Pimpl idiom as template base class - c++

I'm currently researching the pimpl idiom and there are very nice tutorials how it could be implement (e.g. here). But i have never seen it implemented as a base template class like this:
#ifndef PIMPL_H
#define PIMPL_H
template <class T>
class Pimpl
explicit Pimpl();
explicit Pimpl(T *ptr);
virtual ~Pimpl() = 0;
Pimpl(const Pimpl<T> &other);
Pimpl &operator=(const Pimpl<T> &other);
T *d_ptr;
template<class T>
Pimpl<T>::Pimpl() : d_ptr(new T)
template<class T>
Pimpl<T>::Pimpl(T *ptr) : d_ptr(ptr)
template<class T>
delete d_ptr;
d_ptr = 0;
template<class T>
Pimpl<T>::Pimpl(const Pimpl<T> &other) : d_ptr(new T(*other.d_ptr))
template<class T>
Pimpl<T> &Pimpl<T>::operator=(const Pimpl<T> &other)
if (this != &other) {
delete d_ptr;
d_ptr = new T(*other.d_ptr);
return *this;
#endif // PIMPL_H
Which then could be used in any class you like to pimpl:
#ifndef OBJECT_H
#define OBJECT_H
#include "pimpl.h"
class ObjectPrivate;
class Object : public Pimpl<ObjectPrivate>
virtual ~Object();
/* ... */
#endif // OBJECT_H
Currently i'm using it in a small example project (build as a shared library) and the only problem i had, was that MSVC warns about the missing destructor for ObjectPrivate (see C4150). This warning only occurs, because ObjectPrivate is forward declared and therefore not visible to the delete operator in Pimpl::~Pimpl() at compile time.
Does anyone see any sort of problems with this approach? :-)
So there is a now a final version based on the discussion below on GitHub (big thanks to StoryTeller). The repository also contains a simple usage example.

Yes, there are several problems, as I see it.
Your class is essentially a mixin. It's not about dynamic polymorphism, so no-one is ever going to call delete on a pointer to Pimpl<ObjectPrivate>. Drop the virtual destructor. It's introducing overhead that's never going to be required. What you want is static polymorphism only.
You allocate the object with new and release with delete. I won't use your template, because that allocation scheme isn't always appropriate in my applications. You must give a way to customize the allocation scheme in order to make your class actually useful.
Your assignment operator isn't exception safe. If the constructor for T throws, you lose the previously saved data. IMO it's better in this case to use the copy and swap idiom.
The solution to (1) and (2) is to add more template parameters, where the first is for the CRTP. This will allow you to push operations you aren't aware of how to do, onto the class that inherits your mixin. It can override them by defining its own make, unmake and clone. And those will all be bound statically.
template <class Handle, class Impl>
class Pimpl
Impl* _make() const
{ return ((Handle const*)this)->make(); }
void _unmake(Impl *p) const
{ ((Handle const*)this)->unmake(p); }
Impl* _clone(Impl *p) const
{ return ((Handle const*)this)->clone(p); }
void swap(Pimpl &other) {
Impl *temp = d_ptr;
d_ptr = other.d_ptr;
other.d_ptr = temp;
explicit Pimpl();
Pimpl(const Pimpl &other);
Pimpl &operator=(const Pimpl &other);
// fall-backs
static Impl* make() { return new Impl; }
static void unmake(Impl* p) { delete p; }
static Impl* clone(Impl* p) { return new Impl(*p); }
Impl *d_ptr;
template<class Handle, class Impl>
Pimpl<Handle, Impl>::Pimpl() :
template<class Handle, class Impl>
Pimpl<Handle, Impl>::~Pimpl()
d_ptr = 0;
template<class Handle, class Impl>
Pimpl<Handle, Impl>::Pimpl(const Pimpl &other) :
template<class Handle, class Impl>
Pimpl<Handle, Impl> &Pimpl<Handle, Impl>::operator=(const Pimpl &other)
Pimpl copy(other);
return *this;
Live Example
Now your header can compile cleanly. So long as the destructor for Object isn't defined inline. When it's inline the compiler must instantiate the destructor of the template wherever object.h is included.
