I was doing some tests using the distortion model of OpenCV. Basically what I did is, implement the distortion equations and see if the cv::undistortPoints function gives me the inverse of these equations. I realized that cv::undistortPoints does not exactly give you the inverse of the distortion equations. When I saw this, I went to the implementation of cv::undistortPoints and realized that in the end condition of the iterative process of computing the inverse of the distortion model, OpenCV always does 5 iterations (if there are no distortion coefficients provided to the function it actually does 0 iterations) and does not use any error metric on the undistorted point to see if it is precisely undistorted. Haveing this in mind, I copied and modified the termination condition of the iteration process to take and error metrics into account. This gave me the exact inverse of the distortion model. The code showing this is attached at the end of this post. My question is:
Does this happen because OpenCV prefers performance (spending a bit less time) over accuracy (spending a bit more time) or is this just a "bug"? (it is obvious that with the termination condition that I propose the function will take more time to undistort each point)
Thank you very much!
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
// This is a copy of the opencv implementation
void cvUndistortPoints_copy( const CvMat* _src, CvMat* _dst, const CvMat* _cameraMatrix,
const CvMat* _distCoeffs,
const CvMat* matR, const CvMat* matP )
double A[3][3], RR[3][3], k[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, fx, fy, ifx, ify, cx, cy;
CvMat matA=cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, A), _Dk;
CvMat _RR=cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, RR);
const CvPoint2D32f* srcf;
const CvPoint2D64f* srcd;
CvPoint2D32f* dstf;
CvPoint2D64f* dstd;
int stype, dtype;
int sstep, dstep;
int i, j, n, iters = 1;
CV_Assert( CV_IS_MAT(_src) && CV_IS_MAT(_dst) &&
(_src->rows == 1 || _src->cols == 1) &&
(_dst->rows == 1 || _dst->cols == 1) &&
_src->cols + _src->rows - 1 == _dst->rows + _dst->cols - 1 &&
(CV_MAT_TYPE(_src->type) == CV_32FC2 || CV_MAT_TYPE(_src->type) == CV_64FC2) &&
(CV_MAT_TYPE(_dst->type) == CV_32FC2 || CV_MAT_TYPE(_dst->type) == CV_64FC2));
CV_Assert( CV_IS_MAT(_cameraMatrix) &&
_cameraMatrix->rows == 3 && _cameraMatrix->cols == 3 );
cvConvert( _cameraMatrix, &matA );
if( _distCoeffs )
CV_Assert( CV_IS_MAT(_distCoeffs) &&
(_distCoeffs->rows == 1 || _distCoeffs->cols == 1) &&
(_distCoeffs->rows*_distCoeffs->cols == 4 ||
_distCoeffs->rows*_distCoeffs->cols == 5 ||
_distCoeffs->rows*_distCoeffs->cols == 8));
_Dk = cvMat( _distCoeffs->rows, _distCoeffs->cols,
CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F,CV_MAT_CN(_distCoeffs->type)), k);
cvConvert( _distCoeffs, &_Dk );
iters = 5;
if( matR )
CV_Assert( CV_IS_MAT(matR) && matR->rows == 3 && matR->cols == 3 );
cvConvert( matR, &_RR );
if( matP )
double PP[3][3];
CvMat _P3x3, _PP=cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, PP);
CV_Assert( CV_IS_MAT(matP) && matP->rows == 3 && (matP->cols == 3 || matP->cols == 4));
cvConvert( cvGetCols(matP, &_P3x3, 0, 3), &_PP );
cvMatMul( &_PP, &_RR, &_RR );
srcf = (const CvPoint2D32f*)_src->data.ptr;
srcd = (const CvPoint2D64f*)_src->data.ptr;
dstf = (CvPoint2D32f*)_dst->data.ptr;
dstd = (CvPoint2D64f*)_dst->data.ptr;
stype = CV_MAT_TYPE(_src->type);
dtype = CV_MAT_TYPE(_dst->type);
sstep = _src->rows == 1 ? 1 : _src->step/CV_ELEM_SIZE(stype);
dstep = _dst->rows == 1 ? 1 : _dst->step/CV_ELEM_SIZE(dtype);
n = _src->rows + _src->cols - 1;
fx = A[0][0];
fy = A[1][1];
ifx = 1./fx;
ify = 1./fy;
cx = A[0][2];
cy = A[1][2];
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
double x, y, x0, y0;
if( stype == CV_32FC2 )
x = srcf[i*sstep].x;
y = srcf[i*sstep].y;
x = srcd[i*sstep].x;
y = srcd[i*sstep].y;
x0 = x = (x - cx)*ifx;
y0 = y = (y - cy)*ify;
// compensate distortion iteratively
int max_iters(500);
double e(1);
for( j = 0; j < max_iters && e>0; j++ )
double r2 = x*x + y*y;
double icdist = (1 + ((k[7]*r2 + k[6])*r2 + k[5])*r2)/(1 + ((k[4]*r2 + k[1])*r2 + k[0])*r2);
double deltaX = 2*k[2]*x*y + k[3]*(r2 + 2*x*x);
double deltaY = k[2]*(r2 + 2*y*y) + 2*k[3]*x*y;
double xant = x;
double yant = y;
x = (x0 - deltaX)*icdist;
y = (y0 - deltaY)*icdist;
e = pow(xant - x,2)+ pow(yant - y,2);
double xx = RR[0][0]*x + RR[0][1]*y + RR[0][2];
double yy = RR[1][0]*x + RR[1][1]*y + RR[1][2];
double ww = 1./(RR[2][0]*x + RR[2][1]*y + RR[2][2]);
x = xx*ww;
y = yy*ww;
if( dtype == CV_32FC2 )
dstf[i*dstep].x = (float)x;
dstf[i*dstep].y = (float)y;
dstd[i*dstep].x = x;
dstd[i*dstep].y = y;
void undistortPoints_copy( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst,
InputArray _cameraMatrix,
InputArray _distCoeffs,
InputArray _Rmat=noArray(),
InputArray _Pmat=noArray() )
Mat src = _src.getMat(), cameraMatrix = _cameraMatrix.getMat();
Mat distCoeffs = _distCoeffs.getMat(), R = _Rmat.getMat(), P = _Pmat.getMat();
CV_Assert( src.isContinuous() && (src.depth() == CV_32F || src.depth() == CV_64F) &&
((src.rows == 1 && src.channels() == 2) || src.cols*src.channels() == 2));
_dst.create(src.size(), src.type(), -1, true);
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
CvMat _csrc = src, _cdst = dst, _ccameraMatrix = cameraMatrix;
CvMat matR, matP, _cdistCoeffs, *pR=0, *pP=0, *pD=0;
if( R.data )
pR = &(matR = R);
if( P.data )
pP = &(matP = P);
if( distCoeffs.data )
pD = &(_cdistCoeffs = distCoeffs);
cvUndistortPoints_copy(&_csrc, &_cdst, &_ccameraMatrix, pD, pR, pP);
// Distortion model implementation
cv::Point2d distortPoint(cv::Point2d undistorted_point,cv::Mat camera_matrix, std::vector<double> distort_coefficients){
// Check that camera matrix is double
if (!(camera_matrix.type() == CV_64F || camera_matrix.type() == CV_64FC1)){
std::ostringstream oss;
oss<<"distortPoint(): Camera matrix type is wrong. It has to be a double matrix (CV_64)";
throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
// Create distorted point
cv::Point2d distortedPoint;
distortedPoint.x = (undistorted_point.x - camera_matrix.at<double>(0,2))/camera_matrix.at<double>(0,0);
