Loading Local Content in Awesomium - c++

I have written a local DataSource because from what I know there are none included in Awesomium, but the thing is that it request everything from the data source html, images etc
And I have no clue on how I should load all types of mime formats.
My current code only supports html/text, where I load the file into binary and send as a response. This does not work for images.
Does anybody know where I should go on from here?
class LocalDataSource :
public Awesomium::DataSource
LocalDataSource() { }
virtual ~LocalDataSource() { }
virtual void OnRequest(int request_id, const Awesomium::WebString& path)
std::string filepath = Awesomium::ToString(path).insert(0, "./");
std::basic_ifstream<char> is(filepath, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
if (is)
is.seekg(0, is.end);
int length = is.tellg();
is.seekg(0, is.beg);
char *buffer = new char[length + 1];
is.read(buffer, length);
buffer[length] = '\0';
SendResponse(request_id, strlen(buffer), (unsigned char*)buffer, Awesomium::WSLit("text/html"));
delete[] buffer;
// Error
for now I will load the file relative to the executable and not use DataSource's.

I know this is old, but it was relevant to me, I fixed this the same way as Steven did, I will post the C++ code I used:
bool ResInterceptor::OnFilterNavigation(int origin_process, int origin_routing_id, const Awesomium::WebString& method, const Awesomium::WebURL& url, bool is_main_frame)
return false;
Awesomium::ResourceResponse* ResInterceptor::OnRequest(Awesomium::ResourceRequest* request)
bool isAsset = std::strcmp(ToString(request->url().scheme()).c_str(), "asset")==0;
bool isFile = std::strcmp(ToString(request->url().scheme()).c_str(), "file")==0;
if(!isAsset && !isFile)
//if it is neither of these we "may" still intercept the call, this allows for offline-online versions to work
return Awesomium::ResourceInterceptor::OnRequest(request);
//Blah blah, do whatever
else if(isFile)
//Blah blah, same
//As you can see this isn't very, but it worked for my purposes
std::string contentpath = "E:/Location/of/files" + ToString(request->url().path());
Awesomium::WebString datatype;
std::string filename = Awesomium::ToString(request->url().filename());
//I still want to check for the correct mime type
if (has_suffix(filename, ".html")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/html");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".js")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/javascript");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".css")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/css");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".swf")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("application/x-shockwave-flash");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".zip")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("application/zip");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".txt")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/plain");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".text")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("text/plain");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".png")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("image/png");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".jpeg")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("image/jpeg");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".jpg")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("image/jpeg");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".webm")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/webm");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".mp4")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/mp4");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".ogv")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/ogg");
else if(has_suffix(filename, ".flv")) datatype = Awesomium::WSLit("video/flv");
FILE * pFile;
long lSize;
unsigned char * buffer;
size_t result;
pFile = fopen ( contentpath.c_str() , "rb" );
if (pFile!=NULL)
// obtain file size:
fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
lSize = ftell (pFile);
rewind (pFile);
// allocate memory to contain the whole file:
buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char)*lSize);
if (buffer == NULL) {fputs ("Memory error",stderr); exit (2);}
// copy the file into the buffer:
result = fread (buffer,1,lSize,pFile);
if (result != lSize) {fputs ("Reading error",stderr); exit (3);}
//This is where the magic happens!!
return Awesomium::ResourceResponse::Create(lSize, buffer, datatype);
// terminate
fclose (pFile);
free (buffer);
//send this off to the default request handler instead of it being a local file
return Awesomium::ResourceInterceptor::OnRequest(request);
//send this off to the default request handler instead of it being a local file
return Awesomium::ResourceInterceptor::OnRequest(request);
//Support function
bool ResInterceptor::has_suffix(const std::string &str, const std::string &suffix)
return str.size() >= suffix.size() &&
str.compare(str.size() - suffix.size(), suffix.size(), suffix) == 0;
as for how I hooked it up, I simply added this line of code:
_web_core = WebCore::Initialize(config);
_web_core->set_resource_interceptor(new ResInterceptor());
This took me a whole night to nail down all because I was passing in a pointer with a variable and not using the "new" keyword directly! I got it now at least!
also note, I tried the exact same code above inside the LocalDataSource and it didn't work for anything except the text files, so I think there is a bug in there, good news is, this works the exact same way, but you get more control over every file request.
Thank you Steven for all the great reference code!

