Generate Live Mp4 in UWP - c++

I want to develop a slide-show kind of app that could be casted to smart TV, similar to showing a PowerPoint slide show. Standard Miracast solution via the Connect app does not work nicely since the phone resolution does not match the high resolution of the TV; not to count the fact that there is no way to hide the navigation bar with TryEnterFullscreenAsync. The images could be quickly rendered from vector sources. So my question is whether there is a way to generate MP4 on the fly.

As long as you can gerate the bitmaps on the fly, as you mentioned, then you can use FFmpeg to create the MP4.
Download ffmpeg source code and check the source of doc/examples/muxing.c
This example is pretty much doing this. Just replace the fill_yuv_image() by the actual thing you are rendering.
Don't forget to convert your pictures to YUV format. In this example, the encoder will need a YUV bitmap and you will probably render an RGB image. Google for swscale or even check the other examples from FFmpeg in order to solve this problem.
If you really want something Microsoft specific, then you must use the "Microsoft Media Foundation". There's a lot of samples here on how to encode and decode:
And you can use all these codecs:


Video players questions

Given that FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework and most of the video/audio players uses it, I'm wondering somethings about audio/video players using FFmpeg as intermediate.
I'm studying and I want to know how audio/video players works and I have some questions.
I was reading the ffplay source code and I saw that ffplay handles the subtitle stream. I tried to use a mkv file with a subtitle on it and doesn't work. I tried using arguments such as -sst but nothing happened. - I was reading about subtitles and how video files uses it (or may I say containers?). I saw that there's two ways putting a subtitle: hardsubs and softsubs - roughly speaking hardsubs mode is burned and becomes part of the video, and softsubs turns a stream of subtitles (I might be wrong - please, correct me).
The question is: How does they handle this? I mean, when the subtitle is part of the video there's nothing to do, the video stream itself shows the subtitle, but what about the softsubs? how are they handled? (I heard something about text subs as well). - How does the subtitle appears on the screen and can be configured changing fonts, size, colors, without encoding everything again?
I was studying some video players source codes and some or most of them uses OpenGL as renderer of the frame and others uses (such as Qt's QWidget) (kind of or for sure) canvas. - What is the most used and which one is fastest and better? OpenGL with shaders and stuffs? Handling YUV or RGB and so on? How does that work?
It might be a dump question but what is the format that AVFrame returns? For example, when we want to save frames as images first we need the frame and then we convert, from which format we are converting from? Does it change according with the video codec or it's always the same?
Most of the videos I've been trying to handle is using YUV720P, I tried to save the frames as png and I need to convert to RGB first. I did a test with the players and I put at the same frame and I took also screenshots and compared. The video players shows the frames more colorful. I tried the same with ffplay that uses SDL (OpenGL) and the colors (quality) of the frames seems to be really low. What might be? What they do? Is it shaders (or a kind of magic? haha).
Well, I think that is it for now. I hope you help me with that.
If this isn't the correct place, please let me know where. I haven't found another place in Stack Exchange communities.
There are a lot of question in one post:
How are 'soft subtitles' handled
The same way as any other stream :
read packets from a stream to the container
Give the packet to a decoder
Use the decoded frame as you wish. Here with most containers supporting subtitles the presentation time will be present. All you need at this time is get the text and burn it onto the image at the same presentation time. There are a lot of ways to print the text on the video, with ffmpeg or another library
What is the most used renderer and which one is fastest and better?
most used depend on the underlying system. For instance Qt only wrap native renderers, and even has a openGL version
You can only be as fast as the underlying system allows. Does it support ouble-buffering? Can it render in your decoded pixel format or do you have to perform color conversion before? This topic is too broad
Better only depend on the use case. this is too broad
what is the format that AVFrame returns?
It is a raw format (enum AVPixelFormat), and depends on the codec. There is a list of YUV and RGB FOURCCs which cover most formats in ffmpeg. Programmatically you can access the table AVCodec::pix_fmts to obtain the pixel format a specific codec support.

WebM encoder samples - How to encode a series of images into a WebM video

Are there any good examples on how to create a WebM video file suitable for streaming to a web browser using the open-source WebM encoding library? Where should I begin? I am the owner of a small business, so I don't want to get into legal issues with FFMpeg, and I can't seem to figure out how the vpx_encoder.h is supposed to work. I am also interested in performing the reverse to create a video player in my application. I realize my question is similar to this one, however, I found neither of the two answers satisfactory.
To be more specific; the images are coming from a GDI+ bitmap object.
Take a look at my code, I used DEVIL to handle image file and manually convert pixels from RGB to YV12.

