Changing a variable in an already running function C++ - c++

I am creating my first nacl app and am encountering an issue.
I need to stop a running while loop by changing its condition.
My code kind of looks likes this:
int flag = 1;
static void Test1() {
while (flag) {
I want to change flag (flag = 0) in a safe way by calling another function to stop the infinite loop. How can I do this in C++?

You can use atomic_int for a variable that can be safely changed:
std::atomic_int flag = 1;
static void Test1() {
while (flag) {

You need to use a lock to make sure your writes are safe and won't corrupt the value. You're threading library should provide you with locks. If your application isn't multithreaded, don't even worry about adding in this protection.
An example using the pthread POSIX library (see for a more intricate example):
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_t g_flag_lock;
int g_flag;
void change_flag(int value) {
g_flag = value;
Generally speaking, you only need to lock when writing a value. Reading doesn't usually create issues (I can think of one instance in my professional career that I locked on a read because something funky was happening).
Essentially, pthread_mutex_lock(&g_flag_lock); checks to make sure no other thread has currently locked g_flag_lock. If one has, it waits until that thread unlocks it again, and then snags it for itself.
I should also note that it isn't wise to haphazardly use locks. You'll find yourself in a deadlock situation. When writing multithreaded applications, you really need to think about the architecture and the timing.
I would assume that the std::atomic types simply abstract this pattern. I can't say for sure though.


Is mutex mandatory to access extern variable from a different thread?

