Similar to subset sum [duplicate] - c++

This problem was asked to me in Amazon interview -
Given a array of positive integers, you have to find the smallest positive integer that can not be formed from the sum of numbers from array.
Array:[4 13 2 3 1]
result= 11 { Since 11 was smallest positive number which can not be formed from the given array elements }
What i did was :
sorted the array
calculated the prefix sum
Treverse the sum array and check if next element is less than 1
greater than sum i.e. A[j]<=(sum+1). If not so then answer would
be sum+1
But this was nlog(n) solution.
Interviewer was not satisfied with this and asked a solution in less than O(n log n) time.

There's a beautiful algorithm for solving this problem in time O(n + Sort), where Sort is the amount of time required to sort the input array.
The idea behind the algorithm is to sort the array and then ask the following question: what is the smallest positive integer you cannot make using the first k elements of the array? You then scan forward through the array from left to right, updating your answer to this question, until you find the smallest number you can't make.
Here's how it works. Initially, the smallest number you can't make is 1. Then, going from left to right, do the following:
If the current number is bigger than the smallest number you can't make so far, then you know the smallest number you can't make - it's the one you've got recorded, and you're done.
Otherwise, the current number is less than or equal to the smallest number you can't make. The claim is that you can indeed make this number. Right now, you know the smallest number you can't make with the first k elements of the array (call it candidate) and are now looking at value A[k]. The number candidate - A[k] therefore must be some number that you can indeed make with the first k elements of the array, since otherwise candidate - A[k] would be a smaller number than the smallest number you allegedly can't make with the first k numbers in the array. Moreover, you can make any number in the range candidate to candidate + A[k], inclusive, because you can start with any number in the range from 1 to A[k], inclusive, and then add candidate - 1 to it. Therefore, set candidate to candidate + A[k] and increment k.
In pseudocode:
candidate = 1
for i from 1 to length(A):
if A[i] > candidate: return candidate
else: candidate = candidate + A[i]
return candidate
Here's a test run on [4, 13, 2, 1, 3]. Sort the array to get [1, 2, 3, 4, 13]. Then, set candidate to 1. We then do the following:
A[1] = 1, candidate = 1:
A[1] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[1] = 2
A[2] = 2, candidate = 2:
A[2] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[2] = 4
A[3] = 3, candidate = 4:
A[3] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[3] = 7
A[4] = 4, candidate = 7:
A[4] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[4] = 11
A[5] = 13, candidate = 11:
A[5] > candidate, so return candidate (11).
So the answer is 11.
The runtime here is O(n + Sort) because outside of sorting, the runtime is O(n). You can clearly sort in O(n log n) time using heapsort, and if you know some upper bound on the numbers you can sort in time O(n log U) (where U is the maximum possible number) by using radix sort. If U is a fixed constant, (say, 109), then radix sort runs in time O(n) and this entire algorithm then runs in time O(n) as well.
Hope this helps!

Use bitvectors to accomplish this in linear time.
Start with an empty bitvector b. Then for each element k in your array, do this:
b = b | b << k | 2^(k-1)
To be clear, the i'th element is set to 1 to represent the number i, and | k is setting the k-th element to 1.
After you finish processing the array, the index of the first zero in b is your answer (counting from the right, starting at 1).
process 4: b = b | b<<4 | 1000 = 1000
process 13: b = b | b<<13 | 1000000000000 = 10001000000001000
process 2: b = b | b<<2 | 10 = 1010101000000101010
process 3: b = b | b<<3 | 100 = 1011111101000101111110
process 1: b = b | b<<1 | 1 = 11111111111001111111111
First zero: position 11.