The easy way is to send the contents of a file without sweating mime type detection is to use the static method static ResourceResponse* Awesomium::ResourceResponse::Create.
From the Awesomium docs:
Create a ResourceResponse from a file on disk.
I couldn't figure out a way to map ResourceResponse::Create to DataSource::SendResponse.
As a workaround, you could rewrite your data source as an IResourceInterceptor instead of a DataSource. I wrote up a detailed example in C# on how to use http:// scheme instead of the custom asset:// scheme for embedded resources It should be pretty straightforward to translate the C# to C++. Below is an edited down version of my post (not tested).
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Awesomium.Core;
namespace MyApp
public class ResourceInterceptor : IResourceInterceptor
/// <summary>
/// Intercepts any requests for the EmbeddedResourceDomain base Uri,
/// and returns a response using the embedded resource in this app's assembly/DLL file
/// </summary>
public virtual ResourceResponse OnRequest(ResourceRequest request)
ResourceResponse response = null;
string resourceName;
string filePath;
filePath = String.Concat("./", request.Url.AbsolutePath);
filePath = Path.GetFullPath(resourceName.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
// cache the resource to a temp file if
if (File.Exists(filePath))
response = ResourceResponse.Create(filePath);
return response;
/// <summary>
/// Optionally blocks any web browser requests by returning true. Not used.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method can implement a whitelist of allowed URLs here by
/// returning true to block any whitelist misses
/// </remarks>
public virtual bool OnFilterNavigation(NavigationRequest request)
return false;
Another option might be to hack the HTML content to inject a <base href="file:///c:/my/bin/path" /> element inside the <head> of the document. You would need to modify the href attribute value before loading the content. This may be more work than it is worth.


using a bytes field as proxy for arbitrary messages

Hello nano developers,
I'd like to realize the following proto:
message container {
enum MessageType {
evt_resultStatus = 1;
required MessageType mt = 1;
optional bytes cmd_evt_transfer = 2;
message evt_resultStatus {
required int32 operationMode = 1;
The dots denote, there are more messages with (multiple) primitive containing datatypes to come. The enum will grow likewise, just wanted to keep it short.
The container gets generated as:
typedef struct _container {
container_MessageType mt;
pb_callback_t cmd_evt_transfer;
} container;
evt_resultStatus is:
typedef struct _evt_resultStatus {
int32_t operationMode;
} evt_resultStatus;
The field cmd_evt_transfer should act as a proxy of subsequent messages like evt_resultStatus holding primitive datatypes.
evt_resultStatus shall be encoded into bytes and be placed into the cmd_evt_transfer field.
Then the container shall get encoded and the encoding result will be used for subsequent transfers.
The background why to do so, is to shorten the proto definition and avoid the oneof thing. Unfortunately syntax version 3 is not fully supported, so we can not make use of any fields.
The first question is: will this approach be possible?
What I've got so far is the encoding including the callback which seems to behave fine. But on the other side, decoding somehow skips the callback. I've read issues here, that this happened also when using oneof and bytes fields.
Can someone please clarify on how to proceed with this?
Sample code so far I got:
bool encode_msg_test(pb_byte_t* buffer, int32_t sval, size_t* sz, char* err) {
evt_resultStatus rs = evt_resultStatus_init_zero;
rs.operationMode = sval;
pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
/*encode container*/
container msg = container_init_zero;
msg.mt = container_MessageType_evt_resultStatus;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.arg = &rs;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.funcs.encode = encode_cb;
if(! pb_encode(&stream, container_fields, &msg)) {
const char* local_err = PB_GET_ERROR(&stream);
sprintf(err, "pb_encode error: %s", local_err);
return false;
*sz = stream.bytes_written;
return true;
bool encode_cb(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void * const *arg) {
evt_resultStatus* rs = (evt_resultStatus*)(*arg);
//with the below in place a stream full error rises
// if (! pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) {
// return false;
// }
if(! pb_encode(stream, evt_resultStatus_fields, rs)) {
return false;
return true;
//buffer holds previously encoded data
bool decode_msg_test(pb_byte_t* buffer, int32_t* sval, size_t msg_len, char* err) {
container msg = container_init_zero;
evt_resultStatus res = evt_resultStatus_init_zero;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.arg = &res;
msg.cmd_evt_transfer.funcs.decode = decode_cb;
pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(buffer, msg_len);
if(! pb_decode(&stream, container_fields, &msg)) {
const char* local_err = PB_GET_ERROR(&stream);
sprintf(err, "pb_encode error: %s", local_err);
return false;
*sval = res.operationMode;
return true;
bool decode_cb(pb_istream_t *istream, const pb_field_t *field, void **arg) {
evt_resultStatus * rs = (evt_resultStatus*)(*arg);
if(! pb_decode(istream, evt_resultStatus_fields, rs)) {
return false;
return true;
I feel, I don't have a proper understanding of the encoding / decoding process.
Is it correct to assume:
the first call of pb_encode (in encode_msg_test) takes care of the mt field
the second call of pb_encode (in encode_cb) handles the cmd_evt_transfer field
If I do:
bool encode_cb(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void * const *arg) {
evt_resultStatus* rs = (evt_resultStatus*)(*arg);
if (! pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) {
return false;
if(! pb_encode(stream, evt_resultStatus_fields, rs)) {
return false;
return true;
then I get a stream full error on the call of pb_encode.
Why is that?
Yes, the approach is reasonable. Nanopb callbacks do not care what the actual data read or written by the callback is.
As for why your decode callback is not working, you'll need to post the code you are using for decoding.
(As an aside, Any type does work in nanopb and is covered by this test case. But the type_url included in all Any messages makes them have a quite large overhead.)

