Id cannot find the .so library - c++

I am attempting link an app with my compiler, however, ld is warning it cannot find specified libraries. This is the last one that I cannot handle.
I am calling the linker with:
/usr/bin/c++ -O3 -DNDEBUG XXX -o ijkmcube -lNrrdIO,-rpath,XXX:
Id warned that:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lNrrdIO
Since this library seems like not that popular, I cannot find direct apt install method to handle it.
Furthermore, I could only find out .a library instead of .so library for this particular case.
locate libNrrdIO.a
How do I diagnose this problem further, and what could be wrong? Thanks in advance!


undefined reference error in using dlopen in c++

I am trying to cross-compile apache-qpid for an arm system from a debian.
There is undefined reference to __dlopen error, but it seems that it is related to the previous warning:
using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking ...
Here is the detail:
[ 86%] Linking CXX shared library
CMakeFiles/qpidcommon.dir/qpid/sys/posix/Shlib.cpp.o: In function
`qpid::sys::Shlib::load(char const*)':
/home/mert/qpid-cpp-0.34/src/qpid/sys/posix/Shlib.cpp:32: warning: Using
'dlopen' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared
libraries from the glibc version used for linking
gnueabi/sysroot/usr/lib/libdl.a(dlopen.o): In function `dlopen':
dlopen.c:(.text+0xc): undefined reference to `__dlopen'
I do not know what is happening exactly and how to solve it.
Here there is a similiar thing, I tried to add -static -ldl -lc C_FLAGS but made no difference.
Any help appreciated.
I am not sure exactly what is solved the problem, but I think that -ldl was looking exactly for, but in arm directory, it was, thus, probably it was then looking for and finding in another directory. I have linked to and now it is compiling.
The linker needs the options, not the compiler. See LDFLAGS.
Extra flags to give to compilers when they are supposed to invoke the
linker, ‘ld’, such as -L. Libraries (-lfoo) should be added to the
LDLIBS variable instead.
If this error occurs during the make step try doing
make LIBS=-ldl
And make sure the library path is present in LDFLAGS
export LDFLAGS=-L<path/to/ldl>

How to recompile with -fPIC

I was trying to reinstall my ffmpeg, following this guide, on my ARM Ubuntu machine. Unfortunately, when I compile a program which uses this lib I get the following failure:
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.a(amrnbdec.o): relocation R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/local/lib/libavcodec.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Now I would like to recompile it with -fPIC like the compiler is suggesting but I have no idea how. Any help is appreciated.
Briefly, the error means that you can't use a static library to be linked w/ a dynamic one.
The correct way is to have a libavcodec compiled into a .so instead of .a, so the other .so library you are trying to build will link well.
The shortest way to do so is to add --enable-shared at ./configure options. Or even you may try to disable shared (or static) libraries at all... you choose what is suitable for you!
Have a look at this page.
you can try globally adding the flag using: export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fPIC"
I had this problem when building FFMPEG static libraries (e.g. libavcodec.a) for Android x86_64 target platform (using Android NDK clang). When statically linking with my library the problem occured although all FFMPEG C -> object files (*.o) were compiled with -fPIC compile option:
requires dynamic R_X86_64_PC32 reloc against 'ff_pw_1023'
which may overflow at runtime; recompile with -fPIC
The problem occured only for libavcodec.a and libswscale.a.
Source of this problem is that FFMPEG has assembler optimizations for x86* platforms e.g. the reported problem cause is in libavcodec/h264_qpel_10bit.asm -> h264_qpel_10bit.o.
When producing X86-64 bit static library (e.g. libavcodec.a) it looks like assembler files (e.g. libavcodec/h264_qpel_10bit.asm) uses some x86 (32bit) assembler commands which are incompatible when statically linking with x86-64 bit target library since they don't support required relocation type.
Possible solutions:
compile all ffmpeg files with no assembler optimizations (for ffmpeg this is configure option: --disable-asm)
produce dynamic libraries (e.g. and link them in your final library dynamically
I chose 1) and it solved the problem.
After the configure step you probably have a makefile. Inside this makefile look for CFLAGS (or similar). puf -fPIC at the end and run make again. In other words -fPIC is a compiler option that has to be passed to the compiler somewhere.
If you're building a shared library but need to link with static libavcodec add linker flags:
In case of cmake:
I hit this same issue trying to install Dashcast on Centos 7. The fix was adding -fPIC at the end of each of the CFLAGS in the x264 Makefile. Then I had to run make distclean for both x264 and ffmpeg and rebuild.
In addirion to the good answers here, specifically Robert Lujo's.
I want to say in my case I've been deliberately trying to statically compile a version of ffmpeg. All the required dependencies and what else heretofore required, I've done static compilation.
When I ran ./configure for the ffmpeg process I didnt notice --enable-shared was on the commandline. Removing it and running ./configure is only then I was able to compile correctly (All 56 mbs of an ffmpeg binary). Check that out as well if your intention is static compilation
I'm building ffmpeg 5.1.2 on CentOS7 with gcc4.8.5.
As mentioned in ${ffmpegRoot}/doc/platform.texi:
1)configure with option
2)add the following option to your project LDFLAGS
Before compiling make sure that "" file is included properly in Makefile or include it explicitly by:

