What does completing function do in Clojure? - clojure

I've came across completing function on clojuredocs but there is no doc at the moment.
Could you provide some examples?

completing is used to augment a binary reducing function that may not have a unary overload with a unary "completion" arity.
The official transducers reference page hosted # clojure.org explains the purpose of the nullary, unary and binary overloads of transducing functions and includes a good example of when the unary "completion" arity is useful in the section called "Creating Transducers" (the example used is partition-all which uses completion to produce the final block of output).
In short, the completion arity is used after all input is consumed and gives the transducing function the opportunity to perform any work to flush any buffers that the transducing process might maintain (as in the case of partition-all), apply any final transformations to the output (see below for an example of that) etc. Here by "transducing function" I mean the transducing function actually passed to transduce (or eduction or any similar function that sets up a transducing process) together with all the wrapping transducers.
For an interesting example of completing used with a non-trivial completion function, have a look at Christophe Grand's xforms: net.cgrand.xforms.rfs/str is a transduce-friendly version of clojure.core/str that will build up a string in linear time when used in a transduce call. (In contrast, clojure.core/str, if used in reduce/transduce, would create a new string at each step, and consequently run in O(n²) time.1) It uses completing to convert the StringBuilder that it uses under to hood to a string once it consumes all input. Here's a stable link to its definition as of the current tip of the master branch.
1 Note, however, that clojure.core/str runs in linear time if used with apply – it uses a StringBuilder under the hood just like net.cgrand.xforms.rfs/str. It's still convenient from time to time to have a transduce-friendly version (for use with transducers, or in higher-order contexts, or possibly for performance reasons when dealing with a large collection that can be reduced be efficiently than via first/next looping that str uses).


In Clojure (core.async) what's the difference between alts and alt?

I can't figure out the difference between:
in Clojure's core.async.
alts! is a function that accepts a vector of channels to take from and/or channels with values to be put on them (in the form of doubleton vectors: [c v]). The vector may be dynamically constructed; the code calling alts! may not know how many channels it'll be choosing among (and indeed that number need not be constant across invocations).
alt! is a convenience macro which basically acts as a cross between cond and alts!. Here the number of "ports" (channels or channel+value pairs) must be known statically, but in practice this is quite often the case and the cond-like syntax is very clear.
alt! expands to a somewhat elaborate expression using alts!; apart from the syntactic convenience, it offers no extra functionality.

How would you idiomatically extend arithmetric functions for other datatypes in Clojure?

So I want to use java.awt.Color for something, and I'd like to be able to write code like this:
(use 'java.awt.Color)
(= Color/BLUE (- Color/WHITE Color/RED Color/GREEN))
Looking at the core implementation of -, it talks specifically about clojure.lang.Numbers, which to me implies that there is nothing I do to 'hook' into the core implementation and extend it.
Looking around on the Internet, there seems to be two different things people do:
Write their own defn - function, which only knows about the data type they're interested in. To use you'd probably end up prefixing a namespace, so something like:
(= Color/BLUE (scdf.color/- Color/WHITE Color/RED Color/GREEN))
Or alternatively useing the namespace and use clojure.core/- when you want number math.
Code a special case into your - implementation that passes through to clojure.core/- when your implementation is passed a Number.
Unfortunately, I don't like either of these. The first is probably the cleanest, as the second makes the presumption that the only things you care about doing maths on is their new datatype and numbers.
I'm new to Clojure, but shouldn't we be able to use Protocols or Multimethods here, so that when people create / use custom types they can 'extend' these functions so they work seemlessly? Is there a reason that +,- etc doesn't support this? (or do they? They don't seem to from my reading of the code, but maybe I'm reading it wrong).
If I want to write my own extensions to common existing functions such as + for other datatypes, how should I do it so it plays nicely with existing functions and potentially other datatypes?
It wasn't exactly designed for this, but core.matrix might be of interest to you here, for a few reasons:
The source code provides examples of how to use protocols to define operations that work with with various different types. For example, (+ [1 2] [3 4]) => [4 6]). It's worth studying how this is done: basically the operators are regular functions that call a protocol, and each data type provides an implementation of the protocol via extend-protocol
You might be interested in making java.awt.Color work as a core.matrix implementation (i.e. as a 4D RGBA vector). I did something simiilar with BufferedImage here: https://github.com/clojure-numerics/image-matrix. If you implement the basic core.matrix protocols, then you will get the whole core.matrix API to work with Color objects. Which will save you a lot of work implementing different operations.
The probable reason for not making arithmetic operation in core based on protocols (and making them only work of numbers) is performance. A protocol implementation require an additional lookup for choosing the correct implementation of the desired function. Although from design point of view it may feel nice to have protocol based implementations and extend them whenever required, but when you have a tight loop that does these operations many times (and this is very common use case with arithmetic operations) you will start feeling the performance issues because of the additional lookup on each operation that happen at runtime.
If you have separate implementation for your own data types (ex: color/-) in their own namespace then it will be more performant due to a direct call to that function and it also make things more explicit and customizable for specific cases.
Another issue with these functions will be their variadic nature (i.e they can take any number of arguments). This is a serious issue in providing a protocol implementation as protocol extended type check only works on first parameter.
You can have a look at algo.generic.arithmetic in algo.generic. It uses multimethods.

