Qt Multiple Async While Loops and qApp->processEvents(); - c++

I am trying to do a project is creating some graphics on window with Qt GUI C++ 5.6.2.
I have two methods named 'createVerticalSpeedIndicator' and 'createAirSpeedIndicator'. These methods need to create some graphics with a while(1) loop and use qApp->processEvents(); on window and they are doing it perfectly when one of them is working the other one is deactive. But I need to run both of them simultanously and always.
What can I do to run them simultanously and always.
Thank you So much

The solution is to invert the control flow. The while() { ... processEvents() ... } is an anti-pattern in asynchronous code, because it assumes that you have locus of control whereas you really don't. You're lucky that you didn't run out of stack since processEvents could potentially re-enter the createXxx methods.
Here's a complete example of a transformation:
// Input
void Class::createVerticalSpeedIndicator() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {
// Step 1 - factor out state
void Class::createVerticalSpeedIndicator() {
int i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
// Step 2 - convert to continuation form
void Class::createVerticalSpeedIndicator() {
int i = 0;
auto continuation = [=]() mutable {
if (!(i < 100))
return false;
return true;
while (continuation());
// Step 3 - execute the continuation asynchronously
auto Class::createVerticalSpeedIndicator() {
int i = 0;
return async(this, [=]() mutable {
if (!(i < 100))
return false;
i++; // note the removal of processEvents here
return true;
template <typename F> void async(QObject * parent, F && continuation) {
auto timer = new QTimer(parent);
connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [timer, c = std::move(continuation)]{
if (!c())
At that point you can apply the same transformation to createAirSpeedIndicator and start them in the constructor of your class:
Class::Class(QWidget * parent) : QWidget(parent) {
Both tasks will run asynchronously and pseudo-concurrently within the main thread, i.e. each task will alternatively execute a single step.
Suppose we wanted to chain the tasks, i.e. have a task start only after the previous one has finished. The modification in the user code can be simple:
Class::Class(QWidget * parent) : QWidget(parent) {
>> createAirSpeedIndicator()
>> someOtherTask();
The async function must now return a class that allows such connections to be made:
struct TaskTimer {
QTimer * timer;
TaskTimer & operator>>(const TaskTimer & next) {
connect(timer, &QObject::destroyed, next.timer, [timer = next.timer]{
timer = next.timer;
return *this;
template <typename F> TaskTimer async(QObject * parent, F && continuation) {
TaskTimer task{new QTimer(parent)};
connect(task.timer, &QTimer::timeout,
[timer = task.timer, c = std::move(continuation)]{
if (!c())
return task;


Share object between two lambdas

I am trying to share the same object (in my case, a string) between to lambdas using shared_ptr:
auto fileToLoad = make_shared<string>();
QDir dir(dirPath.c_str());
QString fileExtension(fileExt.c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
auto files = dir.entryList(QStringList() << fileExtension << fileExtension.toUpper(), QDir::Files);
if (!files.empty())
//fileToLoad.reset(new string(files.first().toUtf8().constData()));
fileToLoad = make_shared<string>(files.first().toUtf8().constData());
if (fileToLoad == nullptr)
DisplayMessage("Timeout reached");
After many attempts I have still not been able to make it work as I want: to store fileToLoad in the first lambda and use it in the second. Or it fails to compile due to qualifiers (const), or it compiles but 'fileToLoad' remains empty.
As you can see I am trying to notify if a file has appeared in a folder, using StartAsync function, which takes 2 lambdas (this function basically creates QObjects and move them to background thread and then makes some connections between signals and slots).
StartAsync: takes a lambda of a task (lengthy work), and a lambda of post task (UI updates)
void MainWidget::StartAsync(function<void()> func, function<void()> postTask)
AsyncTask* task = new AsyncTask(func, [=]() { if (postTask != nullptr) { postTask(); HideProgressBar(); }});
QThread* thread = new QThread();
connect(thread, &QThread::started, this, &MainWidget::ShowProgressBar);
connect(thread, &QThread::started, task, &AsyncTask::RunTask);
connect(task, &AsyncTask::TaskFinished, task, &AsyncTask::RunPostTask);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, task, &QObject::deleteLater);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, thread, &QObject::deleteLater);
Any suggestions are appreciated.
When you assign a new value to a std::shared_ptr - you create a new shared value, that doesn't have any connection with the previous one (you can have a look at counters of both shared_ptrs). You should change
fileToLoad = make_shared<string>(files.first().toUtf8().constData());
*fileToLoad = files.first().toUtf8().constData()
(of course checking beforehand that fileToLoad isn't null)
You code won't work, because in first lambda you overwrite the temporary pointer inside lambda. What you can do is overwrite std::string behind the pointer and it should work fine:
auto fileToLoad = make_shared<string>();
QDir dir(dirPath.c_str());
QString fileExtension(fileExt.c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
auto files = dir.entryList(QStringList() << fileExtension << fileExtension.toUpper(), QDir::Files);
if (!files.empty())
//fileToLoad.reset(new string(files.first().toUtf8().constData()));
*fileToLoad = files.first().toStdString();
if (fileToLoad == nullptr)
DisplayMessage("Timeout reached");