If it's defined in a cpp file, after the definition of ObjectPrivate, then the instantiation of ~Pimpl will see the full definition of the private parts.
Further ideas for improvement:
Make the special members protected. It's only the derived Handle class that's supposed to call them, after all.
Add support for move semantics.

But i have never seen it implemented as a base template class
Vladimir Batov did it: https://github.com/yet-another-user/pimpl
Does anyone see any sort of problems with this approach?
You need to take the warning seriously. If your ObjectPrivate actually has a non-trivial destructor (which is as easy as containing a std::string member), you have undefined behavior, and the destructor probably won't get called.
This typically suggests that for some reason, the destructor is instantiated in the wrong place. Make sure that all definitions of all constructors and destructors of the derived class are placed after the full definition of ObjectPrivate. This includes the implicit copy and move constructors, which are probably what triggers the warning in your example code. Yes, this means you have to explicitly declare these special functions (and as a consequence, also the copy and move assignment operators if you want them), but at least you can use a defaulted definition.
I don't know if Vlad's library has the same problem.
Also, nulling out pointers in a destructor is pointless and will probably just get optimized away by some modern compilers.

Modern version that I'm using:
// Header File
template <typename impl_t>
class Pimpl {
Pimpl() = default;
virtual ~Pimpl() = default;
Pimpl(std::shared_ptr<impl_t> handle) : handle(handle) {}
get_handle() const {
return handle;
std::shared_ptr<impl_t> handle;
class object_impl;
class object : public Pimpl<object_impl> {
/* whatever constructors you want*/
object(int x);
// Cpp File
class object_impl {
object_impl(int x) : x_(x) {}
int x_;
object::object(int x) : Pimpl(std::make_shared<object_impl>(x)) {}


Overloaded operator= to switch between template types

I have a template class that multiple classes are inheriting from to basically make some user-friendly builders, hiding the functions that are not required on different builders, while following DRY.
However, I'm having trouble switching between the builder types. I'd prefer to use the operator= to switch without hassle and have the following code.
template<class T> class BuilderFunctions
std::string text;
template<class Other>
BuilderFunctions<T>& operator=(const Other& other);
template <class T>
template <class Other>
BuilderFunctions<T>& BuilderFunctions<T>::operator=(const Other& other)
// yes, I need same object protection
text = other.text;
return *this;
class BuilderGenericList : public BuilderFunctions<BuilderGenericList>
BuilderGenericList() = default;
// Build configuration details
class BuilderRootList : public BuilderFunctions<BuilderRootList>
// I'll delete the functions I don't want accessed here
BuilderRootList() = default;
Code that says no
// Real world you'd build the root first and switch out to another builder or be using a prototype to seed another builder
BuilderRootList cmakeRoot;
BuilderGenericList list;
// Separate to make sure it's not trying to use cop constructor
list = cmakeRoot;
Except I might be doing something I shouldn't be doing with template classes, although others seem to have success with templates in the operators, so assume possible, and I'm making some kind of mistake.
More info: The error I get is:
Error C2679 binary '=': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand
of type 'BuilderRootList' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
So It's definitely looking for my operator=, it's just not generating one from the template
When you do the template inheritance, you have to be explicit in case of base classes members. More read:
Why do I have to access template base class members through the this pointer?
Derived template-class access to base-class member-data
Accessing base member functions in class derived from template class
In your case, the members text, and operator=, can be brought via using declaration.
class BuilderGenericList : public BuilderFunctions<BuilderGenericList>
BuilderGenericList() = default;
using BuilderFunctions<BuilderGenericList>::text;
using BuilderFunctions<BuilderGenericList>::operator=;
// ... so on, other members from base if needed!
