Template class issues - c++

I am having the following problem. Consider this (very simplified) example. I am using one of our existing template classes that I am able to add (up to a point) some generic functionality to:
template<typename T> class myClass
typedef T element_type;
explicit myClass(T* p = 0) : ptr(p) {}
~myClass() { delete ptr; };
T* ptr;
I am also using an external library (which I am obviously not able to adjust) which amongst other things defines (lets say) struct notMine. As this is a C style library, one does some sort of notMine* nmPtr = createNotMine(); call and I need to remember to freeNotMine(nmPtr); when I am done.
Now I want to use myClass with a pointer to a notMine structure but the problem is that when myClass goes out of scope, I 'forget' to free this notMine structure and it calls 'delete' instead.
What is a nice way of fixing this problem?
Do I create class derived from myClass where I can write my own destructor specific to this problem?
Do I adjust myClass so I can pass some sort of optional generic Destructor object?
Do I adjust myClass so I can (optionally) pass a static function that is to be called in the destructor?
EDIT: I probably didn't explain myself properly, but the myClass is already being used elsewhere, so I cannot simply change the existing destructor to suit this particular problem

For you immediate implementation
Given than the class can be modified (maintaining backwards compatibility), you can extend the class to include a custom deleter to manage the resource (with a suitable default). Custom deleters can then be implemented for each type that the class needs to maintain.
template <typename T>
struct DefaultDeleter {
void operator()(T* ptr) const {
delete ptr;
struct NotMineDeleter { // or a specialisation of DefaultDeleter
void operator()(notMine* nmPtr) const {
if (nmPtr)
template<typename T, typename Deleter = DefaultDeleter<T> >
class myClass
typedef T element_type;
explicit myClass(T* p = 0) : ptr(p) {}
~myClass() { deleter_(ptr); };
Deleter deleter_;
T* ptr;
The myClass can now be used as follows for the external library;
myClass<notMine, NotMineDeleter> obj(createNotMine());
You will also need to deal with the copy and assignments for your class myClass by either making them private: (C++03), deleting them =delete; (C++11) or implementing the appropriately, i.e. implement the full copy and assignment semantics.
You've commented that the copy and assignments are implemented appropriately (this will need to be the case for the notMine* pointers as well). If this is not the case, then you will probably run into further problems.
C++11 also brings with it move semantics that can be implemented to transfer ownership from one instance of myClass to another.
Better yet
Use std::unique_ptr or std::share_ptr with a custom deleter that calls freeNotMine(nmPtr).
RAII - what it looks like you are doing is implementing a classic RAII class. This is a very good thing and one of the core idiomatic uses of resource classes in C++.
Alternative to the dual deleter above
Using template specialisation, the implementation can be simplified (but essentially still maintains deleters for each type being maintained) as follows;
template <typename T>
struct Deleter {
void operator()(T* ptr) const {
delete ptr;
template <>
struct Deleter<notMine> {
void operator()(notMine* nmPtr) const {
if (nmPtr)
template<typename T>
class myClass
typedef T element_type;
explicit myClass(T* p = 0) : ptr(p) {}
~myClass() { deleter_(ptr); };
Deleter<T> deleter_;
T* ptr;
The myClass can now be used as follows for the external library;
myClass<notMine> obj(createNotMine());


Any reason behind the syntax difference between shared pointers and unique pointers with custom deleters