Serialize encrypted password to XML

I have an application that contains userbase which is stored in xml file and loaded at the start of the program. I use QXmlStreamWriter/Reader for this purpose. The problem occurs when I try to serialize encrypted (hashed?) form of password (using QCryptographicHash and Sha256 for this).
QCryptographicHash return QByteArray, which can be converted to QString (necessary for use of QXmlStreamWriter/Reader). Relevant code below. Everything works fine before the serialization (I can log in), but when I read data from xml, after finding hashed password the function behaves like it found the EOF, and only about 2 chars are loaded to the QString by QXmlStreamReader.
In the code please ignore reservations etc (it's a cinema panel), relevant fragments are passwords, I supply full function just in case.
I hope I explained what the issue is, here are fragments of my code (note: before adding the hashing everything worked fine)
Register function (the hashing, pass is a QString):
QString hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(pass.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Sha256);
User* user_pointer;
user_pointer = new User(name, hash, admin);
Writing function:
QFile file("users/users.xml");
throw "Error podczas otwierania bazy użytkowników!";
QXmlStreamWriter writer (&file);
int list_size = userList.size();
for(int i = 0; i < list_size; i++)
writer.writeTextElement("name", userList.at(i)->name);
writer.writeTextElement("pass", userList.at(i)->password);
writer.writeTextElement("admin", QString::number(userList.at(i)->is_admin));
for(int m = 0; m < userList.at(i)->reservList.size(); m++)
writer.writeTextElement("moviename", userList.at(i)->reservList.at(m)->movie_name);
writer.writeTextElement("date", userList.at(i)->reservList.at(m)->date.toString("dd.MM.yyyy"));
writer.writeTextElement("hour", (userList.at(i)->reservList.at(m)->hour).toString("hhmm"));
writer.writeTextElement("paid", QString::number(userList.at(i)->reservList.at(m)->paid));
for(int n = 0; n < userList.at(i)->reservList.at(m)->placeList.size(); n++)
writer.writeTextElement("place", QString::number(userList.at(i)->reservList.at(m)->placeList.at(n)));
Reading function:
QFile file("users/users.xml");
throw "Brak bazy danych użytkowników lub błąd jej otworzenia!";
QXmlStreamReader reader;
QString user_name;
QString user_pass;
bool admin;
QString movie_name;
QTime hour;
QDate date;
bool paid;
User* user_pointer = NULL;
int user_counter = -1;
Reservation* reserv_pointer = NULL;
int reserv_counter = -1;
if(reader.name() == "USER")
reserv_counter = -1;
if(reader.name() == "name")
user_name = reader.readElementText();
if(reader.name() == "pass")
user_pass = reader.readElementText();
if(reader.name() == "admin")
admin = reader.readElementText().toInt();
user_pointer = new User(user_name, user_pass, admin);
if(reader.name() == "reservation")
if(reader.name() == "moviename")
movie_name = reader.readElementText();
if(reader.name() == "hour")
hour = QTime::fromString(reader.readElementText(), "hhmm");
if(reader.name() == "date")
date = QDate::fromString(reader.readElementText(), "dd.MM.yyyy");
if(reader.name() == "paid")
paid = reader.readElementText().toInt();
reserv_pointer = new Reservation(movie_name, date, hour, paid);
if(reader.name() == "place")
The hash value is not a string, it is a sequence of arbitrary byte values, some of those might happen to be problematic when interpreting it as a string.
You have an implicit conversion from QByteArray to QString, for which the documentation says that:
The byte array is converted to Unicode using the fromUtf8() function.
This function stops conversion at the first NUL character found, or
the end of the ba byte array.
You could for example use explicit conversion which specifies the length:
QString::fromUtf8(byteArray.data(), length);
As Frank Osterfeld noted in the comments, using UTF8 is not a good idea, I have tested from and to Latin1 extensively for a project I was working on, and the binary data is identical, however in looks "funky" in textual form, which may not play well with the XML reading and writing, toHex() will fix that by limiting the character set to 0-F:
QByteArray b; // hash
QString ss = QString::fromLatin1(b.toHex()); // to QString
b = QByteArray::fromHex(ss.toLatin1()); // back to QByteArray
Your problem is that XML is a text format but encrypted passwords are a binary format. The two are not compatible. You need to have some way to encode the binary data in a text-friendly format.
As #ddriver has mentioned, one way to do this is to use QByteArray::toHex() since it will convert all bytes to human readable text characters. The cost, however, is a 100% increase in size (2 characters returned for each byte of the password hash)
Another, more ubiquitous, and efficient, method for transmitting binary data in textual form is to use the QByteArray::toBase64(). While it also returns binary data in a textual form, there's only a 33 1/3% increase in size (4 bytes returned for every 3 bytes of password hash).
(You might recognise this encoding since its the nonsensical text that usually ends with one or two = characters, and is the usual encoding used to transmit binary data in emails)

