Mapping vectors of arbitrary type - c++

I need to store a list vectors of different types, each to be referenced by a string identifier. For now, I'm using std::map with std::string as the key and boost::any as it's value (example implementation posted here).
I've come unstuck when trying to run a method on all the stored vector, e.g.:
std::map<std::string, boost::any>::iterator it;
for (it = map_.begin(); it != map_.end(); ++it) {
it->second.reserve(100); // FAIL: refers to boost::any not std::vector
My questions:
Is it possible to cast boost::any to an arbitrary vector type so I can execute its methods?
Is there a better way to map vectors of arbitrary types and retrieve then later on with the correct type?
At present, I'm toying with an alternative implementation which replaces boost::any with a pointer to a base container class as suggested in this answer. This opens up a whole new can of worms with other issues I need to work out. I'm happy to go down this route if necessary but I'm still interested to know if I can make it work with boost::any, of if there are other better solutions.
P.S. I'm a C++ n00b novice (and have been spoilt silly by Python's dynamic typing for far too long), so I may well be going about this the wrong way. Harsh criticism (ideally followed by suggestions) is very welcome.
The big picture:
As pointed out in comments, this may well be an XY problem so here's an overview of what I'm trying to achieve.
I'm writing a task scheduler for a simulation framework that manages the execution of tasks; each task is an elemental operation on a set of data vectors. For example, if task_A is defined in the model to be an operation on "x"(double), "y"(double), "scale"(int) then what we're effectively trying to emulate is the execution of task_A(double x[i], double y[i], int scale[i]) for all values of i.
Every task (function) operate on different subsets of data so these functions share a common function signature and only have access to data via specific APIs e.g. get_int("scale") and set_double("x", 0.2).
In a previous incarnation of the framework (written in C), tasks were scheduled statically and the framework generated code based on a given model to run the simulation. The ordering of tasks is based on a dependency graph extracted from the model definition.
We're now attempting to create a common runtime for all models with a run-time scheduler that executes tasks as their dependencies are met. The move from generating model-specific code to a generic one has brought about all sorts of pain. Essentially, I need to be able to generically handle heterogenous vectors and access them by "name" (and perhaps type_info), hence the above question.
I'm open to suggestions. Any suggestion.

Looking through the added detail, my immediate reaction would be to separate the data out into a number of separate maps, with the type as a template parameter. For example, you'd replace get_int("scale") with get<int>("scale") and set_double("x", 0.2) with set<double>("x", 0.2);
Alternatively, using std::map, you could pretty easily change that (for one example) to something like doubles["x"] = 0.2; or int scale_factor = ints["scale"]; (though you may need to be a bit wary with the latter -- if you try to retrieve a nonexistent value, it'll create it with default initialization rather than signaling an error).
Either way, you end up with a number of separate collections, each of which is homogeneous, instead of trying to put a number of collections of different types together into one big collection.
If you really do need to put those together into a single overall collection, I'd think hard about just using a struct, so it would become something like vals.doubles["x"] = 0.2; or int scale_factor = vals.ints["scale"];
At least offhand, I don't see this losing much of anything, and by retaining static typing throughout, it certainly seems to fit better with how C++ is intended to work.


Data structure for sparse insertion

I am asking this question mostly for confirmation, because I am not an expert in data structures, but I think the structure that suits my need is a hashmap.
Here is my problem (which I guess is typical?):
We are looking at pairwise interactions between a large number of objects (say N=90k), so think about the storage as a sparse matrix;
There is a process, say (P), which randomly starts from one object, and computes a model which may lead to another object: I cannot predict the pairs in advance, so I need to be able to "create" entries dynamically (arguably the performance is not very critical here);
The process (P) may "revisit" existing pairs and update the corresponding element in the matrix: this happens a lot, and therefore I need to be able to find and update as fast as possible.
Finally, the process (P) is repeated millions of times, but only requires write access to the data structure, it does not need to know about the latest "state" of that storage. This feels intuitively like a detail that might be exploited to improve performance, but I don't think hashmaps do.
This last point is actually the main reason for my question here: is there a data-structure which satisfies the first three points (I'm thinking hash-map, correct?), and which would also exploit the last feature for improved performance (I'm thinking something like buffering operations and execute them in bulk asynchronously)?
EDIT: I am working with C++, and would prefer it if there was an existing library implementing that data structure. In addition, I am limited by the system requirements; I cannot use C++11 features.
I would use something like:
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
class Data
boost::unordered_map<std::pair<int,int>,double> map;
void update(int i, int j, double v)
map[std::pair<int,int>(i,j)] += v;
void output(); // Prints data somewhere.
That will get you going (you may need to declare a suitable hash function). You might be able to speed things up by making the key type be a 64-bit integer, and using ((int64_t)i << 32) | j to make the index.
If nearly all the updates go to a small fraction of the pairs, you could have two maps (small and large), and directly update the small map. Every time the size of small passed a threshold, you could update large and clear small. You would need to do some carefully testing to see if this helped or not. The only reason I think it might help, is by improving cache locality.
Even if you end up using a different data structure, you can keep this class interface, and the rest of the code will be undisturbed. In particular, dropping sparsehash into the same structure will be very easy.

