Can a map have different dimensions for each item? - c++

I'd like to use boost units for a project I work on, but before I start I'd like to check that it's appropriate for what I want to do. I've checked the documentation and the code, but I don't see an example that assures me that I can do what I need. I am a scientist, not a programmer, so I'm not familiar with the details of how this works.
I use maps to store quantities, and the quantities have different dimensions. It looks like a quantity must be associated with a dimension or unit though. Is something like the following possible?
map<string, quantity<>> parameters; // I don't know what to put here. Is there a class that represents a quantity without immediately specificying the dimension or unit?
parameters["distance"] = 2 * meters;
parameters["duration"] = 30 * seconds;
quantity<velocity> v ="distance") /"duration");
My goal is a map with the most general concept of a quantity, i.e., a value with units.
Whereas all of the examples have quantity with a value and specific units.

No, boost units is for compile time checks. Dynamicly chosen objects cannot easily be checked this way.
Use a struct instead of a map.


How to use arrays in machine learning classes?

I'm new to C++ and I think a good way for me to jump in is to build some basic models that I've built in other languages. I want to start with just Linear Regression solved using first order methods. So here's how I want things to be organized (in pseudocode).
class LinearRegression
tol = <a supplied tolerance or defaulted to 1e-5>
max_ite = <a supplied max iter or default to 1k>
fit(X, y):
// model learns weights specific to this data set
_gradient(X, y):
// compute the gradient
// model uses weights learned from fit to compute accuracy of
// y_predicted to actual y
My question is when I use fit, score and gradient methods I don't actually need to pass around the arrays (X and y) or even store them anywhere so I want to use a reference or a pointer to those structures. My problem is that if the method accepts a pointer to a 2D array I need to supply the second dimension size ahead of time or use templating. If I use templating I now have something like this for every method that accepts a 2D array
template<std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols>
void fit(double (&X)[rows][cols], double &y){...}
It seems there likely a better way. I want my regression class to work with any size input. How is this done in industry? I know in some situations the array is just flattened into row or column major format where just a pointer to the first element is passed but I don't have enough experience to know what people use in C++.
You wrote a quite a few points in your question, so here are some points addressing them:
Contemporary C++ discourages working directly with heap-allocated data that you need to manually allocate or deallocate. You can use, e.g., std::vector<double> to represent vectors, and std::vector<std::vector<double>> to represent matrices. Even better would be to use a matrix class, preferably one that is already in mainstream use.
Once you use such a class, you can easily get the dimension at runtime. With std::vector, for example, you can use the size() method. Other classes have other methods. Check the documentation for the one you choose.
You probably really don't want to use templates for the dimensions.
a. If you do so, you will need to recompile each time you get a different input. Your code will be duplicated (by the compiler) to the number of different dimensions you simultaneously use. Lots of bad stuff, with little gain (in this case). There's no real drawback to getting the dimension at runtime from the class.
b. Templates (in your setting) are fitting for the type of the matrix (e.g., is it a matrix of doubles or floats), or possibly the number of dimesions (e.g., for specifying tensors).
Your regressor doesn't need to store the matrix and/or vector. Pass them by const reference. Your interface looks like that of sklearn. If you like, check the source code there. The result of calling fit just causes the class object to store the parameter corresponding to the prediction vector β. It doesn't copy or store the input matrix and/or vector.