tbb concurrent_bounded_queue multiple threads access

I have the following code:
tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<Image> camera_queue_;
struct Image
int hour_;
int minute_;
int second_;
int msec_;
QImage image_;
Image(){hour_ = -1; minute_ = -1; second_ = -1; msec_ = -1; image_ = QImage();}
Image& operator=(Image const& copy)
this->hour_ = copy.hour_;
this->minute_ = copy.minute_;
this->second_ = copy.second_;
this->msec_ = copy.msec_;
this->image_ = copy.image_;
return *this;
In a Qt Thread :
tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<Image> image_queue_;
Image cur_image_;
void Worker::process() {
emit imageReady();
emit finished();
Image Worker::getCurrentImage()
Image tmp_image;
return tmp_image;
In Another Thread:
work_ = new Worker();
QObject::connect(workerThread_, &QThread::finished, work_, &QObject::deleteLater);
QObject::connect(this, &Producer::operate, work_, &Worker::process);
QObject::connect(work_, &Worker::imageReady, this, &Producer::displayImage);
QObject::connect(this, &Producer::stopDecode, work_, &Worker::stop);
emit operate();
void Producer::process() {
void Producer::displayImage()
Image tmp = std::move(work_->getCurrentImage());
However, In main thread, I have a function that enables user to click a button to get current image:
bool Producer::SaveImage()
Image img = std::move(work_->getCurrentImage());
std::string fileName = std::to_string(img.hour_) + "-" + std::to_string(img.minute_) + "-" + std::to_string(img.second_) + "-" + std::to_string(img.msec_/1000) + ".jpg";
std::string outFileName = folder + "/" + fileName;
return img.image_.save(QString::fromStdString(outFileName));
The problem is:
When user does not click the button to invoke Producer::SaveImage(), the Image Decoding and Showing runs smoothly. But when user invoke Producer::SaveImage(), the whole program will get stuck (Caton phenomenon ?). The GUI response becomes not that smooth. The more user invokes SaveImage, the slower the GUI response becomes.
Can anyone help to explain why ? Is there a way to solve that ?
Why do you want to use concurrent queue? It looks like there is a syncronization mechanism in place and you rely mostly on it instead of using concurrent_queue for synchronisation and communication as it is supposed for.
The issue is that when you set capacity = 1, both operations of concurrent_bounded_queue will block until there is enough space of items in the queue. E.g. if the queue contains an item already, the push operation will block. And since you control your threads with another notification mechanism, you might catch a deadlock.
In particular, try to swap the operations like below:
emit imageReady();
This should prepare the thread which receives images (if I understand this correctly) and it will block on its image_queue_.pop() method, then this thread will put new image and unblocks the recipient. There might be other issues similar to this, so, please rethink all of your synchronization.