Consider all integers in interval [2i .. 2i+1 - 1]. And suppose all integers below 2i can be formed from sum of numbers from given array. Also suppose that we already know C, which is sum of all numbers below 2i. If C >= 2i+1 - 1, every number in this interval may be represented as sum of given numbers. Otherwise we could check if interval [2i .. C + 1] contains any number from given array. And if there is no such number, C + 1 is what we searched for.
Here is a sketch of an algorithm:
For each input number, determine to which interval it belongs, and update corresponding sum: S[int_log(x)] += x.
Compute prefix sum for array S: foreach i: C[i] = C[i-1] + S[i].
Filter array C to keep only entries with values lower than next power of 2.
Scan input array once more and notice which of the intervals [2i .. C + 1] contain at least one input number: i = int_log(x) - 1; B[i] |= (x <= C[i] + 1).
Find first interval that is not filtered out on step #3 and corresponding element of B[] not set on step #4.
If it is not obvious why we can apply step 3, here is the proof. Choose any number between 2i and C, then sequentially subtract from it all the numbers below 2i in decreasing order. Eventually we get either some number less than the last subtracted number or zero. If the result is zero, just add together all the subtracted numbers and we have the representation of chosen number. If the result is non-zero and less than the last subtracted number, this result is also less than 2i, so it is "representable" and none of the subtracted numbers are used for its representation. When we add these subtracted numbers back, we have the representation of chosen number. This also suggests that instead of filtering intervals one by one we could skip several intervals at once by jumping directly to int_log of C.
Time complexity is determined by function int_log(), which is integer logarithm or index of the highest set bit in the number. If our instruction set contains integer logarithm or any its equivalent (count leading zeros, or tricks with floating point numbers), then complexity is O(n). Otherwise we could use some bit hacking to implement int_log() in O(log log U) and obtain O(n * log log U) time complexity. (Here U is largest number in the array).
If step 1 (in addition to updating the sum) will also update minimum value in given range, step 4 is not needed anymore. We could just compare C[i] to Min[i+1]. This means we need only single pass over input array. Or we could apply this algorithm not to array but to a stream of numbers.
Several examples:
Input: [ 4 13 2 3 1] [ 1 2 3 9] [ 1 1 2 9]
int_log: 2 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 1 3
int_log: 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
S: 1 5 4 13 1 5 0 9 2 2 0 9
C: 1 6 10 23 1 6 6 15 2 4 4 13
filtered(C): n n n n n n n n n n n n
number in
[2^i..C+1]: 2 4 - 2 - - 2 - -
C+1: 11 7 5
For multi-precision input numbers this approach needs O(n * log M) time and O(log M) space. Where M is largest number in the array. The same time is needed just to read all the numbers (and in the worst case we need every bit of them).
Still this result may be improved to O(n * log R) where R is the value found by this algorithm (actually, the output-sensitive variant of it). The only modification needed for this optimization is instead of processing whole numbers at once, process them digit-by-digit: first pass processes the low order bits of each number (like bits 0..63), second pass - next bits (like 64..127), etc. We could ignore all higher-order bits after result is found. Also this decreases space requirements to O(K) numbers, where K is number of bits in machine word.

If you sort the array, it will work for you. Counting sort could've done it in O(n), but if you think in a practically large scenario, range can be pretty high.
Quicksort O(n*logn) will do the work for you:
def smallestPositiveInteger(self, array):
candidate = 1
n = len(array)
array = sorted(array)
for i in range(0, n):
if array[i] <= candidate:
candidate += array[i]
return candidate


