show / Hide Checkbox in apex5.0 - oracle-apex

I have created a PI, :P1_ID defined as checkbox and added a DA to update a field on specific criteria.
On form, have a :P1_REF_NAME which contain the emailAdd of user who has login
e.g app_user = TESTUSER
I want to do something like that the checkbox option should be hidden / disable when User who login access his own record.
Any idea, How is it possible to do that pls?

If P1_REF_NAME contains the username then you could put a Condition on the item of type PL/SQL with expression
Then the item will not be rendered for the user's own record.
However, in your case it seems that the item contains a different value, i.e. the email address associated with the user. Presumably this is held in some table. In that case you can use a condition of type "SQL Not Exists" with an expression something like:
select null
from my_user_table
where username = :APP_USER
and email_address = :P1_REF_NAME


Rules - how to check if user has role(s)

In the module Rules, I try to check if a user has role(s).
So, I add a condition "User has role(s)". In the field "Data selector" (in data selection mode), I add node.uid.entity, in the field roles, I add my
roles ("seller, "buyer"), in the field match roles, I add "OR".
I click on save.
I got this error:
"Expected a entity:user data type for context User but got a entity_reference data type instead."
I don't understand what to put in the field "Data selector".

Opencart 1.5.x (may be 2.0), how to put first/last name on any template (not registered user)

Checkout page.
Not registered user.
I need to put first/last user name on custom template (this is custom payment tpl of some small bank).
I now, how do it for registered users, it is easy:
$this->data['firstname'] = $this->customer->getFirstName();
But how to do it for not registerd user?
I can't put first/last name.
Presumably your template will only be displayed after they have placed their order but the order is still in the session?
If this is the case, you can get their details from the payment details (or shipping details depending on which one you want) in the session cookie.
So it would be something like:
$this->data['firstname'] = $this->session->data['guest']['payment']['firstname'];
This is true too:
echo ($this->data['firstname'] = $this->session->data['guest']['firstname']);
echo ($this->data['lastname'] = $this->session->data['guest']['lastname']);
echo ($this->data['email'] = $this->session->data['guest']['email']);
echo ($this->data['telephone'] = $this->session->data['guest']['telephone']);

How to check status of invitation?

For each User I want to display his invitation status:
"Invitation Sent" or "Invitation Accepted"
Currently I just check if a field encrypted_password in Users table contains anything.
If it is not - then a user did not registered (accepted an invitation) yet but it was sent to him (otherwise this user's record would not exist in DB)
Is there a more elegant way to do it?
Yes you should take a
column in user table which contains default value "false". Now you just have to do is when user get registered that time you just change value to "true".
when ever you want to check is user registered? just do
#user.is_registered? or current_user.is_registered?
this returns true/false

Wizard input - DB View - Dynamic where clause

I was trying to pass where condition values onto a database view.
View was created in init method of class defined.
Input to where clause was taken from a popped up wizard.
Issue is that the wizard form values are inserted into model bound database table.
This is happening on all submits.
Currently I am reading the latest record from table on wizard input.
And the view definition is modified to generate result set based on latest input record from wizard table.
select v.col1, v.expre2
from view_name v,
( select fld1, fld2 from wizrd_tbl_1 order by id desc limit 1 ) as w
v.colM between w.fld1 and w.fld2
Currently I am following the above sequence of steps and results are fetched.
But I think, this would fail if at least two users are using the same wizard concurrently.
How can I change my approach, so that
1. Wizard input is not sent to database table,
2. The inputs are sent to a where clause dynamically and the result set is bound to a List View
As a summary, I was trying to:
Creates a database view joining multiple table.
Take user input ( and saves in db table, which is not expected and
not required ).
Pass the user input to db view's where clause. ( Any alternative to wizard ? )
Bind the result set to List View
It is definitely a bad idea to morph a database view based on user input, when that view is likely to be accessed by multiple users.
The 'correct' way to do this would be to have a static database view which contains all possible records from the joined tables, and then filter that data for individual users by generating a "domain" and redirecting the user to a tree view with that domain applied.
You can redirect the user by creating a <button type="object"> which calls a function such as the below:
def action_get_results(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}):
# Redirect user to results
my_domain = ['&', ('col1','=','testval'), ('col2','>',33)]
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'name': 'Search Results',
'view_mode': 'tree',
'res_model': '',
'target': 'new', # or 'current'
'context': context,
'domain': my_domain,

how to verify email through link in rails4 application

How to verify email through link.
I have user edit profile and it is showing user email.I want to give one link to verify email.I do not what to do.
Add one column to your
User Model : email_verification and by default set to zero (0).
Then using persistence_token create a URL and sent to that specific email address. If you dnt have persistence_token as column in your User model then you can add custom column of your choice like verify_email_token as column name and stored 50 random string.
o = [('a'..'z'),('A'..'Z'),('0'..'9')].map{|i| i.to_a}.flatten
string = (0...50).map{ o[rand(o.length)] }.join
URL example : ;
When user click on that link, internally call function like VerifyEmailAddress and in that method update email_verification column by one (1).