How to access a GET variable in Ballerina - wso2

Assume that my server got a GET Request as
I want to echo the part hub.challenge back. How can I do that in Ballerina language?

You need to use #http:QueryParams for this. Refer following example :
import ballerina.lang.system;
#http:BasePath {value:"/shop"}
service echo {
#http:Path {value:"/order"}
resource echoGet (message m, #http:QueryParam {value:"orderid"}string orderid) {
system:println("orderid" + orderid);
reply m;
A GET request as http://localhost:9090/shop/order?orderid=123 would get set to variable orderid, which you can then use in further implementation. (Please note I used system:println for the purpose of the example)


WinRT | C++ - HTTP Post File - The certificate authority is invalid or incorrect

Basically I have two concerns, however the focus is on how to get around the certification.
I am having a hard time understanding how to make an HTTP post request in WinRT|C++. I have an ASP.Net-6-Web-Api-Project, which I have already been able to communicate with via a Python project and a C++ project (via Curl). I also tested the api via Postman. Every time doing so I had to ignore the validation of certification and it worked fine.
But now I have a WinRT/C++ project and have thrown together the following code. I want to be able to upload a file. In my case it is a point cloud in a .ply syntax as a string.
My Concerns:
In WinRT I got the expected error for invalid/untrusted certification, so I looked up what to do and ended up using IgnorableServerCertificateErrors from HttpBaseProtocolFilter, like you can see at the end of my code. But that did not fix my error. What am I missing? I still get the errors:
WinRT originate error - 0x80072F0D : 'The certificate authority is invalid or incorrect'.
WinRT originate error - 0x80190190 : 'The response status code does not indicate success: 400 ().'.
From the point of view of a developer familiar with WinRT, is the implementation correct in terms of an HTTP post request? Especially the lines
binaryContent.Headers().Append(L"Content-Type", L"image/jpeg"); andHttpContentDispositionHeaderValue disposition{ L"form-data" }; And what are the follow lines for? Is this just about assigning arbitrary names?
void HL2ResearchMode::SendPLY(std::wstring const& pointCloud)
OutputDebugString(L"--- SendPLY()\n");
if (pointCloud.size() == 0)
auto buffer{
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::HttpBufferContent binaryContent{ buffer };
// binaryContent.Headers().Append(L"Content-Type", L"text/plain;charset=utf8");
binaryContent.Headers().Append(L"Content-Type", L"image/jpeg");
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::Headers::HttpContentDispositionHeaderValue disposition{ L"form-data" };
//winrt::Windows::Web::Http::Headers::HttpContentDispositionHeaderValue disposition{ L"multipart/form-data" };
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::HttpMultipartFormDataContent postContent;
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage;
std::wstring httpResponseBody;
// Send the POST request.
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Uri requestUri{ L"" };
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::Filters::HttpBaseProtocolFilter myFilter;
auto fu = myFilter.IgnorableServerCertificateErrors();
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::HttpClient httpClient(myFilter);
httpResponseMessage = httpClient.PostAsync(requestUri, postContent).get();
httpResponseBody = httpResponseMessage.Content().ReadAsStringAsync().get();
catch (winrt::hresult_error const& ex)
httpResponseBody = ex.message();
std::wcout << httpResponseBody;

How to get local time of different timezone in Postman?

I want to get local time of Rome time zone. Didn't find any details on how to use moment sandbox built-in library in postman documentation here postman_sandbox_api_reference
what I have tried so far
var moment = require('moment');
error it throws - TypeError | moment(...).tz is not a function
another attempt-
var moment = require('moment-timezone');
error it throws - Error | Cannot find module 'moment-timezone'
Where I'm going wrong? can anyone point me in right direction.
Postman only has the moment library built-in and not moment-timezone.
If what you're doing isn't part of the moment docs, it's not going to work.
As a workaround to get the data, you could use a simple 3rd party API.
Making a request to this endpoint would get you some timezone data that you could use.
This could be added to the pm.sendRequest() in the pre-request script to fetch the data you require and use this in another request.
pm.sendRequest("", function (err, res) {
pm.globals.set("localTimeRome", res.json().datetime);
Actually, you can write a simple function to get local time in other time zones only with moment:
const moment = require('moment');
const TimeZoneUTCOffsetMapping = {
'America/Chicago': -6,
'Europe/Rome': 2,
'Asia/Shanghai': 8,
const LocalUTCOffset = 8;
function getMomentDisplayInTimeZone(momentObj, timeZone) {
let timeZoneUTCOffset = TimeZoneUTCOffsetMapping[timeZone];
if (timeZoneUTCOffset === undefined) {
throw new Error('No time zone matched');
return momentObj.add(timeZoneUTCOffset - LocalUTCOffset, 'hour').format('YYYY-MM-DDTkk:mm:ss');
console.log(getMomentDisplayInTimeZone(moment(), 'Europe/Rome'));

in the apollo-client how I may be able to log or intercept all the operations (queries and mutations)