Counting inversion after swapping two elements of array

You are given a permutation p1,p2,...,pn of numbers from 1 to n.
A permutation is a sequence of integers from 1 to n of length n containing each number exactly once.
You are given q queries where each query consists of two integers a and b, In response to each query you need to return a number of inversions of permutation after swapping elements at index a and b, Here every query is independent i.e. after each query the permutation is restored to its initial state.
An inversion in a permutation p is a pair of indices (i, j) such that i > j and pi < pj. For example, a permutation [4, 1, 3, 2] contains 4 inversions: (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (4, 3).
Input: The first line contains n,q.
The second line contains the space-separated permutation p1,p2,...,pn.
Each line of the next q lines contains two integers a,b.
Output: For each query Print an integer denoting the number of Inversion on a new line.
Sample input:
5 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2
1 3
2 5
2 4
3 3
My approach: I am counting no of inversions using BIT ( for each query after swapping elements at position a and b..and then again swapping it so that my array remains unchanged. But this solution gives TLE for large test cases. Is there any better approach for this problem?
You are getting TLE probably because number of computations in this approach is q * (n * log(n)) = 2 * 10^5 * 10^3 * log(1000) = ~10^9, which is more than generally accepted computations ~10^8.
I can think of the following solution. Please note that I have not coded / verified it:
Denoting ri == number of indices j, such that i > j && pi < pj. Eg: [2, 3, 1, 4], r3 = 2. Basically, it means the number of inversions with the farther index as i. (Please note that I am using 1-based index as per the question. Also,a < b as per the question)
Thus we have: Sum of ri == #invs (number of inversions)
We can calculate initial total #invs in O(n^2)
When a and b are swapped, we can observe that:
a) ri remains constant, where i < a .
b) ri remains constant, where i > b.
Only ri changes where a <= i <=b, and that too on these following conditions. I am considering the case when pa < pb. Exact opposite case will need to considered when pa > pb.
a) Since pa < pb, thus this swap causes #invs = #invs + 1
b) If (pi < pa && pi < pb) || (pi > pa && pi > pb), this swap does not change ri. Eg: [2,....10,....5]. Here Swapping 2 and 5 does not change the r value for 10.
c) If pa < pi < pb, it will increment ri by 1, and new rb by 1. Eg: [2,....3,.....4], when 2 and 4 are swapped, we have [4,....3,....2], the rvalue 3 increases by 1 (because of 4); and also the r value of 2 increase by 1 (because of 3). Please note that increment because of what about 4 > 2? was already calculated in step (a), and needs to be done once only.
d) We need to find all such indicies i where pa < pi < pb as we started with above. Let us call it f(a, b). Then the total change in #invs delta = (2 * f(a, b)) + 1, and answer will be #original_invs + delta.
As I mentioned, all the exact opposite steps need to be done for the case pa > pb. The delta will be negative in that case.
Now, the only thing remained is to solve: Given a, b, find f(a, b) efficiently. For this, we can pre-process and store it for all pairs of indices. This will take O(N^2) space, and O(N^2 * log(N)) time, using a balanced binary-search-tree (BST). Again showing steps for pre-processing for case pa < pb only. Another set of pre-processing steps needs to be done for the other case:
We will use self-balancing BST, in which each node also contains the following fields:
a) field_1: This denotes the size of the left sub-tree. This value will be updated on every insert operation, if size of left-sub-tree changes.
b) field_2: This denotes the number of elements < node.value that this tree has. This value is initialized once when the node is inserted and does not change thereafter. I have added a small explanation of how it will be achieved in Addendum-A. This field is basically our pre-processing, which will determine f(a, b).
With all of this now, for each index i, where 0 <= i < n, do the following: Create new tree. Insert pj values into the tree one by one, where (i < j < n ) && (pa < pj) . (Please note we are not inserting values where pa > pj). The method given in Addendum-A will make sure we find f(i, j) while inserting.
There will be n such pre-processed trees, one for every index. For finding f(a, b): We need to look into ath tree, and search node.value = pb. This node's field_2 = f(a, b).
The complexity of insertion is O(logN). So, the total pre-processing computation = O(N * N(logN)). Search is O(logN), so the query complexity is O(q * logN). Total complexity = O(N^2) + O(N * N (logN)) + O(q * logN) which will turn out ~10^7
Addendum A: How to populate field_2 while inserting node:
i) Insert the node, and balance the tree. Update field_1 as required.
i) Initailze ans = 0. Traverse the BST from root searching for your node.
iii) do {
If node.value < search_key_b, ans += node.left_subtree_size + 1
} while(!node.found)
iv) ans -= 1
We can solve this in O(n log n) space and O(n log n + Q * log^2(n)) time with a merge-sort tree. The merge-sort tree allows us to find the number of elements inside a subarray that are greater than or lower than an input number in O(log^2(n)) time and O(n log n) space.
First we record the total number of inversions in O(n log n) time, for which there are known methods. To query the effect of a swap bound by left and right, consider the subarray between:
subtract the number of elements greater
than right in the subarray (those will
no longer be inversions)
subtract the number of elements smaller
than left in the subarray (those will
no longer be inversions)
add the number of elements greater
than left in the subarray (those will
be new inversions)
add the number of elements smaller
than right in the subarray (those will
be new inversions)
if right > left, add 1
if left > right, subtract 1