// Build configuration details
class BuilderRootList : public BuilderFunctions<BuilderRootList>
BuilderRootList() = default;
using BuilderFunctions<BuilderRootList>::text;
using BuilderFunctions<BuilderRootList>::operator=;
// ... so on, other members from base if needed!
Live Demo
Note that, this will make the memberusing BuilderFunctions<BuilderGenericList>::text public, if this is not what wanted, consider the suggestion by #Jarod42 in other answer.
BuilderFunctions<T1> cannot access private/protected member of BuilderFunctions<T2> (with T1 != T2): add accessor, or make them friend.
in addition, you also have to put using for operator=:
template<class T>
class BuilderFunctions
template <typename U> friend class BuilderFunctions;
std::string text;
template<class Other>
BuilderFunctions<T>& operator=(const Other& other);
template <class T>
template <class Other>
BuilderFunctions<T>& BuilderFunctions<T>::operator=(const Other& other)
//yes, I need same object protection
text= other.text;
return *this;
class BuilderGenericList : public BuilderFunctions<int>{
using BuilderFunctions<int>::operator=;
BuilderGenericList() = default;
//Build configuration details
class BuilderRootList : public BuilderFunctions<float>
//I'll delete the functions I don't want accessed here
using BuilderFunctions<float>::operator=;
BuilderRootList() = default;

Pimpl idiom usage in Qt, searching for laconic way

My problem with Qt & pimpl is not actually a problem, more a request for best-practice advice.
So: we've got quite a large project with lots of GUI and other Qt classes. Readability of headers is required for fine collaboration, reducing compilation time is also a matter of regular consideration.
Thus, there I have lots of classes like:
class SomeAwesomeClass: public QWidget
//interface goes here
void doSomething();
struct SomeAwesomeClassImpl;
QScopedPointer<SomeAwesomeClassImpl> impl;
Of course, the Pimpl class is in the .cpp file, works fine, like:
struct MonitorForm::MonitorFormImpl
//lots of stuff
This piece of software is supposed to be crossplatform (not a surprise) and cross-compiled without significant effort. I know about Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE, Q_D and other macros, they make me think more about Qt MOC, possible differences in Qt versions (because of legacy code), but this way or another there are many lines of code contatinig something like
//and even
The pseudo-code above is a much simplified version of the real one, but most of us are fine with it. But some colleagues insist, that it's rather bothering to write and read all those long lines, especially when impl->ui->mSomething-> is repeating too often. The opinion states, that Qt marcos also add visual garbaging to the situation in the end. Seversl #define's could help, but those are considered generally bad practice.
In short, based on your experience, is there a way to make pimpl usage more laconic? Maybe it isn't truly required as often as seems, in non-library classes for example? Maybe the goals of it's usage are not equal, depending on circumstances?
What's the proper way to cook it, anyway?
I know about Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE, Q_D and other macros
You know about them, but have you actually used them and understand their purpose, and - for the most part - their inevitability? Those macros weren't added to make stuff verbose. They are there because you end up needing them.
There are no differences in Qt PIMPL implementation between Qt versions, but you are depending on Qt's implementation details when you inherit from QClassPrivate, should you do so. The PIMPL macros have nothing to do with moc. You can use them in plain C++ code that doesn't use any Qt classes at all.
Alas, there's no escaping what you want for as long as you implement the PIMPLs the usual way (which is also Qt way).
Pimpl-pointer vs this
First of all, let's observe that impl stands for this, but the language lets you skip using this-> in most cases. Thus, it's nothing too foreign.
class MyClassNoPimpl {
int foo;
void setFoo(int s) { this->foo = s; }
class MyClass {
struct MyClassPrivate;
QScopedPointer<MyClassPrivate> const d;
void setFoo(int s);
virtual ~MyClass();
void MyClass::setFoo(int s) { d->foo = s; }
Inheritance demands...