For analytic purposes I'd like to keep track on the client side of all the graphql operations (including ie #client ones). I was unable to find appropriate options in the API and wonder if this may be doable on the apollo-client level or may I need to introduce some proxy to intercept the calls by my own?
A custom Apollo link is a way to go.
You can use apollo-link-logger in particular to log all operations to console.
Usage (from docs):
import apolloLogger from 'apollo-link-logger';
// ...
// ...
Note: Place apolloLogger before other links.
Output example:
As the answer from Yuriy was exactly what I was looking for I marked is as accepted answer - Thanks!
Still for the record here is the code doing a job for me - I believe someone may find it useful, also it is worth to show it's simplicity.
It's worth noting that Apollo links are chainable - thus the argument to a link function are operation: Operation and forward: NextLink which is supposed to be called from our link implementation.
let analytics: Analytics; // this is Analytics to be provided by DI
const analyticsLink = new ApolloLink((
operation: Operation,
forward?: NextLink
) => {
const operationType = operation.query.definitions[0].operation;
return forward(operation)
.map((result: FetchResult) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.error('analytics error', e);
return result;
as a bonus we can also catch errors (i.e. to leverage crashlytics) by using apollo-link-error (handling of errors in Apollo is a bit more complex);
const analyticsErrorLink = onError((error: ErrorResponse) => {
try {
// it's worth to rethink what we wanna log here
const message = error.graphQLErrors ? error.graphQLErrors[0].message :
( + ': ' + error.networkError.message);
analytics.sendNonFatalCrash('GraphQL error: ' + message);
} catch(e) {
console.error('cannot report error to analytics', e);
Finally to compose the links we should put our intercepting implementations at the beginning so we will be able to catch all the GraphQL operations including those marked with #client which are not reaching network link - in my case full link looks like:

Using environment variables in POST payload

Can I use environment variables set in a previous test in the payload I am posting?
POST /list
"some_key": environment.saved_value
Yes, you can do that. You send it up like this
"some_key" : "{{environment_variable_name}}"
So, if in your previous test you had set it with something like
You can use it in your POST with
"some_key" : "{{id}}"
Hopefully, that answers your question

Rest API Web Service - iOS

Its my first time to use web service in iOS.
REST was my first choice and I use code igniter to form it.
I have my Controller:
require APPPATH.'/libraries/REST_Controller.php';
class Sample extends REST_Controller
function example_get()
$users_array = array();
$users = $this->users->get_all_users();
foreach($users as $user){
$new_array = array(
'id'=>$user->id ,
array_push( $users_array, $new_array);
$data['users'] = $users_array;
$this->response($data, 200);
function user_put()
$message = array('message' => 'ADDED!');
$this->response($message, 200);
, using my web browser, accessing the URL http://localhost:8888/restApi/index.php/sample/example/format/json really works fine and gives this output:
, this gives me a great output using RKRequest by RestKit in my app.
The problem goes with the put method. This URL :
always give me an error like this:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<error>Unknown method.</error>
This is my Users model
class Users extends CI_Model {
function __construct()
function get_all_users()
$query = $this->db->get('users');
return $query->result();
function insertAUser(){
$data = array('name'=> "Sample Name", 'age'=>"99");
$this->db->insert('users', $data);
What is the work around for my _put method why am I not inserting anything?
Thanks all!
Unless you set the method to PUT or POST, your web server is not going to treat it as such. When you enter URLs in a browser bar, that is almost always a GET request. You might try to use curl like
curl -X POST -d #filename http://your.url.path/whatever
Another link would be:
So you should be able to do a PUT similarly (perhaps with no data). Not really sure if this should be iOS tagged though :)
I got this problem by using Firefox plug in rest Client.
I just have to indicate the headers and the body to make put and post work.