CodeBlocks cannot find shared libraries even when search paths are setup

I have a very basic C++ project in code blocks that makes use of and two other libraries that are compiled to .so files from another project, and The latter are placed in the project root folder, while glfw is somewhere in my /usr/lib (I think).
I have added the project folder to the linker and compiler search paths in code blocks. I have added the and as well as to the Link Libraries in the Linker Settings tab. I thought that this would be enough based on the previous similar questions here on stackoverflow.
However when I press build:
ld cannot find
ld cannot find
ld cannot find
My system is Arch Linux 64 and I am using GCC.
I also tried bopying and in /usr/lib and /usr/lib64 with no success.
P.S. All search paths are copied across the Debug and Release target.
Say, if the library name is, then linker option to link against that library would look like -lmylibrary. Note that lib prefix and .so suffix are not there — they are added automatically by the linker. In your case it seems like you specified the wrong name. Try removing .so from it, that should solve the problem.
Here is a simple demonstration of how to trigger the failure by making a similar mistake:
$ echo 'int main() { return 0; }' > test.c
$ gcc -o test ./test.c -lc
$ gcc -o test ./test.c
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
The first command succeeds and the second one (with incorrect library name) fails.
You must not pass ".so". The linker options are
-lHorde3D -lHorde3DUtils -lglfw
This way the linker will search for "" etc. in the library path(s).

Boost::Thread linking error on OSX?

So I'm going nuts trying to figure this one out. Here's my basic setup:
I'm compiling a shared library with a bunch of core functionality that uses a lot of boost stuff. We'll call this library It's linked with the boost static libraries, specifically the python, system, filesystem, thread, and program_options libraries. This all goes swimmingly.
Now, I have a little test program called test_socketio which is compiled into a shared library (it's loaded as a plugin at runtime). It uses some boost stuff like boost::bind and boost::thread, and it's linked again (which has the boost libraries included remember).
When I go to compile test_socketio though, out of all my plugins it gives me a linking error:
[ Building test_socketio ]
g++ -c -pg -g -O0 -I/usr/local/include -I../include -o test_socketio.o
g++ -shared test_socketio.o -lpy_core -o
Undefined symbols:
"boost::lock_error::lock_error()", referenced from:
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>::lock() in test_socketio.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
And I'm going crazy trying to figure out why this is. I've tried explicitly linking boost::thread into the plugin to no avail, tried ensuring that I'm using the boost headers associated with the libraries linked into in case there was a conflict there.
Is there something OSX specific regarding boost that I'm missing? In my searching on google I've seen a number of other people get this error but no one seems to have come up with a satisfactory solution.
Edit: Figured it out, OSX comes with boost 1.40 in /usr/local/include. Needed to put the headers for my version of boost somewhere and make sure that my plugins sees those first.
You need to link to libboost_thread. Add the -lboost_thread switch.
When you link against the static boost libraries, it's only going to get copies of the functions it actually uses. The linker doesn't bother to pull in functions that aren't referenced by the code in your library.
You need to link your test program against the boost libraries as well. You can't reliably "chain" the linkages.

How to use OpenSSL with GCC?

I'm trying to use openssl in a gcc program but it isn't working.
g++ server.cpp /usr/lib/libssl.a -o server
gives an error message, as does anything with the -l option. What must I type on the command line to link with openssl? The file /usr/lib/libssl.a exists, but nevertheless I still get the linker error no such function MD5() exists.
Without knowing the exact errors you are seeing, it is difficult to provide an exact solution. Here is my best attempt.
From the information you provided, it sounds as though the linker is failing because it cannot find a reference to the md5 function in libssl.a. I believe this function is actually in libcrypto so you may need to specify this library as well.
g++ server.cpp -L/usr/lib -lssl -lcrypto -o server
You or others may find this article developerWorks article helpful.
Secure programming with the OpenSSL API
It describes most things you need to know to get off the ground with OpenSSL and C/C++. If you find you are following most of the same steps, it might help you see what needs doing.
Good luck.
revised link:
Which has been shuffled around
original link:
Which now goes to a digest page including the article.
Note: keeping both links because they be used to find new discoveries.
In Eclipse IDE select Your Project property --> c/c++ Build --> Settings gcc c linker(from tools settings)--> add to Library Search Path (-L)
/usr/lib -lssl -lcrypto
The location of the library is not fixed. In my case (Ubuntu 18.04), the .a files are located in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/. So here are the complete steps:
1) install the library,
sudo apt install libss-dev
2) check the installed files,
dpkg-query -L libssl-dev
3) change the gcc flags -L(library directory) -l(library name), e.g.,
gcc XXX.c XXXXX.c -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -lcrypto -lssl
On top of the accepted answers, I could not make compile the OpenSSL example for AES-CCM:
To make it work I needed to add two more things:
The Dinamic Linking Library : -ldl
The PThread library to use POSIX threading support: -pthread (Adding directly the library with -lpthread is not recommended )