Infragistics UltraGrid cell different color per word - infragistics

Is it possible to change the color of a word in a text value of a Ultragrid Cell?
for example: 7m + 5m + 7m2 where 7m2 is in red color.
I am going to implement this in my windows application.

You need to set the Style of the column to FormattedText / FormattedTextEditor. Then you need to set the value of the Cell to some formatted text. In your case you could set the value to something like this:
var cellValue = "7m + 5m + <span style=\"color:Red;\">7m<span style=\"vertical - align:Super;\">2</span></span>";


Conditional formatting of a rectangle cell range defined by user input

In a Google Sheet with a cell range of 26x26 (so A1:Z26), I need to conditionally format (change the color to green) a rectangle area that is defined by user input.
Example of user input (4 values required):
hsize = 5 / vsize = 4 / starth = 3 / startv = 2
This means that the conditionally formatted area should be a rectangle from C2:G5 because the start cell horizontally is 3 (column C) and vertically 2 (row 2), and the size of the rectangle horizontally is 5 (C,D,E,F,G) and vertically 4 (2,3,4,5).
I already solved this with Apps Script but due to given restrictions I have to implement this without using any scripts.
I have numbered the whole 26x26 area (=sequence(26,26)) to get numbers from 1 to 676 that I could then use for the conditional formatting.
By doing this, I can limit the conditional formatting to the values between the start and the end value (in the example above that would be 29 (C2) and 111 (G5)). This works by using a simple and/if formula in the conditional formatting.
But the problem with this is that all the cells with values from 29 to 111 are now colored, not only the rectangle C2:G5.
I can't figure out how to define a formula that does what I need. How can I do this and limit the highlighted area to the defined cell range of the rectangle?
[Picture here]: green is the conditional formatting from 29 (C2) to 111 (G5), but what I actually need is that only the red-framed area should be shown in green.
ADDRESS($AB$4, $AB$3)&":"&ADDRESS($AB$2+$AB$4-1, $AB$1+$AB$3-1)))&"$")
or better:
=(COLUMN(A1)>=$AB$3) *(ROW(A1)>=$AB$4)*

Format a text on cell in two color in Coldfusion

Using Coldfusion 10, I need to format a cell contents in two color(Black and Blue). Let a cell on spreadsheet contains a string "Text1: Text2". where color of "Text1" should be black and "Text2" should be blue.
I have tried below code, but it produces all blue text.
SpreadsheetAddRow(spreadsheetData,"Text1: Text2",1,1);
How I can apply two color to format single cell ?
It is not supported with the built in functions. However, you can tap into the underlying POI library and use a RichTextString to accomplish this.
Assuming you have already created the worksheet and an empty cell:
spreadsheetData = SpreadSheetNew("Sheet1", true);
Grab reference to the underlying Workbook and create fonts with the appropriate colors:
wb = spreadsheetData.getWorkbook();
Colors = createObject("java", "");
greenFont = wb.createFont();
blueFont = wb.createFont();
Then create a RichTextString object and append each part of the text with the desired color:
// Using GREEN and BLUE for demo purposes
richString = createObject("java", "org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRichTextString").init();
richString.append("Text1: ", greenFont);
richString.append("Text2", blueFont);
Finally, apply the RichTextString to the empty cell, ie A1 you created earlier. Note, unlike in CF, the indexes are 0-based.
cell = wb.getSheet("Sheet1").getRow( 0 ).getCell( 0 );

Display labels on bar chart using Chart.js

I am trying to display labels on top of bars using chart.js. My Y.-Axis has custom labels, like: scaleLabel : "<%= value + '$' %>"
So, my bar chart y.axis would be something like 1000$, 2000$ etc..
When I display lables on top of each bar, the values are displayed as 1000, 2000 etc..
Is there a way to display custom y-axis label on top of each bar?
I am looking something like, instead of 5000, how can i display "5000$" on top of each bar?
If you have a single dataset set the tooltipTemplate in the options.
If you have several datasets set the multiTooltipTemplate in the options.
var options = {
scaleLabel : "<%= value + '$' %>",
// String - Template string for single tooltips
tooltipTemplate: "<%if (label){%><%=label %>: <%}%><%= value + '$' %>",
// String - Template string for multiple tooltips
multiTooltipTemplate: "<%= value + '$' %>",
See an example here.
And the documentation here.