C++ Complicated look-up table

I have around 400.000 "items".
Each "item" consists of 16 double values.
At runtime I need to compare items with each other. Therefore I am muplicating their double values. This is quite time-consuming.
I have made some tests, and I found out that there are only 40.000 possible return values, no matter which items I compare with each other.
I would like to store these values in a look-up table so that I can easily retrieve them without doing any real calculation at runtime.
My question would be how to efficiently store the data in a look-up table.
The problem is that if I create a look-up table, it gets amazingly huge, for example like this:
item-id, item-id, compare return value
1 1 499483,49834
1 2 -0.0928
1 3 499483,49834
It would sum up to around 120 million combinations.
That just looks too big for a real-world application.
But I am not sure how to avoid that.
Can anybody please share some cool ideas?
Thank you very much!
Assuming I understand you correctly, You have two inputs with 400K possibilities, so 400K * 400K = 160B entries... assuming you have them indexed sequentially, and the you stored your 40K possibilities in a way that allowed 2-octets each, you're looking at a table size of roughly 300GB... pretty sure that's beyond current every-day computing. So, you might instead research if there is any correlation between the 400K "items", and if so, if you can assign some kind of function to that correlation that gives you a clue (read: hash function) as to which of the 40K results might/could/should result. Clearly your hash function and lookup needs to be shorter than just doing the multiplication in the first place. Or maybe you can reduce the comparison time with some kind of intelligent reduction, like knowing the result under certain scenarios. Or perhaps some of your math can be optimized using integer math or boolean comparisons. Just a few thoughts...
To speed things up, you should probably compute all of the possible answers, and store the inputs to each answer.
Then, I would recommend making some sort of look up table that uses the answer as the key(since the answers will all be unique), and then storing all of the possible inputs that get that result.
To help visualize:
Say you had the table 'Table'. Inside Table you have keys, and associated to those keys are values. What you do is you make the keys have the type of whatever format your answers are in(the keys will be all of your answers). Now, give your 400k inputs each a unique identifier. You then store the unique identifiers for a multiplication as one value associated to that particular key. When you compute that same answer again, you just add it as another set of inputs that can calculate that key.
Table<AnswerType, vector<Input>>
Define Input like:
struct Input {IDType one, IDType two}
Where one 'Input' might have ID's 12384, 128, meaning that the objects identified by 12384 and 128, when multiplied, will give the answer.
So, in your lookup, you'll have something that looks like:
AnswerType lookup(IDType first, IDType second)
foreach(AnswerType k in table)
if table[k].Contains(first, second)
return k;
// Defined elsewhere
bool Contains(IDType first, IDType second)
foreach(Input i in [the vector])
if( ( == first && i.two == second ) ||
(i.two == first && == second )
return true;
I know this isn't real C++ code, its just meant as pseudo-code, and it's a rough cut as-is, but it might be a place to start.
While the foreach is probably going to be limited to a linear search, you can make the 'Contains' method run a binary search by sorting how the inputs are stored.
In all, you're looking at a run-once application that will run in O(n^2) time, and a lookup that will run in nlog(n). I'm not entirely sure how the memory will look after all of that, though. Of course, I don't know much about the math behind it, so you might be able to speed up the linear search if you can somehow sort the keys as well.

Multi-dimensional dynamic arrays in classes in C++

I am a relative beginner to C++. I am working on a model related to forecasting property financials, and I am having a few issues getting my data structures setup.
A bit of background - the specific task I am trying to do it setup class variables for key data structures - one such structure called PropFinance. This structure will house all of my key information on a given property (with iterations for each property in a collection of them), including forecasts of future performance. Two of the main arguments being passed to the program are (applicable to all properties to be evaluated)
(1) number of iterations (Iterations) - how many times we are going to generate a forecast (random iterations)
(2) length of forecast (NumofPeriods) - how many periods we are going to forecast
The PropFinance class has 79 variables in it containing property details. A simple example - Expenses. For expenses, and many of my variables like it, I will need to create a 3D array of doubles - one dimension for each iteration, one dimension for each forecasted period. So ideally, I would have a variable for Expenses of:
class PropFinance {
double Expenses[Iterations][NumofPeriods];
but, I don't know Iterations and NumofPeriods at compile time. I do know the value of these two variables at the outset of runtime (and they will be constant for all iterations/properties of the current program execution)
My question is how can I have the size of these arrays dynamically updated when the program runs? Based on my research on this site and others, it seems like the two main ways to accomplish this are
(1) Use
(2) Use a pointer in the class definition and then use new and delete to manage
But even with those two options, I am not sure if it will work with a third dimension (all of the examples I saw needed just a single dimension to be dynamically sized). Could someone post either a verbal explanation or (better) a simple code example showing how this would work in (1) or (2) above? Any guidance on which option is preferable would be appreciated (but don't want to start a "what's better" debate). It seems like vector is more appropriate when the size of the array is going to be constantly changing, which is not the case here...
The overall speed of this model is critical, and as we expand the number of iterations and properties things get large quickly - so I want to do things as efficiently as possible.
Sorry I didn't post code - I can try to put something together if people are unable to discern what I am asking from above.
The idiomatic solution is to avoid direct heap allocations of C-arrays, and to prefer an STL container like std::vector, which automatically handles resizing, iteration, and element access in an efficient, portable manner. I would highly recommend Scott Meyers' Effective STL, which talks about appropriateness of each container for different applications - insertion/removal/retrieval complexity gaurantees, etc.
If you need more than 2 dimensions(3, 4, 5 and so on).The most easiest solution I know is using the multi_array provided by boost.
If you only need two dimension array, use vector
std::vector<std::vector<double> > Expenses;
Since you are a beginner, you better start with the higher level components provided by c++, even you are familiar with c++, you should stay with those high level components too.The basic elements of c++ are used when you need to develop some infrastructure(vector, list, smart pointers, thread and so on).
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<std::vector<double> > expenses[10]; //contains 10 std::vector<double>
expenses.push_back(std::vector<double>()); //now expenses has 11 std::vector<double>
return 0;
how to use vector
multi array
I think you are approaching object oriented programming wrong.
Instead of having a master class PropFinance with everything in many dimensions arrays. Have you considered having classes like Iteration which has multiple Period such as
class Iteration
std::vector<Period­> _periods;
class Period
double Expense;
Then as you add more dimensions you can create super classes PropFinance
class PropFinance
std::vector<Iteration> _iterations;
This makes everything more manageable instead of having deeply nested arrays [][][][]. As a rule of thumb, whenever you have multiple dimension arrays, consider creating subclasses containing the other dimension.