distortedPoint.y = (undistorted_point.y - camera_matrix.at<double>(1,2))/camera_matrix.at<double>(1,1);
// Get model
if (distort_coefficients.size() < 4 || distort_coefficients.size() > 8 ){
throw std::runtime_error("distortPoint(): Invalid numbrer of distortion coefficitnes.");
double k1(distort_coefficients[0]);
double k2(distort_coefficients[1]);
double p1(distort_coefficients[2]);// tangent distortion first coeficinet
double p2(distort_coefficients[3]);// tangent distortion second coeficinet
double k3(0);
double k4(0);
double k5(0);
double k6(0);
if (distort_coefficients.size() > 4)
k3 = distort_coefficients[4];
if (distort_coefficients.size() > 5)
k4 = distort_coefficients[5];
if (distort_coefficients.size() > 6)
k5 = distort_coefficients[6];
if (distort_coefficients.size() > 7)
k6 = distort_coefficients[7];
// Distort
double xcx = distortedPoint.x;
double ycy = distortedPoint.y;
double r2 = pow(xcx, 2) + pow(ycy, 2);
double r4 = pow(r2,2);
double r6 = pow(r2,3);
double k = (1+k1*r2+k2*r4+k3*r6)/(1+k4*r2+k5*r4+k5*r6);
distortedPoint.x = xcx*k + 2*p1*xcx*ycy + p2*(r2+2*pow(xcx,2));
distortedPoint.y = ycy*k + p1*(r2+2*pow(ycy,2)) + 2*p2*xcx*ycy;
distortedPoint.x = distortedPoint.x*camera_matrix.at<double>(0,0)+camera_matrix.at<double>(0,2);
distortedPoint.y = distortedPoint.y*camera_matrix.at<double>(1,1)+camera_matrix.at<double>(1,2);
// Exit
return distortedPoint;
int main(int argc, char** argv){
// Camera matrix
double cam_mat_da[] = {1486.58092,0,1046.72507,0,1489.8659,545.374244,0,0,1};
cv::Mat cam_mat(3,3,CV_64FC1,cam_mat_da);
// Distortion coefficients
double dist_coefs_da[] ={-0.13827409,0.29240721,-0.00088197,-0.00090189,0};
std::vector<double> dist_coefs(dist_coefs_da,dist_coefs_da+5);
// Distorted Point
cv::Point2d p0(0,0);
std::vector<cv::Point2d> p0_v;
// Undistort Point
std::vector<cv::Point2d> ud_p_v;
cv::Point2d ud_p = ud_p_v[0];
ud_p.x = ud_p.x*cam_mat.at<double>(0,0)+cam_mat.at<double>(0,2);
ud_p.y = ud_p.y*cam_mat.at<double>(1,1)+cam_mat.at<double>(1,2);
// Redistort Point
cv::Point2d p = distortPoint(ud_p, cam_mat,dist_coefs);
// Undistort Point using own termination of iterative process
std::vector<cv::Point2d> ud_p_v_local;
cv::Point2d ud_p_local = ud_p_v_local[0];
ud_p_local.x = ud_p_local.x*cam_mat.at<double>(0,0)+cam_mat.at<double>(0,2);
ud_p_local.y = ud_p_local.y*cam_mat.at<double>(1,1)+cam_mat.at<double>(1,2);
// Redistort Point
cv::Point2d p_local = distortPoint(ud_p_local, cam_mat,dist_coefs);
// Display results
std::cout<<"Distorted original point: "<<p0<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Undistorted point (CV): "<<ud_p<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Distorted point (CV): "<<p<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Erorr in the distorted point (CV): "<<sqrt(pow(p.x-p0.x,2)+pow(p.y-p0.y,2))<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Undistorted point (Local): "<<ud_p_local<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Distorted point (Local): "<<p_local<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Erorr in the distorted point (Local): "<<sqrt(pow(p_local.x-p0.x,2)+pow(p_local.y-p0.y,2))<<std::endl;
// Exit
return 0;
As suggested, you could get actual motivation from the OpenCV forums. Note however that historically OpenCV has been developed with real-time or near-real-time applications in mind (for example, the Darpa Grand Challenge), hence you'll find easily code that optimizes for speed over accuracy.
In most cases 5 iterations are good enough. What is "enough" can be argued about, but for cases such as finding the optimal camera matrix one can argue that 0.1 pixel does not change much for many applications.
An important thing to note is that in some cases the function does not converge in 5 iterations. I don't know if there can be a case where it will not converge at all. This happens, for example, when the distortion parameters do not fit well the distortion, and therefore, there is no exact solution for some coordinates.
See Jensenb's answer here for a discussion.
I implemented bgr2hsv function by accessing pixels with OpenCV, C++.
I just coded it with bgr2hsv algorithm on the Internet.
And I compared my bgr2hsv() to cvtColor() results.
Actually, result images has a little different colors even though the original image was same. I tried to see why different but I couldn't find it.
Could you see the source codes and result images?
Here's the code.
//self-made bgr2hsv
double b, g, r;
double bb, gg, rr;
double tmax, tmin;
double h = 0, s = 0, v = 0;
double del, delB, delG, delR;
Mat image = imread("lena.jpg", 1);
Mat clone1 = image.clone();
Mat img;
image.convertTo(img, CV_64F);
for (int y = 0; y < img.rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < img.cols; x++)
b = image.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[0];
g = image.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[1];
r = image.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[2];
bb = b / 255;
gg = g / 255;
rr = r / 255;
tmax = _max(bb, gg, rr);
tmin = _min(bb, gg, rr);
v = tmax;
del = tmax - tmin;
if (del == 0) {
h = 0;
s = 0;
else {
s = del / tmax;
delB = ((tmax - b) / 6 + del / 2) / del;
delG = ((tmax - g) / 6 + del / 2) / del;
delR = ((tmax - r) / 6 + del / 2) / del;
if (b == tmax) {
h = (2 / 3) + delG - delR;
if (g == tmax) {
h = (1 / 3) + delR - delB;
if (r == tmax) {
h = delB - delG;
if (h < 0) h += 1;
if (h > 1) h -= 1;
img.at<Vec3d>(y, x)[0] = h;
img.at<Vec3d>(y, x)[1] = s;
img.at<Vec3d>(y, x)[2] = v;
//bgr2hsv with cvtColor
imwrite("bgr2hsv.jpg", img);
//show images
imshow("bgr2hsv", img);
And results are here.
enter image description here
I wouldn't suggest grabbing something from the internet and expecting it to give you the correct result unless you understand what's going on. Instead of using this, why not just use the formula from the OpenCV docs?
For an example of this particular conversion, see my answer here. It uses the exact formula OpenCV mentions in the docs linked above for BGR to HSV conversion. It's in Python and not C++, but Python is fairly easy to read anyways.
