Pass Vector by Reference Then Call Clear - c++

I am curious if I have been dealing with undefined behavior when clearing the data_received vector in client.cpp after passing by reference? I have never had problems with invalid data but I can see where this might be an issue lurking. The vector is being passed by reference all the way to the final queue - meanwhile another thread will be dequeing at its own rate only after queue_event.notify_all() fires.
If this is an issue I believe a solution could be moving the clear just after the blocking client->receive call. Thoughts?
template <typename T>
class BlockingQueue {
std::queue<T> queue;
template <class T>
void BlockingQueue<T>::enqueue(T const &item)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk (queue_lock);
template <class T>
T BlockingQueue<T>::dequeue()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk (queue_lock);
if(queue_event.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::milliseconds(dequeue_timeout)) == std::cv_status::no_timeout)
T rval = queue.front();
return rval;
throw std::runtime_error("dequeue timeout");
void Client::read_from_server()
std::vector<uint8_t> data_received;
if (client->is_connected())
int returned;
memset(buf, 0, MAX_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE);
returned = client->receive(client->get_socket_descriptor(), buf, MAX_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE);
// should probably move data_received.clear() to here!!
if (returned > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < returned; i++)
if (incoming_queue)

I don't see any potential UB due to data_received.clear(); because the std::queue<T> queue; will hold copies of the passed items (vectors) when incoming_queue->enqueue(data_received); is called.
If the access to the queue is well synchronized, which seems to be the case, then the code should be safe.


MPSC Queue Design Issue (thread cannot join)

I have the following MpscQueue implementation
EDIT: added an is_running atomic, but problem still persists.
template<typename T>
class MpscQueue {
MpscQueue() = default;
MpscQueue(MpscQueue&&) = delete;
bool wait_and_pop(T& val, std::atomic<bool>& is_running) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
[this, &is_running]{ return queue.size() > 0 || !is_running; });
if (!is_running) return false;
val = std::move(queue.front());
return true;
template<typename U>
void push(U&& val) {
auto const is_empty = [&]{
auto const lock = std::unique_lock(mutex);
auto const res = queue.empty();
return res;
if (is_empty) cond_var.notify_one();
std::queue<T> queue;
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable cond_var;
I am attempting to pop a value like this
// At some point earlier
MpscQueue<Message> mailbox;
std::atomic<boo> is_running{true}; // Is set to false at a later time
void run_once() {
Message m;
mailbox.wait_and_pop(m, is_running);
// process_message(std::move(m));
The above code run_once is being fed into the thread constructor. My issue is that if I attempt to join the thread that this is on, it gets stuck in the condition variable wait condition. What would be the best way to solve this? I tried passing an atomic by reference as a parameter into wait_and_pop but it did not seem to be updating and also did not seem like a smart implementation decision.