I am developing an application in Qt/C++. At some point, there are two threads : one is the UI thread and the other one is the background thread. I have to do some operation from the background thread based on the value of an extern variable which is type of bool. I am setting this value by clicking a button on UI.
extern bool globalVar;
//main ui thread on button click
setVale(bool val){
globalVar = val;
//do some operation
//do some other operation
Here, writing to globalVar happens only when the user clicks the button whereas reading happens continuously.
So my question is :
In a situation like the one above, is mutex mandatory?
If read and write happens at the same time, does this cause the application to crash?
If read and write happens at same time, is globalVar going to have some value other than true or false?
Finally, does the OS provide any kind of locking mechanism to prevent the read/write operation to access a memory location at the same time by a different thread?
The loop
//do some operation
//do some other operation
is busy waiting, which is extremely wasteful. Thus, you're probably better off with some classic synchronization that will wake the background thread (mostly) when there is something to be done. You should consider adapting this example of std::condition_variable.
Say you start with:
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
bool ready = false;
Your worker thread can then be something like this:
void worker_thread()
// Wait until main() sends data
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
cv.wait(lk, []{return ready;});
ready = false;
The notifying thread should do something like this:
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m);
ready = true;
Since it is just a single plain bool, I'd say a mutex is overkill, you should just go for an atomic integer instead. An atomic will read and write in a single CPU clock so no worries there, and it will be lock free, which is always better if possible.
If it is something more complex, then by all means go for a mutex.
It won't crash from that alone, but you can get data corruption, which may crash the application.
The system will not manage that stuff for you, you do it manually, just make sure all access to the data goes through the mutex.
Since you specify a number of times that you don't want a complex solution, you may opt for simply using a mutex instead of the bool. There is no need to protect the bool with a mutex, since you can use the mutex as a bool, and yes, you could go with an atomic, but that's what the mutex already does (plus some extra functionality in the case of recursive mutexes).
It also matters what is your exact workload, since your example doesn't make a lot of sense in practice. It would be helpful to know what those some operations are.
So in your ui thread you could simply val ? mutex.lock() : mutex.unlock(), and in your secondary thread you could use if (mutex.tryLock()) doStuff; mutex.unlock(); else doOtherStuff;. Now if the operation in the secondary thread takes too long and you happen to be changing the lock in the main thread, that will block the main thread until the secondary thread unlocks. You could use tryLock(timeout) in the main thread, depending on what you prefer, lock() will block until success, while tryLock(timeout) will prevent blocking but the lock may fail. Also, take care not to unlock from a thread other than the one you locked with, and not to unlock an already unlocked mutex.
Depending on what you are actually doing, maybe an asynchronous event driven approach would be more appropriate. Do you really need that while(1)? How frequently do you perform those operations?
In situation like above does mutex is necessary?
A mutex is one tool that will work. What you actually need are three things:
a means of ensuring an atomic update (a bool will give you this as it's mandated to be an integral type by the standard)
a means of ensuring that the effects of a write made by one thread is actually visible in the other thread. This may sound counter-intuitive but the c++ memory model is single-threaded and optimisations (software and hardware) do not need to consider cross-thread communication, and...
a means of preventing the compiler (and CPU!!) from re-ordering the reads and writes.
The answer to the implied question is 'yes'. You will need something at does all of these things (see below)
If read and write happend at the same time does this cause to crash the application?
not when it's a bool, but the program won't behave as you expect. In fact, because the program is now exhibiting undefined behaviour you can no longer reason about its behaviour at all.
If read and write happens at same time, is globalVar going to have some value other thantrue or false?
not in this case because it's an intrinsic (atomic) type.
And is it going to happen the access(read/write) of a memory location at same time by different thread, does OS providing any kind of locking mechanism to prevent it?
Not unless you specify one.
Your options are:
Realistically speaking, as long as you use an integer type (not bool), make it volatile, and keep inside of its own cache line by properly aligning its storage, you don't need to do anything special at all.
In situation like above does mutex is necessary?
Only if you want to keep the value of the variable synchronized with other state.
If read and write happed at the same time does this cause to crash the application?
According to C++ standard, it's undefined behavior. So anything can happen: e.g. your application might not crash, but its state might be subtly corrupted. In real life, though, compilers often offer some sane implementation defined behavior and you're fine unless your platform is really weird. Anything commonplace, like 32 and 64 bit intel, PPC and ARM will be fine.
If read and write happens at same time, is globalVar going to have some value other thantrue or false?
globalVar can only have these two values, so it makes no sense to speak of any other values unless you're talking about its binary representation. Yes, it could happen that the binary representation is incorrect and not what the compiler would expect. That's why you shouldn't use a bool but a uint8_t instead.
I wouldn't love to see such flag in a code review, but if a uint8_t flag is the simplest solution to whatever problem you're solving, I say go for it. The if (globalVar) test will treat zero as false, and anything else as true, so temporary "gibberish" is OK and won't have any odd effects in practice. According to the standard, you'll be facing undefined behavior, of course.
And is it going to happen the access(read/write) of a memory location at same time by different thread, does OS providing any kind of locking mechanism to prevent it?
It's not the OS's job to do that.
Speaking of practice, though: on any reasonable platform, the use of a std::atomic_bool will have no overhead over the use of a naked uint8_t, so just use that and be done.