Things become generally outlandish when you have inheritance, though:
class MyDerived : public MyClass {
class MyDerivedPrivate;
QScopedPointer<MyDerivedPrivate> const d;
void SetBar(int s);
void MyDerived::setFooBar(int f, int b) {
MyClass::d->foo = f;
d->bar = b;
You'll want to re-use a single d-pointer in the base class, but it will have the wrong type in all derived classes. Thus you might think of casting it - that's even more boilerplate! Instead, you use a private function that returns a correctly-cast d-pointer. Now you need to derive both public and private classes, and you need private headers for the private classes, so that the derived classes can use them. Oh, and you need to pass the pointer to the derived pimpl to the base class - because that's the only way you can initialize the d_ptr while keeping it const, as it must be. See - Qt's PIMPL implementation is verbose because you do actually need all of it to write safe, composable, maintainable code. No way around it.
class MyClass1 {
struct Private;
QScopedPointer<Private> const d_ptr;
MyClass1(Private &); // a signature that won't clash with anything else
inline Private *d() { return (Private*)d_ptr; }
inline const Private *d() const { return (const Private*)d_ptr; }
virtual ~MyClass1();
void setFoo(int);
struct MyClass1::Private {
int foo;
#include "MyClass1.h"
#include "MyClass1_p.h"
MyClass1::MyClass1(Private &p) : d_ptr(&p) {}
MyClass1::MyClass1() : d_ptr(new Private) {}
MyClass1::~MyClass1() {} // compiler-generated
void MyClass1::setFoo(int f) {
d()->foo = f;
#include "MyClass1.h"
class MyClass2 : public MyClass1 {
struct Private;
inline Private *d() { return (Private*)d_ptr; }
inline const Private *d() { return (const Private*)d_ptr; }
~MyClass2() override; // Override ensures that the base had a virtual destructor.
// The virtual keyword is not used per DRY: override implies it.
void setFooBar(int, int);
#include "MyClass1_p.h"
struct MyClass2::Private : MyClass1::Private {
int bar;
MyClass2::MyClass2() : MyClass1(*new Private) {}
MyClass2::~MyClass2() {}
void MyClass2::setFooBar(int f, int b) {
d()->foo = f;
d()->bar = b;
Inheritance, Qt way
Qt's PIMPL macros take care of implementing d() functions. Well, they implement d_func() and then you use the Q_D macro to obtain a local variable that is simply d. Rewriting the above:
class MyClass1Private;
class MyClass1 {
QScopedPointer<Private> d_ptr;
MyClass1(MyClass1Private &);
virtual ~MyClass1();
void setFoo(int);
struct MyClass1Private {
int foo;
#include "MyClass1.h"
#include "MyClass1_p.h"
MyClass1::MyClass1(MyClass1Private &d) : d_ptr(*d) {}
MyClass1::MyClass1() : d_ptr(new MyClass1Private) {}
MyClass1::MyClass1() {}
void MyClass1::setFoo(int f) {
d->foo = f;
#include "MyClass1.h"
class MyClass2Private;
class MyClass2 : public MyClass1 {
~MyClass2() override;
void setFooBar(int, int);
#include "MyClass1_p.h"
struct MyClass2Private : MyClass1Private {
int bar;
MyClass2() : MyClass1(*new MyClass2Private) {}
MyClass2::~MyClass2() {}
void MyClass2::setFooBar(int f, int b) {
d->foo = f;
d->bar = b;
Factories simplify pimpl
For class hierarchies that are sealed (i.e. where the user doesn't derive), the interface can be sanitized from any private details whatsoever by the use of factories:
class MyClass1 {
static MyClass1 *make();
virtual ~MyClass1() {}
void setFoo(int);
class MyClass2 : public MyClass1 {
static MyClass2 *make();
void setFooBar(int, int);
class MyClass3 : public MyClass2 {
static MyClass3 *make();
void setFooBarBaz(int, int, int);
template <class R, class C1, class C2, class ...Args, class ...Args2>
R impl(C1 *c, R (C2::*m)(Args...args), Args2 &&...args) {
return (*static_cast<C2*>(c).*m)(std::forward<Args2>(args)...);
struct MyClass1Impl {
int foo;
struct MyClass2Impl : MyClass1Impl {
int bar;
struct MyClass3Impl : MyClass2Impl {
int baz;
struct MyClass1X : MyClass1, MyClass1Impl {
void setFoo(int f) { foo = f; }
struct MyClass2X : MyClass2, MyClass2Impl {
void setFooBar(int f, int b) { foo = f; bar = b; }
struct MyClass3X : MyClass3, MyClass3Impl {
void setFooBarBaz(int f, int b, int z) { foo = f; bar = b; baz = z;}
MyClass1 *MyClass1::make() { return new MyClass1X; }
MyClass2 *MyClass2::make() { return new MyClass2X; }
MyClass3 *MyClass3::make() { return new MyClass3X; }
void MyClass1::setFoo(int f) { impl(this, &MyClass1X::setFoo, f); }
void MyClass2::setFooBar(int f, int b) { impl(this, &MyClass2X::setFooBar, f, b); }
void MyClass3::setFooBarBaz(int f, int b, int z) { impl(this, &MyClass3X::setFooBarBaz, f, b, z); }
This is very basic sketch that should be further refined.