See if part of data is lazy in clojure

Is there a function in clojure that checks whether data contains some lazy part?
I'm building a small server in clojure. Each connection has a state, an input-stream and an output-stream
The server reads a byte from an input-stream, and based on the value calls one of several functions (with the state and the input and output stream as parameters). The functions can decide to read more from the input-stream, write a reply to the output stream, and return a state. This part loops.
This will all work fine, as long as the state doesn't contain any lazy parts. If there is some lazy part in the state, that may, when it gets evaluated (later, during another function), start reading from the input-stream and writing to the output-stream.
So basically I want to add a post-condition to all of these functions, stating that no part of the returned state may be lazy. Is there any function that checks for lazy sequences. I think it would be easy to check whether the state itself is a lazy sequence, but I want to check for instance whether the state has a vector that contains a hash-map, one of whose values is lazy.
it's easier to ensure that it is not lazy by forcing evaluation with doall
I had this problem in a stream processing crypto app a couple years back and tried several ways until I finally accepted my lazy side and wrapped the input streams in a lazy sequence that closed in input streams when no more data was available. effectively separating concern for closing the streams from the concern over what the streams contained. The state you are tracking sounds a little more sophisticated than open vs closed though you may be able to separate it in a similar manner.
You could certainly force evaluation with doall as Arther wisely suggests.
However I would recommend instead refactoring to solve the real problem, which is that your handler function has side effects (reading from input, writing to output).
You could instead turn this into a pure function if you did the following:
Wrap the input stream as a lazy sequence
use [input-sequence state] as input to your handler function
use [list-of-writes new-state rest-of-input-sequence] as output, where list of writes is whatever needs to be subsequently written to the output stream
If you do this, your handler function is pure, you just need to run it in a simple loop (sending the list-of-writes to the output stream on each iteration) until all input is consumed and/or some other termination condition is reached.

How can I avoid using the stack with continuation-passing style?

For my diploma thesis I chose to implement the task of the ICFP 2004 contest.
The task--as I translated it to myself--is to write a compiler which translates a high-level ant-language into a low-level ant-assembly. In my case this means using a DSL written in Clojure (a Lisp dialect) as the high-level ant-language to produce ant-assembly.
The ant-assembly has several restrictions: there are no assembly-instructions for calling functions (that is, I can't write CALL function1, param1), nor returning from functions, nor pushing return addresses onto a stack. Also, there is no stack at all (for passing parameters), nor any heap, or any kind of memory. The only thing I have is a GOTO/JUMP instruction.
Actually, the ant-assembly is for to describe the transitions of a state machine (=the ants' "brain"). For "function calls" (=state transitions) all I have is a JUMP/GOTO.
While not having anything like a stack, heap or a proper CALL instruction, I still would like to be able to call functions in the ant-assembly (by JUMPing to certain labels).
At several places I read that transforming my Clojure DSL function calls into continuation-passing style (CPS) I can avoid using the stack[1], and I can translate my ant-assembly function calls into plain JUMPs (or GOTOs). Which is exactly what I need, because in the ant-assembly I have no stack at all, only a GOTO instruction.
My problem is that after an ant-assembly function has finished, I have no way to tell the interpreter (which interprets the ant-assembly instructions) where to continue. Maybe an example helps:
The high-level Clojure DSL:
(defn search-for-food [cont]
(sense-food-here? ; a conditional w/ 2 branches
(pickup-food ; true branch, food was found
(go-home ; ***
(search-for-food cont))))
(move ; false branch, continue searching
(search-for-food cont))))
(defn run-away-from-enemy [cont]
(sense-enemy-here? ; a conditional w/ 2 branches
(go-home ; ***
(call-help-from-others cont))
(search-for-food cont)))
(defn go-home [cont]
; don't bother that this "while" is not in CPS now
(while (not (sense-home-here?))
The ant-assembly I'd like to produce from the go-home function is:
turn left nextline
turn left nextline
turn left nextline ; now we turned backwards
JUMP ???
The syntax for the ant-asm instructions above:
turn direction which-line-to-jump
sense direction what jump-if-true jump-if-false
move which-line-to-jump
My problem is that I fail to find out what to write to the last line in the assembly (JUMP ???). Because--as you can see in the example--go-home can be invoked with two different continuations:
After go-home has finished I'd like to call either drop-food or call-help-from-others. In assembly: after I arrived at home (=the WE-ARE-AT-HOME label) I'd like to jump either to the label FUNCTION-DROP-FOOD or to the FUNCTION-CALL-HELP-FROM-OTHERS.
How could I do that without a stack, without PUSHing the address of the next instruction (=FUNCTION-DROP-FOOD / FUNCTION-CALL-HELP-FROM-OTHERS) to the stack? My problem is that I don't understand how continuation-passing style (=no stack, only a GOTO/JUMP) could help me solving this problem.
(I can try to explain this again if the things above are incomprehensible.)
And huge thanks in advance for your help!
[1] "interpreting it requires no control stack or other unbounded temporary storage". Steele: Rabbit: a compiler for Scheme.
Yes, you've provided the precise motivation for continuation-passing style.
It looks like you've partially translated your code into continuation-passing-style, but not completely.
I would advise you to take a look at PLAI, but I can show you a bit of how your function would be transformed, assuming I can guess at clojure syntax, and mix in scheme's lambda.
(defn search-for-food [cont]
(sense-food-here? ; a conditional w/ 2 branches
(lambda (r)
(drop-food r
(lambda (s)
(go-home s cont)))))
(lambda (r)
(move r cont)))))
I'm a bit confused by the fact that you're searching for food whether or not you sense food here, and I find myself suspicious that either this is weird half-translated code, or just doesn't mean exactly what you think it means.
Hope this helps!
And really: go take a look at PLAI. The CPS transform is covered in good detail there, though there's a bunch of stuff for you to read first.
Your ant assembly language is not even Turing-complete. You said it has no memory, so how are you supposed to allocate the environments for your function calls? You can at most get it to accept regular languages and simulate finite automata: anything more complex requires memory. To be Turing-complete you'll need what amounts to a garbage-collected heap. To do everything you need to do to evaluate CPS terms you'll also need an indirect GOTO primitive. Function calls in CPS are basically (possibly indirect) GOTOs that provide parameter passing, and the parameters you pass require memory.
Clearly, your two basic options are to inline everything, with no "external" procedures (for extra credit look up the original meaning of "internal" and "external" here), or somehow "remember" where you need to go on "return" from a procedure "call" (where the return point does not necessarily need to fall in the physical locations immediately following the "calling" point). Basically, the return point identifier can be a code address, an index into a branch table, or even a character symbol -- it just needs to identify the return target relative to the called procedure.
The most obvious here would be to track, in your compiler, all of the return targets for a given call target, then, at the end of the called procedure, build a branch table (or branch ladder) to select from one of the several possible return targets. (In most cases there are only a handful of possible return targets, though for commonly used procedures there could be hundreds or thousands.) Then, at the call point, the caller needs to load a parameter with the index of its return point relative to the called procedure.
Obviously, if the callee in turn calls another procedure, the first return point identifier must be preserved somehow.
Continuation passing is, after all, just a more generalized form of a return address.
You might be interested in Andrew Appel's book Compiling with Continuations.