Best way to load in a video and to grab images using c++

I am looking for a fast way to load in a video file and to create images from them at certain intervals ( every second, every minute, every hour, etc.).
I tried using DirectShow, but it just ran too slow for me to start the video file and move to a certain location to get data and to save it out to an image. Even if I disabled the reference clock. Tried OpenCV, but it has trouble opening the AVI file unless I know the exact codec information. So if I know a way to get the codec information out from OpenCV I may give it another shot. I tried to use FFMPEG, but I don't have as much control over it as well as I would wish.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. This is being developed on a Windows box since it has to be hosted on a Windows box.
MPEG-4 format is not an intra-coded format, so you can't just jump to a random frame and decode it on its own, as most frames only encode the differences from one or more other frames. I suspect your decoding is slow because when you land on a frame for which several other dependent frames to be decoded first.
One way to improve performance would be to determine which frames are keyframes (or sometimes also called 'sync' points) and limit your decoding to those frames, since these can be decoded on their own.
I'm not very familiar with DirectShow capabilities, but I would expect it has some API to expose sync points.
Also, I should mention that the QuickTime SDK on Windows is possibly another good option that you have for decoding frames from movies. You should first test that your AVI movies are played correctly in the QuickTime Player. And the QT SDK does expose sync points, see the section Finding Interesting Times in the QT SDK documentation.
ffmpeg's libavformat might work for ya...

Take advantage of Flash CS4's PNG Compression, but as an external file?

Here's the issue: I'm developing some Flash web sites and really enjoying AS3.
The problem: PNG 24-bit images are too big... I have three PNG images with transparency that I'd like to rotate through on the "Home page" every 10 seconds or so. Great. No problem - but instead of embedding all three PNGs in the SWF, which would take the thing longer to load, I'd like to load them dynamically from external files, so that the user doesn't have to wait around for images to load that aren't going to be displayed for another 10-15 seconds anyway. That's fine... I have working code for that.
The real problem: These PNG sizes, even loaded from external files on the fly, are really bugging me. One image is 350k when saved with Photoshop - 300k when I use PNGOUT. But... when I import the PNG into Flash's Library, I can go in and set it to JPG/Image Compression which reduces the size to about 45k, yet maintains the alpha information!! If Flash can compress my PNG that much, and still make it look good, why can't I find an app that can do the same for an external file? I'd be content to load my images into the Flash library and let it handle the compression, but if I end up with 5 or 6 images, that still turns out to be too long of a loading time.
Summary: How can I shrink my 350k PNG image with transparency down to 45k like Flash does when I import it into it's library?
Possible solution: Or.... hmmmm.... this could be a workaround... maybe I could just make a separate SWF movie for each PNG I want to use which uses the Flash compressed image - then read that file dynamically using a Loader... That ought to work! I shall return and report...
But still, how does Flash compress those PNGs so much more than compressors like PNGOUT? Maybe I'm just not passing in the right parameters for them to be effective.
Thanks for reading my ramblings. You all are a great sounding board!
PNG compression is lossless, so it can't compete with lossy perceptual compression schemes as JPEG. Just be sure that your png are the size to be displayed (or not : one trivial "compression" scheme would be to save your image scaled down and zoom it when displaying, but this is normally unsatisfactory). If you can't go below 24-bits (you cant go to a 256-pallete, I guesss) I dont think much can be done. I can only suggest to give a look at PngCrush.
I used to have the same question, but later, I think flash used JPEG compress for PNG files. The JPEG-compressed "png" is actually a variant that standard png format does not support, but flash supports. In my own flash project, I used it a lot. I even used swftools to generate an animated SWF from a lot of png, so I can load the single "png gallery" swf and use all the pngs inside.
I know that the question is a year old, but I thought it would be good for future reference. Using any of the png compression tools (PngCrush, Optipng) will not get anywhere near the same results as Flash compression.
The best way I've found to use flash compression without creating each swf in the Flash IDE is using SwfTools' png2swf utility, it will keep alpha channels and also allow you to set the jpeg's compression quality.

Displaying a video in DirectX

What is the best/easiest way to display a video (with sound!) in an application using XAudio2 and Direct3D9/10?
At the very least it needs to be able to stream potentially larger videos, and take care of the fact that the windows aspect ratio may differ from the videos (eg by adding letter boxes), although ideally Id like the ability to embed the video into a 3D scene.
I could of course work out a way to load each frame into a texture, discarding/reusing the textures once rendered, and playing the audio separately through XAudio2, however as well as writing a loader for at least one format, ive also got to deal with stuff like synchronising the video and audio components, so hopefully there is an eaier solution available or even a ready made free one with a suitable lisence (commercial distribution in binary form, dynamic linking is fine in the case of say LGPL).
In Windows SDK, there is a DirectShow example for rendering video to texture. It handles audio output too.
But there are limitations and I can't honestly call it easy.
Have you looked at Bink video? Its what lots of games use for video playback. Works great and you don't have to code all that video stuff yourself from scratch.