Finding the permutation that satisfy given condition

I want to find out the number of all permutation of nnumber.Number will be from 1 to n.The given condition is that each ithposition can have number up to Si,where Si is given for each position of number.
For example:
then its all five element will be
and given Si for each position is as:
It shows that at:
1st position can have 1 to 2that is 1,2 but can not be number among 3 to 5.
At 2nd position can have number 1 to 3 only.
At 3rd position can have number 1 to 4 only.
At 4th position can have number 1 to 5 only.
At 5th position can have number 1 to 5 only.
Some of its permutation are:
2,3,4,1,5 etc.
But these can not be:
3,1,4,2,5 As 3 is present at 1st position.
1,2,5,3,4 As 5 is present at 3rd position.
I am not getting any idea to count all possible number of permutations with given condition.
Okay, if we have a guarantee that numbers si are given in not descending order then looks like it is possible to calculate the number of permutations in O(n).
The idea of straightforward algorithm is as follows:
At step i multiply the result by current value of si[i];
We chose some number for position i. As long as we need permutation, that number cannot be repeated, so decrement all the rest si[k] where k from i+1 to the end (e.g. n) by 1;
Increase i by 1, go back to (1).
To illustrate on example for si: 2 3 3 4:
result = 1;
current si is "2 3 3 4", result *= si[0] (= 1*2 == 2), decrease 3, 3 and 4 by 1;
current si is "..2 2 3", result *= si[1] (= 2*2 == 4), decrease last 2 and 3 by 1;
current si is "....1 2", result *= si[2] (= 4*1 == 4), decrease last number by 1;
current si is "..... 1", result *= si[3] (= 4*1 == 4), done.
Hovewer this straightforward approach would require O(n^2) due to decreasing steps. To optimize it we can easily observe that at the moment of result *= si[i] our si[i] was already decreased exactly i times (assuming we start from 0 of course).
Thus O(n) way:
unsigned int result = 1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
result *= (si[i] - i);
for each si count the number of element in your array such that a[i] <= si using binary search, and store the value to an array count[i], now the answer is the product of all count[i], however we have decrease the number of redundancy from the answer ( as same number could be count twice ), for that you can sort si and check how many number is <= s[i], then decrease that number from each count,the complexity is O(nlog(n)), hope at least I give you an idea.
To complete Yuriy Ivaskevych answer, if you don't know if the sis are in increasing order, you can sort the sis and it will also works.
And the result will be null or negative if the permutations are impossible (ex: 1 1 1 1 1)
You can try backtracking, it's a little hardcore approach but will work.
or google backtracking tutorial C++

finding the digit sum in a arthematic sequence

I have a very simple question. I will be provided with the first term of Arithmetic Progression and the common difference. I am required to give sum of digits of all numbers in between the range of L and R.Here the sum means the sum <10 that means for a number say 157, the sum of digits is 1+5+7=13 which is further 1+3=4. The range is the index of the elements. L means the Lth number of that series and L starts from 1.Here L and R can be of range 1 to 10^18. How can i find the sum of these digits for such a large range. I know the digit sum of a number n can be calculated as (n-1)%9+1. But i can't iterate over 10^18 numbers.
Example: let say First term of Arithmetic Progression is 14 and common difference 7.Then the sum of digits of all numbers between 2 and 4 will be sum of (2+1)=3 and (2+8)=(1+0)=1 and (3+5)=8 which is equal to 12
for pattern finding
ll arr[10]={0};
while(1)// search for the pattern
ll dsum=(current-1)%9+1;// calculating digit sum
arr[dsum]=ptr;// saving the value in the array by using hashing
for sum
for(ll i=1;i<ptr;i++)
Since all of your numbers will be (ultimately) reduced to a single digit, you must be having repetition after certain number of terms, and, that is maximum of 9. (because 10 digits, but 0 not possible to repeat).
So, lets start with an example. Say, a=14, d=7, l=2, r=50. I've changed the value of r from your example.
So, trying to find repetition:
Our repetition array is q (say). Then, 1st term of q is 5 (since 14 = 5).
Now, next term is 21 (= 3). Since 3 is not equal to 5, we continue.
We find all terms till we get 5 again. So, q will be like this in this example:
q[] = {5,3,1,8,6,4,2,9,7} ... and then we have 5 again, so stop.
So, our repetitive pattern has 9 members. Now, find a cumulative sum array with this, which will be like:
sum[] = {5,8,9,17,23,27,29,38,45}
Now, since r=50, find sum of r terms, which will be:
(floor)(50/9) * 45 + sum[50%9]
= 5 * 45 + 23
= 248
Now, similarly, find sum of l-1 terms, (since you have to find sum in range l..r inclusive.
Sum of 1st (2-1) = 1 terms will be:
(floor)(1/9) * 45 + sum[1 % 9]
= 0 + 5
= 5
So, the answer is, 248 - 5 = 243.
well you can solve this problem by taking two arrays of elements 9 and finding the lth term element.
from the lth term find the digit sum of lth element and save it in two array respectively .
for(i=1,j=w1;i<=9;j+=d,i++){ if(j%9==0){array1[i]=9 ;array2[i]=9;}else{array1[i]=j%9;array2[i]=j%9;}
now q = r-l+1
w= q/9 and e=q%9
array1[i]=array1[i]*w // in loop from i= 1 to 9
in array2[i]=0 //new loop from i=e+1 to 9
now digitsum += array1[i]+array2[i] // from a a loop i=1 to 9 and digitsum is the sum of all digit of sequence
this digit sum is solution.