While both shared pointers and unique pointers in C++11 allow user defined deleters, they have notable syntax differences, as shown in the below mini example:
#include "pch.h"
#include <memory>
class factory
static factory * create() {
return new factory();
static void destroy(factory* fp) noexcept{
delete fp;
factory(const factory &) = delete;
factory& operator= (const factory &) = delete;
char * p_;
factory() {
p_ = new char[100];
~factory() {
delete[] p_;
int main()
typedef void(*fp)(factory*);
auto del = [](factory * p) noexcept {
std::shared_ptr<factory> fsptr1(factory::create(), del);
std::shared_ptr<factory> fsptr2(factory::create(), del);
//notice the syntax is different
std::unique_ptr<factory, fp> ufsptr1(factory::create(), del);
std::unique_ptr<factory, decltype(del)> ufsptr2(factory::create(), del);
return 0;
The reason behind this is that the template class for shared pointers is defined as
template< class T > class shared_ptr;
and the template class for unique pointers is defined as
template<class T, class Deleter = std::default_delete<T>> class unique_ptr;
My question is: Is there any reason behind this design decision that the syntax of the two differentiates itself from each other? My naive thinking is that if the template class for shared pointers is made as
template< class T, class Deleter = std::default_delete<T>> class shared_ptr;
it will makes more sense. For one thing, it is consistent with the case of unique pointers, and for another, it won't instantiate when the default deleter is not well formed and the user fails to provide a custom one.
The default std::unique_ptr is only storing one element, the pointer to the data it protects. This is because by default, you want to use the least amount of memory possible. But when you specify a deleter, you need also to store it. So you need to differentiate between the two versions.
See here: https://github.com/llvm-mirror/libcxx/blob/master/include/memory#L2397
The storage is a specific type based on the template types.
But for std::shared_ptr, you don't have this constraint, you already have a counter, you need to allocate a block to store it. So you can make the deletion choice inside the allocation logic instead of outside, at the API level.
See here: https://github.com/llvm-mirror/libcxx/blob/master/include/memory#L3592
The compressed_pair is not in the smart pointer itself, but in the allocated block.