calculating user defined formulas (with c++)

We would like to have user defined formulas in our c++ program.
e.g. The value v = x + ( y - (z - 2)) / 2. Later in the program the user would define x,y and z -> the program should return the result of the calculation. Somewhen later the formula may get changed, so the next time the program should parse the formula and add the new values. Any ideas / hints how to do something like this ? So far I just came to the solution to write a parser to calculate these formulas - maybe any ideas about that ?
If it will be used frequently and if it will be extended in the future, I would almost recommend adding either Python or Lua into your code. Lua is a very lightweight scripting language which you can hook into and provide new functions, operators etc. If you want to do more robust and complicated things, use Python instead.
You can represent your formula as a tree of operations and sub-expressions. You may want to define types or constants for Operation types and Variables.
You can then easily enough write a method that recurses through the tree, applying the appropriate operations to whatever values you pass in.
Building your own parser for this should be a straight-forward operation:
) convert the equation from infix to postfix notation (a typical compsci assignment) (I'd use a stack)
) wait to get the values you want
) pop the stack of infix items, dropping the value for the variable in where needed
) display results
Using Spirit (for example) to parse (and the 'semantic actions' it provides to construct an expression tree that you can then manipulate, e.g., evaluate) seems like quite a simple solution. You can find a grammar for arithmetic expressions there for example, if needed... (it's quite simple to come up with your own).
Note: Spirit is very simple to learn, and quite adapted for such tasks.
There's generally two ways of doing it, with three possible implementations:
as you've touched on yourself, a library to evaluate formulas
compiling the formula into code
The second option here is usually done either by compiling something that can be loaded in as a kind of plugin, or it can be compiled into a separate program that is then invoked and produces the necessary output.
For C++ I would guess that a library for evaluation would probably exist somewhere so that's where I would start.
If you want to write your own, search for "formal automata" and/or "finite state machine grammar"
In general what you will do is parse the string, pushing characters on a stack as you go. Then start popping the characters off and perform tasks based on what is popped. It's easier to code if you force equations to reverse-polish notation.
To make your life easier, I think getting this kind of input is best done through a GUI where users are restricted in what they can type in.
If you plan on doing it from the command line (that is the impression I get from your post), then you should probably define a strict set of allowable inputs (e.g. only single letter variables, no whitespace, and only certain mathematical symbols: ()+-*/ etc.).
Then, you will need to:
Read in the input char array
Parse it in order to build up a list of variables and actions
Carry out those actions - in BOMDAS order
With ANTLR you can create a parser/compiler that will interpret the user input, then execute the calculations using the Visitor pattern. A good example is here, but it is in C#. You should be able to adapt it quickly to your needs and remain using C++ as your development platform.