Mapping vectors of arbitrary type

I need to store a list vectors of different types, each to be referenced by a string identifier. For now, I'm using std::map with std::string as the key and boost::any as it's value (example implementation posted here).
I've come unstuck when trying to run a method on all the stored vector, e.g.:
std::map<std::string, boost::any>::iterator it;
for (it = map_.begin(); it != map_.end(); ++it) {
it->second.reserve(100); // FAIL: refers to boost::any not std::vector
My questions:
Is it possible to cast boost::any to an arbitrary vector type so I can execute its methods?
Is there a better way to map vectors of arbitrary types and retrieve then later on with the correct type?
At present, I'm toying with an alternative implementation which replaces boost::any with a pointer to a base container class as suggested in this answer. This opens up a whole new can of worms with other issues I need to work out. I'm happy to go down this route if necessary but I'm still interested to know if I can make it work with boost::any, of if there are other better solutions.
P.S. I'm a C++ n00b novice (and have been spoilt silly by Python's dynamic typing for far too long), so I may well be going about this the wrong way. Harsh criticism (ideally followed by suggestions) is very welcome.
The big picture:
As pointed out in comments, this may well be an XY problem so here's an overview of what I'm trying to achieve.
I'm writing a task scheduler for a simulation framework that manages the execution of tasks; each task is an elemental operation on a set of data vectors. For example, if task_A is defined in the model to be an operation on "x"(double), "y"(double), "scale"(int) then what we're effectively trying to emulate is the execution of task_A(double x[i], double y[i], int scale[i]) for all values of i.
Every task (function) operate on different subsets of data so these functions share a common function signature and only have access to data via specific APIs e.g. get_int("scale") and set_double("x", 0.2).
In a previous incarnation of the framework (written in C), tasks were scheduled statically and the framework generated code based on a given model to run the simulation. The ordering of tasks is based on a dependency graph extracted from the model definition.
We're now attempting to create a common runtime for all models with a run-time scheduler that executes tasks as their dependencies are met. The move from generating model-specific code to a generic one has brought about all sorts of pain. Essentially, I need to be able to generically handle heterogenous vectors and access them by "name" (and perhaps type_info), hence the above question.
I'm open to suggestions. Any suggestion.
Looking through the added detail, my immediate reaction would be to separate the data out into a number of separate maps, with the type as a template parameter. For example, you'd replace get_int("scale") with get<int>("scale") and set_double("x", 0.2) with set<double>("x", 0.2);
Alternatively, using std::map, you could pretty easily change that (for one example) to something like doubles["x"] = 0.2; or int scale_factor = ints["scale"]; (though you may need to be a bit wary with the latter -- if you try to retrieve a nonexistent value, it'll create it with default initialization rather than signaling an error).
Either way, you end up with a number of separate collections, each of which is homogeneous, instead of trying to put a number of collections of different types together into one big collection.
If you really do need to put those together into a single overall collection, I'd think hard about just using a struct, so it would become something like vals.doubles["x"] = 0.2; or int scale_factor = vals.ints["scale"];
At least offhand, I don't see this losing much of anything, and by retaining static typing throughout, it certainly seems to fit better with how C++ is intended to work.