Valgrind shows Leak_DefinitelyLost even after releasing the pointer

In some file called Tasks.h, I have the following function :-
void source_thread_func(BlockingQueue<Task> &bq, int num_ints)
std::cout<<"On source thread func"<<std::endl; // Debug
for (int i = 1; i <= num_ints; i++)
//Valgrind does not like this
std::unique_ptr<Task> task(new Task(i, i == num_ints));
std::cout<<"Pushing value = "<<i<<std::endl; // Debug
Task* tp = task.release();
assert (task.get() == nullptr);
delete tp;
and the relevant push function in the BlockingQueue is
void push(std::unique_ptr<T>& item)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> mlock(mutex_);
But, this still causes a leak when checking with Valgrind. Could you tell me where the leak is? I am attaching a screenshot of the valgrind result. How more can I delete this pointer?
Edit : Task doesn't contain a copy constructor (I've deleted it)
Further Edit : full example
namespace threadsx
class Task
Task(int val, bool sentinel = false)
m_val = val;
Sent = sentinel;
int m_val;
int Sent;
//disable copying
Task (const Task&) = delete;
void source_thread_func(BlockingQueue<Task> &bq, int num_ints)
std::cout<<"On source thread func"<<std::endl; // Debug
for (int i = 1; i <= num_ints; i++)
std::unique_ptr<Task> task(new Task(i, i == num_ints));
std::cout<<"Pushing value = "<<i<<std::endl; // Debug
Task* tp = task.release();
assert (task.get() == nullptr);
delete tp;
namespace threadsx
// -- Custom Blocking Q
template <typename T>
class BlockingQueue
std::queue<std::unique_ptr<T>> queue_;
std::mutex mutex_;
std::condition_variable cond_;
void push(std::unique_ptr<T>& item)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> mlock(mutex_);
BlockingQueue(const BlockingQueue&) = delete; // disable copying
BlockingQueue& operator=(const BlockingQueue&) = delete; // disable assignment
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int num_ints = 30;
int threshold = 5;
threadsx::BlockingQueue<threadsx::Task> q;
std::vector<int> t;
std::thread source_thread(threadsx::source_thread_func, std::ref(q), num_ints);
return 0;
The program that you show does not delete the Task that was allocated. push moves the ownership away from task, so tp is always null.
The ownership of the resource is transferred into queue_, and how that pointer is leaked (assuming valgrind is correct) is not shown in the example program.
Few quality issues:
As pointed out in the comments, it is usually a bad design to pass unique pointers by non-const reference. Pass by value when you intend to transfer ownership.
I've deleted the copy constructor on Task. Would passing by value still work?
Whether Task is copyable is irrelevant to whether a unique pointer can be passed by value. Unique pointer is movable regardless of the type of the pointed object, and therefore can be passed by value.
Don't release from a unique pointer just in order to delete the memory. Simply let the unique pointer go out of scope - its destructor takes care of deletion.
You are not allowed to delete the raw task, since the ownership is no longer yours.
void source_thread_func(BlockingQueue<Task>& bq, int num_ints)
std::cout<<"On source thread func"<<std::endl; // Debug
for (int i = 1; i <= num_ints; i++)
std::unique_ptr<Task> task = std::make_unique<Task>(i, i == num_ints);
Blocking Queue:
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <deque>
template <typename T>
class BlockingQueue {
void push(std::unique_ptr<T>&& item)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> mlock(mutex_);
std::unique_ptr<T> pop()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> mlock(mutex_);
if (queue_.empty()) {
cond_.wait(mlock, [this] { return !queue_.empty(); });
std::unique_ptr<T> ret = std::unique_ptr<T>(queue_.front().release());
return ret;
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<T>> queue_;
std::mutex mutex_;
std::condition_variable cond_;
If you want to spare yourself the headache of std::move, use shared_ptr instead