Pimpl idiom as template base class

I'm currently researching the pimpl idiom and there are very nice tutorials how it could be implement (e.g. here). But i have never seen it implemented as a base template class like this:
#ifndef PIMPL_H
#define PIMPL_H
template <class T>
class Pimpl
explicit Pimpl();
explicit Pimpl(T *ptr);
virtual ~Pimpl() = 0;
Pimpl(const Pimpl<T> &other);
Pimpl &operator=(const Pimpl<T> &other);
T *d_ptr;
template<class T>
Pimpl<T>::Pimpl() : d_ptr(new T)
template<class T>
Pimpl<T>::Pimpl(T *ptr) : d_ptr(ptr)
template<class T>
delete d_ptr;
d_ptr = 0;
template<class T>
Pimpl<T>::Pimpl(const Pimpl<T> &other) : d_ptr(new T(*other.d_ptr))
template<class T>
Pimpl<T> &Pimpl<T>::operator=(const Pimpl<T> &other)
if (this != &other) {
delete d_ptr;
d_ptr = new T(*other.d_ptr);
return *this;
#endif // PIMPL_H
Which then could be used in any class you like to pimpl:
#ifndef OBJECT_H
#define OBJECT_H
#include "pimpl.h"
class ObjectPrivate;
class Object : public Pimpl<ObjectPrivate>
virtual ~Object();
/* ... */
#endif // OBJECT_H
Currently i'm using it in a small example project (build as a shared library) and the only problem i had, was that MSVC warns about the missing destructor for ObjectPrivate (see C4150). This warning only occurs, because ObjectPrivate is forward declared and therefore not visible to the delete operator in Pimpl::~Pimpl() at compile time.
Does anyone see any sort of problems with this approach? :-)
So there is a now a final version based on the discussion below on GitHub (big thanks to StoryTeller). The repository also contains a simple usage example.
Yes, there are several problems, as I see it.
Your class is essentially a mixin. It's not about dynamic polymorphism, so no-one is ever going to call delete on a pointer to Pimpl<ObjectPrivate>. Drop the virtual destructor. It's introducing overhead that's never going to be required. What you want is static polymorphism only.
You allocate the object with new and release with delete. I won't use your template, because that allocation scheme isn't always appropriate in my applications. You must give a way to customize the allocation scheme in order to make your class actually useful.
Your assignment operator isn't exception safe. If the constructor for T throws, you lose the previously saved data. IMO it's better in this case to use the copy and swap idiom.
The solution to (1) and (2) is to add more template parameters, where the first is for the CRTP. This will allow you to push operations you aren't aware of how to do, onto the class that inherits your mixin. It can override them by defining its own make, unmake and clone. And those will all be bound statically.
template <class Handle, class Impl>
class Pimpl
Impl* _make() const
{ return ((Handle const*)this)->make(); }
void _unmake(Impl *p) const
{ ((Handle const*)this)->unmake(p); }
Impl* _clone(Impl *p) const
{ return ((Handle const*)this)->clone(p); }
void swap(Pimpl &other) {
Impl *temp = d_ptr;
d_ptr = other.d_ptr;
other.d_ptr = temp;
explicit Pimpl();
Pimpl(const Pimpl &other);
Pimpl &operator=(const Pimpl &other);
// fall-backs
static Impl* make() { return new Impl; }
static void unmake(Impl* p) { delete p; }
static Impl* clone(Impl* p) { return new Impl(*p); }
Impl *d_ptr;
template<class Handle, class Impl>
Pimpl<Handle, Impl>::Pimpl() :
template<class Handle, class Impl>
Pimpl<Handle, Impl>::~Pimpl()
d_ptr = 0;
template<class Handle, class Impl>
Pimpl<Handle, Impl>::Pimpl(const Pimpl &other) :
template<class Handle, class Impl>
Pimpl<Handle, Impl> &Pimpl<Handle, Impl>::operator=(const Pimpl &other)
Pimpl copy(other);
return *this;
Live Example
Now your header can compile cleanly. So long as the destructor for Object isn't defined inline. When it's inline the compiler must instantiate the destructor of the template wherever object.h is included.
If it's defined in a cpp file, after the definition of ObjectPrivate, then the instantiation of ~Pimpl will see the full definition of the private parts.
Further ideas for improvement:
Make the special members protected. It's only the derived Handle class that's supposed to call them, after all.
Add support for move semantics.
But i have never seen it implemented as a base template class
Vladimir Batov did it: https://github.com/yet-another-user/pimpl
Does anyone see any sort of problems with this approach?
You need to take the warning seriously. If your ObjectPrivate actually has a non-trivial destructor (which is as easy as containing a std::string member), you have undefined behavior, and the destructor probably won't get called.
This typically suggests that for some reason, the destructor is instantiated in the wrong place. Make sure that all definitions of all constructors and destructors of the derived class are placed after the full definition of ObjectPrivate. This includes the implicit copy and move constructors, which are probably what triggers the warning in your example code. Yes, this means you have to explicitly declare these special functions (and as a consequence, also the copy and move assignment operators if you want them), but at least you can use a defaulted definition.
I don't know if Vlad's library has the same problem.
Also, nulling out pointers in a destructor is pointless and will probably just get optimized away by some modern compilers.
Modern version that I'm using:
// Header File
template <typename impl_t>
class Pimpl {
Pimpl() = default;
virtual ~Pimpl() = default;
Pimpl(std::shared_ptr<impl_t> handle) : handle(handle) {}
get_handle() const {
return handle;
std::shared_ptr<impl_t> handle;
class object_impl;
class object : public Pimpl<object_impl> {
/* whatever constructors you want*/
object(int x);
// Cpp File
class object_impl {
object_impl(int x) : x_(x) {}
int x_;
object::object(int x) : Pimpl(std::make_shared<object_impl>(x)) {}

Is there a way to prevent assignment of pointers?

