Open a file specified in a QLabel - c++

I want to put in a label the direction of the file then click a button and open it in another label :
QFile file("/Users/Ignacio/Documents/3 curso/segundo semestre/cafeteria-2/txt/HEREGOESTHEFILE.txt");
QTextStream in (&file);
So I tried something like this
Char a [] = ui->label->text();
QFile file(a);
QTextStream in (&file);
but it dosen't work.
Thanks for the help

Be careful that you were using the file even on errors, place braces correctly as well as the else clause.
QFile file(ui->label->text());
if(! {
QMessageBox::information(0, "info", file.errorString());
} else {
QTextStream in(&file);
Note: a QFile can be open directly with a filename given as QString, no need to converting to a pointer of chars.


how to read only one line in a text file which has particular word using Qt

I am reading a .txt file, I want to read only 1 line with particular word. I'm using Qt Creator.
How can I achieve this?
This is my code so far:
QFile file("/home/a1.txt");
if (! | QFile::Text)) {
QMessageBox::warning(this,"title","file not open");
QTextStream in(&file);
QString text = in.readAll();
If you want to search all lines for a specific word you can do this
QFile file("/home/a1.txt");
if (! | QFile::Text)) {
QMessageBox::warning(this,"title","file not open");
QTextStream in(&file);
QString text;
while (!in.atEnd()) {
text = in.readLine();
if (text.contains(/*Search her for the word you want.*/))
So you loop through all lines. And in every line you check if the word exist. If yes you can stop searching and leave the loop.
I hope this helps!

Write QPainterPath to XML

I have a QPainterPath that is being drawn to my QGraphicsScene and I am storing the points of the path as they are drawn into a QList.
My question is how do I now save those points out to an xml ( I assume this would work best ) as they are drawn? My goal is when the app closes, I read that xml, and the path is immediately re-drawn into the scene.
Here is the method I have setup for the writing, which I would call everytime I write a new point to the path.
void writePathToFile(QList pathPoints){
QXmlStreamWriter xml;
QString filename = "../XML/path.xml";
QFile file(filename);
if (! | QFile::Text))
qDebug() << "Error saving XML file.";
// --> no clue what to dump here: xml.writeAttribute("points", ? );
Or maybe this isn't the best way to go about this?
I think I can handle the reading and re-drawing of the path, but this first part is tricking me up.
You may use binary file:
QPainterPath path;
// do sth
QFile file("file.dat");;
QDataStream out(&file); // we will serialize the data into the file
out << path; // serialize a path, fortunately there is apriopriate functionality
Deserialization is similar:
QPainterPath path;
QFile file("file.dat");;
QDataStream in(&file); // we will deserialize the data from the file
in >> path;
//do sth

Qt: Load HTML source code to string

I have an HTML file stored locally that I have to extract text from.
Now I managed to prompt the user for the location and display the HTML file in a QTextBrowser by pressing a button. Now from what I understand the next step would be to convert to a string to be able to search for text inside the source code.
Here's my Button_clicked method so far
void MainWindow::on_getHTMLButton_clicked()
QString filename = openFilenameDialog();
if (filename.isEmpty())
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("File Name"), "Es wurde keine gültige Datei angegeben.");
QFile file(filename);
if (!
QMessageBox::information(0, "Info", file.errorString());
QTextStream in(&file);
The HTML file shows in textBrowser without any issues.
My understanding so far is that I need to create a string to search for a substring in the source code.
Now my problem is that I cannot seem to create a string object with the source of the HTML file as content.
Something like
QString string = in.readAll();
does not seem to work...
I had to learn that after having read out the stream and putting it to the ui by
the stream is empty – so when I attempt to to do a readAllagain it results in an empty string.

Qt GUI open a file using push button

I need to create qt gui push button with line edit, where I press the button which leads to browsing a folder to find a textfile I want to import. The textfile will be parsed afterwards. I would prefer to use combobox but I have no idea how to browse the folder through gui. Perhaps something like QDir related stuff should work but please help.
Basically, I want to import/open a textfile using push button/combobox.
What you are looking for is QFileDialog
connect the clicked() signal of your QPushButton to a slot that performs:
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
tr("Open Text file"), "", tr("Text Files (*.txt)"));
Then you can parse the file using for instance QFile and QTextStream:
QFile file(fileName);
if (! | QIODevice::Text))
QTextStream in(&file);
while (!in.atEnd())
QString line = in.readLine();
If you want to parse a file where each line contains 31 floats that you want to store in a float data[31], I would first create the class:
struct FloatLine { float data[31]; };
Then store all the lines in a QList<FloatLine>, this way:
QList<FloatLine> floatLines;
QTextStream in(&file);
while (!in.atEnd())
QString line = in.readLine();
QTextStream lineStream(&line);
floatLines << FloatLine();
for(int i=0; i<31; i++)
lineStream >> floatLines.last().data[i];
You might want to use QFileDialog, there are few example at that QtDocument.

QFile -- not reopening in text editor

There are two slots for open & close in my gui.
When i open a file its content are shown in text editor, then i press close button changes are save to file.
But Now when i again press, open & reload the same file. Nothing is shown in text editor, blank editor.
Why file is not reloading ?
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
QFile file;
QTextStream out;
QString url; // the url of the file
void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_triggered()
QString openfileurl = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName();
if(openfileurl.isEmpty() || openfileurl == url) return;
url = openfileurl;
//Set file to -- Qtextstream
void MainWindow::on_actionClose_triggered()
//Set file to -- Qtextstream
out << ui->textEdit->toPlainText();
Try this way
void MainWindow::on_actionClose_triggered()
//Set file to -- Qtextstream
out << ui->textEdit->toPlainText();
I think you should clear uri before make this check:
if(openfileurl.isEmpty() || openfileurl == url) return;
It will blowup when openfileurl == url. And it will do it definitely sure if you didn't cleared the uri. And here you are:
reload the same file
...with the same content... so, the if statement goes true and returns that's why the code below is not executing the second time.