Windows Form Show vs ShowDialog

I have a small application that I am trying to create for windows. I am running into an issue with mixing a background thread designed to process some data. This background engine someone needs to both update the application gui (A windows Form) and get information from it.
Here is the basic application main.
int main() {
Engine engine;
Gui g;
engine.run(); // creates a new thread for engine logic
bool running = false;
// Update gui with information from the engine
// transition to running
if(g.isRunning() && !running)
running = true;
// transition to stopped
else if(!g.isRunning() && running)
running = false;
My main problem comes from the fact that Gui class is managed. See Class declaration below.
public ref class Gui : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
I am not really able to mix these two things, at first I had wanted to just throw the Engine into the Gui but that doesn't work since it is unmanaged.
You will note that the problem here is calling ShowDialog() as this makes the dialog modal and no code afterwards is executed. However, if I use Show() ... the Gui simply doesn't update or process any inputs.
I created a background worker in the Gui class so the engine is contained within the Gui but is ran on another thread.
void InitializeBackgoundWorker()
this->backgroundWorker1 = gcnew System::ComponentModel::BackgroundWorker;
backgroundWorker1->DoWork += gcnew DoWorkEventHandler( this, &Gui::backgroundWorker1_DoWork );
backgroundWorker1->RunWorkerAsync( );
delegate void UpdateCallback(int hp, int maxhp);
void UpdateGui(int hp, int maxhp)
this->playerHealthBar->Value = ((float)(hp)/(float)(maxhp) * 100.0f);
void backgroundWorker1_DoWork( Object^ sender, DoWorkEventArgs^ e )
aBotEngine engine;
array<Object^>^args = gcnew array<Object^>(2);
args[0] = engine.getPlayerHp();
args[1] = engine.getPlayerMaxHp();
this->playerHealthBar->Invoke(gcnew UpdateCallback(this, &Gui::UpdateGui), args);
As far as I can tell this is the proper way to have background thread that updates your windows form. I'm sure its not the only way.
void InitializeBackgoundWorker()
this->backgroundWorker1 = gcnew System::ComponentModel::BackgroundWorker;
backgroundWorker1->DoWork += gcnew DoWorkEventHandler( this, &Gui::backgroundWorker1_DoWork );
backgroundWorker1->RunWorkerAsync( );
delegate void UpdateCallback(int hp, int maxhp);
void UpdateGui(int hp, int maxhp)
this->playerHealthBar->Value = ((float)(hp)/(float)(maxhp) * 100.0f);
void backgroundWorker1_DoWork( Object^ sender, DoWorkEventArgs^ e )
aBotEngine engine;
array<Object^>^args = gcnew array<Object^>(2);
args[0] = engine.getPlayerHp();
args[1] = engine.getPlayerMaxHp();
this->playerHealthBar->Invoke(gcnew UpdateCallback(this, &Gui::UpdateGui), args);

