I have solved this spoj DQUERY
problem using MO's Algorithms in time complexity of N*Sqrt(N). But, now I want one more constraint on each query, that is,now each query contains the four integers i,j,x,ysuch as:
(1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n)
(1 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 10^6)
For each d-query (i, j), you have to return the number of distinct elements in the subsequence ai, ai+1, ..., aj which is greater or equal to x and less or equal to y.
For example:
If n=5 arrays element be
1 1 2 1 3
then, for query (i,j,x,y):
1 5 2 3
answer will be:
because, in range from i=1 to j=5 three distinct element{1,2,3} is present but only two element{2,3} is present in range x=2 to y=3.So anwer is 2.
I am getting solution in time complexity of (Q*Sqrt(N)X), please help how to solve this question with efficient time complexity less than (QSqrt(N)*X).
The matrix NxN has N rows and columns. It has all unique elements starting from 1 to (N^2). The condition is the summation of any row elements should be equal to summation of any other row or column elements.
Example: For 3x3 matrix, one of the possible combination looks like following.
4 8 3
2 6 7
9 1 5
Now the question is how many possible combinations can occur to satisfy the given condition of given NxN matrix where N is any odd number?
Thanks for the help in advance.
The best available answer is, "A heck of a lot."
If you add the condition "same sum down the diagonal", these are magic squares. As http://oeis.org/A006052 notes, the count of magic squares is known for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The exact answer for 6 is not known, but it is in the order of 10**20.
Your counts will be higher still because you lack the diagonal condition. But the computational complexities are the same. Brute force will give you answers for n = 1, 2, 3, and 4 fairly easily. 5 will be doable. 6 will be intractable. 7 will be "no hope".
So, I was asked this question in an interview. Given a group of numbers (not necessarily distinct), I have to find the multiplication of GCD's of all possible subsets of the given group of numbers.
My approach which I told the interviewer:
1. Recursively generate all possible subsets of the given set.
2a. For a particular subset of the given set:
2b. Find GCD of that subset using the Euclid's Algorithm.
3. Multiply it in the answer being obtained.
Assume GCD of an empty set to be 1.
However, there will be 2^n subsets and this won't work optimally if the n is large. How can I optimise it?
Assume that each array element is an integer in the range 1..U for some U.
Let f(x) be the number of subsets with GCD(x). The solution to the problem is then the sum of d^f(d) for all distinct factors 1 <= d <= U.
Let g(x) be the number of array elements divisible by x.
We have
f(x) = 2^g(x) - SUM(x | y, f(y))
We can compute g(x) in O(n * sqrt(U)) by enumerating all divisors of every array element. f(x) can be computed in O(U log U) from high to low values, by enumerating every multiple of x in the straightforward manner.
Pre - Requisite :
Fermat's little theorem (there is a generalised theorem too) , simple maths , Modular exponentiation
Explanation : Notations : A[] stands for our input array
Clearly the constraints 1<=N<=10^5 , tell me that either you need a O(N * LOG N ) solution , dont try to think DP as its complexity according to me will be N * max(A[i]) i.e. approx. 10^5 * 10 ^ 6 . Why? because you need the GCD of the subsets to make a transition.
Ok , moving on
We can think of clubbing the subsets with the same GCD so as to make the complexity.
So , lets decrement an iterator i from 10^6 to 1 trying to make the set with GCD i !
Now to make the subset with GCD(i) I can club it with any i*j where j is a non negative Integer. Why ?
GCD(i , i*j ) = i
Now ,
We can build a frequency table for any element as the number is quite reachable!
Now , during the contest what I did was , keep the number of subsets with gcd(i) at f2[i]
hence what we do is sum frequency of all elements from j*i where j varies from 1 to floor(i/j)
now the subsets with a common divisor(and not GCD) as i is (2^sum - 1) .
Now we have to subtract from this sum the subsets with GCD greater than i and having i as a common divisor of gcd as i.
This can also be done within the same loop by taking summation of f2[i*j] where j varies from 1 to floor(i/j)
Now the subsets with GCD i equal to 2^sum -1 - summation of f2[ij] Just multiply i ( No . of subsets with GCD i times ) i.e. power ( i , 2^sum -1 - summation of f2[ij] ) . But now to calculate this the exponent part can overflow but you can take its % with given MOD-1 as MOD was prime! (Fermat little theorem) using modular exponentiation
Here is a snippet of my code as I am unsure that can we post the code now!
for(i=max_ele; i >= 1;--i)
to_subtract = 0 ;
for(j=2 ;j*i <= max_ele;++j)
subsets = (((power(2 , to_add , MOD-1) ) - 1) - to_subtract)%(MOD-1) ;
subsets = (subsets%(MOD-1) +MOD-1)%(MOD-1);
ans = ans * power(i , subsets , MOD);
F2[i]= subsets;
ans %=MOD;
I feel like I had complicated the things by using F2, I feel like we can do it without F2 by not taking j = 1. but it's okay I haven't thought about it and this is how I managed to get AC .