std::vector content change when read inside the main()

I was writing this function to search a file inside the computer but i encountered a problem: When I read the files that have been found during the search(using the for cycle inside the main() ) the directory are broken.
With some debugging I saw that when pushed inside the file_found vector,they are intact,but when i read the vector in the main they're like overlapped and with a "*" at the end.How can i fix this?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>
int SearchForFileW(WCHAR * fileName,LPWSTR dir,std::vector<LPWSTR>& file_found)
WIN32_FIND_DATAW winFindDataFirst;
HANDLE hFile = FindFirstFileW(dir,&winFindDataFirst);
if (!wcscmp(winFindDataFirst.cFileName,fileName))
wchar_t tmp[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
_snwprintf(tmp, wcslen(dir) - wcslen(L"*"), dir);
wcscpy(dir, tmp);
wcscat(dir, winFindDataFirst.cFileName);
while (true)
if (FindNextFileW(hFile, &winFindDataFirst) == 0)
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
return 0;
return -1;
if (!wcscmp(winFindDataFirst.cFileName, L".") ||
!wcscmp(winFindDataFirst.cFileName, L".."))
else if(!wcscmp(winFindDataFirst.cFileName,fileName))
wchar_t tmp[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
_snwprintf(tmp, wcslen(dir) - wcslen(L"*"), dir);
wcscpy(dir, tmp);
wcscat(dir, winFindDataFirst.cFileName);
wchar_t tmp[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
_snwprintf(tmp, wcslen(dir) - wcslen(L"*"), dir);
wcscpy(dir, tmp);
wcscat(dir, winFindDataFirst.cFileName);
wcscat(dir, L"\\*");
SearchForFileW(fileName, dir,file_found);
_snwprintf(tmp, wcslen(dir) - (wcslen(winFindDataFirst.cFileName) + wcslen(L"\\*")), dir);
wcscpy(dir, tmp);
wcscat(dir, L"*");
printf("File:-------%S\n\n", winFindDataFirst.cFileName);
return 0;
int main()
std::vector<LPWSTR> file;
WCHAR dirBuff[MAX_PATH] = {0};
SearchForFileW(L"MyFile.txt", dirBuff,file);
if (file.size() == 0)
printf("No file found");
for (int i = 0; i < file.size(); i++)
printf("File found at: %S\n", file.at(i));
A std::vector<LPWSTR> is a std::vector<wchar_t*> (since LPWSTR is a typedef for wchar_t*).
Now, having a vector of raw owning pointers is very fragile. You can have a vector of raw observing pointers, and you must be sure that the strings pointed to are still allocated (kind of "live") when you refer them using those pointers.
And that is not your case.
The simplest thing to do is to just use C++ string classes like std::wstring instead of the raw wchar_t* pointers.
So, you can substitute your vector<LPWSTR> with a vector<wstring>. In this case, the lifetime of the strings will be automatically managed by the C++ compiler and the STL implementation: you can focus on the core of your algorithm, not on bug-prone string memory management implementation details.
LPWSTR is just sugar coating for someKindOfChar* Which means it is a pointer. Which means that vector<LPWSTR> is a vector of pointers. And every time, you use the same buffer to save your file name in (dir). So you every time copy your filename in this, and push its address to your vector.
To fix, either use a std::vector<std::wstring>.
Or do it the hard way: use malloc(strlen(tmp)+1) for every found file to allocate data for your string. Note however, that LPWSTR stands for, i believe long pointer wide string. This means that normal strlenmight not work, since it could contain special non-ascii characters

Partial line from cpp file ending up in output file - haunted code?