C++ objects in multithreading

I would like to ask about thread safety in C++ (using POSIX threads with a C++ wrapper for ex.) when a single instance/object of a class is shared between different threads. For example the member methods of this single object of class A would be called within different threads. What should/can I do about thread safety?
class A {
int n;
void increment()
void decrement()
Should I protect class member n within increment/decrement methods with a lock or something else? Also static (class variables) members have such a need for lock?
If a member is immutable, I do not have to worry about it, right?
Anything that I cannot foreseen now?
In addition to the scenario with a single object within multithreads, what about multiple object with multiple threads? Each thread owns an instance of a class. Anything special other than static (class variables) members?
These are the things in my mind, but I believe this is a large topic and I would be glad if you have good resources and refer previous discussions about that.
Suggestion: don't try do it by hand. Use a good multithread library like the one from Boost:
This article from Intel will give you a good overview:
It's a really large topic and probably it's impossible to complete the topic in this thread.
The golden rule is "You can't read while somebody else is writing."
So if you have an object that share a variable you have to put a lock in the function that access the shared variable.
There are very few cases when this is not true.
The first case is for integer number you can use the atomic function as showed by c-smile, in this case the CPU will use an hardware lock on the cache, so other cores can't modify the variables.
The second cases are lock free queue, that are special queue that use the compare and excange function to assure the atomicity of the instruction.
All the other cases are MUST be locked...
the first aproach is to lock everything, this can lead to a lot of problem when more object are involved (ObjA try to read from ObjB but, ObjB is using the variable and also is waiting for ObjC that wait ObjA) Where circular lock can lead to indefinite waiting (deadlock).
A better aproach is to minimize the point where thread share variable.
For example if you have and array of data, and you want to parallelize the computation on the data you can launch two thread and thread one will work only on even index while thread two will work on the odd. The thread are working on the same set of data, but as long the data don't overlap you don't have to use lock. (This is called data parallelization)
The other aproch is to organize the application as a set of "work" (function that run on a thread a produce a result) and make the work communicate only with messages. You only have to implement a thread safe message system and a work sheduler you are done. Or you can use libray like intel TBB.
Both approach don't solve deadlock problem but let you isolate the problem and find bugs more easily. Bugs in multithread are really hard to debug and sometime are also difficoult to find.
So, if you are studing I suggest to start with the thery and start with pThread, then whe you are learned the base move to a more user frendly library like boost or if you are using Gcc 4.6 as compiler the C++0x std::thread
yes, you should protect the functions with a lock if they are used in a multithreading environment. You can use boost libraries
and yes, immutable members should not be a concern, since a such a member can not be changed once it has been initialized.
Concerning "multiple object with multiple threads".. that depends very much of what you want to do, in some cases you could use a thread pool which is a mechanism that has a defined number of threads standing by for jobs to come in. But there's no thread concurrency there since each thread does one job.
You have to protect counters. No other options.
On Windows you can do this using these functions:
#if defined(PLATFORM_WIN32_GNU)
typedef long counter_t;
inline long _inc(counter_t& v) { return InterlockedIncrement(&v); }
inline long _dec(counter_t& v) { return InterlockedDecrement(&v); }
inline long _set(counter_t &v, long nv) { return InterlockedExchange(&v, nv); }
#elif defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE) // lets try to keep things for wince simple as much as we can
typedef volatile long counter_t;
inline long _inc(counter_t& v) { return InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG)&v); }
inline long _dec(counter_t& v) { return InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&v); }
inline long _set(counter_t& v, long nv) { return InterlockedExchange((LPLONG)&v, nv); }

Does a getter function need a mutex?