#KubaOber gave an excellent coverage of how pimpl works and how to implement it. One thing not covered that you discussed are the inevitable macros to simplify the boilerplate. Let's take a look at a possible implementation, borrowed from my own Swiss Army knife library, which is clearly based on Qt's take.
Firstly, we need a base public interface and a base private implementation with the boilerplate. Inheriting directly from Qt's implementation is useless if we aren't using Qt (and an incredibly bad idea besides), so we'll just create a lightweight base class for the implementation (or d_ptr) and the implementation's back-pointer to the interface (the q_ptr).
#include <QScopedPointer> //this could just as easily be std::unique_ptr
class PublicBase; //note the forward declaration
class PrivateBase
//Constructs a new `PrivateBase` instance with qq as the back-pointer.
explicit PrivateBase(PublicBase *qq);
//We declare deleted all other constructors
PrivateBase(const PrivateBase &) = delete;
PrivateBase(PrivateBase &&) = delete;
PrivateBase() = delete;
//! Virtual destructor to prevent slicing.
virtual ~PrivateBase() {}
//...And delete assignment operators, too
void operator =(const PrivateBase &) = delete;
void operator =(PrivateBase &&) = delete;
PublicBase *qe_ptr;
class PublicBase
//! The only functional constructor. Note that this takes a reference, i.e. it cannot be null.
explicit PublicBase(PrivateBase &dd);
QScopedPointer<PrivateBase> qed_ptr;
PrivateBase::PrivateBase(PublicBase *qq)
: qe_ptr(qq)
PublicBase::PublicBase(PrivateBase &dd)
: qed_ptr(&dd) //note that we take the address here to convert to a pointer
Now to the macros.
/* Use this as you would the Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC macro. */
#define QE_DECLARE_PUBLIC(Classname) \
inline Classname *qe_q_func() noexcept { return static_cast<Classname *>(qe_ptr); } \
inline const Classname* qe_cq_func() const noexcept { return static_cast<const Classname *>(qe_ptr); } \
friend class Classname;
/* Use this as you would the Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE macro. */
#define QE_DECLARE_PRIVATE(Classname) \
inline Classname##Private* qe_d_func() noexcept { return reinterpret_cast<Classname##Private *>(qed_ptr.data()); } \
inline const Classname##Private* qe_cd_func() const noexcept { return reinterpret_cast<const Classname##Private *>(qed_ptr.data()); } \
friend class Classname##Private;
These are fairly self-explanatory: they cast the stored pointer to the appropriate derived type. The macro leverages the class name + "Private" to cast to the right type. This means your private class MUST follow the naming pattern: InterfaceClass becomes InterfaceClassPrivate. For scope resolution to work, they need to be in the same namespace, too. Your private class can't be a member of your public class.
