lookupPostParam returns always Nothing - yesod

In the Home.hs handler from the yesod-simple scaffold I added these lines to postHomeR:
fileDescriptionMaybe <- lookupPostParam "fileDescription"
let result = fromMaybe "(empty)" fileDescriptionMaybe
Then in the homepage.hamlet template I use this result with the variable interpolation '#{result}'.
However the result is always "(empty)".
How can I solve this?


Could not infer type of parameter

I have created MyList abstract class to implement the list, the reason for not using already present list implementation is I am learning Scala and this was exercise for the same course. I am writing a zipWith function to create a new list with concatenation of individual items for example:
list 1: list = [1,2,3]
list 2: listOfStrings = ["Hello", "This is", "Scala"]
and I am expecting output like: [1-Hello, 2-This is, 3-Scala]
I wrote zipWith function as mentioned below:
override def zipWith[B, C](list: MyList[B], zip: (A, B) => C): MyList[C] = {
if(list.isEmpty) throw new RuntimeException("Lists do not have the same length")
else new Cons(zip(h, list.head), t.zipWith(list.tail, zip))
And I am trying to call this function using this statement:
println(list.zipWith[String, String](listOfStrings, (Int,String)=>_+"-"+_))
But I am getting an error:
I could not infer the type of the parameter $3 of expanded function:
($3, _$4) => _$3 + "-" + _$4.
Type for this variable is clearly mentioned as Int still I am getting this error. This could be solved using:
println(list.zipWith[String, String](listOfStrings, _+"-"+_))
I am not able to understand why earlier statement fails, even after giving the type for the required variable
The syntax (Int,String)=>_+"-"+_ doesn't mean what you think.
It represents a function taking two parameters with some name but unknown type: (Int: ???, String: ???) => _+"-"+_.
Thus the compiler is raising an error because it indeed have no clue about the types.
You should either:
write it with explicit variable names: (i: Int, s: String) => s"$i-$s". (Notice the usage of interpolation which is recommended over adding int and string),
or declare the function separately like this: val f: (Int, String) => String = _+"-"+_.
I think the compiler is confused on which variable to match each underscore. This explicit expression works for me:
println(list.zipWith[String, String](listOfStrings, (a:Int, b:String) => a+"-"+b))

OCaml return value in if statement nested in loop

I am trying to return a value if something occurs when iterating through a list. Is it possible to return a string if X happens when iterating through the list, otherwise return another string if it never happens?
let f elem =
if not String.contains str elem then "false" in
List.iter f alphlist;
This is not working in my implemented method sadly.
OCaml is a functional language, so you pretty much need to concentrate on the values returned by functions. There are ways to return different values in exceptional cases, but (IMHO) the best way to learn is to start just with ordinary old nested function calls.
List.iter always returns the same value: (), which is known as unit.
For this reason, the expression List.iter f alphlist will also always return () no matter what f does.
There is another kind of list-handling function that works by maintaining a value across all the calls and returning that value at the end. It's called a fold.
So, if you want to compute some value that's a kind of summary of what it saw in all of the string lists in alphlist, you should probably be using a fold, say List.fold_left.
Here is a function any_has_7 that determines whether any one of the specified lists contains the integer 7:
let any_has_7 lists =
let has_7 sofar list =
sofar || List.mem 7 list
List.fold_left has_7 false lists
Here's how it looks when you run it:
# any_has_7 [[1;2]; [3;4]];;
- : bool = false
# any_has_7 [[1;2]; [5;7]; [8;9]];;
- : bool = true
In other words, this function does something a lot like what you're asking for. It returns true when one or more of the lists contains a certain value, and false when none of them contains the value.
I hope this helps.

