I am newbie in C++ and can't understand some behavior.
Have function below and in this case it works.
bool Network::doRequest(HTTPRequest& request, string path, string content) {
HTTPResponse response;
istream* respStreamPtr;
respStreamPtr = &session->receiveResponse(response);
if (response.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED)
credentials->authenticate(request, response);
respStreamPtr = &session->receiveResponse(response);
if (response.get("Content-Encoding") == "deflate") {
Poco::InflatingInputStream inflater(*respStreamPtr);
respStreamPtr = &std::istream(inflater.rdbuf());
return true;
But if move string Logger::dumpStream(*respStreamPtr); out of the if block. Like this:
if (response.get("Content-Encoding") == "deflate") {
Poco::InflatingInputStream inflater(*respStreamPtr);
respStreamPtr = &std::istream(inflater.rdbuf());
It's stop to work!!!
Condition (response.get("Content-Encoding") == "deflate") always true;
So trouble with visibility stream content in block.
But I can't understand what I do wrong.
Help me please.
P.S. In both case no exception. In second case just no data in file somefile.txt.
In first case file somefile.txt has inflated data from http request.
void Logger::dumpStream(std::istream& inputStream) {
fstream outStream("somefile.txt", ios_base::trunc | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
outStream << inputStream.rdbuf();
I'm not familiar with the classes you're using, but it seems very likely that the problem is Poco::InflatingInputStream inflater is going out of scope.
Inside the if statement:
if (response.get("Content-Encoding") == "deflate") {
Poco::InflatingInputStream inflater(*respStreamPtr);
respStreamPtr = &std::istream(inflater.rdbuf());
respStreamPtr is being pointed at a stream which uses a buffer from your inflater object. Once the if statement closes, that buffer is no longer valid and therefore you can't use your respStreamPtr outside.
I have a .txt file in QT project, where I store settings parameters for my app. If I read it that way
void MainWindow::ReadApplicationSettings()
QFile cfgFile("config.txt");
qDebug() << "Cannot find config file.";
And Parse it:
void MainWindow::ParseConfigFile(QFile &cfgFile)
QString line;
if (cfgFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
QTextStream stream(&cfgFile);
while (!stream.atEnd())
line = stream.readLine();
std::istringstream iss(line.toStdString());
std::string id, eq, val;
bool error = false;
if (!(iss >> id))
error = true;
else if (id[0] == '#')
else if (!(iss >> eq >> val >> std::ws) || eq != "=" || iss.get() != EOF)
error = true;
if (error) { throw std::runtime_error("Parse error"); }
cfgMap[id] = std::stoi(val);
The file exists and when the parsing begin the content of the file is empty
The result of: line = stream.readLine(); is "".
If I add the file like a resource file and opened this way:
QFile cfgFile(":config.txt");
It's working correct, but the problem is that the config file is compiled and when you have to change some value, the project must be rebuild to take effect
I tried to compose the path like that QDir::currentPath + "/config.txt", but not working as well.
Another option is the undocumented feature "file_copies" in Qt 5.6 that you can use like this:
CONFIG += file_copies
configfiles.path = $$OUT_PWD
configfiles.files = $$PWD/config.txt
COPIES += configfiles
Found here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54162789/6842395
If you don't like this method, that post has some more options to choose.
By the way, loooking at your ParseConfigFile() method seems that your config.txt is a collection of lines with the format: key = value, very similar to a classic INI file. Maybe you could use QSettings third constructor like this:
QSettings settings("config.txt", QSettings::IniFormat);
You can use QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGET in your profile like:
copyfile.commands += $${QMAKE_COPY} $$system_path($$PWD/config.txt) $$system_path($$DESTDIR/)
first.depends = $(first) copyfile
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += first copyfile
But ensure your $$DESTDIR is correct.
I am using ifstream to open a file and read line by line and print to console.
Now, I also want to make sure that if the file gets updated, it reflects. My code should handle that.
I tried setting fseek to end of the file and then looking for new entries by using peek. However, that did not work.
Here's some code I used
bool ifRead = true;
while (1)
if (ifRead)
if (!file2read.eof())
//valid file. not end of file.
while (getline(file2read, line))
printf("Line: %s \n", line.c_str());
file2read.seekg(0, file2read.end);
ifRead = false;
//I thought this would check if new content is added.
//in which case, "peek" will return a non-EOF value. else it will always be EOF.
if (file2read.peek() != EOF)
ifRead = true;
Any suggestions on what could be wrong or how I could do this.
I'm trying to create a function to get a username using a try and catch method in C++. Unfortunately this code doesn't work, and my application closes when it tries to run.
QString UserInfo::getFullUserName()
QString result;
qDebug("trying to get the username");
struct passwd fullUserData=*getpwnam(getUserName().toLatin1());
result = fullUserData.pw_gecos;
// it is the first of the comma seperated records that contain the user name
result = result.split(",").first();
if (result.isEmpty())
result = getUserName();
catch (...)
qDebug("exception caught");
qDebug() << result;
return result;
The problem occurs in this line of code as I have placed prints after it that are never reached.
struct passwd fullUserData=*getpwnam(getUserName().toLatin1());
Does anyone know what is the issue here?
