Google Cloud SDK Installation: Unzip Failed: Error opening zip file - google-cloud-platform

I am getting Unzip Failed: Error opening zip file while installing Google Cloud SDK,
I am using windows 7,64 bit. I have checked the zip/unzip software also, it is working fine. here is the error
Can anybody help.

I downloaded the zip file directly from here and it is working now.

I resolved the issue by running the installer as administrator

close your proxy.
add a new env:
CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=\your Python27 path\python.exe


How to download and run Wso2 API Manager for linux ubuntu?

I easily download binary wso2 api manger 3.2.0 and run it in windows. but for linux ubuntu it dose not work when run
but when excute ./ , it throws following exception : Caused by: /opt/wso2/wso2am-3.2.0/repository\conf\advanced\qpid-config.xml (No such file or directory
what is wrong? and should I download installer for linux?
when download wso2am-linux-installer-x64-3.2.0.rpm and install it works.but binary that I downloaded not work.
Follow the below steps to run APIM v320 in linux.
Go to and download the APIM v320.
Make sure you download the pack specified in the binary section.
Unzip the downloaded pack.
Go to wso2am-3.2.0/bin
Execute ./
Finally I managed to understand the problem. I unziped the wso2 in windows and then transfer to linux that caused this problem that should unzip into linux server.

"no such file or directory" while trying to install gcloud commandline tool

OK so I am trying to download gcloud compute but I am unable to for some reason. I followed the step by step guide from this page but when I type ./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init the terminal returns zsh: no such file or directory: ./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud
Should I move google-cloud-sdk out of download into some other places? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
If it is any help, I am currently using Mac OS catalina 10.15.4.
It looks like you have downloaded the SDK into a different directory than you are currently in with your terminal.
Try moving the downloaded google-cloud-sdk folder into your home (or cd into your Downloads folder with the terminal), and then running the command. You can also use ls to make sure you are in the correct directory and can see the google-cloud-sdk folder.

ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/pgsql-9.6/share/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory

I want to deploy my project to VPS Centos7. But i am getting error while installing postgres. When i type
create extension postgis;
Getting error
ERROR: could not open extension control file
"/usr/pgsql-9.6/share/extension/postgis.control": No such file or
Because postgis.contol is located in another place,
find /usr -name postgis.control
But postgres trying to create it from /usr/pgsql-9.6/share/extension/postgis.control
This question already was asked before, but my problem is other.
For me, I run below command in Ubuntu, and the issue was resolved.
sudo apt install postgresql-10-postgis-scripts
then run
It works fine for me.I hope it helps.

Can't find ejabberd yml file in ubuntu 14.04 after installation

I recently installed a ejabberd server on an ubuntu 14.04 aws server by following the article
However, after installation, I can't seem to find the yml file in the folder /etc/ejabberd/ and only see a cfg file instead.
I also tried reinstalling but the yml file does not appear.
ejabberd.cfg file use the old Erlang term format instead of Yaml format. I guess Ubuntu packager did not convert the file format yet when package was build or did package an old version of ejabberd. It is fine and should work, but you should likely use a more recent version to get started.

Sitecore Package upload error

I am trying to install a Sitecore package from dev to staging environment, i have used package designer to create this package, but when i try to upload this package on the staging site it results in the following error:
The File exists.<br>
I have also tried uploading the package created using the Sitecore Rocks plugin which also results in the same error.
I am installing the package using installation wizard and uploading the package and i am not overwriting the existing files.
Kindly, help!
This error occurs if the windows temp has more than 65K files. When we cleared those files the issue got resolved.
Maybe there is package with the same name as your new package. Try to rename you package zip file and then upload.
make sure you are installing in the right environment
make sure the file doesnt not already exists (you can look it under the packages folder)
restart app pool and try again. Maybe overwrite the installation file.
there was a issue with sitecore on the staging environment(probably corrupted install). so we took a risk and installed it on live..! It works fine! Thank you all for the help. Much appreciated.