f# System.Char.ToUpper

I have an exercise that asks for a function that converts all characters of a string to uppercase using
So first I changed the string to a char array and changed the array into a list of chars
let x = s.ToCharArray()
List.ofArray x
Next, I thought I would use List.iter to iterate through my list and use the System.Char.ToUpper function on each character.
List.iter (fun z -> (System.Char.ToUpper(z)))
This is not working however. I get an error 'The expression was supposed to have unit but here has char.' What am I doing wrong? Is it a flaw in logic or syntax?
This needs some unpacking.
First, your core mistake: System.Char.ToUpper is a function. It takes a char and returns another char. It doesn't somehow "update" its argument to a new value.
let x = 'a'
let y = System.Char.ToUpper x // y = 'A', x = 'a'.
In the above code, I give name y to the result of the function. The value of y is 'A', but the value of x is still 'a'. After calling the function, x hasn't changed.
From this mistake, all the rest follows.
Second, List.iter is a function that, for every element of a list, makes something "happen". It doesn't replace each element of a list with something new, nor does it create a new list. It just makes something happen for every element. The simplest example of such "something" is printing out to console:
List.iter (fun x -> printfn "%i" x) [1; 2; 3] // Prints "1", then "2", then "3"
Notice that this function takes two arguments: the function that represents the something that need to happen, and the list from which to take the elements. In your question, you seem to be missing the second argument. How would List.iter know which list to use?
The first argument of List.iter needs to be a function that returns unit. This is a special type in F# that basically means "no value". When a function returns no value, it means that the only reason for calling it was to make something external happen (known in functional programming as "side-effect"). This is why List.iter requires the function to return unit - it's extra protection from accidentally supplying wrong function, just as you did, actually: the function you provided returns char. This is why you receive the error that you receive.
Third, just like with ToUpper, calling List.ofArray doesn't somehow "update" x to be a list. Instead, it returns a list. If you don't give that returned list a name, it will just be lost. Which means that the way you're calling List.ofArray is futile.
What you actually need is to (1) take the sequence of characters in your string, then (2) convert it to a new sequence where each character is upper case, then (3) glue those characters back together to get a new string.
Step (1) is a no-op, because .NET strings are already sequences of chars (i.e. they implement IEnumerable<char>). Step (2) is accomplished via a common operation called Seq.map. It's an operation that converts a sequence to a new sequence by applying given function to every element. The "given function" in this case will be System.Char.ToUpper. Step (3) can be accomplished via String.concat, but you'd need to convert each char to a string first, because String.concat takes a sequence of strings, not chars.
let chars = s
let upperChars = Seq.map System.Char.ToUpper chars
let strChars = Seq.map string upperChars
let result = String.concat "" strChars
Or this can be done in a shorter way, without giving each step's result a separate name, but by piping each result straight into the next operation:
let result =
|> Seq.map System.Char.ToUpper
|> Seq.map string
|> String.concat ""
And finally, there is actually a much shorter way to do it, but it's so ridiculously obvious, it feels like cheating.
The thing is, because strings are sequences, it kinda makes sense for them to have all the sequence operations. And guess what? They do! Specifically, there is a function String.map, which does the same thing as Seq.map, but for strings:
let result = String.map System.Char.ToUpper s

List.iter & List.fold_right used together

I am trying to use the fold_right and List.iter functions in the List module. Is there anyway to use them in conjunction with one another?
let step nfa start transition =
let transition_list = get_transition nfa in
List.iter ( fun state ->
List.fold_right (fun ct nl ->
if ((get_pre_trans transition)= state && (get_trans ct) = transition) then
(get_post_transition transition)::nl
) transition_list []
) start
** The get_xxx functions get values from a tuple where there is a pre-transition, transition value, and post-transition.
Return error:
Error: This expression has type 'a list but an expression was expected of type unit.
Not sure what to do.
The body of the function that you pass to iter contains only one expression, a call to fold_right, that evaluates to a value of type list, but iter signature requires you to pass a function, that returns a value of type unit. That is basically what compiler tries to say to you. If you're not interested in the value to which fold_right is evaluated, then you can ignore it using ignore function, that takes a value of any type and returns a value of type unit. On the other hand, if you don't want to discard it, then you shouldn't use iter, and use fold_right or, better, fold_left.
And, finally, answering your question, yes, there're ways to combine them together, but usually, if you're applying a fold inside iter, you're doing something wrong.