Refreshing with repaint() stops working

Today I encountered a problem with repaint() function from QT libraries. Long story short, I got a slot where I train my neural network using BP algorithm. I had tested the whole algorithm in console and then wanted to move it into GUI Application. Everything works fine except refreshing. Training of neural networks is a process containing a lot of computations, which are made in bp_alg function (training) and licz_mse function (counting a current error). Variable ilosc_epok can be set up to 1e10. Therefore the whole process may last even several hours. Thats why I wanted to display a current progress after each 100000 epochs (the last if contition). wyniki is an object of QTextEdit class used for displaying the progress. Unfortunately, repaint() doesnt work as intended. At the beginning it refreshes wyniki in GUI, but after some random time it stops working. When the external loop is finished, it refreshes once again showing all changes.
I tried to change frequency of refreshing, but sooner or later it always stops (unless the whole training process stops early enough because of satisfying the break condition). It looks like at some moment of time the application decides to stop refreshing because of too many computations. Imo it shouldnt happen. I was looking for a solution among older questions and managed to solve the problem when I used qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents); instead of wyniki->repaint();. However, Im still curious why repaint() stops working just like that.
Below I paste a part of the code with the problematic part. Im using QT Creator 2.4.1 and QT Libraries 4.8.1 if it helps.
unsigned long int ile_epok;
double mse_w_epoce;
for (ile_epok=0; ile_epok<ilosc_epok; ile_epok++) { //external loop of training
mse_w_epoce = 0;
for (int i=0; i<zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[0]; i++) { //internal loop of training
alg_bp(zbior_uczacy[i], &zbior_uczacy[i][zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[1]]);
mse_w_epoce += licz_mse(&zbior_uczacy[i][zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[1]]);
//checking break condition
if (mse_w_epoce < warunek_stopu) {
wyniki->append("Zakończono uczenie po " + QString::number(ile_epok) + " epokach, osiągając MSE: " + QString::number(mse_w_epoce));
//problematic part
if ((ile_epok+1)%(100000) == 0) {
wyniki->append("Uczenie w toku, po " + QString::number(ile_epok+1) + " epokach MSE wynosi: " + QString::number(mse_w_epoce));
You're blocking your GUI thread, so repaints will not work, it's just plainly bad design. You're never supposed to block the GUI thread.
If you insist on doing the work in the GUI thread, you must forcibly chop the work into small chunks and return to the main event loop after each chunk. Nested event loops are evil, so don't even think you'd want one. All this has a bad code smell, so stay away.
Alternatively, simply move your computation QObject to a worker thread and do the work there.
The code below demonstrates both techniques. It's easy to notice that the chopping-up-of-work requires to maintain loop state inside of the worker object, not merely locally in the loop. It's messier, the code smells bad, again - avoid it.
The code works under both Qt 4.8 and 5.1.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QThread>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QBasicTimer>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QPlainTextEdit>
#include <QPushButton>
class Helper : private QThread {
using QThread::usleep;
class Trainer : public QObject {
float m_stopMSE;
int m_epochCounter;
QBasicTimer m_timer;
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent * ev);
Trainer(QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent), m_stopMSE(1.0) {}
Q_SLOT void startTraining() {
m_epochCounter = 0;
m_timer.start(0, this);
Q_SLOT void moveToGUIThread() { moveToThread(qApp->thread()); }
Q_SIGNAL void hasNews(const QString &);
float stopMSE() const { return m_stopMSE; }
void setStopMSE(float m) { m_stopMSE = m; }
void Trainer::timerEvent(QTimerEvent * ev)
const int updateTime = 50; //ms
const int maxEpochs = 5000000;
if (ev->timerId() != m_timer.timerId()) return;
QElapsedTimer t;
while (1) {
// do the work here
float currentMSE;
#if 0
for (int i=0; i<zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[0]; i++) { //internal loop of training
alg_bp(zbior_uczacy[i], &zbior_uczacy[i][zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[1]]);
currentMSE += licz_mse(&zbior_uczacy[i][zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[1]]);
Helper::usleep(100); // pretend we're busy doing some work
currentMSE = 2E4/m_epochCounter;
// bail out if we're done
if (currentMSE <= m_stopMSE || m_epochCounter >= maxEpochs) {
QString s = QString::fromUtf8("Zakończono uczenie po %1 epokach, osiągając MSE: %2")
emit hasNews(s);
// send out periodic updates
// Note: QElapsedTimer::elapsed() may be expensive, so we don't call it all the time
if ((m_epochCounter % 128) == 1 && t.elapsed() > updateTime) {
QString s = QString::fromUtf8("Uczenie w toku, po %1 epokach MSE wynosi: %2")
emit hasNews(s);
// return to the event loop if we're in the GUI thread
if (QThread::currentThread() == qApp->thread()) break; else t.restart();
class Window : public QWidget {
QPlainTextEdit *m_log;
QThread *m_worker;
Trainer *m_trainer;
Q_SIGNAL void startTraining();
Q_SLOT void showNews(const QString & s) { m_log->appendPlainText(s); }
Q_SLOT void on_startGUI_clicked() {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_trainer, "moveToGUIThread");
emit startTraining();
Q_SLOT void on_startWorker_clicked() {
emit startTraining();
Window(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0) :
QWidget(parent, f), m_log(new QPlainTextEdit), m_worker(new QThread(this)), m_trainer(new Trainer)
QGridLayout * l = new QGridLayout(this);
QPushButton * btn;
btn = new QPushButton("Start in GUI Thread");
l->addWidget(btn, 0, 0, 1, 1);
btn = new QPushButton("Start in Worker Thread");
l->addWidget(btn, 0, 1, 1, 1);
l->addWidget(m_log, 1, 0, 1, 2);
connect(m_trainer, SIGNAL(hasNews(QString)), SLOT(showNews(QString)));
m_trainer->connect(this, SIGNAL(startTraining()), SLOT(startTraining()));
~Window() {
delete m_trainer;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Window w;
return a.exec();
#include "main.moc"

How to use the CCTimer class in Cocos2d android?

I want to use CCTimer class for the Timer but I can't sort out. After I use to manually create a function for this but it seems not effective .
protected GameLayer(ccColor4B color)
schedule(new UpdateCallback() {
public void update(float d) {
public void countTime(float scr) {
if(_label != null){
CGSize winSize = CCDirector.sharedDirector().displaySize();
_label = CCLabel.makeLabel("Time Left :" + j, "Verdana", 20);
_label.setPosition(155f, winSize.height - 15);
it run from 1 to the the point which i want to stop ... !!!
what should i do to use the CCTimer class to resolve this problem ?
CCTimer is available but I haven't tried this earlier but you can do this thing through Timer class :
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate( new TimerTask(){
public void run() {
public void updateTimeLabel() {
float time += 1;
String string = CCFormatter.format("%02d:%02d", (int)(time /60) , (int)time % 60 );
CCBitmapFontAtlas timerLabel = (CCBitmapFontAtlas) getChildByTag(TIMER_LABEL_TAG) ;