I have a class that is accessed from multiple threads. Both of its getter and setter functions are guarded with locks.
Are the locks for the getter functions really needed? If so, why?
class foo {
void setCount (int count) {
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lg(mutex_);
count_ = count;
int count () {
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lg(mutex_); // mutex needed?
return count_;
boost::mutex mutex_;
int count_;
The only way you can get around having the lock is if you can convince yourself that the system will transfer the guarded variable atomicly in all cases. If you can't be sure of that for one reason or another, then you'll need the mutex.
For a simple type like an int, you may be able to convince yourself this is true, depending on architecture, and assuming that it's properly aligned for single-instruction transfer. For any type that's more complicated than this, you're going to have to have the lock.
If you don't have a mutex around the getter, and a thread is reading it while another thread is writing it, you'll get funny results.
Is the mutex really only protecting a single int? It makes a difference -- if it is a more complex datatype you definitely need locking.
But if it is just an int, and you are sure that int is an atomic type (i.e., the processor will not have to do two separate memory reads to load the int into a register), and you have benchmarked the performance and determined you need better performance, then you may consider dropping the lock from both the getter and the setter. If you do that, make sure to qualify the int as volatile. And write a comment explaining why you do not have mutex protection, and under what conditions you would need it if the class changes.
Also, beware that you don't have code like this:
void func(foo &f) {
int temp = f.count();
That is not threadsafe, regardless of whether you use a mutex or not. If you need to do something like that, the mutex protection has to be outside the setter/getter functions.
The synchronization concern is already covered in other answers (specifically David Schwartz's).
There's another concern I don't see addressed, though: this is usually a bad design.
Consider David's example code, assuming we have a correctly-synchronized version of foo
foo j;
while (j.count() == 0)
// do we still expect (j.count() == 0) here?
The code suggests that the while condition still holds in the body. That's how single-threaded code works, after all.
But of course, even if we correctly synchronize the implementation of a getter, the setter can still be called from another thread, between our while condition succeeding and the first instruction of the loop body executing.
So, if any logic in the loop body can't depend on the condition being true, what was the point of testing it?
Sometimes it makes perfect sense, such as
while (foo.shouldKeepRunning())
// foo event loop or something
where it's OK if our shouldKeepRunning state changes during the loop body, because we only need to test it periodically. However, if you're going to do something with count, you need a longer-lived lock, and an interface to support it:
auto guard = j.lock_guard();
while (j.count(guard) == 0) // prove to count that we're locked
// now we _know_ count is zero in the body
// (but bar should release and re-acquire the lock or that can never change)
} // guard goes out of scope and unlocks
in you case probably not, if your cpu is 32 bit, however if count is a complex object or cpu needs more than one instruction to update its value, then yes
The lock is necessary to serialize access to shared resource. In your specific case you might get away with just atomic integer operations but in general, for larger objects that require more then one bus transaction, you do need locks to guarantee that reader always sees a consistent object.
It depends on the exact implementation of the object being locked. However, in general you do not want someone modifying (setting?) an object while someone else is in the process of reading (getting?) it. The easiest way to prevent that is to have a reader lock it.
In more complicated setups the lock will be implemented in such a way that any number of folks can read at once, but nobody can write to it while anyone is reading, and nobody can read while a write is going on.
They are really needed.
Imagine if you have an instance of class foo that's completely local to some piece of code. And you have something like this:
foo j;
some_func(j); // this stashes a reference to j where another thread can find it
while (j.count() == 0)
Suppose the optimizer looks carefully at the code to bar and sees that it can't possibly modify j.count_. This allows the optimizer to rewrite the code as follows:
foo j;
some_func(j); // this stashes a reference to j where another thread can find it
if (j.count() == 0)
while (1)
Clearly this is a disaster. Another thread might call j.setCount(5) and the thread wouldn't exit to loop.
The compiler can prove that bar can't modify the return value of j.count(). If it was required to assume that another thread could modify every memory value it accesses, it could never stash anything in a register ever, which would clearly be an untenable situation.
So, yes, the lock is needed. Alternatively, you need to use some other construct that provides similar guarantees.
Do not ever write code that relies on compilers not being able to make any optimization that they are permitted to make unless you really have no other practical choice. I have seen this cause a lot of pain over the many years I've been programming. Optimizers today can do things that would have been considered absurdly implausible a decade ago and lots of code lasts longer than you expect.