A tricky question. If would like to write a function that returns a pointer to some IFoo object, is it possible to prevent the assignment of this pointer?
I do not want to make IFoo a singleton and I can hide or delete the copy and assignment operators, but does C++ actually allow a pattern, where I explicitly have to call somebody else to obtain an object?
The background question is: I am thinking about some sort of dependency container, where you should always ask the container to get some IFoo * (pointer for the sake of polymorphism). The user should never be able to save it to some local variable or member to avoid a stalled reference to it. (For scenarios where the container is instructed to return no longer Foo, which is derived from IFoo but Bar)
Edit for clarification, although user R Sahu already said that is not possible.
Indeed the example of Mark B was a perfect illustration of what I wanted to prevent:
IFoo* foo_ptr_I_will_keep_forever = obj->getIFoo();
When I wouldn't have interfaces but only explicit instance of types I could return a reference, which given a private operator= and copy ctor would suffice.
Your title says:
Is there a way to prevent assignment of pointers?
No, you can't prevent that if your function returns a pointer.
However, if you return a handle, which can be a pointer to a type that is only forward declared or an integral value that can be used to come up the real object, and make sure that all the real functionality works with the handle, then you can have more freedom over when you can delete the real object without the risk of leaving the client code with a dangling pointer.
Here's a simple program that demonstrates the concept.
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
// Foo.h
struct Foo;
using FooHandle = Foo*;
FooHandle createFoo();
void fooFunction1(FooHandle h);
void fooFunction2(FooHandle h);
// Test Program
int main()
FooHandle h = createFoo();
return 0;
// Foo implementation.
namespace FooImpl
std::set<Foo*>& getLiveFooObjects()
static std::set<Foo*> liveObjects;
return liveObjects;
bool isValid(Foo* h)
return (getLiveFooObjects().find(h) != getLiveFooObjects().end());
using namespace FooImpl;
struct Foo {};
FooHandle createFoo()
FooHandle h = new Foo{};
return h;
void fooFunction1(FooHandle h)
if ( isValid(h) )
std::cout << "In fooFunction1.\n";
std::cout << "Ooops. The handle is no longer valid.\n";
void fooFunction2(FooHandle h)
std::cout << "In fooFunction2.\n";
delete h;
In fooFunction1.
In fooFunction2.
Ooops. The handle is no longer valid.
Give them back an object (that they can store if they want) that always looks up the real one via private (friend) interfaces.
For example, an IFooCaller that implements IFoo by getting the current IFoo and forwarding all calls to it.
A middle ground answer that would prevent accidentally storing a pointer to a particular implementation, but wouldn't prevent someone from doing it on purpose:
template <typename T> class service_wrapper;
class service_manager
template <typename T> friend class service_wrapper;
template <typename T>
service_wrapper<T> get() const;
template <typename T>
T* get_instance() const;
template <typename T>
class service_wrapper
friend class service_manager;
T* operator->() const;
service_wrapper(service_manager const & p_sm) : sm(p_sm) { }
service_manager const & sm;
template <typename T>
T* service_wrapper<T>::operator->() const
return sm.get_instance<T>();
Your manager only dispenses instances of service_wrapper<T>. The operator-> implementation allows invoking on the service using wrapper->method(...);, and always fetches the implementation pointer from the service manager.
This can be circumvented like:
T *ptr = sm.get<T>().operator->();
But that's not something you can accidentally do.