I'm sorry, it would be extremely difficult to make a fully reproducible version of the error --- so please bare with my schematic code.
This program retrieves information from a web page, processes it, and saves output to an ASCII file. I also have a 'log' file (FILE *theLog---contained within a Manager object) for reporting errors, etc.
Some background methods:
// Prints string to log file
void Manager::logEntry(const string lstr) {
if( theLog != NULL ) { fprintf(theLog, "%s", lstr.c_str()); }
// Checks if file with given name already exists
bool fileExists(const string fname) {
FILE *temp;
if( temp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "r") ) {
return true;
} else { return false; }
// Initialize file for writing (some components omitted)...
bool initFile(FILE *&oFile, const string fname) {
if(oFile = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w") ) { return true; }
else { return false; }
The stuff causing trouble:
// Gets data from URL, saves to file 'dataFileName', input control flag 'foreCon'
// stu is some object that has string which i want
bool saveData(Manager *man, Stuff *stu, string dataFileName, const int foreCon) {
sprintf(logStr, "Saving Data...\n");
man->logEntry( string(logStr) ); // This appears fine in 'theLog' correctly
string data = stu->getDataPrefixStr() + getDataFromURL() + "\n"; // fills 'data' with stuff
data += stu->getDataSuffixStr();
if( fileExists(dataFileName) ) {
sprintf(logStr, "save file '%s' already exists.", dataFileName.c_str() );
man->logEntry( string(logStr) );
if( foreCon == -1 ) {
sprintf(logStr, "foreCon = %d, ... exiting.", foreCon); // LINE 'A' : THIS LINE ENDS UP IN OUTPUT FILE
tCase->logEntry( string(logStr) );
return false;
} else {
sprintf(logStr, "foreCon = %d, overwriting file.", foreCon); // LINE 'B' : THIS LINE ENDS UP IN LOG FILE
tCase->logEntry( string(logStr) );
// Initialize output file
FILE *outFile;
if( !initFile(outFile, dataFileName) ) {
sprintf(logStr, "couldn't initFile '%s'", dataFileName.c_str());
tCase->logEntry( string(logStr) );
return false;
fprintf(outFile, "%s", data.c_str()); // print data to output file
if( fclose(outFile) != EOF) {
sprintf(logStr, "saved to '%s'", dataFileName.c_str());
tCase->logEntry( string(logStr) );
return true;
return false;
If the file already exists, AND 'int foreCon = -1' then the code should print out line 'A' to the logFile. If the file exists and foreCon != -1, the old file is overwritten with data. If the file doesn't exist, it is created, and the data is written to it.
The result however, is that a broken up version of line 'A' appears in the data file AND line 'B' is printed in the log file!!!!
What the data file looks like:
.. exiting.20130127 161456
20130127 000000,55,17,11,0.00
20130127 010000,54,17,11,0.00
... ...
The second line and onward look correct, but there is an extra line that contains part of line 'A'.
Now, the REALLY WEIRD PART. If I comment out everything in the if( foreCon == -1) { ... } block, then the data file looks like:
%d, ... exiting.20130127 161456
20130127 000000,55,17,11,0.00
20130127 010000,54,17,11,0.00
... ...
There is still an extra line, but it is the LITERAL CODE copied into the data file.
I think there is a poltergeist in my code. I don't understand how any of this could happen.
Edit: I've tried printing to console the data string, and it gives the same messed up values: i.e. %d, ... exiting.20130127 161456 - so it must be something about the string instead of the FILE *
Answer based on your latest comment:
getDataPrefixStr() ends up returning a string which starts with
something like string retStr = COMCHAR + " file created on ..."; such
that const char COMCHAR = '#';. Could the COMCHAR be the problem??
You can't add characters and string literals (which are arrays of char, not strings) like that.
You're adding 35 (the ASCII for "#") to the address of " file created on ... ", i.e. getDataPrefixStr() is whatever starts 35 characters from the start of that string. Since all literal strings are stored together in the same data area, you'll get strings from the program in the output.
Instead, you cold do
const string COMCHAR = "*";
string retStr = COMCHAR + " file created on ...";
It could be that logStr is too short and that it is causing data to be overwritten in other buffers (did you double check CHARLIMIT_LARGE?). You can diagnose this by commenting all writes to logStr (sprintf) and see if data is still corrupted. In general, your code is vulnerable to this if a user can set dataFileName (to be a very long string); use snprintf or ostringstream instead.
Otherwise, I would guess that either stu->getDataPrefixStr() or getDataFromURL() are returning corrupted results or return type char* instead of string. Try printing these values to the console directly to see if they are corrupted or not. If they return a char*, then data = stu->getDataPrefixStr() + getDataFromURL() will have undefined behavior.
if( temp = fopen(fname.c_str(), 'r') ) {
should be
if( temp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "r") ) {