What is the best way to wait for a variable in a multithreaded application

I would like to do something like the below for a multi-threaded program:
// wait for variable to become true but don't hog resources
// then re-sync queues
Is something like this a good solution?
while (!ready) {
Thread.Sleep(250); // pause for 1/4 second;
No, this is not a good solution. First it might sleep too long. Second it's easy for threads to get into lockstep. Here's couple of links to MSDN articles on proper synchronization techniques:
Conditional variables
Here's how you do it using boost:
boost::condition_variable condvar;
boost::mutex mutex;
bool finished1 = false;
bool finished2 = false;
void longComputation1()
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex);
finished1 = false;
// Perform long computation
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex);
finished1 = true;
void longComputation2()
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex);
finished2 = false;
// Perform long computation
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex);
finished2 = true;
void somefunction()
// Wait for long computations to finish without "spinning"
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex);
while(!finished1 && !finished2)
// Computations are finished
For the sake of brevity, I didn't include the thread spawning code.
The boost::lock_guard uses the RAII idiom to automatically unlock the mutex when the lock object goes out of scope. Very useful for preventing deadlocks in case of exceptions.
I find condition variables less error prone than Microsoft's Event objects. If you use boost.Thread, you'll have the added benefit of cross-platform potability.
Try to use Event (kernel object) instead of simple variable and replace your loop by:
WaitForSingleObject(hEventHandle, INFINITE);
The code above will work, and maybe appropriate in some circumstances.
You could also look at a critical section or semaphore - this will make your application block and wait until the resource becomes available,
Your thread that does the work grabs the mutex, does some work, meanwhile, the main method also tries to grab the same mutex, but can't. when the worker thread(s) exit, they release the mutex and your main thread can pass the critical section and continue.
First of all, you need to declare your 'ready' variable at least 'volatile' or this could have nasty side effects. Secondly, sleeping that long vefore reevaluating the condition is only a good idea if the duration it might take is indeed very long, let's say a few minutes.
Using the WinAPI's Event functions (CreateEvent, SetEvent(), WaitForSingleEvent()) is the best way to do it. Of course it introduces some overhead, but usually it's fine.
If you want to stick with your solution, looping and rechecking the condition a few times before you sleep again could improve performance in some scenarios.
The raw Win32 API has EVENT for doing this, here's a usage example:
However, that API is C-oriented and particular to Windows. If writing a C++ program you might consider making your code more platform independent by using something like boost::threads, which has an analogue in Conditions.
A caveat I've found is that Windows can WaitForMultipleObjects, thus waiting on several events (and other handle classes) at a time. boost has no parallel AFAIK.
On top of good answers already provided - you will waste half the sleep time, assuming a random distribution of the occurrence you wish to detect. 125ms is an eternity in computer time.
WaitForSingleObject on a Win32 Event handle allows you to detect the required signal pseudo-immediately (depending on what other threads in your process are doing), and not do redundant checks (how many needless loops do you have to execute before the signal arrives?), provided the setting thread call SetEvent once it's done with its work. The bool is then redundant, which is as it should be.
Granted this is C#, but I've found this book to be extremely helpful for doing multi-threading development.
Some of the info is not language specific.

Windows Threads: when should you use InterlockedExchangeAdd()?

The naming of this function seems like this is some complicated stuff going on. When exactly does one know that this is the way to go instead of doing something like this:
int *p = malloc(sizeof(int)); // Allocation Site
InitializeCriticalSection(&cs); // HINT for first Write
Thread #1
*p = 1; // First Write
Thread #2
*p = 2; // Second Write
I have a write that gets done in one thread:
// some code
m_bIsTerminated = TRUE;
// some more code
Then, I have a read that gets done in another thread (potentially at the same time):
// some code
if( m_bIsTerminated )
m_dwThreadId = 0;
m_hThread = NULL;
// even more code
What's the best solution to solve this race condition? Are critical sections the way to go or is the use of InterlockedExchangeAdd() more useful?
In your case, there's no race condition. The variable is never reset back to FALSE, is it? It's just a "please die" switch for the thread, right? Then no need for synchronization of any kind.
The InterlockedXXX family of functions makes use of Intel CPU's atomic 3-operand commands (XADD and CMPXCNG). So they're much cheaper than a critical section. And the one you want for thread-safe assignment is InterlockedCompareExchange().
UPD: and the mark the variable as volatile.
InterlockedExchangeAdd is used to add a value to an integer as an atomic operation, meaning that you won't have to use a critical section. This also removes the risk of a deadlock if one of your threads throws an exception - you need to make sure that you don't keep any lock of any kind as that would prevent other threads from acquiring that lock.
For your scenario you can definitely use an Interlocked...- function, but I would use an event (CreateEvent, SetEvent, WaitForSingleObject), probably because I often find myself needing to wait for more than one object (you can wait for zero seconds in your scenario).
Upd: Using volatile for the variable may work, however it isn't recommended, see: and for instance.
If you want to be portable, take a look at boost::thread.
Make sure m_bIsTerminated is marked as volatile, and you should be ok. Although it seems pretty weird to me that you'd // some more code after setting "is terminated" to true. What exactly does that variable indicate?
Your "race condition" is that your various elements of // more code can execute in different orders. Your variable doesn't help that. Is your goal to get them to execute in a deterministic order? If yes, you'd need a condition variable to wait on one thread and set in another. If you just don't want them executing concurrently, a critical section would be fine.