I’m using a modified version of a gauss-newton method to refine a pose estimate using OpenCV. The unmodified code can be found here: http://people.rennes.inria.fr/Eric.Marchand/pose-estimation/tutorial-pose-gauss-newton-opencv.html
The details of this approach are outlined in the corresponding paper:
Marchand, Eric, Hideaki Uchiyama, and Fabien Spindler. "Pose
estimation for augmented reality: a hands-on survey." IEEE
transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22.12 (2016):
A PDF can be found here: https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01246370/document
The part that is relevant (Pages 4 and 5) are screencapped below:
Here is what I have done. First, I’ve (hopefully) “corrected” some errors: (a) dt and dR can be passed by reference to exponential_map() (even though cv::Mat is essentially a pointer). (b) The last entry of each 2x6 Jacobian matrix, J.at<double>(i*2+1,5), was -x[i].y but should be -x[i].x. (c) I’ve also tried using a different formula for the projection. Specifically, one that includes the focal length and principal point:
xq.at<double>(i*2,0) = cx + fx * cX.at<double>(0,0) / cX.at<double>(2,0);
xq.at<double>(i*2+1,0) = cy + fy * cX.at<double>(1,0) / cX.at<double>(2,0);
Here is the relevant code I am using, in its entirety (control starts at optimizePose3()):
void exponential_map(const cv::Mat &v, cv::Mat &dt, cv::Mat &dR)
double vx = v.at<double>(0,0);
double vy = v.at<double>(1,0);
double vz = v.at<double>(2,0);
double vtux = v.at<double>(3,0);
double vtuy = v.at<double>(4,0);
double vtuz = v.at<double>(5,0);
cv::Mat tu = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,1) << vtux, vtuy, vtuz); // theta u
cv::Rodrigues(tu, dR);
double theta = sqrt(tu.dot(tu));
double sinc = (fabs(theta) < 1.0e-8) ? 1.0 : sin(theta) / theta;
double mcosc = (fabs(theta) < 2.5e-4) ? 0.5 : (1.-cos(theta)) / theta / theta;
double msinc = (fabs(theta) < 2.5e-4) ? (1./6.) : (1.-sin(theta)/theta) / theta / theta;
dt.at<double>(0,0) = vx*(sinc + vtux*vtux*msinc)
+ vy*(vtux*vtuy*msinc - vtuz*mcosc)
+ vz*(vtux*vtuz*msinc + vtuy*mcosc);
dt.at<double>(1,0) = vx*(vtux*vtuy*msinc + vtuz*mcosc)
+ vy*(sinc + vtuy*vtuy*msinc)
+ vz*(vtuy*vtuz*msinc - vtux*mcosc);
dt.at<double>(2,0) = vx*(vtux*vtuz*msinc - vtuy*mcosc)
+ vy*(vtuy*vtuz*msinc + vtux*mcosc)
+ vz*(sinc + vtuz*vtuz*msinc);
void optimizePose3(const PoseEstimation &pose,
std::vector<FeatureMatch> &feature_matches,
PoseEstimation &optimized_pose) {
//Set camera parameters
double fx = camera_matrix.at<double>(0, 0); //Focal length
double fy = camera_matrix.at<double>(1, 1);
double cx = camera_matrix.at<double>(0, 2); //Principal point
double cy = camera_matrix.at<double>(1, 2);
auto inlier_matches = getInliers(pose, feature_matches);
std::vector<cv::Point3d> wX;
std::vector<cv::Point2d> x;
const unsigned int npoints = inlier_matches.size();
cv::Mat J(2*npoints, 6, CV_64F);
double lambda = 0.25;
cv::Mat xq(npoints*2, 1, CV_64F);
cv::Mat xn(npoints*2, 1, CV_64F);
double residual=0, residual_prev;
cv::Mat Jp;
for(auto i = 0u; i < npoints; i++) {
//Model points
const cv::Point2d &M = inlier_matches[i].model_point();
wX.emplace_back(M.x, M.y, 0.0);
//Imaged points
const cv::Point2d &I = inlier_matches[i].image_point();
xn.at<double>(i*2,0) = I.x; // x
xn.at<double>(i*2+1,0) = I.y; // y
//Initial estimation
cv::Mat cRw = pose.rotation_matrix;
cv::Mat ctw = pose.translation_vector;
int nIters = 0;
// Iterative Gauss-Newton minimization loop
do {
for (auto i = 0u; i < npoints; i++) {
cv::Mat cX = cRw * cv::Mat(wX[i]) + ctw; // Update cX, cY, cZ
// Update x(q)
//xq.at<double>(i*2,0) = cX.at<double>(0,0) / cX.at<double>(2,0); // x(q) = cX/cZ
//xq.at<double>(i*2+1,0) = cX.at<double>(1,0) / cX.at<double>(2,0); // y(q) = cY/cZ
xq.at<double>(i*2,0) = cx + fx * cX.at<double>(0,0) / cX.at<double>(2,0);
xq.at<double>(i*2+1,0) = cy + fy * cX.at<double>(1,0) / cX.at<double>(2,0);
// Update J using equation (11)
J.at<double>(i*2,0) = -1 / cX.at<double>(2,0); // -1/cZ
J.at<double>(i*2,1) = 0;
J.at<double>(i*2,2) = x[i].x / cX.at<double>(2,0); // x/cZ
J.at<double>(i*2,3) = x[i].x * x[i].y; // xy
J.at<double>(i*2,4) = -(1 + x[i].x * x[i].x); // -(1+x^2)
J.at<double>(i*2,5) = x[i].y; // y
J.at<double>(i*2+1,0) = 0;
J.at<double>(i*2+1,1) = -1 / cX.at<double>(2,0); // -1/cZ
J.at<double>(i*2+1,2) = x[i].y / cX.at<double>(2,0); // y/cZ
J.at<double>(i*2+1,3) = 1 + x[i].y * x[i].y; // 1+y^2
J.at<double>(i*2+1,4) = -x[i].x * x[i].y; // -xy
J.at<double>(i*2+1,5) = -x[i].x; // -x
cv::Mat e_q = xq - xn; // Equation (7)
cv::Mat Jp = J.inv(cv::DECOMP_SVD); // Compute pseudo inverse of the Jacobian
cv::Mat dq = -lambda * Jp * e_q; // Equation (10)
cv::Mat dctw(3, 1, CV_64F), dcRw(3, 3, CV_64F);
exponential_map(dq, dctw, dcRw);
cRw = dcRw.t() * cRw; // Update the pose
ctw = dcRw.t() * (ctw - dctw);
residual_prev = residual; // Memorize previous residual
residual = e_q.dot(e_q); // Compute the actual residual
std::cout << "residual_prev: " << residual_prev << std::endl;
std::cout << "residual: " << residual << std::endl << std::endl;
} while (fabs(residual - residual_prev) > 0);
//} while (nIters < 30);
optimized_pose.rotation_matrix = cRw;
optimized_pose.translation_vector = ctw;
cv::Rodrigues(optimized_pose.rotation_matrix, optimized_pose.rotation_vector);
Even when I use the functions as given, it does not produce the correct results. My initial pose estimate is very close to optimal, but when I try run the program, the method takes a very long time to converge - and when it does, the results are very wrong. I’m not sure what could be wrong and I’m out of ideas. I’m confident my inliers are actually inliers (they were chosen using an M-estimator). I’ve compared the results from exponential map with those from other implementations, and they seem to agree.
So, where is the error in this gauss-newton implementation for pose optimization? I’ve tried to make things as easy as possible for anyone willing to lend a hand. Let me know if there is anymore information I can provide. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Edit: 2019/05/13
There is now solvePnPRefineVVS function in OpenCV.
Also, you should use x and y calculated from the current estimated pose instead.
In the cited paper, they expressed the measurements x in the normalized camera frame (at z=1).
When working with real data, you have:
(u,v): 2D image coordinates (e.g. keypoints, corner locations, etc.)
K: the intrinsic parameters (obtained after calibrating the camera)
D: the distortion coefficients (obtained after calibrating the camera)
To compute the 2D image coordinates in the normalized camera frame, you can use in OpenCV the function cv::undistortPoints() (link to my answer about cv::projectPoints() and cv::undistortPoints()).
When there is no distortion, the computation (also called "reverse perspective transformation") is:
x = (u - cx) / fx
y = (v - cy) / fy
I detected lines in an image and drew them in a separate image file in OpenCv C++ using HoughLinesP method. Following is a part of that resulting image. There are actually hundreds of small and thin lines which form a big single line.
But I want single few lines that represent all those number of lines. Closer lines should be merged together to form a single line. For example above set of lines should be represented by just 3 separate lines as below.
The expected output is as above. How to accomplish this task.
Up to now progress result from akarsakov's answer.
(separate classes of lines resulted are drawn in different colors). Note that this result is the original complete image I am working on, but not the sample section I had used in the question
If you don't know the number of lines in the image you can use the cv::partition function to split lines on equivalency group.
I suggest you the following procedure:
Split your lines using cv::partition. You need to specify a good predicate function. It really depends on lines which you extract from image, but I think it should check following conditions:
Angle between lines should be quite small (less 3 degrees, for example). Use dot product to calculate angle's cosine.
Distance between centers of segments should be less than half of maximum length of two segments.
