This color is too light,how to change or remove the color?
You are using custom color scheme -- it's hard to guess what style is causing this if I do not have such scheme myself.
But so far it looks like "Matched Brace".
If I'm right:
Editor | Colors & Fonts
General | Code --> Matched brace
Change color for "Background".
I have a theme installed. I just want to make the background darker than what it is, it really helps especially because I have vision problems. I guess I need to use the "Color scheme" from options, but I really couldn't find anything to change the background.
To change the background color of the Editor tab, do the following:
File | Settings (WebStorm | Preferences on macOS)
Editor | Color Scheme | General
Make a copy of the Color Scheme (if it's a bundled one or provided by a plugin) so that you can customize it (although the IDE should do that for you automatically)
Locate Text | Default text entry and change the background color there.
An example: modified Dacrula theme with bright yellow background (yeah, looks completely unusable, but good for illustration purposes):
Please note: some languages can provide own background colors. E.g. PHP -- a typical PHP-code only file will have all code inside a single <?php tag so you may see a different background color for PHP code compared to other languages. Test and adjust it as needed.
Note #2: GUI Theme (which is about styling the rest of the IDE GUI): it always linked to some Color Scheme (so the GUI and Editor area have similar colors). When you will be switching between GUI Themes make sure to double check the applied Color Scheme as well (if you need to use your custom one).
Useful shortcut: View | Quick Switch Scheme -- it will bring a popup menu that allows quickly switching different themes and schemes.
I migrated from VS2017 to VS2019. One thing that I noticed in dark theme is that the keywords "for, if, return" are white in color. Before, they used to be blue.
I went to Environment -> Fonts and Colors. No matter what I change for the C++ fonts, these ones are always white. What display item should I be clicking to change them back to blue?
You can change the color for these keywords by going to
Tools -> Options.. -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors -> C++ Keyword - Control
and selecting the color of your choice.
Ok so basically I'm trying to change the color theme of the text editor for the code. I write in c++ and I saw a "palette" online that I really like : The colors I would like to apply somehow
But my text isn't like that and when I write comments it's green which I really don't like. Like this: The colors on my text editor
You can change the display colours (as well as fonts, sizes and many other characteristics) via the Options command from the Tools menu.
Select/Expand the Environment node in the left-hand panel of the displayed dialog box, then select Fonts and Colors. It should look something like this:
You can select colours for individual C/C++ syntax elements. by scrolling through the list in the Display Items list (there are quite a number of them).
Note: This is the system for Visual Studio 2019; other versions may be slightly different, but the general principle should hold true.
Alternatively, you may like to try the Visual Studio Color Theme Designer - but I don't use this and haven't tested it.
I want to use a light theme in WebStorm 2017.1 but for some reason the editor tabs are always dark.
I can change the font colour but that also changes it in the project tree view which has a white background.
The theme under Appearance is set to IntelliJ and the editor theme is set to default but I have tried it with many combinations.
Is this a bug or is there a setting I haven't found yet?
The issue was caused by the Material Theme plugin, disabled it and everything looks fine.
Thanks to #LazyOne for pointing me in the right direction.
I want to know if exist templates to add text on photoshop like in the following pictures:
Could you suggest some pages where I can study and try those effects ?
Step1: Find the fonts. Search on font sites for similiar fonts or try to cut out the font and upload it to or
Step2: just play around with blending options and stuff.
from what I can see it's these settings you want too look at:
"Notche Latina": Gradient overlay, white stroke and black dropshadow.
"photo recoblablabla": inner shadow and might be in overlay-mode or something
"Festival de la bira": once again, white stroke
First make a layer adjust the objcet on layer as per your requirement.
Add some effects from filter gallery if you required (or layer style).
Click on the text toolbar type your text (required text).Then to apply effects
right click on text layer and click on rasterize you can add effects from the filter gallery to the text.(or Layer style eg-inner shadows,bevel and emboss).