Add text to a picture using photoshop - templates

I want to know if exist templates to add text on photoshop like in the following pictures:
Could you suggest some pages where I can study and try those effects ?

Step1: Find the fonts. Search on font sites for similiar fonts or try to cut out the font and upload it to or
Step2: just play around with blending options and stuff.
from what I can see it's these settings you want too look at:
"Notche Latina": Gradient overlay, white stroke and black dropshadow.
"photo recoblablabla": inner shadow and might be in overlay-mode or something
"Festival de la bira": once again, white stroke

First make a layer adjust the objcet on layer as per your requirement.
Add some effects from filter gallery if you required (or layer style).
Click on the text toolbar type your text (required text).Then to apply effects
right click on text layer and click on rasterize you can add effects from the filter gallery to the text.(or Layer style eg-inner shadows,bevel and emboss).


how to change apache superset's chart's background color?

Per How to Change Apache Superset Template from the Superset User Interface? , I was able to change the CSS template for Superset dashboard. But the charts inside the dashboard are not affected. e.g. most of the charts have white colored background(e.g. Piechart) and some people dislike it. How to change the chart background color? I mean change it for all charts or for one chart.
Disclaimer: This should work, but is a bit hacky and could have long-term support implications:
I've been fiddling with a "dark mode" dashboard just to kick the tires on this. Here's a screenshot just for fun:
So... what did I do?
Click "Edit Dashboard" in the top right of your screenshot
When in edit mode, the top right menu has an option to "Edit CSS"
Use your browser's inspector to hack away! That said, here are a couple of key ingredients:
.dashboard-component{ background: whatever} - sets the main background of each viz card, but you'll still see many components still have white backgrounds within these wrappers.
.slice_container svg{
background-color: transparent !important;
} - this overrides the white background of the components I ran into (including Pie charts!).
If viz components use SVG you can get pretty clever with inspecting/overriding various bits. A couple of gotchas with the above:
If a viz component contains multiple SVG elements, this may have side effects.
If a viz uses canvas instead of svg you will run into more trouble
In the worst case scenario, you may need to check out the superset-ui-plugins repo and make tweaks. This dev process isn't super straightforward, but some of us are working to improve that.
Easiest solution for me is using dark reader extension.

Inkscape color areas

I have created a dog with open paths. Now I have to color it but I can't simply change the fill color because the paths are open.
I tried to combine the paths, create a new rectangle on the bottom and divide them but it does not work.
I need something like "live painting" in adobe illustrator:
That's my graphic(there's no fill, all the pieces are divided):
What can I do?
You can use the path effect 'Fill between many'.
A tutorial by Mark Crutch for it is available in the Ubuntu Full Circle Magazine, issue 127:

Is it possible to use OpenCV TemplateMatching with a patch images dimensions or background color only?

I am using OpenCV on iOS to detect a rectangular label to assist users in snapping a photo of that label. I have an overlay that presents once the matches threshold is met.
My question is, does that patch image used have to be exact? The labels I am detecting have text on them that vary from label to label. All the same font but different characters. Is it possible to train OpenCV with a patch images color and/or size/dimensions? Or is there perhaps another way around this issue?
Here is a close example to the labels Im scanning, EXCEPT THERE ARE NO ICONS AND ALL ONE FONT TYPE.
Here is the tutorial I am following, which is achieved with an image of a target.

Why are disabled buttons using high depth colour in CToolBar are just grey boxes?

I've followed the steps from this question:
Higher color depth for MFC toolbar icons?
The code works. But I have another problem - any disabled buttons are just grey boxes.
Once they are enabled - they are exactly as they should be.
I suspect that the CToolBar doesn't know how to grey out the supplied images - can anyone help?
thanks in advance.
CToolBar actually accepts up to three imagelists each to handle the normal, disabled and highlighted states of the button.
To accomplish what I need - just normal and disabled button states. I need two images. One with normal coloured icons and the other with greyed out icons.
Add the images as Bitmap resources to your project - amend and make note of the IDs
Create two imagelists and set them accordingly: (m_wndToolBar is the toolbar in my project)
CImageList imgListActive;
CImageList imgListDisabled;
/* Load your CImageLists */
To set the highlighted versions of the toolbar:
CImageList imgListHighlighted;
/* Load your CImageList */
et voila!
Usually two things are necessary to get the high color buttons and the correctly greyed out images:
Always edit the .bmp file for the toolbar outside of VisualStudio.
Add the images to MFC using a call to CMFCToolBar::AddToolBarForImageCollection(IDR_MAINFRAME); in your InitInstance() implementation.
Unfortunately this also means that you have to edit the Toolbar definition directly in the .rc resource file of the application.

what's the best way to display images in qt? also I would like to zoom in to particular areas as well

I've been using label to display images. I'd like to be able to click and create a bounding box then be able to drag the cursor to move around in the image. What would I need to do this? Thanks.
I'm not 100% sure I understand what you are trying to do, but I think the QGraphicsScene is what you are looking for. You can (among many other things):
Render images (QGraphicsPixmapItem, for example)
Change the zoom level when rendering the scene on a QGraphicsView.
Select things using a "rubber band"
Move items around with the mouse (see QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable)
You may need to get familiar with Qt's graphics view framework.