Maximum subset which has no sum of two divisible by K

I am given the set {1, 2, 3, ... ,N}. I have to find the maximum size of a subset of the given set so that the sum of any 2 numbers from the subset is not divisible by a given number K. N and K can be up to 2*10^9 so i need a very fast algorithm. I only came up with an algorithm of complexity O(K), which is slow.
first calculate all of the set elements mod k.and solve simple problem:
find the maximum size of a subset of the given set so that the sum of any 2 numbers from the subset is not equal by a given number K.
i divide this set to two sets (i and k-i) that you can not choose set(i) and set(k-i) Simultaneously.
int myset[]
int modclass[k]
for(int i=0; i< size of myset ;i++)
modclass[(myset[i] mod k)] ++;
for(int i=0; i< k/2 ;i++)
if (modclass[i] > modclass[k-i])
choose all of the set elements that the element mod k equal i
choose all of the set elements that the element mod k equal k-i
finally you can add one element from that the element mod k equal 0 or k/2.
this solution with an algorithm of complexity O(K).
you can improve this idea with dynamic array:
for(int i=0; i< size of myset ;i++)
x= myset[i] mod k;
for(int j=0; j< size of newset ;j++)
if(newset[j][1]==x or newset[j][2]==x)
if (x < k/2)
if (x < k/2)
now you can choose with an algorithm of complexity O(myset.count).and your algorithm is more than O(myset.count) because you need O(myset.count) for read your set.
complexity of this solution is O(myset.count^2),that you can choose algorithm depended your input.with compare between O(myset.count^2) and o(k).
and for better solution you can sort myset based on mod k.
I'm assuming that the set of numbers is always 1 through N for some N.
Consider the first N-(N mod K) numbers. The form floor(N/K) sequences of K consecutive numbers, with reductions mod K from 0 through K-1. For each group, floor(K/2) have to be dropped for having a reduction mod K that is the negation mod K of another subset of floor(K/2). You can keep ceiling(K/2) from each set of K consecutive numbers.
Now consider the remaining N mod K numbers. They have reductions mod K starting at 1. I have not worked out the exact limits, but if N mod K is less than about K/2 you will be able to keep all of them. If not, you will be able to keep about the first ceiling(K/2) of them.
I believe the concept here is correct, but I have not yet worked out all the details.
Here is my analysis of the problem and answer. In what follows |x| is floor(x). This solution is similar to the one in #Constantine's answer, but differs in a few cases.
Consider the first K*|N/K| elements. They consist of |N/K| repeats of the reductions modulo K.
In general, we can include |N/K| elements that are k modulo K subject to the following limits:
If (k+k)%K is zero, we can include only one element that is k modulo K. That is the case for k=0 and k=(K/2)%K, which can only happen for even K.
That means we get |N/K| * |(K-1)/2| elements from the repeats.
We need to correct for the omitted elements. If N >= K we need to add 1 for the 0 mod K elements. If K is even and N>=K/2 we also need to add 1 for the (K/2)%K elements.
Finally, if M(N)!=0 we need to add a partial or complete copy of the repeat elements, min(N%K,|(K-1)/2|).
The final formula is:
|N/K| * |(K-1)/2| +
(N>=K ? 1 : 0) +
((N>=K/2 && (K%2)==0) ? 1 : 0) +
This differs from #Constantine's version in some cases involving even K. For example, consider N=4, K=6. The correct answer is 3, the size of the set {1, 2, 3}. #Constantine's formula gives |(6-1)/2| = |5/2| = 2. The formula above gets 0 for each of the first two lines, 1 from the third line, and 2 from the final line, giving the correct answer.
formula is
|N/K| * |(K-1)/2| + ost
ost =
if n<k:
ost =0
else if n%k ==0 :
ost =1
else if n%k < |(K-1)/2| :
ost = n%k
ost = |(K-1)/2|
where |a/b|
for example |9/2| = 4 |7/2| = 3
example n = 30 , k =7 ;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
1 2 3 |4| 5 6 7. - is first line .
8 9 10 |11| 12 13 14 - second line
if we getting first 3 number in each line we may get size of this subset. also we may adding one number from ( 7 14 28)
getting first 3 number (1 2 3) is a number |(k-1)/2| .
a number of this line is |n/k| .
if there is not residue we may add one number (for example last number).
if residue < |(k-1)/2| we get all number in last line
else getting |(K-1)/2|.
thanks for exception case.
ost = 0 if k>n
n,k=(raw_input().split(' '))
l=[0 for x in range(k)]
d=[int(x) for x in raw_input().split(' ')]
for x in d:
if l[0]!=0:
if (k%2==0):
if k==1:
print 1
elif k==2:
print 2
while i<j:
sum=sum+(l[i] if l[i]>=l[j] else l[j])
print sum
This is explanation to ABRAR TYAGI and amin k's solution.
The approach to this solution is:
Create an array L with K buckets and group all the elements from the
input array D into the K buckets. Each bucket L[i] contains D's elements such that ( element % K ) = i.
All the elements that are individually divisible by K are in L[0]. So
only one of these elements (if any) can belong in our final (maximal)
subset. Sum of any two of these elements is divisible by K.
If we add an element from L[i] to an element in L[K-i] then the sum is divisible by K. Hence we can add elements from only one of these buckets to
our final set. We pick the largest bucket.
d is the array containing the initial set of numbers of size n. The goal of this code is to find the count of the largest subset of d such that the sum of no two integers is divisible by 2.
l is an array that will contain k integers. The idea is to reduce each (element) in array d to (element % k) and save the frequency of their occurrences in array l.
For example, l[1] contains the frequency of all elements % k = 1
We know that 1 + (k-1) % k = 0 so either l[1] or l[k-1] have to be discarded to meet the criteria that sum of no two numbers % k should be 0.
But as we need the largest subset of d, we choose the larger of l[1] and l[k-1]
We loop through array l such that for (i=1; i<=k/2 && i < k-i; i++) and do the above step.
There are two outliers. The sum of any two numbers in the l[0] group % k = 0. So add 1 if l[0] is non-zero.
if k is even, the loop does not handle i=k/2, and using the same logic as above increment the count by one.