And finally, the accessors, with a C++11 twist:
#define QE_DPTR auto d = qe_d_func()
#define QE_CONST_DPTR auto d = qe_cd_func()
#define QE_QPTR auto q = qe_q_func()
#define QE_CONST_QPTR auto q = qe_cq_func()
Not having to explicitly specify the class name makes usage incredibly easy and less rigid. Should this class be renamed or the function moved to another level in the inheritance hierarchy, you don't have to change the QE_CONST_DPTR statement.
SomeInterface::getFoo() const noexcept
return d->foo;
would become:
SomeInterfaceInheritingFromSomeOtherInterface::getFoo() const noexcept
return d->foo;
One purpose of PIMPL is to decouple interface from private implementation. Examples like impl->ui->component->doStuff(); are a sign that there is a problem with the scope of the interface. IMHO you should normally not see more than one deep calls.
impl->doStuff(); OK
impl->ui->doStuff(); Hmmm, better avoid that.
impl->ui->component->... Uh oh, things go wrong here. Caller needs to know far too much details of the implementation. That's not the purpose of PIMPL!
You may want to read https://herbsutter.com/gotw/_100/, especially the section What parts of the class should go into the impl object?

Template class issues

I am having the following problem. Consider this (very simplified) example. I am using one of our existing template classes that I am able to add (up to a point) some generic functionality to:
template<typename T> class myClass
typedef T element_type;
explicit myClass(T* p = 0) : ptr(p) {}
~myClass() { delete ptr; };
T* ptr;
I am also using an external library (which I am obviously not able to adjust) which amongst other things defines (lets say) struct notMine. As this is a C style library, one does some sort of notMine* nmPtr = createNotMine(); call and I need to remember to freeNotMine(nmPtr); when I am done.
Now I want to use myClass with a pointer to a notMine structure but the problem is that when myClass goes out of scope, I 'forget' to free this notMine structure and it calls 'delete' instead.
What is a nice way of fixing this problem?
Do I create class derived from myClass where I can write my own destructor specific to this problem?
Do I adjust myClass so I can pass some sort of optional generic Destructor object?
Do I adjust myClass so I can (optionally) pass a static function that is to be called in the destructor?
EDIT: I probably didn't explain myself properly, but the myClass is already being used elsewhere, so I cannot simply change the existing destructor to suit this particular problem
For you immediate implementation
Given than the class can be modified (maintaining backwards compatibility), you can extend the class to include a custom deleter to manage the resource (with a suitable default). Custom deleters can then be implemented for each type that the class needs to maintain.
template <typename T>
struct DefaultDeleter {
void operator()(T* ptr) const {
delete ptr;
struct NotMineDeleter { // or a specialisation of DefaultDeleter
void operator()(notMine* nmPtr) const {
if (nmPtr)
template<typename T, typename Deleter = DefaultDeleter<T> >
class myClass
typedef T element_type;
explicit myClass(T* p = 0) : ptr(p) {}
~myClass() { deleter_(ptr); };
Deleter deleter_;
T* ptr;
The myClass can now be used as follows for the external library;
myClass<notMine, NotMineDeleter> obj(createNotMine());
You will also need to deal with the copy and assignments for your class myClass by either making them private: (C++03), deleting them =delete; (C++11) or implementing the appropriately, i.e. implement the full copy and assignment semantics.
You've commented that the copy and assignments are implemented appropriately (this will need to be the case for the notMine* pointers as well). If this is not the case, then you will probably run into further problems.
C++11 also brings with it move semantics that can be implemented to transfer ownership from one instance of myClass to another.
Better yet
Use std::unique_ptr or std::share_ptr with a custom deleter that calls freeNotMine(nmPtr).
RAII - what it looks like you are doing is implementing a classic RAII class. This is a very good thing and one of the core idiomatic uses of resource classes in C++.