For example, it can be implemented as follows:
bool isEqual(const Vec4i& _l1, const Vec4i& _l2)
Vec4i l1(_l1), l2(_l2);
float length1 = sqrtf((l1[2] - l1[0])*(l1[2] - l1[0]) + (l1[3] - l1[1])*(l1[3] - l1[1]));
float length2 = sqrtf((l2[2] - l2[0])*(l2[2] - l2[0]) + (l2[3] - l2[1])*(l2[3] - l2[1]));
float product = (l1[2] - l1[0])*(l2[2] - l2[0]) + (l1[3] - l1[1])*(l2[3] - l2[1]);
if (fabs(product / (length1 * length2)) < cos(CV_PI / 30))
return false;
float mx1 = (l1[0] + l1[2]) * 0.5f;
float mx2 = (l2[0] + l2[2]) * 0.5f;
float my1 = (l1[1] + l1[3]) * 0.5f;
float my2 = (l2[1] + l2[3]) * 0.5f;
float dist = sqrtf((mx1 - mx2)*(mx1 - mx2) + (my1 - my2)*(my1 - my2));
if (dist > std::max(length1, length2) * 0.5f)
return false;
return true;
Guess you have your lines in vector<Vec4i> lines;. Next, you should call cv::partition as follows:
vector<Vec4i> lines;
std::vector<int> labels;
int numberOfLines = cv::partition(lines, labels, isEqual);
You need to call cv::partition once and it will clusterize all lines. Vector labels will store for each line label of cluster to which it belongs. See documentation for cv::partition
After you get all groups of line you should merge them. I suggest calculating average angle of all lines in group and estimate "border" points. For example, if angle is zero (i.e. all lines are almost horizontal) it would be the left-most and right-most points. It remains only to draw a line between this points.
I noticed that all lines in your examples are horizontal or vertical. In such case you can calculate point which is average of all segment's centers and "border" points, and then just draw horizontal or vertical line limited by "border" points through center point.
Please note that cv::partition takes O(N^2) time, so if you process a huge number of lines it may take a lot of time.
I hope it will help. I used such approach for similar task.
First off I want to note that your original image is at a slight angle, so your expected output seems just a bit off to me. I'm assuming you are okay with lines that are not 100% vertical in your output because they are slightly off on your input.
Mat image;
Mat binary = image > 125; // Convert to binary image
// Combine similar lines
int size = 3;
Mat element = getStructuringElement( MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size( 2*size + 1, 2*size+1 ), Point( size, size ) );
morphologyEx( mask, mask, MORPH_CLOSE, element );
So far this yields this image:
These lines are not at 90 degree angles because the original image is not.
You can also choose to close the gap between the lines with:
Mat out = Mat::zeros(mask.size(), mask.type());
vector<Vec4i> lines;
HoughLinesP(mask, lines, 1, CV_PI/2, 50, 50, 75);
for( size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++ )
Vec4i l = lines[i];
line( out, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(255), 5, CV_AA);
If these lines are too fat, I've had success thinning them with:
size = 15;
Mat eroded;
cv::Mat erodeElement = getStructuringElement( MORPH_ELLIPSE, cv::Size( size, size ) );
erode( mask, eroded, erodeElement );
Here is a refinement build upon #akarsakov answer.
A basic issue with:
Distance between centers of segments should be less than half of
maximum length of two segments.
is that parallel long lines that are visually far might end up in same equivalence class (as demonstrated in OP's edit).
Therefore the approach that I found working reasonable for me:
Construct a window (bounding rectangle) around a line1.
line2 angle is close enough to line1's and at least one point of line2 is inside line1's bounding rectangle
Often a long linear feature in the image that is quite weak will end up recognized (HoughP, LSD) by a set of line segments with considerable gaps between them. To alleviate this, our bounding rectangle is constructed around line extended in both directions, where extension is defined by a fraction of original line width.
bool extendedBoundingRectangleLineEquivalence(const Vec4i& _l1, const Vec4i& _l2, float extensionLengthFraction, float maxAngleDiff, float boundingRectangleThickness){
Vec4i l1(_l1), l2(_l2);
// extend lines by percentage of line width
float len1 = sqrtf((l1[2] - l1[0])*(l1[2] - l1[0]) + (l1[3] - l1[1])*(l1[3] - l1[1]));
float len2 = sqrtf((l2[2] - l2[0])*(l2[2] - l2[0]) + (l2[3] - l2[1])*(l2[3] - l2[1]));
Vec4i el1 = extendedLine(l1, len1 * extensionLengthFraction);
Vec4i el2 = extendedLine(l2, len2 * extensionLengthFraction);
// reject the lines that have wide difference in angles
float a1 = atan(linearParameters(el1)[0]);
float a2 = atan(linearParameters(el2)[0]);
if(fabs(a1 - a2) > maxAngleDiff * M_PI / 180.0){
return false;
// calculate window around extended line
// at least one point needs to inside extended bounding rectangle of other line,
std::vector<Point2i> lineBoundingContour = boundingRectangleContour(el1, boundingRectangleThickness/2);
pointPolygonTest(lineBoundingContour, cv::Point(el2[0], el2[1]), false) == 1 ||
pointPolygonTest(lineBoundingContour, cv::Point(el2[2], el2[3]), false) == 1;
where linearParameters, extendedLine, boundingRectangleContour are following:
Vec2d linearParameters(Vec4i line){
Mat a = (Mat_<double>(2, 2) <<
line[0], 1,
line[2], 1);
Mat y = (Mat_<double>(2, 1) <<
Vec2d mc; solve(a, y, mc);
return mc;
Vec4i extendedLine(Vec4i line, double d){
// oriented left-t-right
Vec4d _line = line[2] - line[0] < 0 ? Vec4d(line[2], line[3], line[0], line[1]) : Vec4d(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3]);
double m = linearParameters(_line)[0];
// solution of pythagorean theorem and m = yd/xd
double xd = sqrt(d * d / (m * m + 1));
double yd = xd * m;
return Vec4d(_line[0] - xd, _line[1] - yd , _line[2] + xd, _line[3] + yd);
std::vector<Point2i> boundingRectangleContour(Vec4i line, float d){
// finds coordinates of perpendicular lines with length d in both line points
// https://math.stackexchange.com/a/2043065/183923
Vec2f mc = linearParameters(line);
float m = mc[0];
float factor = sqrtf(
(d * d) / (1 + (1 / (m * m)))
float x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5, x6, y6;
// special case(vertical perpendicular line) when -1/m -> -infinity
if(m == 0){
x3 = line[0]; y3 = line[1] + d;
x4 = line[0]; y4 = line[1] - d;
x5 = line[2]; y5 = line[3] + d;
x6 = line[2]; y6 = line[3] - d;
} else {
// slope of perpendicular lines
float m_per = - 1/m;
// y1 = m_per * x1 + c_per
float c_per1 = line[1] - m_per * line[0];
float c_per2 = line[3] - m_per * line[2];
// coordinates of perpendicular lines
x3 = line[0] + factor; y3 = m_per * x3 + c_per1;
x4 = line[0] - factor; y4 = m_per * x4 + c_per1;
x5 = line[2] + factor; y5 = m_per * x5 + c_per2;
x6 = line[2] - factor; y6 = m_per * x6 + c_per2;
return std::vector<Point2i> {
Point2i(x3, y3),
Point2i(x4, y4),
Point2i(x6, y6),
Point2i(x5, y5)
To partion, call:
std::vector<int> labels;
int equilavenceClassesCount = cv::partition(linesWithoutSmall, labels, [](const Vec4i l1, const Vec4i l2){
return extendedBoundingRectangleLineEquivalence(
l1, l2,
// line extension length - as fraction of original line width
// maximum allowed angle difference for lines to be considered in same equivalence class
// thickness of bounding rectangle around each line
Now, in order to reduce each equivalence class to single line, we build a point cloud out of it and find a line fit:
