Stata do files in Atom (script package) - stata

I am trying to run a do file in Atom (macOS). The script package detects the language correctly but is "unable to run".
Atom is started from the terminal, script works for other languages and Stata is on PATH.
Any idea what might be going wrong?

Just to note, the issue can also be solved on Windows by editing as well, the default path being C:/Users/*username*/.atom/packages/script/lib/ and changing "stata" to the location of Stata on the machine. Highlighted text also doesn't work, as each line is executed in Stata with quotes around it, meaning Stata will interpret it as a single command name, not as a command with arguments.

Figured it out: .
The code of the script package needs to be modified. In the file, I replaced both commands of Stata by "/Applications/Stata/". Works fine now.
Adding Stata to the path variable is not sufficient (might not be necessary even).

This works for me too — but I use StataMP so updated the filepath as such to /Applications/Stata/ and things are working fine now.
That said, I'm not sure if script supports this, but when executing a highlighted selection of code in a .do file crashes my StataMP 14.2


Why isn't my terminal running my updated C++ code?

I am a new programmer and I am trying to use the terminal on my Mac to compile and run the C++ code I write using the Sublime text editor.
I am able to get my code to run using the terminal, however, whenever I make changes to my code on sublime and then re-compile it on my terminal, my terminal doesn't recognize my changes and keeps on running my original code.
Does anyone know what might be happening?
Thank you so much!
I can think of two possibilities that spring immediately to mind. If you're changing your code in the editor, and that's not being reflected in the compilation, then it's likely to be one of the following. Either:
you're not saving the file in the location you think you are; or
you're not saving the file at all.
The easiest way to tell if one of these is the case is to introduce an error into your code(a), like:
int my hovercraft = full of eels;
and make sure the compiler complains about it.
If you're not saving it at all, do so. If you're saving it in the wrong place, you can usually find out where just by doing a Save As and seeing where the default location is.
If you're annoyed that you have to save, and that computers should just "work"(b), Sublime Text has an auto-save feature that may come in handy, courtesy of one Lucy Bain. Instructions (paraphrased) are duplicated here in case that site ever disappears:
Open Sublime
Find Settings and edit the user window (under Sublime Text 2 > Preferences for Mac, just Preferences for Windows).
Add the line "save_on_focus_lost": true.
Save and close the file.
At that point, whenever you click away from a particular file, it should save it.
(a) Some developers seem to have little trouble doing this without even trying :-)
(b) A not unreasonable expectation for a Mac user :-)

Weka libsvm is not in classpath after system format

While using weka SVM ,the error is receiving "libsvm is not in classpath'.
I set the classpath through environmental variables, But the error still remains.I was using the weka svm for one year for data classification, but I haven't gone through this kind of problem. This problem surfaced when I have installed weka 3.6.12 after formatting my system. I am using window 7 32-bit PC. The error "jdbc.idbDriver is not in path" is also exists.
Open SimpleCLI in your weka GUI and execute following commands.
java weka.core.SystemInfo
Please look for following values
java.class.path: ./weka.jar;
weka.version: 3.6.13
As you can see, I do not have libsvm.jar in my classpath too.
I have to include using one of the ways explained in
Below passage is taken from ( Troubleshooting)
libsvm classes not in CLASSPATH!◦Check whether the libsvm.jar is really in your CLASSPATH. Execute the following command in the SimpleCLI:
java weka.core.SystemInfo
The property java.class.path must list the libsvm.jar. If it is listed, check whether the path is correct.
If you're on Windows and you find %CLASSPATH% there, see next bullet point to fix this.
On Windows, if you added the libsvm.jar to your CLASSPATH environment variable, it can still happen that Weka pops up the error message that the libsvm classes are not in your CLASSPATH. This can happen on Windows 2000 and XP and the %CLASSPATH% does not get expanded to its actual value in starting up Weka. You can inspect your current CLASSPATH with which Weka got started up with the SimpleCLI (see previous bullet point). If %CLASSPATH% is listed there, your system has the same problem. This Wekalist post explains how to explicitly add the mysql.jar to RunWeka.ini (works the same for libsvm.jar).
Note: backslashes have to be escaped, not only once, but twice (they get interpreted by Java twice!). In other words, instead of one you have to use four: C:\some\where then turns into C:\\some\\where.
Write a startscript that sets up everything for you.
The file could be called weka.bat und should look like this (untested- adapt as necessary):
set WEKA_JAR=%WEKA_HOME%\weka.jar
set CP="%WEKA_JAR%;%WEKA_HOME%\lib\libsvm.jar"
set DIR=c:\weka\data
cd "%DIR%"
rem start small GUI Chooser
java -cp $CP weka.gui.GUIChooser 2 >>c:\weka\weka.log
This assumes that you installed weka to a dir called c:\weka,
that the subdirectories \data and \lib exist, and that you have copied libsvm.jar into the \lib subdirectory.