Alternative to the dual deleter above
Using template specialisation, the implementation can be simplified (but essentially still maintains deleters for each type being maintained) as follows;
template <typename T>
struct Deleter {
void operator()(T* ptr) const {
delete ptr;
template <>
struct Deleter<notMine> {
void operator()(notMine* nmPtr) const {
if (nmPtr)
template<typename T>
class myClass
typedef T element_type;
explicit myClass(T* p = 0) : ptr(p) {}
~myClass() { deleter_(ptr); };
Deleter<T> deleter_;
T* ptr;
The myClass can now be used as follows for the external library;
myClass<notMine> obj(createNotMine());

How to simulate virtuality for method template

I have a class hierarchy where I want to introduce a method template that would behave like if it was virtual. For example a simple hierarchy:
class A {
virtual ~A() {}
template<typename T>
void method(T &t) {}
class B : public A {
template<typename T>
void method(T &t) {}
Then I create object B:
A *a = new B();
I know I can get the type stored in a by typeid(a). How can I call the correct B::method dynamically when I know the type? I could probably have a condition like:
But I would like to avoid having conditions like that. I was thinking about creating a std::map with typeid as a key, but what would I put as a value?
You can use the "Curiously Recurring Template Pattern"
Using this pattern, the base class takes the derived class type as a template parameter, meaning that the base class can cast itself to the derived type in order to call functions in the derived class. It's a sort of compile time implementation of virtual functions, with the added benefit of not having to do a virtual function call.
template<typename DERIVED_TYPE>
class A {
virtual ~A() {}
template<typename T>
void method(T &t) { static_cast<DERIVED_TYPE &>(*this).methodImpl<T>(t); }
class B : public A<B>
friend class A<B>;
virtual ~B() {}
template<typename T>
void methodImpl(T &t) {}
It can then be used like this...
int one = 1;
A<B> *a = new B();
Is there any common code you could extract and make virtual?
class A {
virtual ~A() {}
template<typename T>
void method(T &t)
virtual void DoSomeWork() {}
class B : public A {
virtual void DoSomeWork() {}
As you may know, you cannot have templates for virtual functions, since the entirety of the virtual functions is part of the class type and must be known in advance. That rules out any simple "arbitrary overriding".
If it's an option, you could make the template parameter part of the class:
template <typename T> class A
virtual void method(T &);
template <typename T> class B : public A<T>
virtual void method(T &); // overrides
A more involved approach might use some dispatcher object:
struct BaseDispatcher
virtual ~BaseDispatcher() { }
template <typename T> void call(T & t) { dynamic_cast<void*>(this)->method(t); }
struct ConcreteDispatcher : BaseDispatcher
template <typename T> void method(T &);
class A
explicit A(BaseDispatcher * p = 0) : p_disp(p == 0 ? new BaseDispatcher : p) { }
virtual ~A() { delete p_disp; };
BaseDispatcher * p_disp;
template <typename T> void method(T & t) { p_disp->call(t); }
class B : public A
B() : A(new ConcreteDispatcher) { }
// ...
Oops. Initially answered at the wrong question - ah well, at another question
After some thinking I recognized this as the classic multi-method requirement, i.e. a method that dispatches based on the runtime type of more than one parameter. Usual virtual functions are single dispatch in comparison (and they dispatch on the type of this only).
Refer to the following:
Andrei Alexandrescu has written (the seminal bits for C++?) on implementing multi-methods using generics in 'Modern C++ design'
Chapter 11: "Multimethods" - it implements basic multi-methods, making them logarithmic (using ordered typelists) and then going all the way to constant-time multi-methods. Quite powerful stuff !
A codeproject article that seems to have just such an implementation:
no use of type casts of any kind (dynamic, static, reinterpret, const or C-style)
no use of RTTI;
no use of preprocessor;
strong type safety;
separate compilation;
constant time of multimethod execution;
no dynamic memory allocation (via new or malloc) during multimethod call;
no use of nonstandard libraries;
only standard C++ features is used.