Here is my function getUserName()
QString UserInfo::GetUserName()
QString result;
foreach (QString environmentEntry, QProcess::systemEnvironment())
QString varName = environmentEntry.section('=',0,0);
QString varValue = environmentEntry.section('=',1,1);
if (varName == "USER" || varName == "USERNAME")
result = varValue;
return result;
getpwnam() returns NULL when the username was not found. You are potentially dereferencing a NULL pointer.
// ^ potential NULL pointer deref
Always check before deferencing a potentially invalid pointer:
struct passwd *fullUserData = getpwnam(getUserName().toLatin1());
// ^ note pointer
if (fullUserData != NULL) {
result = fullUserData->pw_gecos;
// ^^ fullUserData is a struct pointer
} else {
// throw Exception
If this is confusing to you, you might want to read up on C++ and pointers.
I have an HTTP game server that I am setting up and I have one function that returns a lot of information about the map. The output from the server is about 7800 characters long, but when I get the contents of the URL in the game, the game only gets 1124 characters.
Is there a limit on the length of the response content of an IHttpRequest?
Pertinent code:
FString ANetwork::getContentsOfURL(FString URL, TArray<FString> keys, TArray<FString> values)
serverResponse = NULL;
TSharedRef<IHttpRequest> HttpRequest = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest();
HttpRequest->SetHeader(TEXT("Content-Type"), TEXT("application/json"));
int32 count = keys.Num();
URL += "?auth=" + authenticator;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
URL += "&" + keys[i] + "=" + values[i];
HttpRequest->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindUObject(this, &ANetwork::OnResponseReceived);
bool wait = true;
while (wait)
FHttpResponsePtr response = HttpRequest->GetResponse();
FHttpResponsePtr httpnull;
if (response != httpnull)
if (HttpRequest->GetResponse()->GetContentAsString() != "")
return HttpRequest->GetResponse()->GetContentAsString();
return "";
On a side note, I'm not sure how to check if an FHttpResponsePtr points to a null object. I thought I had it with that code in the while loop, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference. Once in a while, the code will break because the response is null when I try to access the content as a string.
Anyone know how to properly check if it is null?
Per #TheBrain's answer, here is my revised loop:
bool wait = true;
while (wait)
if (HttpRequest->GetStatus() != EHttpRequestStatus::Processing)
FHttpResponsePtr response = HttpRequest->GetResponse();
if (response.IsValid())
return response->GetContentAsString();
return "INVALID";
return "";
This causes an infinite loop, however.
I don't think there is such a small limit to the response. It looks more like you are fetching the response before it has actually processed the request. You should try to call GetResponse() only after GetStatus() retuns something other than Processing.
On the nullpointer check: FHttpResponsePtr is nothing other than a TSharedPtr. As with any TSharedPtr you can use IsValid() on the pointer itself. For example, with your code from above:
FHttpResponsePtr response = HttpRequest->GetResponse();
if (response != nullptr) { // wrong, the pointer itself is never null!
if (response.IsValid()) { // correct, check for pointer validity
if (response.Get() != nullptr) { // basically the same, but longer
Sorry for the misunderstanding. You must never block the game loop with a while loop like that. So you have two possibilities:
You do the check from the while loop, but only once during your actor's tick event.
You wait for your callback delegate to fire.
Here is a working code sample using a delegate:
void AYourActor::NetworkTest()
TSharedRef<IHttpRequest> HttpRequest = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest();
HttpRequest->SetHeader(TEXT("Content-Type"), TEXT("application/json"));
HttpRequest->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindUObject(this, &AYourActor::OnResponseReceived);
void AYourActor::OnResponseReceived(FHttpRequestPtr request, FHttpResponsePtr response, bool didConnect)
UE_LOG(LogExec, Warning, TEXT("Response received %d!"), didConnect);
UE_LOG(LogExec, Warning, TEXT("Response: %s"), *(response->GetContentAsString()));
I have written a local DataSource because from what I know there are none included in Awesomium, but the thing is that it request everything from the data source html, images etc
And I have no clue on how I should load all types of mime formats.
My current code only supports html/text, where I load the file into binary and send as a response. This does not work for images.
Does anybody know where I should go on from here?
class LocalDataSource :
public Awesomium::DataSource
LocalDataSource() { }
virtual ~LocalDataSource() { }
virtual void OnRequest(int request_id, const Awesomium::WebString& path)
std::string filepath = Awesomium::ToString(path).insert(0, "./");
std::basic_ifstream<char> is(filepath, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
if (is)
is.seekg(0, is.end);
int length = is.tellg();
is.seekg(0, is.beg);
char *buffer = new char[length + 1];
is.read(buffer, length);
buffer[length] = '\0';
SendResponse(request_id, strlen(buffer), (unsigned char*)buffer, Awesomium::WSLit("text/html"));
delete[] buffer;
// Error
for now I will load the file relative to the executable and not use DataSource's.
