi i followed this video to set-up VS2017 for sfml using.
Youtube Video
I did what he says but when i debug project i get this error:
Error MSB6006 "CL.exe" exited with code -1073741515.
I find out on google that this is some sort of compiler error but not how to fix this. Can someone help me or point me to answer?
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 and i downloaded SFML: Visual C++ 14 (2015) - 32-bit
Indeed, you compiler crashed. The status code -1073741515 translates to 0xC0000135 which in turn translates to STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND. That is bad. That is not about the SFML dlls, but a library Visual Studio itself uses. Something is very wrong with your Visual Studio installation.
Chances are you will get the same error without using SFML.
I don't know what the tutorial did and I'm not going to watch a video to find out. Your best chance is to do a clean reinstall of your Visual Studio installation and then follow the official guide from the SFML homepage. That works.

Missing opencv_world300.lib while using visual studio 2015/2013

I'm trying to install OpenCV 3.0.0 to my project within MS Visual Studio 2013/2015 (two PCs). I'm doing same things as in tutorial described here http://tinyurl.com/cbdvucw, but on both PCs I get an error, saying that 'opencv_world300.lib is missing, try to reinstall programm'. I sure that it's not missing, I've set system variables: OPENCV_DIR: 'D:\opencv\build\x86\vc12' and added to PATH: '%OPENCV_DIR%\lib'. Restarted my computer, but Visual Studio says error above. All project properties are the same as in the tutorial. What should I do to solve this problem? Thanks.
You need to build the library again
Go back to cmake step and activate Build_opencv_world

opencv 2.4.3 configuration issue with visual studio 2010

I have tried to install and configure opencv and link it with visual studio 2010 in 32bit windows 7 but after all the configuration when i debug a piece of code i get this error really need help please help.
"error LNK1181: cannot open file 'opencv_calib3d243d.lib'"
"'opencv_calib3d243d.lib'" was included during the configuration, but still i get this error.
I have followed the coniguration procedure from here.
Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C++ 2010 Express
There might be 2 things that are the source of your woes:
You are trying to link to x64 instead of x86 (this is assuming that your OS is 32-bit, of course)
You haven't specified the Linker Directory properly.
I would advise you to use CMake to link your libraries as it will make your life a lot simpler.. Please refer to my answer to this question for details..