// fit line to each equivalence class point cloud
std::vector<Vec4i> reducedLines = std::accumulate(pointClouds.begin(), pointClouds.end(), std::vector<Vec4i>{}, [](std::vector<Vec4i> target, const std::vector<Point2i>& _pointCloud){
std::vector<Point2i> pointCloud = _pointCloud;
//lineParams: [vx,vy, x0,y0]: (normalized vector, point on our contour)
// (x,y) = (x0,y0) + t*(vx,vy), t -> (-inf; inf)
Vec4f lineParams; fitLine(pointCloud, lineParams, CV_DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01);
// derive the bounding xs of point cloud
decltype(pointCloud)::iterator minXP, maxXP;
std::tie(minXP, maxXP) = std::minmax_element(pointCloud.begin(), pointCloud.end(), [](const Point2i& p1, const Point2i& p2){ return p1.x < p2.x; });
// derive y coords of fitted line
float m = lineParams[1] / lineParams[0];
int y1 = ((minXP->x - lineParams[2]) * m) + lineParams[3];
int y2 = ((maxXP->x - lineParams[2]) * m) + lineParams[3];
target.push_back(Vec4i(minXP->x, y1, maxXP->x, y2));
return target;
Detected partitioned line (with small lines filtered out):
Demonstration code:
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]){
if(argc < 2){
std::cout << "img filepath should be present in args" << std::endl;
Mat image = imread(argv[1]);
Mat smallerImage; resize(image, smallerImage, cv::Size(), 0.5, 0.5, INTER_CUBIC);
Mat target = smallerImage.clone();
namedWindow("Detected Lines", WINDOW_NORMAL);
namedWindow("Reduced Lines", WINDOW_NORMAL);
Mat detectedLinesImg = Mat::zeros(target.rows, target.cols, CV_8UC3);
Mat reducedLinesImg = detectedLinesImg.clone();
// delect lines in any reasonable way
Mat grayscale; cvtColor(target, grayscale, CV_BGRA2GRAY);
Ptr<LineSegmentDetector> detector = createLineSegmentDetector(LSD_REFINE_NONE);
std::vector<Vec4i> lines; detector->detect(grayscale, lines);
// remove small lines
std::vector<Vec4i> linesWithoutSmall;
std::copy_if (lines.begin(), lines.end(), std::back_inserter(linesWithoutSmall), [](Vec4f line){
float length = sqrtf((line[2] - line[0]) * (line[2] - line[0])
+ (line[3] - line[1]) * (line[3] - line[1]));
return length > 30;
std::cout << "Detected: " << linesWithoutSmall.size() << std::endl;
// partition via our partitioning function
std::vector<int> labels;
int equilavenceClassesCount = cv::partition(linesWithoutSmall, labels, [](const Vec4i l1, const Vec4i l2){
return extendedBoundingRectangleLineEquivalence(
l1, l2,
// line extension length - as fraction of original line width
// maximum allowed angle difference for lines to be considered in same equivalence class
// thickness of bounding rectangle around each line
std::cout << "Equivalence classes: " << equilavenceClassesCount << std::endl;
// grab a random colour for each equivalence class
RNG rng(215526);
std::vector<Scalar> colors(equilavenceClassesCount);
for (int i = 0; i < equilavenceClassesCount; i++){
colors[i] = Scalar(rng.uniform(30,255), rng.uniform(30, 255), rng.uniform(30, 255));;
// draw original detected lines
for (int i = 0; i < linesWithoutSmall.size(); i++){
Vec4i& detectedLine = linesWithoutSmall[i];
cv::Point(detectedLine[0], detectedLine[1]),
cv::Point(detectedLine[2], detectedLine[3]), colors[labels[i]], 2);
// build point clouds out of each equivalence classes
std::vector<std::vector<Point2i>> pointClouds(equilavenceClassesCount);
for (int i = 0; i < linesWithoutSmall.size(); i++){
Vec4i& detectedLine = linesWithoutSmall[i];
pointClouds[labels[i]].push_back(Point2i(detectedLine[0], detectedLine[1]));
pointClouds[labels[i]].push_back(Point2i(detectedLine[2], detectedLine[3]));
// fit line to each equivalence class point cloud
std::vector<Vec4i> reducedLines = std::accumulate(pointClouds.begin(), pointClouds.end(), std::vector<Vec4i>{}, [](std::vector<Vec4i> target, const std::vector<Point2i>& _pointCloud){
std::vector<Point2i> pointCloud = _pointCloud;
//lineParams: [vx,vy, x0,y0]: (normalized vector, point on our contour)
// (x,y) = (x0,y0) + t*(vx,vy), t -> (-inf; inf)
Vec4f lineParams; fitLine(pointCloud, lineParams, CV_DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01);
// derive the bounding xs of point cloud
decltype(pointCloud)::iterator minXP, maxXP;
std::tie(minXP, maxXP) = std::minmax_element(pointCloud.begin(), pointCloud.end(), [](const Point2i& p1, const Point2i& p2){ return p1.x < p2.x; });
// derive y coords of fitted line
float m = lineParams[1] / lineParams[0];
int y1 = ((minXP->x - lineParams[2]) * m) + lineParams[3];
int y2 = ((maxXP->x - lineParams[2]) * m) + lineParams[3];
target.push_back(Vec4i(minXP->x, y1, maxXP->x, y2));
return target;
for(Vec4i reduced: reducedLines){
line(reducedLinesImg, Point(reduced[0], reduced[1]), Point(reduced[2], reduced[3]), Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2);
imshow("Detected Lines", detectedLinesImg);
imshow("Reduced Lines", reducedLinesImg);
return 0;
I would recommend that you use HoughLines from OpenCV.
void HoughLines(InputArray image, OutputArray lines, double rho, double theta, int threshold, double srn=0, double stn=0 )
You can adjust with rho and theta the possible orientation and position of the lines you want to observe.
In your case, theta = 90° would be fine (only vertical and horizontal lines).
After this, you can get unique line equations with Plücker coordinates. And from there you could apply a K-mean with 3 centers that should fit approximately your 3 lines in the second image.
PS : I will see if i can test the whole process with your image
You can merge multiple close line into single line by clustering lines using rho and theta and finally taking average of rho and theta.
void contourLines(vector<cv::Vec2f> lines, const float rho_threshold, const float theta_threshold, vector< cv::Vec2f > &combinedLines)
vector< vector<int> > combineIndex(lines.size());
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
int index = i;
for (int j = i; j < lines.size(); j++)
float distanceI = lines[i][0], distanceJ = lines[j][0];
float slopeI = lines[i][1], slopeJ = lines[j][1];
float disDiff = abs(distanceI - distanceJ);
float slopeDiff = abs(slopeI - slopeJ);
if (slopeDiff < theta_max && disDiff < rho_max)
bool isCombined = false;
for (int w = 0; w < i; w++)
for (int u = 0; u < combineIndex[w].size(); u++)
if (combineIndex[w][u] == j)
isCombined = true;
if (combineIndex[w][u] == i)
index = w;
if (isCombined)
if (!isCombined)
for (int i = 0; i < combineIndex.size(); i++)
if (combineIndex[i].size() == 0)
cv::Vec2f line_temp(0, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < combineIndex[i].size(); j++) {
line_temp[0] += lines[combineIndex[i][j]][0];
line_temp[1] += lines[combineIndex[i][j]][1];
line_temp[0] /= combineIndex[i].size();
line_temp[1] /= combineIndex[i].size();
function call
You can tune houghThreshold, rho_threshold and theta_threshold as per your application.
HoughLines(edge, lines_t, 1, CV_PI / 180, houghThreshold, 0, 0);
float rho_threshold= 15;
float theta_threshold = 3*DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
vector< cv::Vec2f > lines;
contourCluster(lines_t, rho_max, theta_max, lines);
#C_Raj made a good point, for lines like this, i.e., most likely extracted from table/form-like images, you should make full use of the fact that many of the line segments captured by Hough transform from the same lines have very similar \rho and \theta.