In MS Excel, Text Width of text in a cell returned by GetTextExtentPoint32W is more than the actual width

I'm using GetTextExtentPoint32W to get width of a text in a cell in MS Excel 2010. The cell width is fetched using ActiveCell.Width. These two widths are then compared to determine whether the text fits in the cell or extends out of the cell.
Visually, even though the text fits perfectly in the cell, the text width returned by the method is more than the cell width. Also, when I increase the font size the difference between actual text width and that returned by the method increases.
Following is a part of the source code used to achieve the result. Please help me solve this error.
hDC = ctypes.windll.user32.GetDC(self.windowHandle)
tempBMP = ctypes.windll.gdi32.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, 1, 1)
hBMP = ctypes.windll.gdi32.SelectObject(hDC, tempBMP)
iFontSize = self.excelCellObject.Font.Size
deviceCaps = ctypes.windll.gdi32.GetDeviceCaps(hDC, 90)
iFontSize = int(iFontSize)
iFontSize = ctypes.c_int(iFontSize)
iFontSize = ctypes.windll.kernel32.MulDiv(iFontSize, deviceCaps, 72)
iFontSize = iFontSize * -1
iFontWeight = 700 if self.excelCellObject.Font.Bold else 400
sFontName = self.excelCellObject.Font.Name
sFontItalic = self.excelCellObject.Font.Italic
sFontUnderline = True if self.excelCellObject.Font.Underline else False
sFontStrikeThrough = self.excelCellObject.Font.Strikethrough
#Create a font object with the correct size, weight and style
hFont = ctypes.windll.gdi32.CreateFontW(iFontSize,
0, 0, 0,
False, False, False,
False, False,
#Load the font into the device context, storing the original font object
hOldFont = ctypes.windll.gdi32.SelectObject(hDC, hFont)
sText = self.excelCellObject.Text"\nText \t"+sText+"\n")
textLength = len(sText)
class structText(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [("width", ctypes.c_int),
StructText = structText()
getTextExtentPoint = ctypes.windll.gdi32.GetTextExtentPoint32W
getTextExtentPoint.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
getTextExtentPoint.restype = ctypes.c_int
#Get the text dimensions
a = ctypes.windll.gdi32.GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC,
#Delete the font object we created
a = ctypes.windll.gdi32.DeleteObject(hFont)
a = ctypes.windll.gdi32.DeleteObject(tempBMP)
#Release the device context
a = ctypes.windll.user32.ReleaseDC(self.windowHandle, hDC)
textWidth = StructText.width
cellWidth = self.excelCellObject.Width
I do not use Python or Excel 2010 so cannot comment on your current approach. However, I have struggled with a similar problem. I hope the following points will be helpful.
If you hover over the right boundary of an Excel column and hold the left mouse button you will get a display of the format: “Width: n.nn (mm pixels)”.
The help for the ColumnWidth property says:
One unit of column width is equal to the width of one character in the
Normal style. For proportional fonts, the width of the character 0
(zero) is used.
Use the Width property to return the width of a column in points.
As far as I can tell, “Normal style” means the standard font name and size at the time the workbook was created. Changing the standard font name and size for an existing workbook does not appear to have any effect. Changing the font name and size for a worksheet has no effect.
Two example displays for a standard width column are:
For Arial 10 Width: 8.43 (64 pixels)
For Tahoma 10.5 Width: 8.38 (72 pixels)
I have created a string of zeros and attempted to measure how many are visible depending on the width of the column. I found the number of zeroes that I could see matched the value displayed reasonably well for such as subjective measure.
With VBA, the ColumnWidth property of a column or cell sets or returns the width in characters.
With VBA, The read only Width property of a column or cell returns .75 * the width in pixels.
The significance of the above information is that the width values obtained from Excel are not necessarily correct for the font being used.
My problem and the solution I discovered
The problem I had was that I was merging cells and filling them with text. Although Excel will adjust the height of a row so the text within an unmerged cell is visible, it will not do so for a merged cell. I tried many techniques including Microsoft’s .Net, text rendering routines without success. Nothing I tried would reliably emulate Excel’s system for determining the width of text.
The technique I eventually used successfully involved picking a cell to the right and below all used cells for experimental use. I adjusted the width of the experimental cell’s column to match the combined width of the merged cell and copied the formatted value from the cell whose height I wanted. Because the experimental cell was unmerged, Excel would adjust the height as appropriate. I then made sure the source row was at least this height.
The key feature of this technique was that I was not trying to emulate Excel’s system for determining the width of text; I was using Excel’s system.
You would need to try different column widths for the experimental cell. I would start with the current width of the source column. If the row height matches that for a single row, the width of the source column is already sufficient. If the row height is more than that for a single row, I would increase the column width until the row height matched that for a single row and then adjust the source column’s width to match. If you start with the widest value (in characters or Python’s text width) you will probably get the source column width correct at the first attempt which would avoid the need for later adjustments.

Different color for table of contents entry and page numbers

I am generating a clickable (=with links) table of contents. In order to emphasize the 'clickability' of the entries I want them colored as links (i.e. blue color and underline).
I have this code for setting the style:
toc = TableOfContents()
toc.levelStyles[0].fontName = 'Arial Bold'
toc.levelStyles[0].fontSize = 12
toc.levelStyles[0].textColor = '#0000cc'
and use this code to add each entry:
toc.addEntry(0, '<u>' + entrytext + '</u>', pageNum, str(id(page)))
It works ok, the problem is that page numbers turn out blue as well. I tried to look around SO and the user guide for ways to put a different style for each - but was unsuccessful. Any ideas?