Deleting a Template Type

I have a generic class that looks something like this:
template <class T>
class Example
T data;
Example(): data(T())
Example(T typeData): data(typeData)
// ...
I'm a bit confused about how to implement a deconstructor for something like this. Specifically, since T is of any type, it could be memory allocated on the stack (which is always the case for Example's created via the no-argument constructor) or on the heap.
For instance, if the client makes the type for T an int* and provides a pointer to dynamic memory, how do I know to call delete on data as opposed to if the client set the type to int?
The simplest answer is: don't. Don't try to second-guess the user and do something they might not expect. Adopt the same policy as standard containers do: assume T cleans up after itself correctly.
If the client code is written correctly, it will use RAII classes (such as smart pointers) for automatic and correct management of memory and other resources. If it's not, you cannot hope to fix that in your provider code.
Make your class work with std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr, as well as any other custom RAII class, and let your clients do the management themselves. What if they want to store non-owning pointers, after all?
You can use Template Specialization.
template <class T>
class Example
T data;
: data(T())
Example(T typeData): data(typeData)
template <class T>
class Example<T*>
T* data;
Example() : data(nullptr){}
Example(T* typeData): data(typeData) {}
delete data;
int main()
Example<int> e;
Example<int*> e2;
return 0;
You could just not worry about it like the standard library does. For example, if you create a vector of pointers you are responsible for deleting them before you let the vector go out of scope. People can then decide if they even want it to be deleted at all (maybe it's temporary for sorting and something else owns the object). They can also use smart pointers so that vector will destroy the object via the destructor for the smart pointer.
In this case, less is more. You don't have to do anything complicated. You don't have to maintain multiple versions of the template. Finally, the user of your template has more control...and responsibility as well of course.
Use memory release helper template classes that can be selected by type.
You does not need to make dublicate of your class with Template Specialization.
You can write only one class.
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T> // primary template
struct Releaser
template<typename V>
void release( V v ) { }
template<> // explicit specialization for T = std::true_type
struct Releaser<std::true_type>
template<typename V>
void release( V v ) { delete[] v; }
template <class T>
class Example
T data;
Example(): data(T()) {}
Example(T typeData): data(typeData) {}
typedef typename std::is_pointer<T>::value_type isptr_type;
~Example() {
Releaser< isptr_type >::release( data );
But need to know form of new called, so use delete or delete[].
I suggest you to use std::unique_ptr for T when you need Example to hold an owning pointer. If T is a raw pointer, then it's simply not owning and should not delete it.
If you need Example to initialize the pointer, specialize it for std::unique_ptr and call std::make_unique in the default constructor.
template<typename T>
class Example<std::unique_ptr<T>> {
Example() : data{std::make_unique<T>()} {}
/* rest of the class */
If you do this, you should not specialize your class for T* to do a new, as you cannot initialise non-owning pointers. You should receive it in you constructor, and maybe disable the default constructor for raw pointers if you don't want it to be null.
template<typename T>
class Example<T*> {
Example() = delete;
Example(T* data_) : data{data_}
/* data is not an owning pointer. No need for a destructor */
/* rest of the class */
If you follow those rules, you should have no problem with memory management.