After clustering these line segments based on their \rho and \theta, you can apply 2D line fitting to obtain estimate of the true lines in an image.
There is a paper describing this idea and it's making further assumptions of the lines in a page.
I try to estimate the camera motion from pair of images. I found essential matrix E and decomposed it into the rotation and translation elements.
Here is the C++ code:
cv::SVD svd(E);
cv::Matx33d W{0, -1, 0, 1, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 1};
cv::Mat_<double> R = svd.u * cv::Mat(W) * svd.vt;
cv::Mat_<double> t = svd.u.col(2);
if (!infrontOfBothCameras(inliers[0], inliers[1], R, t)) {
t = -svd.u.col(2);
if (!posEstimator.infrontOfBothCameras(inliers[0], inliers[1], R, t)) {
R = svd.u * cv::Mat(W.t()) * svd.vt;
t = svd.u.col(2);
if (!infrontOfBothCameras(inliers[0], inliers[1], R, t)) {
t = -svd.u.col(2);
if (!infrontOfBothCameras(inliers[0], inliers[1], R, t)) {
std::cout << "Incorrect SVD decomposition" << std::endl;
function infrontOfBothCameras check if points are in front of the camera.
bool infrontOfBothCameras(std::vector<cv::Point2f>& points1, std::vector<cv::Point2f>& points2, cv::Mat_<double>& R, cv::Mat_<double>& t) {
cv::Mat r1 = R.row(0);
cv::Mat r2 = R.row(1);
cv::Mat r3 = R.row(2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < points1.size(); ++i) {
cv::Matx13d uv{ points2[i].x, points2[i].y, 1 };
double z = (r1 - points2[i].x * r3).dot(t.t()) / ((r1 - points2[i].x * r3).dot(cv::Mat_<double>(uv)));
cv::Matx31d point3d_first{points1[i].x * z, points1[i].y * z, z};
cv::Mat_<double> point3d_second = R.t() * (cv::Mat_<double>(point3d_first) - t);
if (point3d_first(2) < 0 || point3d_second(2) < 0) {
return false;
return true;
After I wish to estimate new pose of camera. How I can use t and R for it?
For example, i have old pose of camera: old_pose=(0,0,0) and i try to calculate new pose:
new_pose = old_pose + R * t
Is it correct?
I believe it should be:
new_pose = R*(old_pose-t);
The rest looks ok, but I haven't checked every little detail.
If you want a reference to compare to, you can look at:
Specifically functions DecomposeEtoRandT and FindCameraMatrices
I am wondering if there is an easy way to match (register) 2 clouds of 2d points.
Let's say I have an object represented by points and an cluttered 2nd image with the object points and noise (noise in a way of points that are useless).
Basically the object can be 2d rotated as well as translated and scaled.
I know there is the ICP - Algorithm but I think that this is not a good approach due to high noise.
I hope that you understand what i mean. please ask if (im sure it is) anything is unclear.
Here is the function that finds translation and rotation. Generalization to scaling, weighted points, and RANSAC are straight forward. I used openCV library for visualization and SVD. The function below combines data generation, Unit Test , and actual solution.
// rotation and translation in 2D from point correspondences
void rigidTransform2D(const int N) {
// Algorithm: http://igl.ethz.ch/projects/ARAP/svd_rot.pdf
const bool debug = false; // print more debug info
const bool add_noise = true; // add noise to imput and output
srand(time(NULL)); // randomize each time
* Creat data with some noise
// Simulated transformation
Point2f T(1.0f, -2.0f);
float a = 30.0; // [-180, 180], see atan2(y, x)
float noise_level = 0.1f;
cout<<"True parameters: rot = "<<a<<"deg., T = "<<T<<
"; noise level = "<<noise_level<<endl;
// noise
vector<Point2f> noise_src(N), noise_dst(N);
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
noise_src[i] = Point2f(randf(noise_level), randf(noise_level));
noise_dst[i] = Point2f(randf(noise_level), randf(noise_level));
// create data with noise
vector<Point2f> src(N), dst(N);
float Rdata = 10.0f; // radius of data
float cosa = cos(a*DEG2RAD);
float sina = sin(a*DEG2RAD);
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
// src
float x1 = randf(Rdata);
float y1 = randf(Rdata);
src[i] = Point2f(x1,y1);
if (add_noise)
src[i] += noise_src[i];
// dst
float x2 = x1*cosa - y1*sina;
float y2 = x1*sina + y1*cosa;
dst[i] = Point2f(x2,y2) + T;
if (add_noise)
dst[i] += noise_dst[i];
if (debug)
cout<<i<<": "<<src[i]<<"---"<<dst[i]<<endl;
// Calculate data centroids
Scalar centroid_src = mean(src);
Scalar centroid_dst = mean(dst);
Point2f center_src(centroid_src[0], centroid_src[1]);
Point2f center_dst(centroid_dst[0], centroid_dst[1]);
if (debug)
cout<<"Centers: "<<center_src<<", "<<center_dst<<endl;
* Visualize data
// Visualization
namedWindow("data", 1);
float w = 400, h = 400;
Mat Mdata(w, h, CV_8UC3); Mdata = Scalar(0);
Point2f center_img(w/2, h/2);
float scl = 0.4*min(w/Rdata, h/Rdata); // compensate for noise
scl/=sqrt(2); // compensate for rotation effect
Point2f dT = (center_src+center_dst)*0.5; // compensate for translation
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
Point2f p1(scl*(src[i] - dT));
Point2f p2(scl*(dst[i] - dT));
// invert Y axis
p1.y = -p1.y; p2.y = -p2.y;
// add image center
p1+=center_img; p2+=center_img;
circle(Mdata, p1, 1, Scalar(0, 255, 0));
circle(Mdata, p2, 1, Scalar(0, 0, 255));
line(Mdata, p1, p2, Scalar(100, 100, 100));
* Get 2D rotation and translation
// subtract centroids from data
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
src[i] -= center_src;
dst[i] -= center_dst;
// compute a covariance matrix
float Cxx = 0.0, Cxy = 0.0, Cyx = 0.0, Cyy = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
Cxx += src[i].x*dst[i].x;
Cxy += src[i].x*dst[i].y;
Cyx += src[i].y*dst[i].x;
Cyy += src[i].y*dst[i].y;
Mat Mcov = (Mat_<float>(2, 2)<<Cxx, Cxy, Cyx, Cyy);
if (debug)
cout<<"Covariance Matrix "<<Mcov<<endl;
// SVD
cv::SVD svd;
svd = SVD(Mcov, SVD::FULL_UV);
if (debug) {
cout<<"U = "<<svd.u<<endl;
cout<<"W = "<<svd.w<<endl;
cout<<"V transposed = "<<svd.vt<<endl;
// rotation = V*Ut
Mat V = svd.vt.t();
Mat Ut = svd.u.t();
float det_VUt = determinant(V*Ut);
Mat W = (Mat_<float>(2, 2)<<1.0, 0.0, 0.0, det_VUt);
float rot[4];
Mat R_est(2, 2, CV_32F, rot);
R_est = V*W*Ut;
if (debug)
cout<<"Rotation matrix: "<<R_est<<endl;
float cos_est = rot[0];
float sin_est = rot[2];
float ang = atan2(sin_est, cos_est);
// translation = mean_dst - R*mean_src
Point2f center_srcRot = Point2f(
cos_est*center_src.x - sin_est*center_src.y,
sin_est*center_src.x + cos_est*center_src.y);
Point2f T_est = center_dst - center_srcRot;
double RMSE = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
Point2f dst_est(
cos_est*src[i].x - sin_est*src[i].y,
sin_est*src[i].x + cos_est*src[i].y);
RMSE += SQR(dst[i].x - dst_est.x) + SQR(dst[i].y - dst_est.y);
if (N>0)
RMSE = sqrt(RMSE/N);
// Final estimate msg
cout<<"Estimate = "<<ang*RAD2DEG<<"deg., T = "<<T_est<<"; RMSE = "<<RMSE<<endl;
// show image
imshow("data", Mdata);
} // rigidTransform2D()
// --------------------------- 3DOF
// calculates squared error from two point mapping; assumes rotation around Origin.