Thread-safe reference-counted queue C++

I'm struggling to implement a thread-safe reference-counted queue. The idea is that I have a number of tasks that each maintain a shared_ptr to a task manager that owns the queue. Here is a minimal implementation that should encounter that same issue:
#include <condition_variable>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
namespace {
class TaskManager;
struct Task {
std::function<void()> f;
std::shared_ptr<TaskManager> manager;
class Queue {
: _queue()
, _mutex()
, _cv()
, _running(true)
, _thread([this]() { sweepQueue(); })
~Queue() { close(); }
void close() noexcept
try {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
if (!_running) {
_running = false;
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "An error occurred while closing the queue\n";
void push(Task&& task)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
void sweepQueue() noexcept
while (true) {
try {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
_cv.wait(lock, [this] { return !_running || !_queue.empty(); });
if (!_running && _queue.empty()) {
if (!_queue.empty()) {
const auto task = _queue.front();
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "An error occurred while sweeping the queue\n";
std::deque<Task> _queue;
std::mutex _mutex;
std::condition_variable _cv;
bool _running;
std::thread _thread;
class TaskManager : public std::enable_shared_from_this<TaskManager> {
void addTask(std::function<void()> f)
_queue.push({ f, shared_from_this() });
Queue _queue;
} // anonymous namespace
int main(void)
const auto manager = std::make_shared<TaskManager>();
manager->addTask([]() { std::cout << "Hello world\n"; });
The problem I find is that on rare occasions, the queue will try to invoke its own destructor within the sweepQueue method. Upon further inspection, it seems that the reference count on the TaskManager hits zero once the last task is dequeued. How can I safely maintain the reference count without invoking the destructor?
Update: The example does not clarify the need for the std::shared_ptr<TaskManager> within Task. Here is an example use case that should illustrate the need for this seemingly unnecessary ownership cycle.
std::unique_ptr<Task> task;
const auto manager = std::make_shared<TaskManager>();
task = std::make_unique<Task>(someFunc, manager);
// Guarantees manager is not destroyed while task is still in scope.
The ownership hierarchy here is TaskManager owns Queue and Queue owns Tasks. Tasks maintaining a shared pointer to TaskManager create an ownership cycle which does not seem to serve a useful purpose here.
This is the ownership what is root of the problem here. A Queue is owned by TaskManager, so that Queue can have a plain pointer to TaskManager and pass that pointer to Task in sweepQueue. You do not need std::shared_pointer<TaskManager> in Task at all here.
I'd refactor the queue from the thread first.
But to fix your problem:
struct am_I_alive {
explicit operator bool() const { return m_ptr.lock(); }
std::weak_ptr<void> m_ptr;
struct lifetime_tracker {
am_I_alive track_lifetime() {
if (!m_ptr) m_ptr = std::make_shared<bool>(true);
return {m_ptr};
lifetime_tracker() = default;
lifetime_tracker(lifetime_tracker const&) {} // do nothing, don't copy
lifetime_tracker& operator=(lifetime_tracker const&){ return *this; }
std::shared_ptr<void> m_ptr;
this is a little utility to detect if we have been deleted. It is useful in any code that calls an arbitrary callback whose side effect could include delete(this).
Privately inherit your Queue from it.
Then split popping the task from running it.
std::optional<Task> get_task() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
_cv.wait(lock, [this] { return !_running || !_queue.empty(); });
if (!_running && _queue.empty()) {
return {}; // end
auto task = _queue.front();
return task;
void sweepQueue() noexcept
while (true) {
try {
auto task = get_task();
if (!task) return;
// we are alive here
auto alive = track_lifetime();
try {
} catch(...) {
std::cerr << "An error occurred while running a task\n";
// we could be deleted here
if (!alive)
return; // this was deleted, get out of here
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "An error occurred while sweeping the queue\n";
and now you are safe.
After that you need to deal with the thread problem.
The thread problem is that you need your code to destroy the thread from within the thread it is running. At the same time, you also need to guarantee that the thread has terminated before main ends.
These are not compatible.
To fix that, you need to create a thread owning pool that doesn't have your "keep alive" semantics, and get your thread from there.
These threads don't delete themselves; instead, they return themselves to that pool for reuse by another client.
At shutdown, those threads are blocked on to ensure you don't have code running elsewhere that hasn't halted before the end of main.
To write such a pool without your inverted dependency mess, split the queue part of your code off. This queue owns no thread.
template<class T>
struct threadsafe_queue {
void push(T);
std::optional<T> pop(); // returns empty if thread is aborted
void abort();
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable v;
std::deque<T> data;
bool aborted = false;
then a simple thread pool:
struct thread_pool {
template<class F>
std::future<std::result_of_t<F&()>> enqueue( F&& f );
template<class F>
std::future<std::result_of_t<F&()>> thread_off_now( F&& f ); // starts a thread if there aren't any free
void abort();
void start_thread( std::size_t n = 1 );
std::size_t count_threads() const;
threadsafe_queue< std::function<void()> > tasks;
std::vector< std::thread > threads;
static void thread_loop( thread_pool* pool );
make a thread pool singleton. Get your threads for your queue from thread_off_now method, guaranteeing you a thread that (when you are done with it) can be recycled, and whose lifetime is handled by someone else.
But really, you should instead be thinking with ownership in mind. The idea that tasks and task queues mutually own each other is a mess.
If someone disposes of a task queue, it is probably a good idea to abandon the tasks instead of persisting it magically and silently.
Which is what my simple thread pool does.