I know this is old, but it was relevant to me, I fixed this the same way as Steven did, I will post the C++ code I used:
bool ResInterceptor::OnFilterNavigation(int origin_process, int origin_routing_id, const Awesomium::WebString& method, const Awesomium::WebURL& url, bool is_main_frame)
return false;
Awesomium::ResourceResponse* ResInterceptor::OnRequest(Awesomium::ResourceRequest* request)
bool isAsset = std::strcmp(ToString(request->url().scheme()).c_str(), "asset")==0;
bool isFile = std::strcmp(ToString(request->url().scheme()).c_str(), "file")==0;
if(!isAsset && !isFile)
//if it is neither of these we "may" still intercept the call, this allows for offline-online versions to work
return Awesomium::ResourceInterceptor::OnRequest(request);
//Blah blah, do whatever
else if(isFile)
//Blah blah, same
//As you can see this isn't very, but it worked for my purposes
std::string contentpath = "E:/Location/of/files" + ToString(request->url().path());
Awesomium::WebString datatype;
std::string filename = Awesomium::ToString(request->url().filename());
//I still want to check for the correct mime type
if (has_suffix(filename, ".html")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/html");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".js")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/javascript");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".css")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/css");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".swf")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("application/x-shockwave-flash");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".zip")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("application/zip");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".txt")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/plain");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".text")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/plain");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".png")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("image/png");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".jpeg")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("image/jpeg");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".jpg")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("image/jpeg");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".webm")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/webm");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".mp4")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/mp4");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".ogv")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/ogg");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".flv")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/flv");
FILE * pFile;
long lSize;
unsigned char * buffer;
size_t result;
pFile = fopen ( contentpath.c_str() , "rb" );
if (pFile!=NULL)
// obtain file size:
fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
lSize = ftell (pFile);
rewind (pFile);
// allocate memory to contain the whole file:
buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char)*lSize);
if (buffer == NULL) {fputs ("Memory error",stderr); exit (2);}
// copy the file into the buffer:
result = fread (buffer,1,lSize,pFile);
if (result != lSize) {fputs ("Reading error",stderr); exit (3);}
//This is where the magic happens!!
return Awesomium::ResourceResponse::Create(lSize, buffer, datatype);
// terminate
fclose (pFile);
free (buffer);
//send this off to the default request handler instead of it being a local file
return Awesomium::ResourceInterceptor::OnRequest(request);
//send this off to the default request handler instead of it being a local file
return Awesomium::ResourceInterceptor::OnRequest(request);
//Support function
bool ResInterceptor::has_suffix(const std::string &str, const std::string &suffix)
return str.size() >= suffix.size() &&
str.compare(str.size() - suffix.size(), suffix.size(), suffix) == 0;
as for how I hooked it up, I simply added this line of code:
_web_core = WebCore::Initialize(config);
_web_core->set_resource_interceptor(new ResInterceptor());
This took me a whole night to nail down all because I was passing in a pointer with a variable and not using the "new" keyword directly! I got it now at least!
also note, I tried the exact same code above inside the LocalDataSource and it didn't work for anything except the text files, so I think there is a bug in there, good news is, this works the exact same way, but you get more control over every file request.
Thank you Steven for all the great reference code!
The easy way is to send the contents of a file without sweating mime type detection is to use the static method static ResourceResponse* Awesomium::ResourceResponse::Create.
From the Awesomium docs:
Create a ResourceResponse from a file on disk.
I couldn't figure out a way to map ResourceResponse::Create to DataSource::SendResponse.
As a workaround, you could rewrite your data source as an IResourceInterceptor instead of a DataSource. I wrote up a detailed example in C# on how to use http:// scheme instead of the custom asset:// scheme for embedded resources It should be pretty straightforward to translate the C# to C++. Below is an edited down version of my post (not tested).
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Awesomium.Core;
namespace MyApp
public class ResourceInterceptor : IResourceInterceptor
/// <summary>
/// Intercepts any requests for the EmbeddedResourceDomain base Uri,
/// and returns a response using the embedded resource in this app's assembly/DLL file
/// </summary>
public virtual ResourceResponse OnRequest(ResourceRequest request)
ResourceResponse response = null;
string resourceName;
string filePath;
filePath = String.Concat("./", request.Url.AbsolutePath);
filePath = Path.GetFullPath(resourceName.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
// cache the resource to a temp file if
if (File.Exists(filePath))
response = ResourceResponse.Create(filePath);
return response;
/// <summary>
/// Optionally blocks any web browser requests by returning true. Not used.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method can implement a whitelist of allowed URLs here by
/// returning true to block any whitelist misses
/// </remarks>
public virtual bool OnFilterNavigation(NavigationRequest request)
return false;
Another option might be to hack the HTML content to inject a <base href="file:///c:/my/bin/path" /> element inside the <head> of the document. You would need to modify the href attribute value before loading the content. This may be more work than it is worth.