This problem was asked to me in Amazon interview -
Given a array of positive integers, you have to find the smallest positive integer that can not be formed from the sum of numbers from array.
Array:[4 13 2 3 1]
result= 11 { Since 11 was smallest positive number which can not be formed from the given array elements }
What i did was :
sorted the array
calculated the prefix sum
Treverse the sum array and check if next element is less than 1
greater than sum i.e. A[j]<=(sum+1). If not so then answer would
be sum+1
But this was nlog(n) solution.
Interviewer was not satisfied with this and asked a solution in less than O(n log n) time.
There's a beautiful algorithm for solving this problem in time O(n + Sort), where Sort is the amount of time required to sort the input array.
The idea behind the algorithm is to sort the array and then ask the following question: what is the smallest positive integer you cannot make using the first k elements of the array? You then scan forward through the array from left to right, updating your answer to this question, until you find the smallest number you can't make.
Here's how it works. Initially, the smallest number you can't make is 1. Then, going from left to right, do the following:
If the current number is bigger than the smallest number you can't make so far, then you know the smallest number you can't make - it's the one you've got recorded, and you're done.
Otherwise, the current number is less than or equal to the smallest number you can't make. The claim is that you can indeed make this number. Right now, you know the smallest number you can't make with the first k elements of the array (call it candidate) and are now looking at value A[k]. The number candidate - A[k] therefore must be some number that you can indeed make with the first k elements of the array, since otherwise candidate - A[k] would be a smaller number than the smallest number you allegedly can't make with the first k numbers in the array. Moreover, you can make any number in the range candidate to candidate + A[k], inclusive, because you can start with any number in the range from 1 to A[k], inclusive, and then add candidate - 1 to it. Therefore, set candidate to candidate + A[k] and increment k.
In pseudocode:
candidate = 1
for i from 1 to length(A):
if A[i] > candidate: return candidate
else: candidate = candidate + A[i]
return candidate
Here's a test run on [4, 13, 2, 1, 3]. Sort the array to get [1, 2, 3, 4, 13]. Then, set candidate to 1. We then do the following:
A[1] = 1, candidate = 1:
A[1] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[1] = 2
A[2] = 2, candidate = 2:
A[2] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[2] = 4
A[3] = 3, candidate = 4:
A[3] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[3] = 7
A[4] = 4, candidate = 7:
A[4] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[4] = 11
A[5] = 13, candidate = 11:
A[5] > candidate, so return candidate (11).
So the answer is 11.
The runtime here is O(n + Sort) because outside of sorting, the runtime is O(n). You can clearly sort in O(n log n) time using heapsort, and if you know some upper bound on the numbers you can sort in time O(n log U) (where U is the maximum possible number) by using radix sort. If U is a fixed constant, (say, 109), then radix sort runs in time O(n) and this entire algorithm then runs in time O(n) as well.
Hope this helps!
Use bitvectors to accomplish this in linear time.
Start with an empty bitvector b. Then for each element k in your array, do this:
b = b | b << k | 2^(k-1)
To be clear, the i'th element is set to 1 to represent the number i, and | k is setting the k-th element to 1.
After you finish processing the array, the index of the first zero in b is your answer (counting from the right, starting at 1).
process 4: b = b | b<<4 | 1000 = 1000
process 13: b = b | b<<13 | 1000000000000 = 10001000000001000
process 2: b = b | b<<2 | 10 = 1010101000000101010
process 3: b = b | b<<3 | 100 = 1011111101000101111110
process 1: b = b | b<<1 | 1 = 11111111111001111111111
First zero: position 11.
Consider all integers in interval [2i .. 2i+1 - 1]. And suppose all integers below 2i can be formed from sum of numbers from given array. Also suppose that we already know C, which is sum of all numbers below 2i. If C >= 2i+1 - 1, every number in this interval may be represented as sum of given numbers. Otherwise we could check if interval [2i .. C + 1] contains any number from given array. And if there is no such number, C + 1 is what we searched for.
Here is a sketch of an algorithm:
For each input number, determine to which interval it belongs, and update corresponding sum: S[int_log(x)] += x.
Compute prefix sum for array S: foreach i: C[i] = C[i-1] + S[i].
Filter array C to keep only entries with values lower than next power of 2.
Scan input array once more and notice which of the intervals [2i .. C + 1] contain at least one input number: i = int_log(x) - 1; B[i] |= (x <= C[i] + 1).
Find first interval that is not filtered out on step #3 and corresponding element of B[] not set on step #4.
