Creating and running a file with command line arguments - c++

I am very new to linux and apologize if my descriptions are not savvy. I will try to be relevantly detailed.
Currently I am working on a terminal using Fedora, and my goal is to create a smaller data set to run a program. I was given an example, and my mentor said that to run the program all I had to do was type "./filename" into the console.
filename has command line arguments as follows: "./main ./textfile1 ./textfile2" Basically, each argument is separated by a space.
I tried recreating this document with similar format, but I am not sure what to save it as, nor does it work when I try running it the same way as the file with a larger data set.
Also, filename is bold in the terminal, whereas the document I created it is not. I'm not sure if this helps at all, but it is a difference I noticed.
Any help would be appreciated.

You need to set the execute bit on your file.
chmod +x filename

Make sure you compile the program first (in case you haven't. I use the g++ compiler typically) and then use the ./filename like your instructor said, but do not put "./" in front of the arguments. Just write it as "./filename textfile1.txt textfile2.txt"


Stata do files in Atom (script package)

I am trying to run a do file in Atom (macOS). The script package detects the language correctly but is "unable to run".
Atom is started from the terminal, script works for other languages and Stata is on PATH.
Any idea what might be going wrong?
Just to note, the issue can also be solved on Windows by editing as well, the default path being C:/Users/*username*/.atom/packages/script/lib/ and changing "stata" to the location of Stata on the machine. Highlighted text also doesn't work, as each line is executed in Stata with quotes around it, meaning Stata will interpret it as a single command name, not as a command with arguments.
Figured it out: .
The code of the script package needs to be modified. In the file, I replaced both commands of Stata by "/Applications/Stata/". Works fine now.
Adding Stata to the path variable is not sufficient (might not be necessary even).
This works for me too — but I use StataMP so updated the filepath as such to /Applications/Stata/ and things are working fine now.
That said, I'm not sure if script supports this, but when executing a highlighted selection of code in a .do file crashes my StataMP 14.2

How to Pass Command-Line Arguments in Xcode

I'm trying to pass arguments to my Xcode C++ command-line tool. I think I'm following the help, and the answers I've found on Stack Overflow, but I'm not having any luck.
I'm using Xcode 7.2.1. I've edited the scheme to have two command-line arguments (an input file and an output file.) I've posted a screen shot of the editor below.
When I run the code, it doesn't find the arguments. (I don't mean that it can't find the files on disk. The program aborts because argc is 1 instead of 3.)
Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: After playing around with it in response to the advice I received, it suddenly worked. I have no idea what changed. It works now with the dialog looking exactly like the screenshot I posted originally.
I'd suggest that you use only one argument set at a time. Each one of the checked lines represents a command line, not a single argument, so put both of your arguments on a single line, as in
$PROJECT_DIR/detroit.txt $PROJECT_DIR/detroit.out

Reading output from the command line

I'm trying to write a simple GUI for Wget. I'm looking for advice on how to read information from the command line output that Wget generates when it is doing a run. I'd like to update that download information real time to a list box or some equivalent. The GUI will be in Visual Basic. I know programs like WinWget do this, and their source code is available, but I don't know the language that's written in well enough to find what I'm looking for.
tl;dr: I need to update a list box real time with command line output.
There are two ways to use the output of one console application for the input of an other:
The first way is to use the | operator; for example:
dir |more
The second way is to write the data into a file and process it later.
dir > data.txt

Program Interaction and testing via bash script

I've just completed the coding section of simple homework assignment for my C++ class. The second part of the assignment requires us to verify our code's input validation. (The program takes several different values as inputs from a user and prints those values to a file)
I was hoping that I could use bash script for this. Is there any way to use bash script to run and interact with a program? How can I put the program's output into a variable (note that program has a series of input requests and outputs).
To build on #Travis' answer, create two files: one holds your inputs (input.txt) and one holds the expected output (expected_output.txt). Then do the following:
./myprogram <input.txt >output.txt
diff output.txt expected_output.txt
If the diff command has any output, there's a problem.
You can do much of this with a shell script but you might want to consider using some other testing tools instead like CppUnit or expect.

C++ Passing Options To Executable

How do you pass options to an executable? Is there an easier way than making the options boolean arguments?
EDIT: The last two answers have suggested using arguments. I know I can code a workable solution like that, but I'd rather have them be options.
EDIT2: Per requests for clarification, I'll use this simple example:
It's fairly easy to handle arguments because they automatically get parsed into an array.
./printfile file.txt 1000
If I want to know what the name of the file the user wants to print, I access it via argv[1].
Now about how this situation:
./printfile file.txt 1000 --nolinebreaks
The user wants to print the file with no line breaks. This is not required for the program to be able to run (as the filename and number of lines to print are), but the user has the option of using if if s/he would like. Now I could do this using:
./printfile file.txt 1000 true
The usage prompt would inform the user that the third argument is used to determine whether to print the file with line breaks or not. However, this seems rather clumsy.
Command-line arguments is the way to go. You may want to consider using Boost.ProgramOptions to simplify this task.
You seem to think that there is some fundamental difference between "options" that start with "--" and "arguments" that don't. The only difference is in how you parse them.
It might be worth your time to look at GNU's getopt()/getopt_long() option parser. It supports passing arguments with options such as --number-of-line-breaks 47.
I use two methods for passing information:
1/ The use of command line arguments, which are made easier to handle with specific libraries such as getargs.
2/ As environment variables, using getenv.
Pax has the right idea here.
If you need more thorough two-way communication, open the process with pipes and send stuff to stdin/listen on stdout.
You can also use Window's PostMessage() function. This is very handy if the executable you want to send the options to is already running. I can post some example code if you are interested in this technique.
The question isn't blazingly clear as to the context and just what you are trying to do - you mean running an executable from within a C++ program? There are several standard C library functions with names like execl(), execv(), execve(), ... that take the options as strings or pointer to an array of strings. There's also system() which takes a string containing whatever you'd be typing at a bash prompt, options and all.
I like the popt library. It is C, but works fine from C++ as well.
It doesn't appear to be cross-platform though. I found that out when I had to hack out my own API-compatible version of it for a Windows port of some Linux software.
You can put options in a .ini file and use the GetPrivateProfileXXX API's to create a class that can read the type of program options you're looking for from the .ini.
You can also create an interactive shell for your app to change certain settings real-time.
From your edits, can't you just parse each option looking for special keywords associated with that option that are "optional"?