Scala: Remove duplicates in list of objects

I've got a list of objects List[Object] which are all instantiated from the same class. This class has a field which must be unique Object.property. What is the cleanest way to iterate the list of objects and remove all objects(but the first) with the same property?
Explanation: The groupBy method accepts a function that converts an element to a key for grouping. _.property is just shorthand for elem: Object => elem.property (the compiler generates a unique name, something like x$1). So now we have a map Map[Property, List[Object]]. A Map[K,V] extends Traversable[(K,V)]. So it can be traversed like a list, but elements are a tuple. This is similar to Java's Map#entrySet(). The map method creates a new collection by iterating each element and applying a function to it. In this case the function is _._2.head which is shorthand for elem: (Property, List[Object]) => elem._2.head. _2 is just a method of Tuple that returns the second element. The second element is List[Object] and head returns the first element
To get the result to be a type you want:
import collection.breakOut
val l2: List[Object] = list.groupBy(_.property).map(_._2.head)(breakOut)
To explain briefly, map actually expects two arguments, a function and an object that is used to construct the result. In the first code snippet you don't see the second value because it is marked as implicit and so provided by the compiler from a list of predefined values in scope. The result is usually obtained from the mapped container. This is usually a good thing. map on List will return List, map on Array will return Array etc. In this case however, we want to express the container we want as result. This is where the breakOut method is used. It constructs a builder (the thing that builds results) by only looking at the desired result type. It is a generic method and the compiler infers its generic types because we explicitly typed l2 to be List[Object] or, to preserve order (assuming Object#property is of type Property):
list.foldRight((List[Object](), Set[Property]())) {
case (o, cum#(objects, props)) =>
if (props(o.property)) cum else (o :: objects, props + o.property))
foldRight is a method that accepts an initial result and a function that accepts an element and returns an updated result. The method iterates each element, updating the result according to applying the function to each element and returning the final result. We go from right to left (rather than left to right with foldLeft) because we are prepending to objects - this is O(1), but appending is O(N). Also observe the good styling here, we are using a pattern match to extract the elements.
In this case, the initial result is a pair (tuple) of an empty list and a set. The list is the result we're interested in and the set is used to keep track of what properties we already encountered. In each iteration we check if the set props already contains the property (in Scala, obj(x) is translated to obj.apply(x). In Set, the method apply is def apply(a: A): Boolean. That is, accepts an element and returns true / false if it exists or not). If the property exists (already encountered), the result is returned as-is. Otherwise the result is updated to contain the object (o :: objects) and the property is recorded (props + o.property)
Update: #andreypopp wanted a generic method:
import scala.collection.IterableLike
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
class RichCollection[A, Repr](xs: IterableLike[A, Repr]){
def distinctBy[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, A, That]) = {
val builder = cbf(xs.repr)
val i = xs.iterator
var set = Set[B]()
while (i.hasNext) {
val o = i.next
val b = f(o)
if (!set(b)) {
set += b
builder += o
implicit def toRich[A, Repr](xs: IterableLike[A, Repr]) = new RichCollection(xs)
to use:
scala> list.distinctBy(_.property)
res7: List[Obj] = List(Obj(1), Obj(2), Obj(3))
Also note that this is pretty efficient as we are using a builder. If you have really large lists, you may want to use a mutable HashSet instead of a regular set and benchmark the performance.
Starting Scala 2.13, most collections are now provided with a distinctBy method which returns all elements of the sequence ignoring the duplicates after applying a given transforming function:
For instance:
List(("a", 2), ("b", 2), ("a", 5)).distinctBy(_._1) // List((a,2), (b,2))
List(("a", 2.7), ("b", 2.1), ("a", 5.4)).distinctBy(_._2.floor) // List((a,2.7), (a,5.4))
Here is a little bit sneaky but fast solution that preserves order:
list.filterNot{ var set = Set[Property]()
obj => val b = set(obj.property); set += obj.property; b}
Although it uses internally a var, I think it is easier to understand and to read than the foldLeft-solution.
A lot of good answers above. However, distinctBy is already in Scala, but in a not-so-obvious place. Perhaps you can use it like
def distinctBy[A, B](xs: List[A])(f: A => B): List[A] =
With preserve order:
def distinctBy[L, E](list: List[L])(f: L => E): List[L] =
list.foldLeft((Vector.empty[L], Set.empty[E])) {
case ((acc, set), item) =>
val key = f(item)
if (set.contains(key)) (acc, set)
else (acc :+ item, set + key)
One more solution
def collectUnique(l: List[Object], s: Set[Property], u: List[Object]): List[Object] = l match {
case Nil => u.reverse
case (h :: t) =>
if (s(h.property)) collectUnique(t, s, u) else collectUnique(t, s + h.prop, h :: u)
I found a way to make it work with groupBy, with one intermediary step:
def distinctBy[T, P, From[X] <: TraversableLike[X, From[X]]](collection: From[T])(property: T => P): From[T] = {
val uniqueValues: Set[T] = collection.groupBy(property).map(_._2.head)(breakOut)
Use it like this:
scala> distinctBy(List(redVolvo, bluePrius, redLeon))(_.color)
res0: List[Car] = List(redVolvo, bluePrius)
Similar to IttayD's first solution, but it filters the original collection based on the set of unique values. If my expectations are correct, this does three traversals: one for groupBy, one for map and one for filter. It maintains the ordering of the original collection, but does not necessarily take the first value for each property. For example, it could have returned List(bluePrius, redLeon) instead.
Of course, IttayD's solution is still faster since it does only one traversal.
My solution also has the disadvantage that, if the collection has Cars that are actually the same, both will be in the output list. This could be fixed by removing filter and returning uniqueValues directly, with type From[T]. However, it seems like CanBuildFrom[Map[P, From[T]], T, From[T]] does not exist... suggestions are welcome!
With a collection and a function from a record to a key this yields a list of records distinct by key. It's not clear whether groupBy will preserve the order in the original collection. It may even depend on the type of collection. I'm guessing either head or last will consistently yield the earliest element.
When will Scala get a nubBy? It's been in Haskell for decades.
If you want to remove duplicates and preserve the order of the list you can try this two liner:
val tmpUniqueList = scala.collection.mutable.Set[String]()
val myUniqueObjects = for(o <- myObjects if tmpUniqueList.add(o.property)) yield o
this is entirely a rip of #IttayD 's answer, but unfortunately I don't have enough reputation to comment.
Rather than creating an implicit function to convert your iteratble, you can simply create an implicit class:
import scala.collection.IterableLike
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
implicit class RichCollection[A, Repr](xs: IterableLike[A, Repr]){
def distinctBy[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, A, That]) = {
val builder = cbf(xs.repr)
val i = xs.iterator
var set = Set[B]()
while (i.hasNext) {
val o = i.next
val b = f(o)
if (!set(b)) {
set += b
builder += o