If it is not obvious why we can apply step 3, here is the proof. Choose any number between 2i and C, then sequentially subtract from it all the numbers below 2i in decreasing order. Eventually we get either some number less than the last subtracted number or zero. If the result is zero, just add together all the subtracted numbers and we have the representation of chosen number. If the result is non-zero and less than the last subtracted number, this result is also less than 2i, so it is "representable" and none of the subtracted numbers are used for its representation. When we add these subtracted numbers back, we have the representation of chosen number. This also suggests that instead of filtering intervals one by one we could skip several intervals at once by jumping directly to int_log of C.
Time complexity is determined by function int_log(), which is integer logarithm or index of the highest set bit in the number. If our instruction set contains integer logarithm or any its equivalent (count leading zeros, or tricks with floating point numbers), then complexity is O(n). Otherwise we could use some bit hacking to implement int_log() in O(log log U) and obtain O(n * log log U) time complexity. (Here U is largest number in the array).
If step 1 (in addition to updating the sum) will also update minimum value in given range, step 4 is not needed anymore. We could just compare C[i] to Min[i+1]. This means we need only single pass over input array. Or we could apply this algorithm not to array but to a stream of numbers.
Several examples:
Input: [ 4 13 2 3 1] [ 1 2 3 9] [ 1 1 2 9]
int_log: 2 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 1 3
int_log: 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
S: 1 5 4 13 1 5 0 9 2 2 0 9
C: 1 6 10 23 1 6 6 15 2 4 4 13
filtered(C): n n n n n n n n n n n n
number in
[2^i..C+1]: 2 4 - 2 - - 2 - -
C+1: 11 7 5
For multi-precision input numbers this approach needs O(n * log M) time and O(log M) space. Where M is largest number in the array. The same time is needed just to read all the numbers (and in the worst case we need every bit of them).
Still this result may be improved to O(n * log R) where R is the value found by this algorithm (actually, the output-sensitive variant of it). The only modification needed for this optimization is instead of processing whole numbers at once, process them digit-by-digit: first pass processes the low order bits of each number (like bits 0..63), second pass - next bits (like 64..127), etc. We could ignore all higher-order bits after result is found. Also this decreases space requirements to O(K) numbers, where K is number of bits in machine word.
If you sort the array, it will work for you. Counting sort could've done it in O(n), but if you think in a practically large scenario, range can be pretty high.
Quicksort O(n*logn) will do the work for you:
def smallestPositiveInteger(self, array):
candidate = 1
n = len(array)
array = sorted(array)
for i in range(0, n):
if array[i] <= candidate:
candidate += array[i]
return candidate
Given two sorted arrays A, B with size n and m. I am looking for worst number of comparison that merges these two arrays.
1) n+m-1
2) max(n,m)
3)min (m,n)
4) mn
I know this is not a good question because the merge algorithm not mentioned, but i think, The normal merge sort algorithm - merge step with normally apply n + m -1 comparisons, where one list is of size n and and the other list is of size m. Using this algorithm is the most simplest approach to combine two sorted lists. any expert could help me, am I right by choosing (1)?
This can easily be found out from the documentation:
At most std::distance(first1, last1) + std::distance(first2, last2) - 1 comparisons.
So No. 1 it is. (Yes it assumes that the standard committee got the complexity right, but that is not a stretch.)
Option 4 is obviously false because n + m - 1 grows slower than n*m, so we already have a better estimate.
Option 3 is false with this counterexample:
[4], [1, 2, 6, 7]
needs at least two comparisons. Option 2 counterexample:
[1,6], [2,5]
would need 3 comparisons:
1 < 2?, 6 < 2?, 6 < 5?
Assuming m < n, at least m comparisons and at most n+m-1 comparisons (worst case). So assuming all elements of the smallest list come first, the minimum number of comparisons is min (n, m). Assuming that by simplest you mean best case, then answer 3 is the correct answer. Answer 1 is correct for the worst case.
Let h(y) be the function defined as (a*y+b)mod m. So h(y) can take values from 0 to m-1.
Now we are given 7 integers- a,b,x,n,c,d,m. Our task is to find the total count of h(x),h(x+1),h(x+2)...h(x+n) such that the value of h(x+i) falls in the range of [c,d].where 0<=i<=n
Integer limits are:
1 ≤ m ≤ 10^15, c ≤ d < m, a,b < m, x+n ≤ 10^15, and a*(x+n) + b ≤ 10^15
For Example.
for input set {1,0,0,8,0,8,9} the output should be 9. Please suggest an efficient algorithm. Thanks!!!
This isn't a particularly strong hash. The only hard part about this problem is the obtuse notation with single-letter variables and specifying the problem as a 7-tuple.
Each increment of x increases h(x) by a. Therefore the total distance along x to get from c to d is simply (d-c)/a. Add one for the fencepost problem, or specify the problem with a half-open range for the sake of sanity.