Uniquely identify an arbitrary object in c++

I'm trying to create a general memoizator for multiple and arbitrary functions.
For each function std::function<ReturnType(Args...)> that we want to memoize, we unordered_map<Args ..., ReturnType> (I'm keeping things simple on purpose).
The big problem comes when our memoized function has some really big argument Args ...: for example let suppose that our function sort a vector of 10 millions numbers and then returns the sorted vector, so something like std::function<vector<double>(vector<double>)>.
As you can imagine, after having inserted less than 100 vectors, we have already filled 8 GBS of memory. Notice that maybe this is given from the combination of huge vectors and the memory required by the sorting algorithm (I didn't investigate on the causes).
So what about if instead of the structure described above, we define unordered_map<UUID(Args ...), ReturnType> (where UUID= Universally Unique Identifier)? We should relax the deterministic feature (so maybe we return a wrong error), but with a very low probability.
The problem is that since I never used UUIDs, I don't know if there are suitable implementations for this application.
So my question is:
There exists a better solution than UUIDs for this problem?
Which UUID implementation is better suitable for this problem?
boost uuid is a possible candidate?
Unfortunately, the problem could be solved for Args ... but not for ReturnType, so there is a solution for memoized result?
Notice that the UUIDs generated for the object x should be the same even in different runs and machines.
Notice that if we have the same UUID for two different objects (and so we return the wrong value) with a really low probability, then it could be acceptable...let's say that this could be a "probabilistic memoizator".
I know that this application doesn't make sense in a memoization context (what are the odds that an user asks two times to sort the same 10 millions elements vector?), but it's time and memory expensive (so good for benchmarking and to introduce the memory problem that I stated above), so please don't whip and crucify me because this is an absurd memoization application.
Identifying any object is easy. The address is "object identity" in C++. This is also the reason that even empty classes cannot have zero size.
Now, what you want is value equivalence. That's strictly not in the language domain. It's solidly in the application/library logic domain.
You should consider using something like boost::flyweights. It has precisely this facility, and makes it "easy" to customize the equivalence semantics for your types.

What are some good methods to replace string names with integer hashes

Usually, entities and components or other parts of the game code in data-driven design will have names that get checked if you want to find out which object you're dealing with exactly.
void Player::Interact(Entity *myEntity)
if(myEntity->isNearEnough(this) && myEntity->GetFamilyName() == "guard")
static_cast<Guard*>(myEntity)->Say("No mention of arrows and knees here");
If you ignore the possibility that this might be premature optimization, it's pretty clear that looking up entities would be a lot faster if their "name" was a simple 32 bit value instead of an actual string.
Computing hashes out of the string names is one possible option. I haven't actually tried it, but with a range of 32bit and a good hashing function the risk of collision should be minimal.
The question is this: Obviously we need some way to convert in-code (or in some kind of external file) string-names to those integers, since the person working on these named objects will still want to refer to the object as "guard" instead of "0x2315f21a".
Assuming we're using C++ and want to replace all strings that appear in the code, can this even be achieved with language-built in features or do we have to build an external tool that manually looks through all files and exchanges the values?
Jason Gregory wrote this on his book :
At Naughty Dog, we used a variant of the CRC-32 algorithm to hash our strings, and we didn't encounter a single collision in over two years of development on Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
So you may want to look into that.
And about the build step you mentioned, he also talked about it. They basically encapsulate the strings that need to be hashed in something like:
_ID("string literal")
And use an external tool at build time to hash all the occurrences. This way you avoid any runtime costs.
This is what enums are for. I wouldn't dare to decide which resource is best for the topic, but there are plenty to choose from:
I'd say go with enums!
But if you already have a lot of code already using strings, well, either just keep it that way (simple and usually enough fast on a PC anyway) or hash it using some kind of CRC or MD5 into an integer.
This is basically solved by adding an indirection on top of a hash map.
Say you want to convert strings to integers:
Write a class wraps both an array and a hashmap. I call these classes dictionaries.
The array contains the strings.
The hash map's key is the string (shared pointers or stable arrays where raw pointers are safe work as well)
The hash map's value is the index into the array the string is located, which is also the opaque handle it returns to calling code.
When adding a new string to the system, it is searched for already existing in the hashmap, returns the handle if present.
If the handle is not present, add the string to the array, the index is the handle.
Set the string and the handle in the map, and return the handle.
This strategy makes getting the string back from the handle run in constant time (it is merely an array deference).
handle identifiers are first come first serve, but if you serialize the strings instead of the values it won't matter.
Operator[] overloads for both the key and the value are fairly simple (registering new strings, or getting the string back), but wrapping the handle with a user-defined class (wrapping an integer) adds a lot of much needed type safety, and also avoids ambiguity if you want the key and the values to be the same types (overloaded[]'s wont compile and etc)
You have to store the strings in RAM, which can be a problem.