Cannot export Pandas dataframe to specified file path in Python for csv and excel both

I have written a program which exports my Pandas DataFrame to a csv as well as an excel file. However, the problem I am facing is that, randomly, the export function to both the file formats does not work, resulting in me seeing an error stating "No such File Path or Directory".
My code is as follows:
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('C:/Users/Downloads/ABCD.xlsx', engine='openpyxl')
frame3.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1')
The major issue is that this code works sometimes and sometimes it does not! Going by what others have posted here, I tried to add the output directory by the use of
pth1 = os.path.join(r'C:/Users/Downloads/FinalProgram/', output_filename)
Sadly, this has no effect on this stubborn error. Would appreciate any help / insights possible on the matter.
Forgot to update - I figured a way around this particular problem:
Simply set the working directory for the program to be the output directory (as depicted by the command below), before the calling the 'to_csv' function.
On a side note, this was an issue I primarily faced on Windows OS - Ubuntu worked like a charm and did not require this workaround!
Hope this helps

Creating and running a file with command line arguments

I am very new to linux and apologize if my descriptions are not savvy. I will try to be relevantly detailed.
Currently I am working on a terminal using Fedora, and my goal is to create a smaller data set to run a program. I was given an example, and my mentor said that to run the program all I had to do was type "./filename" into the console.
filename has command line arguments as follows: "./main ./textfile1 ./textfile2" Basically, each argument is separated by a space.
I tried recreating this document with similar format, but I am not sure what to save it as, nor does it work when I try running it the same way as the file with a larger data set.
Also, filename is bold in the terminal, whereas the document I created it is not. I'm not sure if this helps at all, but it is a difference I noticed.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to set the execute bit on your file.
chmod +x filename
Make sure you compile the program first (in case you haven't. I use the g++ compiler typically) and then use the ./filename like your instructor said, but do not put "./" in front of the arguments. Just write it as "./filename textfile1.txt textfile2.txt"

Django -editing files in bash

I just installed Django on my Mac and I am trying to figure out a way to edit the python modules directly from the terminal.
I know I can view the contents of a file using the less command in the command line, but is there a way I can edit Django modules from the command line, as well? It's just kind of annoying having to switch between the command line and a text editor, so I was hoping I could do everything in one spot.
EDIT: rephrased.
There are lots of TUI text editors available for *nix. vim and emacs are popular, and are available in several forms for OS X.
This question is a little confused.
There's no such thing as "editing in Python", or "editing in Bash". I don't know what you're regarding as the "Python" that you have to switch to, but most people using a Mac edit their Python files in something like Textmate. That can be always running, and the Django development server automatically reloads when you save changes to any of the files in use, so this is the often most convenient way of doing it.
Bash is the shell that runs inside the terminal. Instead of talking about "editing in Bash", I expect you mean "editing in the terminal". Of course, there are hundreds of editors that run inside the terminal. One that comes installed on the Mac is vim, which I use all the time - but it has its fair share of idiosyncrasies, and takes a lot of getting used to.
However, if anything, editing in vim inside the terminal seems like it would involve more "switching" rather than less. You'd either need to have a separate terminal tab, and switch between the one running the server and the one running vim, or continually quit your server to go into vim.