inline float sqErr_3Dof(Point2f p1, Point2f p2,
float cos_alpha, float sin_alpha, Point2f T) {
float x2_est = T.x + cos_alpha * p1.x - sin_alpha * p1.y;
float y2_est = T.y + sin_alpha * p1.x + cos_alpha * p1.y;
Point2f p2_est(x2_est, y2_est);
Point2f dp = p2_est-p2;
float sq_er = dp.dot(dp); // squared distance
return sq_er;
// calculate RMSE for point-to-point metrics
float RMSE_3Dof(const vector<Point2f>& src, const vector<Point2f>& dst,
const float* param, const bool* inliers, const Point2f center) {
const bool all_inliers = (inliers==NULL); // handy when we run QUADRTATIC will all inliers
unsigned int n = src.size();
assert(n>0 && n==dst.size());
float ang_rad = param[0];
Point2f T(param[1], param[2]);
float cos_alpha = cos(ang_rad);
float sin_alpha = sin(ang_rad);
double RMSE = 0.0;
int ninliers = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (all_inliers || inliers[i]) {
RMSE += sqErr_3Dof(src[i]-center, dst[i]-center, cos_alpha, sin_alpha, T);
//cout<<"RMSE = "<<RMSE<<endl;
if (ninliers>0)
return sqrt(RMSE/ninliers);
// Sets inliers and returns their count
inline int setInliers3Dof(const vector<Point2f>& src, const vector <Point2f>& dst,
bool* inliers,
const float* param,
const float max_er,
const Point2f center) {
float ang_rad = param[0];
Point2f T(param[1], param[2]);
// set inliers
unsigned int ninliers = 0;
unsigned int n = src.size();
assert(n>0 && n==dst.size());
float cos_ang = cos(ang_rad);
float sin_ang = sin(ang_rad);
float max_sqErr = max_er*max_er; // comparing squared values
if (inliers==NULL) {
// just get the number of inliers (e.g. after QUADRATIC fit only)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++) {
float sqErr = sqErr_3Dof(src[i]-center, dst[i]-center, cos_ang, sin_ang, T);
if ( sqErr < max_sqErr)
} else {
// get the number of inliers and set them (e.g. for RANSAC)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++) {
float sqErr = sqErr_3Dof(src[i]-center, dst[i]-center, cos_ang, sin_ang, T);
if ( sqErr < max_sqErr) {
inliers[i] = 1;
} else {
inliers[i] = 0;
return ninliers;
// fits 3DOF (rotation and translation in 2D) with least squares.
float fit3DofQUADRATICold(const vector<Point2f>& src, const vector<Point2f>& dst,
float* param, const bool* inliers, const Point2f center) {
const bool all_inliers = (inliers==NULL); // handy when we run QUADRTATIC will all inliers
unsigned int n = src.size();
assert(dst.size() == n);
// count inliers
int ninliers;
if (all_inliers) {
ninliers = n;
} else {
ninliers = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++){
if (inliers[i])
// under-dermined system
if (ninliers<2) {
// param[0] = 0.0f; // ?
// param[1] = 0.0f;
// param[2] = 0.0f;
* x1*cosx(a)-y1*sin(a) + Tx = X1
* x1*sin(a)+y1*cos(a) + Ty = Y1
* approximation for small angle a (radians) sin(a)=a, cos(a)=1;
* x1*1 - y1*a + Tx = X1
* x1*a + y1*1 + Ty = Y1
* in matrix form M1*h=M2
* 2n x 4 4 x 1 2n x 1
* -y1 1 0 x1 * a = X1
* x1 0 1 y1 Tx Y1
* Ty
* 1=Z
* ----------------------------
* src1 res src2
// 4 x 1
float res_ar[4]; // alpha, Tx, Ty, 1
Mat res(4, 1, CV_32F, res_ar); // 4 x 1
// 2n x 4
Mat src1(2*ninliers, 4, CV_32F); // 2n x 4
// 2n x 1
Mat src2(2*ninliers, 1, CV_32F); // 2n x 1: [X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3]'
for (unsigned int i=0, row_cnt = 0; i<n; i++) {
// use inliers only
if (all_inliers || inliers[i]) {
float x = src[i].x - center.x;
float y = src[i].y - center.y;
// first row
// src1
float* rowPtr = src1.ptr<float>(row_cnt);
rowPtr[0] = -y;
rowPtr[1] = 1.0f;
rowPtr[2] = 0.0f;
rowPtr[3] = x;
// src2
src2.at<float> (0, row_cnt) = dst[i].x - center.x;
// second row
// src1
rowPtr = src1.ptr<float>(row_cnt);
rowPtr[0] = x;
rowPtr[1] = 0.0f;
rowPtr[2] = 1.0f;
rowPtr[3] = y;
// src2
src2.at<float> (0, row_cnt) = dst[i].y - center.y;
cv::solve(src1, src2, res, DECOMP_SVD);
// estimators
float alpha_est;
Point2f T_est;
// original
alpha_est = res.at<float>(0, 0);
T_est = Point2f(res.at<float>(1, 0), res.at<float>(2, 0));
float Z = res.at<float>(3, 0);
if (abs(Z-1.0) > 0.1) {
//cout<<"Bad Z in fit3DOF(), Z should be close to 1.0 = "<<Z<<endl;
//return LARGE_NUMBER;
param[0] = alpha_est; // rad
param[1] = T_est.x;
param[2] = T_est.y;
// calculate RMSE
float RMSE = RMSE_3Dof(src, dst, param, inliers, center);
return RMSE;
} // fit3DofQUADRATICOLd()
// fits 3DOF (rotation and translation in 2D) with least squares.