A shared recursive mutex in standard C++

There is a shared_mutex class planned for C++17. And shared_timed_mutex already in C++14. (Who knows why they came in that order, but whatever.) Then there is a recursive_mutex and a recursive_timed_mutex since C++11. What I need is a shared_recursive_mutex. Did I miss something in the standard or do I have to wait another three years for a standardized version of that?
If there is currently no such facility, what would be a simple (first priority) and efficient (2nd priority) implementation of such a feature using standard C++ only?
Recursive property of the mutex operates with the term "owner", which in case of a shared_mutex is not well-defined: several threads may have .lock_shared() called at the same time.
Assuming "owner" to be a thread which calls .lock() (not .lock_shared()!), an implementation of the recursive shared mutex can be simply derived from shared_mutex:
class shared_recursive_mutex: public shared_mutex
void lock(void) {
std::thread::id this_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
if(owner == this_id) {
// recursive locking
else {
// normal locking
owner = this_id;
count = 1;
void unlock(void) {
if(count > 1) {
// recursive unlocking
else {
// normal unlocking
owner = std::thread::id();
count = 0;
std::atomic<std::thread::id> owner;
int count;
The field .owner needs to be declared as atomic, because in the .lock() method this field is checked without a protection from the concurrent access.
If you want to recursively call .lock_shared() method, you need to maintain a map of owners, and accesses to that map should be protected with some additional mutex.
Allowing a thread with active .lock() to call .lock_shared() makes implementation to be more complex.
Finally, allowing a thread to advance locking from .lock_shared() to .lock() is no-no, as it leads to possible deadlock when two threads attempt to perform that advancing.
Again, semantic of recursive shared mutex would be very fragile, so it is better to not use it at all.
If you are on Linux / POSIX platform, you are in luck because C++ mutexes are modelled after POSIX ones. The POSIX ones provide more features, including being recursive, process shared and more. And wrapping POSIX primitives into C++ classes is straight-forward.
Good entry point into POSIX threads documentation.
Here is a quick thread-safety wrapper around a type T:
template<class T, class Lock>
struct lock_guarded {
Lock l;
T* t;
T* operator->()&&{ return t; }
template<class Arg>
auto operator[](Arg&&arg)&&
-> decltype(std::declval<T&>()[std::declval<Arg>()])
return (*t)[std::forward<Arg>(arg)];
T& operator*()&&{ return *t; }
constexpr struct emplace_t {} emplace {};
template<class T>
struct mutex_guarded {
lock_guarded<T, std::unique_lock<std::mutex>>
get_locked() {
return {{m},&t};
lock_guarded<T const, std::unique_lock<std::mutex>>
get_locked() const {
return {{m},&t};
lock_guarded<T, std::unique_lock<std::mutex>>
operator->() {
return get_locked();
lock_guarded<T const, std::unique_lock<std::mutex>>
operator->() const {
return get_locked();
template<class F>
operator->*(F&& f) {
return std::forward<F>(f)(*get_locked());
template<class F>
std::result_of_t<F(T const&)>
operator->*(F&& f) const {
return std::forward<F>(f)(*get_locked());
mutex_guarded(emplace_t, Args&&...args):
mutex_guarded(mutex_guarded&& o):
t( std::move(*o.get_locked()) )
mutex_guarded(mutex_guarded const& o):
t( *o.get_locked() )
mutex_guarded() = default;
~mutex_guarded() = default;
mutex_guarded& operator=(mutex_guarded&& o)
T tmp = std::move(o.get_locked());
*get_locked() = std::move(tmp);
return *this;
mutex_guarded& operator=(mutex_guarded const& o):
T tmp = o.get_locked();
*get_locked() = std::move(tmp);
return *this;
std::mutex m;
T t;
You can use either:
mutex_guarded<std::vector<int>> guarded;
auto s0 = guarded->size();
auto s1 = guarded->*[](auto&&e){return e.size();};
both do roughly the same thing, and the object guarded is only accessed when the mutex is locked.
Stealing from #tsyvarev 's answer (with some minor changes) we get:
class shared_recursive_mutex
std::shared_mutex m
void lock(void) {
std::thread::id this_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
if(owner == this_id) {
// recursive locking
} else {
// normal locking
owner = this_id;
count = 1;
void unlock(void) {
if(count > 1) {
// recursive unlocking
} else {
// normal unlocking
owner = std::thread::id();
count = 0;
void lock_shared() {
std::thread::id this_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
if (shared_counts->count(this_id)) {
} else {
shared_count.get_locked()[this_id] = 1;
void unlock_shared() {
std::thread::id this_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
auto it = shared_count->find(this_id);
if (it->second > 1) {
} else {
std::atomic<std::thread::id> owner;
std::atomic<std::size_t> count;
mutex_guarded<std::map<std::thread::id, std::size_t>> shared_counts;
try_lock and try_lock_shared left as an exercise.
Both lock and unlock shared lock the mutex twice (this is safe, as the branches are really about "is this thread in control of the mutex", and another thread cannot change that answer from "no" to "yes" or vice versa). You could do it with one lock with ->* instead of ->, which would make it faster (at the cost of some complexity in the logic).
The above does not support having an exclusive lock, then a shared lock. That is tricky. It cannot support having a shared lock, then upgrading to an unique lock, because that is basically impossible to stop it from deadlocking when 2 threads try that.
That last issue may be why recursive shared mutexes are a bad idea.
It is possible to construct a shared recursive mutex using existing primitives. I don't recommend doing it, though.
It isn't simple, and wrapping the existing POSIX implementation (or whatever is native to your platform) is very likely to be more efficient.