Using an abstract deleter with std::unique_ptr

I want to have a run-time interface that offers some creation methods. These methods return unique_ptr<T>, and I want to enable custom deletion by the creating class. The thing is that I definitely don't want the interface to offer these methods directly- they should only be available in the destruction of the unique_ptr<T, SomeCustomDel>. Now, I figured that I can use std::unique_ptr<T, std::function<void(T*)>>, but I'd really rather not because I simply don't need that level of abstraction and I don't want to have to pay the heap allocation.
Any suggestions?
Your specification isn't completely clear to me, but have you considered unique_ptr<T, void(*)(void*)>? This is a very flexible type with many qualities of a dynamic deleter.
If that isn't what you're looking for, you might try something along the lines of:
class impl
virtual ~impl();
virtual void operator()(void*) = 0;
virtual void other_functionality() = 0;
class my_deleter
impl* p_;
void operator()(void* p) {(*p_)(p);}
void other_functionality() {p_->other_functionality();}
It is difficult to know what is best in your case without more details about your requirements.
I wish there was a standard "dynamic" deleter version of std::unique_ptr. This mythical class would allow me to attach a deleter to the unique_ptr when I instantiate it, similar to std::shared_ptr.
That said if such a type existed I suspect it would essentially be implemented with std::unique_ptr<T,std::function<void(T*)>>. The very thing you wanted to avoid.
However I think you're underestimating std::function. Its implementation is optimization to avoid hitting the heap if possible. If your deleter object remains small everything will be done on the stack (I think boost::function can statically handle deleters up to 32 bytes in size).
A for the problem of a too general deleter. You have to provide the definition of the deleter. There is no way around that. However you don't have to let the user instantiate the class, which essentially forbids them from using it. To do this make the deleter's constructor(s) require a tag structure that is only defined in the implementation file.
Or possibly the simplest solution. Put the deleter in a detail namespace. The user is still free to use it, but it's obvious that they should not and can't complain when you change it, breaking their code.
I see two options.
Option 1: Use a custom deleter that contains a function pointer and optionally a raw char array to encode some state if necessary:
template<class T>
void simply_delete(T* ptr, const unsigned char*) {
delete ptr;
template<class T, int StateSize>
struct my_deleter {
void (*funptr)(T*,const unsigned char*);
array<unsigned char,StateSize> state;
my_deleter() : funptr(&simply_delete<T>) {}
void operator()(T* ptr) const {
funptr(ptr,StateSize>0 ? &state[0] : nullptr);
template<class T>
using upi = unique_ptr<T,my_deleter<T,sizeof(void*)>>;
Now, you can create different upi<T> objects that store different function pointers and deleter states without the need of mentioning what exactly is happening in its type. But this is almost the same as a function<> deleter which implements the "small function optimization". You can expect a decent standard library implementation to provide a very efficient function<> wrapper for small function objects (like function pointers) that don't require any heap allocations. At least I do. :)
Option 2: Simply use shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr and make use of its built-in type erasure feature with respect to deleters. This will also allow you to support Derived->Base conversions easily. For greatest control over what is allocated where you could use the std::allocate_shared function template.
This is a response to one of the answers, not to the original question. It is an answer instead of a comment simply because of formatting reasons.
I wish there was a standard "dynamic"
deleter version of std::unique_ptr.
This mythical class would allow me to
attach a deleter to the unique_ptr
when I instantiate it, similar to
Here is a start of an implementation of such a class. It is fairly easy to do. I've used unique_ptr only as an exception safety aid, nothing more. It is not as full-featured as you might like. These extra features are left as an exercise for the reader. :-) What is below establishes unique ownership of the pointer and storage for the custom dynamic deleter. Note that the smart pointer owns a passed-in pointer even if the constructor of the smart pointer throws (this is actually where unique_ptr is most useful in the implementation).
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
namespace detail
class impl
virtual ~impl() {};
template <class T, class D>
class erase_type
: public impl
T* t_;
D d_;
explicit erase_type(T* t)
: t_(t)
erase_type(T* t, const D& d)
: t_(t),
erase_type(T* t, D&& d)
: t_(t),
virtual ~erase_type()
if (t_)
erase_type(const erase_type&) = delete;
erase_type& operator=(const erase_type&) = delete;
} // detail
template <class T>
class my_pointer
T* ptr_;
detail::impl* impl_;
my_pointer() noexcept
: ptr_(nullptr),
template <class Y>
explicit my_pointer(Y* p)
: ptr_(static_cast<T*>(p)),
std::unique_ptr<Y> hold(p);
impl_ = new detail::erase_type<Y, std::default_delete<Y>>(p);
template <class Y, class D>
explicit my_pointer(Y* p, D&& d)
: ptr_(static_cast<T*>(p)),
std::unique_ptr<Y, D&> hold(p, d);
detail::erase_type<Y, typename std::remove_reference<D>::type>
impl_ = new ErasedType(p, std::forward<D>(d));
delete impl_;
my_pointer(my_pointer&& p) noexcept
: ptr_(p.ptr_),
p.ptr_ = nullptr;
p.impl_ = nullptr;
my_pointer& operator=(my_pointer&& p) noexcept
delete impl_;
ptr_ = p.ptr_;
impl_ = p.impl_;
p.ptr_ = nullptr;
p.impl_ = nullptr;
return *this;
typename std::add_lvalue_reference<T>::type
operator*() const noexcept
{return *ptr_;}
T* operator->() const noexcept
{return ptr_;}
Note that unlike unique_ptr (and like shared_ptr), the constructors taking a pointer are not noexcept. Although that could possibly be mitigated via the use of a "small deleter" optimization. Yet another exercise left for the reader. :-)
I found this question googling my own problem; using unique_ptr with an abstract base class pointer. All the answers are great. I found #deft_code's one to be the best for my needs.
This is what I ended up doing in my case:
Suppose T is an abstract base class type. The makeT(), func creates a new instance of some derived class, and returns the T*:
std::unique_ptr<T, std::function<void(T*)>> p(makeT(), [](T* p){p.delete();});
I just wanted to share this for those who are looking for short, copy and pasteish solution.
For the untrained c++11 eyes, the [](... syntax is a lambda.
As is mentioned in the other answers, it's not a 'function pointer' in the C sense, but a callable c++ object, which is really tiny, and should have negligible overhead to carry it around.