how to create a 20000*20000 matrix in C++

I try to calculate a problem with 20000 points, so there is a distance matrix with 20000*20000 elements, how can I store this matrix in C++? I use Visual Studio 2008, on a computer with 4 GB of RAM. Any suggestion will be appreciated.
A sparse matrix may be what you looking for. Many problems don't have values in every cell of a matrix. SparseLib++ is a library which allows for effecient matrix operations.
Avoid the brute force approach you're contemplating and try to envision a solution that involves populating a single 20000 element list, rather than an array that covers every possible permutation.
For starters, consider the following simplistic approach which you may be able to improve upon, given the specifics of your problem:
int bestResult = -1; // some invalid value
int bestInner;
int bestOuter;
for ( int outer = 0; outer < MAX; outer++ )
for ( int inner = 0; inner < MAX; inner++ )
int candidateResult = SomeFunction( list[ inner ], list[ outer ] );
if ( candidateResult > bestResult )
bestResult = candidateResult;
bestInner = inner;
bestOuter = outer;
You can represent your matrix as a single large array. Whether it's a good idea to do so is for you to determine.
If you need four bytes per cell, your matrix is only 4*20000*20000, that is, 1.6GB. Any platform should give you that much memory for a single process. Windows gives you 2GiB by default for 32-bit processes -- and you can play with the linker options if you need more. All 32-bit unices I tried gave you more than 2.5GiB.
Is there a reason you need the matrix in memory?
Depending on the complexity of calculations you need to perform you could simply use a function that calculates your distances on the fly. This could even be faster than precalculating ever single distance value if you would only use some of them.
Without more references to the problem at hand (and the use of the matrix), you are going to get a lot of answers... so indulge me.
The classic approach here would be to go with a sparse matrix, however the default value would probably be something like 'not computed', which would require special handling.
Perhaps that you could use a caching approach instead.
Apparently I would say that you would like to avoid recomputing the distances on and on and so you'd like to keep them in this huge matrix. However note that you can always recompute them. In general, I would say that trying to store values that can be recomputed for a speed-off is really what caching is about.
So i would suggest using a distance class that abstract the caching for you.
The basic idea is simple:
When you request a distance, either you already computed it, or not
If computed, return it immediately
If not computed, compute it and store it
If the cache is full, delete some elements to make room
The practice is a bit more complicated, of course, especially for efficiency and because of the limited size which requires an algorithm for the selection of those elements etc...
So before we delve in the technical implementation, just tell me if that's what you're looking for.
Your computer should be able to handle 1.6 GB of data (assuming 32bit)
size_t n = 20000;
typedef long dist_type; // 32 bit
std::vector <dist_type> matrix(n*n);
And then use:
dist_type value = matrix[n * y + x];
You can (by using small datatypes), but you probably don't want to.
You are better off using a quad tree (if you need to find the nearest N matches), or a grid of lists (if you want to find all points within R).
In physics, you can just approximate distant points with a field, or a representative amalgamation of points.
There's always a solution. What's your problem?
Man you should avoid the n² problem...
Put your 20 000 points into a voxel grid.
Finding closest pair of points should then be something like n log n.
As stated by other answers, you should try hard to either use sparse matrix or come up with a different algorithm that doesn't need to have all the data at once in the matrix.
If you really need it, maybe a library like stxxl might be useful, since it's specially designed for huge datasets. It handles the swapping for you almost transparently.
Thanks a lot for your answers. What I am doing is to solve a vehicle routing problem with about 20000 nodes. I need one matrix for distance, one matrix for a neighbor list (for each node, list all other nodes according to the distance). This list will be used very often to find who can be some candidates. I guess sometimes distances matrix can be ommited if we can calculate when we need. But the neighbor list is not convenient to create every time. the list data type could be int.
To mgb:
how much can a 64 bit windows system help this situation?