TTS over web-service in compressed format

I have developed TTS engine in .NET. Now I want to expose it over web.
I have used the base64 string encoding to transfer the WAV format, but it is slow when I pass longer text.
Now I'm considering to build some MP3 streaming (maybe with NAudio) where I will convert the WAV formated MemoryStream into MP3 stream and pass it to the client. Does anyone has some experience with this?
Does anyone has experience how to convert WAV MemoryStream with NAudio to MP3 MemoryStream?
public class MP3StreamingPanel2 : UserControl
enum StreamingPlaybackState
private BufferedWaveProvider bufferedWaveProvider;
private IWavePlayer waveOut;
private volatile StreamingPlaybackState playbackState;
private volatile bool fullyDownloaded;
private HttpWebRequest webRequest;
public void StreamMP32(string url)
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
SettingsSection section = (SettingsSection)config.GetSection("system.net/settings");
section.HttpWebRequest.UseUnsafeHeaderParsing = true;
this.fullyDownloaded = false;
webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
int metaInt = 0; // blocksize of mp3 data
webRequest.Headers.Add("GET", "/ HTTP/1.0");
// needed to receive metadata informations
webRequest.Headers.Add("Icy-MetaData", "1");
webRequest.UserAgent = "WinampMPEG/5.09";
HttpWebResponse resp = null;
resp = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
catch (WebException e)
if (e.Status != WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled)
byte[] buffer = new byte[16384 * 4]; // needs to be big enough to hold a decompressed frame
// read blocksize to find metadata block
metaInt = Convert.ToInt32(resp.GetResponseHeader("icy-metaint"));
IMp3FrameDecompressor decompressor = null;
using (var responseStream = resp.GetResponseStream())
var readFullyStream = new ReadFullyStream(responseStream);
readFullyStream.metaInt = metaInt;
if (bufferedWaveProvider != null && bufferedWaveProvider.BufferLength - bufferedWaveProvider.BufferedBytes < bufferedWaveProvider.WaveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond / 4)
Debug.WriteLine("Buffer getting full, taking a break");
Mp3Frame frame = null;
frame = Mp3Frame.LoadFromStream(readFullyStream, true);
catch (EndOfStreamException)
this.fullyDownloaded = true;
// reached the end of the MP3 file / stream
catch (WebException)
// probably we have aborted download from the GUI thread
if (decompressor == null)
// don't think these details matter too much - just help ACM select the right codec
// however, the buffered provider doesn't know what sample rate it is working at
// until we have a frame
WaveFormat waveFormat = new Mp3WaveFormat(frame.SampleRate, frame.ChannelMode == ChannelMode.Mono ? 1 : 2, frame.FrameLength, frame.BitRate);
decompressor = new AcmMp3FrameDecompressor(waveFormat);
this.bufferedWaveProvider = new BufferedWaveProvider(decompressor.OutputFormat);
this.bufferedWaveProvider.BufferDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20); // allow us to get well ahead of ourselves
//this.bufferedWaveProvider.BufferedDuration = 250;
int decompressed = decompressor.DecompressFrame(frame, buffer, 0);
//Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Decompressed a frame {0}", decompressed));
bufferedWaveProvider.AddSamples(buffer, 0, decompressed);
} while (playbackState != StreamingPlaybackState.Stopped);
// was doing this in a finally block, but for some reason
// we are hanging on response stream .Dispose so never get there
if (decompressor != null)
NAudio does not include an MP3 encoder. When I need to encode MP3 I use lame.exe. If you don't want to go via a file, lame.exe allows you to read from stdin and write to stdout, so if you redirect standard in and out on the process you can convert on the fly.