If you do decide to write your own implementation, making it efficient still depends on platform-specific details, so you're either writing an interface with a different implementation for each platform, or you're selecting a platform and could just as easily use the native (POSIX or whatever) facilities instead.
I'm certainly not going to provide a sample recursive read/write lock implementation, because it's a wholly unreasonable amount of work for an Stack Overflow answer.
Sharing my implementation, no promises
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <map>
struct recursive_shared_mutex
recursive_shared_mutex() :
m_mtx{}, m_exclusive_thread_id{}, m_exclusive_count{ 0 }, m_shared_locks{}
void lock();
bool try_lock();
void unlock();
void lock_shared();
bool try_lock_shared();
void unlock_shared();
recursive_shared_mutex(const recursive_shared_mutex&) = delete;
recursive_shared_mutex& operator=(const recursive_shared_mutex&) = delete;
inline bool is_exclusive_locked()
return m_exclusive_count > 0;
inline bool is_shared_locked()
return m_shared_locks.size() > 0;
inline bool can_exclusively_lock()
return can_start_exclusive_lock() || can_increment_exclusive_lock();
inline bool can_start_exclusive_lock()
return !is_exclusive_locked() && (!is_shared_locked() || is_shared_locked_only_on_this_thread());
inline bool can_increment_exclusive_lock()
return is_exclusive_locked_on_this_thread();
inline bool can_lock_shared()
return !is_exclusive_locked() || is_exclusive_locked_on_this_thread();
inline bool is_shared_locked_only_on_this_thread()
return is_shared_locked_only_on_thread(std::this_thread::get_id());
inline bool is_shared_locked_only_on_thread(std::thread::id id)
return m_shared_locks.size() == 1 && m_shared_locks.find(id) != m_shared_locks.end();
inline bool is_exclusive_locked_on_this_thread()
return is_exclusive_locked_on_thread(std::this_thread::get_id());
inline bool is_exclusive_locked_on_thread(std::thread::id id)
return m_exclusive_count > 0 && m_exclusive_thread_id == id;
inline void start_exclusive_lock()
m_exclusive_thread_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
inline void increment_exclusive_lock()
inline void decrement_exclusive_lock()
if (m_exclusive_count == 0)
throw std::logic_error("Not exclusively locked, cannot exclusively unlock");
if (m_exclusive_thread_id == std::this_thread::get_id())
throw std::logic_error("Calling exclusively unlock from the wrong thread");
inline void increment_shared_lock()
inline void increment_shared_lock(std::thread::id id)
if (m_shared_locks.find(id) == m_shared_locks.end())
m_shared_locks[id] = 1;
m_shared_locks[id] += 1;
inline void decrement_shared_lock()
inline void decrement_shared_lock(std::thread::id id)
if (m_shared_locks.size() == 0)
throw std::logic_error("Not shared locked, cannot shared unlock");
if (m_shared_locks.find(id) == m_shared_locks.end())
throw std::logic_error("Calling shared unlock from the wrong thread");
if (m_shared_locks[id] == 1)
m_shared_locks[id] -= 1;
std::mutex m_mtx;
std::thread::id m_exclusive_thread_id;
size_t m_exclusive_count;
std::map<std::thread::id, size_t> m_shared_locks;
std::condition_variable m_cond_var;
#include "recursive_shared_mutex.h"
#include <condition_variable>
void recursive_shared_mutex::lock()
std::unique_lock sync_lock(m_mtx);
m_cond_var.wait(sync_lock, [this] { return can_exclusively_lock(); });
if (is_exclusive_locked_on_this_thread())
bool recursive_shared_mutex::try_lock()
std::unique_lock sync_lock(m_mtx);
if (can_increment_exclusive_lock())
return true;
if (can_start_exclusive_lock())
return true;
return false;
void recursive_shared_mutex::unlock()
std::unique_lock sync_lock(m_mtx);
void recursive_shared_mutex::lock_shared()
std::unique_lock sync_lock(m_mtx);
m_cond_var.wait(sync_lock, [this] { return can_lock_shared(); });
bool recursive_shared_mutex::try_lock_shared()
std::unique_lock sync_lock(m_mtx);
if (can_lock_shared())
return true;
return false;
void recursive_shared_mutex::unlock_shared()
std::unique_lock sync_lock(m_mtx);
If a thread owns a shared lock, it may also obtain an exclusive lock without giving up it's shared lock. (This of course requires no other thread currently has a shared or exclusive lock)
Vice-versa, a thread which owns an exclusive lock may obtain a shared lock.
Interestingly, these properties also allow locks to be upgradable/downgradable.
Temporarily upgrading lock:
recusrive_shared_mutex mtx;
foo bar;
if ( == x)
Downgrading from an exclusive lock to a shared lock
recusrive_shared_mutex mtx;
foo bar;
while ( != y)
// Something
I searched for a C++ read-write-lock and came across this related question. We did need exactly such a shared_recursive_mutex to control access to our "database" class from multiple threads. So, for completeness: If you are looking for another implementation example (like I was), you may want to consider this link too: shared_recursive_mutex implementation using C++17 (on github).
Single Header
It has a disadvantage though: static thread_local members specialized for a PhantomType class via template. So, you can't really use this shared_recursive_mutex in multiple separate instances of the same (PhantomType) class. Try it, if that is no restriction for you.
The following implementation supports first having a unique_lock and then acquiring an additional shared_lock in the same thread:
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <thread>
class recursive_shared_mutex: public std::shared_mutex {
void lock() {
if (owner_ != std::this_thread::get_id()) {
owner_ = std::this_thread::get_id();
void unlock() {
if (count_ == 0) {
owner_ = std::thread::id();
void lock_shared() {
if (owner_ != std::this_thread::get_id()) {
void unlock_shared() {
if (owner_ != std::this_thread::get_id()) {
std::atomic<std::thread::id> owner_;
std::atomic_uint32_t count_ = 0;

