how to verify email through link in rails4 application - ruby-on-rails-4

How to verify email through link.
I have user edit profile and it is showing user email.I want to give one link to verify email.I do not what to do.

Add one column to your
User Model : email_verification and by default set to zero (0).
Then using persistence_token create a URL and sent to that specific email address. If you dnt have persistence_token as column in your User model then you can add custom column of your choice like verify_email_token as column name and stored 50 random string.
o = [('a'..'z'),('A'..'Z'),('0'..'9')].map{|i| i.to_a}.flatten
string = (0...50).map{ o[rand(o.length)] }.join
URL example : ;
When user click on that link, internally call function like VerifyEmailAddress and in that method update email_verification column by one (1).


show / Hide Checkbox in apex5.0

I have created a PI, :P1_ID defined as checkbox and added a DA to update a field on specific criteria.
On form, have a :P1_REF_NAME which contain the emailAdd of user who has login
e.g app_user = TESTUSER
I want to do something like that the checkbox option should be hidden / disable when User who login access his own record.
Any idea, How is it possible to do that pls?
If P1_REF_NAME contains the username then you could put a Condition on the item of type PL/SQL with expression
Then the item will not be rendered for the user's own record.
However, in your case it seems that the item contains a different value, i.e. the email address associated with the user. Presumably this is held in some table. In that case you can use a condition of type "SQL Not Exists" with an expression something like:
select null
from my_user_table
where username = :APP_USER
and email_address = :P1_REF_NAME

How can i change the name in admin magento?

I want to change the name in the admin magento,i'm trying but not ok
Go to your Database search the table- "admin_user" here you can add Admin Username and Password manually by clicking Insert link or you can add by MySQL query- UPDATE admin_user SET password = MD5('NEWPASSWORD') WHERE username = 'ADMINUSERNAME'; . If you forgot the Database name, find from here- /app/etc/local.xml and open the code then search DB here.
First you have to run this Query on your database:
INSERT INTO `core_config_data` (`scope`, `scope_id`, `path`, `value`)
VALUES ('websites', '0', 'dev/debug/template_hints', '1');
This Query will ON the admin path hint.
After this refresh your customer page and check the specific file for titles. Open the file and change the names.

Django form for multiple user settings

I have an application where each user can have several email id's.(Assume these emails are stored in a list)
Associated with each email, I have a fixed number of settings, which I can retrieve/save by a:
" = 'value' "
I want the user to be able to change the settings for all the emails simultaneously and then submit all the changes, as shown in the following figure :
How can I achieve this in Django?
Should I have separate forms/views or can I implement this in a single go?

Load dynamic HTML to display custom template

I own a small website that display to the users an html template (with css). Each user can change the template (customizable).
By default i have a template i copy everytime to a new user or if i get nice template (high rates) users can choose it.
instead of copying the template over and over, is there an easy way for me to create 1 template and then when the page load, it shows on the user page and then he can interact (ajax calls, href links etc...)
for example:
new user logged for the first time, the "user license agreement" shows then he click accept and his page shows up. this "home" page has forms, links, images etc... using a default template. that is the one i want to load dynamically instead of copying this template to each users.
why: i found HTML error in the page and now i need to copy this template to 127 users ... which is a pain.
i am using LAMP
yes using jQuery!
$('#divID').load('pathToHTMLTemplate') is your answer as long as you have the html file stored on same domain :)
This will fetch the html template using ajax and append its content to the div you want. It can also be 'body'.
Here is the documentation which should tell you everything you need to.
Once the template is loaded you can load the user specific data using ajax or any app server you are using. .load function provides a callback:
$('#divID').load('pathToHTMLTemplate', function(){
// now the template is loaded and you can maniupulate it further or load user specific data
It sounds to me (just going off of your post) that you have a directory somewhere with a bunch of files "user1.html", "user2.html" or something similar. All of these are either the same or similar, since they're basically the same template.
My recommendation:
Have a database table (or a flat file, but I recommend a database table) that maps a user ID (or name, however you have them arranged) to a template. For example, if user1 and user2 use template_default.html, but user3 uses template_popular.html, you would have the following in your database:
Then in whatever code is currently deciding which page to show the user, change it to pull the user's chosen template out of the database and display that instead. So then you only have 1 or 2 pages instead of 127.
If the user is allowed to make edits to their template, that could be stored as metadata in the table as well, then you could use substitution parameters to add it into the template.
MySQL table:
CREATE TABLE user_templates (
`user` varchar(100),
template varchar(100)
Upon receiving a new user:
INSERT INTO user_templates(`user`,template) VALUES("<username>","default_template.html");
Upon user choosing a new template:
UPDATE user_templates set template = "<new template>" WHERE `user` = "<username>";
Upon user loading the user's page (this done in php):
$template = "default_template.html";
$query = "SELECT template FROM user_templates WHERE `user` = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($username) . "\"";
$result = mysql_query($query,$databaseHandle);
if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$template = mysql_result($result,0,"template");
// 1st way to do it
$pageToLoad = "$template";
header("Location: $pageToLoad");
// 2nd way, if you want it embedded in a page somewhere
$directory = "/var/www/site/templates/$template";
$pageContents = file_get_contents($directory);
print "<div id=\"userPage\">$pageContents</div>";
I assume you mean that you have an HTML file that is customized for each user (look, feel, etc):
Then you would have a file that has all of your ajax calls, links, etc that you want for each user:
What you need to do is
Ensure jQuery is downloaded and included on each of your User Theme Pages.
Add this code snipplet to each of your User Theme Pages:
(where #myDiv is the div ID on the template page that you want to load the controls into
and User-Controls.html is the path to the html file containing the controls you want to load

Is it possible to use CFLDAP to retrieve all the users from a distribution group with only the group email address?

I'd like to use CFLDAP to retrieve all the users in a certain distribution group used by Exchange. If this is possible, what do I use for the 'filter' attribute of CFLDAP? Also, if all I have is the email address for the group (e.g. ''), can I still get the user information, or do I need the name of the group that uses that email address?
For example, what would I put in the block below?
<cfldap server = ""
action = "query"
name = "ldap2"
start = "dc=foo,dc=example,dc=com"
attributes = "givenName,sn,sAMAccountName,mail,employeeID,dn"
password="12345" >
To get the Group name from the email address, I used Active Directory Explorer. I'm sure there is a way to query for it as well.
Once I had the group name, I created my filter for CFLDAP: (&(objectClass=user)(memberOf=cn=Sales,ou=Email Distribution Groups,dc=foo,dc=example,dc=com))
So the resulting CFLDAP query looks like:
<cfldap server = ""
action = "query"
name = "ldap2"
start = "dc=foo,dc=example,dc=com"
attributes = "givenName,sn,sAMAccountName,mail,employeeID,dn"
filter="(&(objectClass=user)(memberOf=cn=Sales,ou=Email Distribution Groups,dc=foo,dc=example,dc=com))"
password="12345" >
a filter is not required when using cfldap in my experience. What happens when you run the query without a filter?
If I understand your question correctly, you can modify the start attribute with the specific Group dn, and not just the Root dn, it should only return the info from that group. If there is an attribute that points to users that are members of that group, make sure you include that in the attribute list.
If you dont modify the start attribute, your filter would be something like (cn=groupname) that points to the group you want.