To find the min and max after addition and subtraction from a range of numbers

I am having a Algorithm question, in which numbers are been given from 1 to N and a number of operations are to be performed and then min/max has to be found among them.
Two operations - Addition and subtraction
and operations are in the form a b c d , where a is the operation to be performed,b is the starting number and c is the ending number and d is the number to be added/subtracted
for example
suppose numbers are 1 to N
N =5
1 2 3 4 5
We perform operations as
1 2 4 5
2 1 3 4
1 4 5 6
By these operations we will have numbers from 1 to N as
1 7 8 9 5
-3 3 4 9 5
-3 3 4 15 11
So the maximum is 15 and min is -3
My Approach:
I have taken the lower limit and upper limit of the numbers in this case it is 1 and 5 only stored in an array and applied the operations, and then had found the minimum and maximum.
Could there be any better approach?
I will assume that all update (addition/subtraction) operations happen before finding max/min. I don't have a good solution for update and min/max operations mixing together.
You can use a plain array, where the value at index i of the array is the difference between the index i and index (i - 1) of the original array. This makes the sum from index 0 to index i of our array to be the value at index i of the original array.
Subtraction is addition with the negated number, so they can be treated similarly. When we need to add k to the original array from index i to index j, we will add k to index i of our array, and subtract k to index (j + 1) of our array. This takes O(1) time per update.
You can find the min/max of the original array by accumulating summing the values and record the max/min values. This takes O(n) time per operation. I assume this is done once for the whole array.
a[N] // Original array
d[N] // Difference array
// Initialization
d[0] = a[0]
for (i = 1 to N-1)
d[i] = a[i] - a[i - 1]
// Addition (subtraction is similar)
add(from_idx, to_idx, amount) {
d[from_idx] += amount
d[to_idx + 1] -= amount
// Find max/min for the WHOLE array after add/subtract
current = max = min = d[0];
for (i = 1 to N - 1) {
current += d[i]; // Sum from d[0] to d[i] is a[i]
max = MAX(max, current);
min = MIN(min, current);
Generally there is no "best way" to find the min/max in the performance point of view because it depends on how this application will be used.
-Finding the max and min in a list needs O(n) Time, so if you want to run many (many in the context of the input) operations, your approach to find the min/max after all the operations took place is fine.
-But if the list will hold many elements and you don’t want to run that many operations, you better check each result of the op if its a new max/min and update if necessary.