C++ Open Method Compiler, Peter Pirkelbauer, Yuriy Solodkyy, and Bjarne Stroustrup
The Loki Library has A MultipleDispatcher
Wikipedia has quite a nice simple write-up with examples on Multiple Dispatch in C++.
Here is the 'simple' approach from the wikipedia article for reference (the less simple approach scales better for larger number of derived types):
// Example using run time type comparison via dynamic_cast
struct Thing {
virtual void collideWith(Thing& other) = 0;
struct Asteroid : Thing {
void collideWith(Thing& other) {
// dynamic_cast to a pointer type returns NULL if the cast fails
// (dynamic_cast to a reference type would throw an exception on failure)
if (Asteroid* asteroid = dynamic_cast<Asteroid*>(&other)) {
// handle Asteroid-Asteroid collision
} else if (Spaceship* spaceship = dynamic_cast<Spaceship*>(&other)) {
// handle Asteroid-Spaceship collision
} else {
// default collision handling here
struct Spaceship : Thing {
void collideWith(Thing& other) {
if (Asteroid* asteroid = dynamic_cast<Asteroid*>(&other)) {
// handle Spaceship-Asteroid collision
} else if (Spaceship* spaceship = dynamic_cast<Spaceship*>(&other)) {
// handle Spaceship-Spaceship collision
} else {
// default collision handling here
I think the only solution is the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern
See this topic:
How to achieve "virtual template function" in C++

Can I use boost::make_shared with a private constructor?

Consider the following:
class DirectoryIterator;
namespace detail {
class FileDataProxy;
class DirectoryIteratorImpl
friend class DirectoryIterator;
friend class FileDataProxy;
WIN32_FIND_DATAW currentData;
std::wstring root;
explicit DirectoryIteratorImpl(const std::wstring& pathSpec);
void increment();
bool equal(const DirectoryIteratorImpl& other) const;
~DirectoryIteratorImpl() {};
class FileDataProxy //Serves as a proxy to the WIN32_FIND_DATA struture inside the iterator.
friend class DirectoryIterator;
boost::shared_ptr<DirectoryIteratorImpl> iteratorSource;
FileDataProxy(boost::shared_ptr<DirectoryIteratorImpl> parent) : iteratorSource(parent) {};
std::wstring GetFolderPath() const {
return iteratorSource->root;
class DirectoryIterator : public boost::iterator_facade<DirectoryIterator, detail::FileDataProxy, std::input_iterator_tag>
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
boost::shared_ptr<detail::DirectoryIteratorImpl> impl;
void increment() {
bool equal(const DirectoryIterator& other) const {
return impl->equal(*other.impl);
detail::FileDataProxy dereference() const {
return detail::FileDataProxy(impl);
DirectoryIterator() {
impl = boost::make_shared<detail::DirectoryIteratorImpl>();
It seems like DirectoryIterator should be able to call boost::make_shared<DirectoryIteratorImpl>, because it is a friend of DirectoryIteratorImpl. However, this code fails to compile because the constructor for DirectoryIteratorImpl is private.
Since this class is an internal implementation detail that clients of DirectoryIterator should never touch, it would be nice if I could keep the constructor private.
Is this my fundamental misunderstanding around make_shared or do I need to mark some sort of boost piece as friend in order for the call to compile?
You will indeed need to make some boost pieces friend for this. Basically make_shared is calling the constructor and the fact that this is done from within a friend function does not matter for the compiler.
The good news though is that make_shared is calling the constructor, not any other piece. So just making make_shared friend would work... However it means that anyone could then create a shared_ptr<DirectoryIteratorImpl>...
Is there a good reason not to use the good old shared_ptr constructor? (If there is one, you might want to take a look at the make_shared implementation and do it)
: impl( new detail::DirectoryIteratorImpl() )
This way the call to the constructor is made from the DirectoryIterator class that is already a friend of DirectoryIteratorImpl without opening the door for all other code.
You can split your class into interface part and implementation part.
The interface part is made public, and the implementation part can have public constructors.
However, that means you have to use virtual inheritance.