float fit3DofQUADRATIC(const vector<Point2f>& src_, const vector<Point2f>& dst_,
float* param, const bool* inliers, const Point2f center) {
const bool debug = false; // print more debug info
const bool all_inliers = (inliers==NULL); // handy when we run QUADRTATIC will all inliers
assert(dst_.size() == src_.size());
int N = src_.size();
// collect inliers
vector<Point2f> src, dst;
int ninliers;
if (all_inliers) {
ninliers = N;
src = src_; // copy constructor
dst = dst_;
} else {
ninliers = 0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++){
if (inliers[i]) {
if (ninliers<2) {
param[0] = 0.0f; // default return when there is not enough points
param[1] = 0.0f;
param[2] = 0.0f;
/* Algorithm: Least-Square Rigid Motion Using SVD by Olga Sorkine
* http://igl.ethz.ch/projects/ARAP/svd_rot.pdf
* Subtract centroids, calculate SVD(cov),
* R = V[1, det(VU')]'U', T = mean_q-R*mean_p
// Calculate data centroids
Scalar centroid_src = mean(src);
Scalar centroid_dst = mean(dst);
Point2f center_src(centroid_src[0], centroid_src[1]);
Point2f center_dst(centroid_dst[0], centroid_dst[1]);
if (debug)
cout<<"Centers: "<<center_src<<", "<<center_dst<<endl;
// subtract centroids from data
for (int i=0; i<ninliers; i++) {
src[i] -= center_src;
dst[i] -= center_dst;
// compute a covariance matrix
float Cxx = 0.0, Cxy = 0.0, Cyx = 0.0, Cyy = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<ninliers; i++) {
Cxx += src[i].x*dst[i].x;
Cxy += src[i].x*dst[i].y;
Cyx += src[i].y*dst[i].x;
Cyy += src[i].y*dst[i].y;
Mat Mcov = (Mat_<float>(2, 2)<<Cxx, Cxy, Cyx, Cyy);
Mcov /= (ninliers-1);
if (debug)
cout<<"Covariance-like Matrix "<<Mcov<<endl;
// SVD of covariance
cv::SVD svd;
svd = SVD(Mcov, SVD::FULL_UV);
if (debug) {
cout<<"U = "<<svd.u<<endl;
cout<<"W = "<<svd.w<<endl;
cout<<"V transposed = "<<svd.vt<<endl;
// rotation (V*Ut)
Mat V = svd.vt.t();
Mat Ut = svd.u.t();
float det_VUt = determinant(V*Ut);
Mat W = (Mat_<float>(2, 2)<<1.0, 0.0, 0.0, det_VUt);
float rot[4];
Mat R_est(2, 2, CV_32F, rot);
R_est = V*W*Ut;
if (debug)
cout<<"Rotation matrix: "<<R_est<<endl;
float cos_est = rot[0];
float sin_est = rot[2];
float ang = atan2(sin_est, cos_est);
// translation (mean_dst - R*mean_src)
Point2f center_srcRot = Point2f(
cos_est*center_src.x - sin_est*center_src.y,
sin_est*center_src.x + cos_est*center_src.y);
Point2f T_est = center_dst - center_srcRot;
// Final estimate msg
if (debug)
cout<<"Estimate = "<<ang*RAD2DEG<<"deg., T = "<<T_est<<endl;
param[0] = ang; // rad
param[1] = T_est.x;
param[2] = T_est.y;
// calculate RMSE
float RMSE = RMSE_3Dof(src_, dst_, param, inliers, center);
return RMSE;
} // fit3DofQUADRATIC()
// RANSAC fit in 3DOF: 1D rot and 2D translation (maximizes the number of inliers)
// NOTE: no data normalization is currently performed
float fit3DofRANSAC(const vector<Point2f>& src, const vector<Point2f>& dst,
float* best_param, bool* inliers,
const Point2f center ,
const float inlierMaxEr,
const int niter) {
const int ITERATION_TO_SETTLE = 2; // iterations to settle inliers and param
const float INLIERS_RATIO_OK = 0.95f; // stopping criterion
// size of data vector
unsigned int N = src.size();
// unrealistic case
if(N<2) {
best_param[0] = 0.0f; // ?
best_param[1] = 0.0f;
best_param[2] = 0.0f;
unsigned int ninliers; // current number of inliers
unsigned int best_ninliers = 0; // number of inliers
float best_rmse = LARGE_NUMBER; // error
float cur_rmse; // current distance error
float param[3]; // rad, Tx, Ty
vector <Point2f> src_2pt(2), dst_2pt(2);// min set of 2 points (1 correspondence generates 2 equations)
srand (time(NULL));
// iterations
for (int iter = 0; iter<niter; iter++) {
cout<<"iteration "<<iter<<": ";
// 1. Select a random set of 2 points (not obligatory inliers but valid)
int i1, i2;
i1 = rand() % N; // [0, N[
i2 = i1;
while (i2==i1) {
i2 = rand() % N;
src_2pt[0] = src[i1]; // corresponding points
src_2pt[1] = src[i2];
dst_2pt[0] = dst[i1];
dst_2pt[1] = dst[i2];
bool two_inliers[] = {true, true};
// 2. Quadratic fit for 2 points
cur_rmse = fit3DofQUADRATIC(src_2pt, dst_2pt, param, two_inliers, center);
// 3. Recalculate to settle params and inliers using a larger set
for (int iter2=0; iter2<ITERATION_TO_SETTLE; iter2++) {
ninliers = setInliers3Dof(src, dst, inliers, param, inlierMaxEr, center); // changes inliers
cur_rmse = fit3DofQUADRATIC(src, dst, param, inliers, center); // changes cur_param
// potential ill-condition or large error
if (ninliers<2) {
cout<<" !!! less than 2 inliers "<<endl;
} else {
cout<<" "<<ninliers<<" inliers; ";
cout<<"; recalculate: RMSE = "<<cur_rmse<<", "<<ninliers <<" inliers";
// 4. found a better solution?
if (ninliers > best_ninliers) {
best_ninliers = ninliers;
best_param[0] = param[0];
best_param[1] = param[1];
best_param[2] = param[2];
best_rmse = cur_rmse;
cout<<" --- Solution improved: "<<
best_param[0]<<", "<<best_param[1]<<", "<<param[2]<<endl;
// exit condition
float inlier_ratio = (float)best_ninliers/N;
if (inlier_ratio > INLIERS_RATIO_OK) {
cout<<"Breaking early after "<< iter+1<<
" iterations; inlier ratio = "<<inlier_ratio<<endl;
} else {
} // iterations
// 5. recreate inliers for the best parameters
ninliers = setInliers3Dof(src, dst, inliers, best_param, inlierMaxEr, center);
return best_rmse;
} // fit3DofRANSAC()
Let me first make sure I'm interpreting your question correctly. You have two sets of 2D points, one of which contains all "good" points corresponding to some object of interest, and one of which contains those points under an affine transformation with noisy points added. Right?
If that's correct, then there is a fairly reliable and efficient way to both reject noisy points and determine the transformation between your points of interest. The algorithm that is usually used to reject noisy points ("outliers") is known as RANSAC, and the algorithm used to determine the transformation can take several forms, but the most current state of the art is known as the five-point algorithm and can be found here -- a MATLAB implementation can be found here.
Unfortunately I don't know of a mature implementation of both of those combined; you'll probably have to do some work of your own to implement RANSAC and integrate it with the five point algorithm.
Actually, OpenCV has an implementation that is overkill for your task (meaning it will work but will take more time than necessary) but is ready to work out of the box. The function of interest is called cv::findFundamentalMat.
I believe you are looking for something like David Lowe's SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform). Other option is SURF (SIFT is patent protected). The OpenCV computer library presents a SURF implementation
I would try and use distance geometry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance_geometry) for this
Generate a scalar for each point by summing its distances to all neighbors within a certain radius. Though not perfect, this will be good discriminator for each point.
Then put all the scalars in a map that allows a point (p) to be retrieve by its scalar (s) plus/minus some delta
M(s+delta) = p (e.g K-D Tree) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kd-tree)
Put all the reference set of 2D points in the map
On the other (test) set of 2D points:
foreach test scaling (esp if you have a good idea what typical scaling values are)
...scale each point by S
...recompute the scalars of the test set of points
......for each point P in test set (or perhaps a sample for faster method)
.........lookup point in reference scalar map within some delta
.........discard P if no mapping found
.........else foreach P' point found
............examine neighbors of P and see if they have corresponding scalars in the reference map within some delta (i.e reference point has neighbors with approx same value)
......... if all points tested have a mapping in the reference set, you have found a mapping of test point P onto reference point P' -> record mapping of test point to reference point
......discard scaling if no mappings recorded
Note this is trivially parallelized in several different places
This is off the top of my head, drawing from research I did years ago. It lacks fine details but the general idea is clear: find points in the noisy (test) graph whose distances to their closest neighbors are roughly the same as the reference set. Noisy graphs will have to measure the distances with a larger allowed error that less noisy graphs.
The algorithm works perfectly for graphs with no noise.
Edit: there is a refinement for the algorithm that doesn't require looking at different scalings. When computing the scalar for each point, use a relative distance measure instead. This will be invariant of transform
From C++, you could use ITK to do the image registration. It includes many registration functions that will work in the presence of noise.
The KLT (Kanade Lucas Tomasi) Feature Tracker makes a Affine Consistency Check of tracked features. The Affine Consistency Check takes into account translation, rotation and scaling. I don't know if it is of help to you, because you can't use the function (which calculates the affine transformation of a rectangular region) directly. But maybe you can learn from the documentation and source-code, how the affine transformation can be calculated and adapt it to your problem (clouds of points instead of a rectangular region).
You want want the Denton-Beveridge point matching algorithm. Source code at the bottom of the page linked below, and there is also a paper that explain the algorithm and why Ransac is a bad choice for this problem.