c++ design patterns for chaining together transformations of streams of objects

I'm working on a multithreaded library which monitors network traffic from winpcap and transforms the packets into several different types of data structures for consumption by various applications.
for each type of output, there will be several transformations required, each transformation could be described as taking 0-N objects of type X, and then producing 0-N types of Y which will then be consumed by the next step in the process.
It's important to note that in the transformation of X's to Y's. If we currently only have 5 (as an example) X's, that may or may not be enough to create a Y, or it might be enough to create many Y's, depending on the transformation and the data recieved.
To be consistant, we would obviously like to use a standard pattern for each transformation object. I'm hoping that someone could point out a commonly used pattern for something like this that hopefully relies on std (or boost) libraries.
Additionaly we have been discussing the possibility of using chains of inheritance to link the different layers together.
class ProcessXtoY: ProcessWtoX
void processData(iterator<X> begin, iterator<X> end)
/* create Y's, send output to */
virtual void processData(iterator<Y> begin, iterator<Y> end) = 0;
class ProcessYtoZ: ProcessXtoY
void processData(iterator<Y> begin, iterator<Y> end)
/* ... */
Can anyone suggest some examples of commonly used patterns for this type of project?
Using inheritance to link the transformations together is not what inheritance should be used for and pretty unflexible in adding new transformations. If you ever need new combinations of transformations (for example W directly to Y).
Instead, have you considered creating transformation class(es) that describe each transformation algorithm and then use std::transform and chain the transformations together?
The approach in your sample (I'd call it "iterate" approach) is an obvious strawman - you're pushing an infinite stream of packets, so there is no end() to them.
I think you can go with a pull or a push approaches. For pull, something along Java's
hasNext()/next(). Unfortunately, it's hard to branch, and the original data source needs to queue because we don't know when consumers will pick up the pockets.
For push approach you can use register(listener) and listener.process() combination. This one is easily branched and the buffering (in case process() at the network packet layer takes too long) can be done for you by the system, or you can introduce explicit queues at any level.
So overall, I'd recommend event listeners here.
I have a few suggestions. You could use a variation of the Decorator Pattern. You can modify this pattern so you chain together different object types. Then if you have different implementations of the same transform it is easy to problematically, or at runtime, swamp it out. There might be a pattern, already named, somewhere that is this variant, but you should be able to derive it from the basics of the Decorator Pattern.
If you want a multi-threaded solution I would recommend chaining together your transformations through a producer/consumer queue (see this). That way you could actually have several different consumers (transforms) work on in parallel and place the completed transforms onto the next producer/consumer in the line. Of course, this really only works when if ordering of your transforms don't matter for the rest of your program, or you have some way to keep track of that and reorder the final objects when they are needed again. Again, you can easily swap out your transforms programatically or at runtime if you have different implementations of them.
If you need something more generic and configurable you could use the Builder Pattern to encapsulate the chaining process and allow for complete runtime configuration of the builder and have finer control of swapping out the chaining process. Of course you would use other patterns within the builder to implement the transformation chains.

What is the usefulness of project1st<Arg1, Arg2> in the STL?

I was browsing the SGI STL documentation and ran into project1st<Arg1, Arg2>. I understand its definition, but I am having a hard time imagining a practical usage.
Have you ever used project1st or can you imagine a scenario?
A variant of project1st (taking a std::pair, and returning .first) is quite useful. You can use it in combination with std::transform to copy the keys from a std::map<K,V> to a std::vector<K>. Similarly, a variant of project2nd can be used to copy the values from a map to a vector<V>.
As it happens, none of the standard algorithms really benefits from project1st. The closest is partial_sum(project1st), which would set all output elements to the first input element. It mainly exists because the STL is heavily founded in mathematical set theory, and there operations like project1st are basic building blocks.
My guess is that if you were using the strategy pattern and had a situation where you needed to pass an identity object, this would be a good choice. For example, there might be a case where an algorithm takes several such objects, and perhaps it is possible that you want one of them to do nothing under some situation.
Parallel programming. Imagine a situation where two processes come up with two valid but different results for a given computation, and you need to force them to be the same. project1st/2nd provides a very convenient way to perform this operation on a whole container, using an appropriate parallel call that takes a functor as an argument.
I assume that someone had a practical use for it, or it wouldn't have been written, but I'm drawing a blank on what it might have been. Presumably its use-case is similar to the identity function that the description mentions, where there's no real need for processing but the syntax requires a functor anyway.
The example on that same page suggests using it with the two-container form of std::transform, but if I'm not mistaken, the way they're using it is functionally identical to std::copy, so I don't see the point.
It looks like a solution in search of a problem to me.