How to instantiate an "empty" object from a class that provides only copy-constructor?

I implemented a thread-safe templatized queue:
template<class T> class queue {
boost::mutex mutex;
boost::condition_variable emptyCondition;
boost::condition_variable fullCondition;
boost::scoped_ptr< std::queue<T> > std_queue;
T pop() {
T r; // [*]
boost::mutex::scoped_lock popLock(mutex);
while (queueIsEmpty())
r = std_queue->front();
return r;
I cannot instantiate object in the way I do (where marked with [*]) because of the lack of constructor for T, without formal parameters.
So: is there a way, maybe using a pointer to T and the copy-constructor (that I know it is implemented for each T), to avoid many template specializations?
Edit 1
I also thought to this possible solution.
T pop() {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock popLock(mutex);
while (queueIsEmpty())
T r(std_queue->front());
// update overall number of pop
return r;
Would it work?
An option for this scenario is to use boost::optional:
T pop() {
boost::optional<T> r;
boost::mutex::scoped_lock popLock(mutex);
while (queueIsEmpty())
r = std_queue->front();
return *r; // r is guaranteed to be engaged at this point
boost::optional takes care at runtime of tracking whether its contained T has been constructed, and so whether it needs to be destroyed. (Note that here you don't actually need the full functionality of boost::mutex::scoped_lock; you can useboost::lock_guard`.)
The alternative is to notice that scoped_lock can be released:
T pop() {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock popLock(mutex);
while (queueIsEmpty())
T r = std_queue->front();
return r;
The disadvantage here is that it is less clear what the scope of popLock is, and a code change could result in unsafe code or deadlock.
If you manually unlock you can get rid of the brackets, which removes the need to precreate the T:
T pop() {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock popLock(mutex);
while (queueIsEmpty())
T r = std_queue->front();
return r;