Unable to compile QT Create Quick Application Project - c++

I am new to QT Creator and I have installed QT Creator 5.6.2 with MinGW 4.9.2 32bit. I have a problem compiling a quick application project as it always shows this error message:
Could not create directory "C:\Users\Hello\Documents\Error in " Util.asciify("build-untitled-Desktop_Qt_5_6_2_MinGW_32bit-Debug")": TypeError: Property 'asciify' of object Core::Internal::UtilsJsExtension(0xb05718) is not a function"
Error while building/deploying project untitled (kit: Desktop Qt 5.6.2 MinGW 32bit)
When executing step "qmake"

By chance I stumbled across the exact same issue today on a native Ubuntu computer and I found the solution here:
"Please go to Preferences > Build & Run > General and click "reset" behind "Default build directory". Looks like this is an incompatibility when using Qt Creator 4.3 without having used Qt Creator 4.2 before, and then going to Qt Creator 4.2 instead."
I thought to share the solution, because it seems to be a quite undocumented issue!

I am a beginer in QT but it is easy to solve...
Just go to Projects and change the content at Build Directory for a valid directory.
Good Luck


Trying to build a Qt project on a raspberry pi, why is it throwing errors about qmake?

I have a C++ Qt 5 project that was written, tested, and built on a windows machine. It works perfectly there. I also have to make the project work on a Linux environment and I was handed a raspberry pi 3 model b. I managed to get Qt 5 on it (I think) and I definitely got Qt creator working on it. Whenever I try to build it, I get an error that states something along the lines of:
Error while building/deploying project projectName (kit: Desktop)
When executing step 'qmake'
I'm new to Qt and raspberry pi, can someone tell me how to fix this problem?
I fixed the problem myself. Turns out the kit wasn't seeing GCC so I had to add the GCC compiler in the settings and tell the kit to use GCC.

Building the 2009.5 QT project

I have gotten a legacy project written in 2010.
Currently I have QT 5.7.0 (Windows 10). QT Creator fails to build the project with following error:
:-1: error: dependent 'c:\Qt\2009.05\qt\mkspecs\win32-g++\qmake.conf' does not exist.
All the links that were pointing to 2009.05 installation I found seems to be dead.
So I need a recommendation how to build the project - it could be a link to a
"2009.05" or some advice for the porting.
Basically I don't have to add much improvements there so it doesn't meter if I have to use old libs or new ones.
I could switch to another IDE if it could ease the porting process.

cannot compile any application in Qt5 on Windows7

I have installed Qt Creator 4.0.1 (based on Qt 5.6.1) on Windows 7 (64 bit), it finds two kits (Desktop Qt 5.6.1 MCVS2013 64bit2 and Desktop Qt 5.7.0 MCVS2013 64bit), both have two debuggers to choose (MinGW or Debugging tools for windows). So everything seems to be OK, but whenever I press Run for any simple application from examples, the Build indicator goes red, and then disappears, and the exe-file is not created, but IDE does not give any explanation to the reason why.
I'm new to Qt and really want to find out what I am doing wrong and get started with it. The error output is as follows:
Cannot find file: D:\рабочее\БГУИР\qt\first\myfirst\myfirst.pro.
12:30:54: The process "C:\Qt\5.7\msvc2013_64\bin\qmake.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project myfirst (kit: Desktop Qt 5.7.0 MSVC2013 64bit)
When executing step "qmake"
Maybe the Cyrillic charset causes the problem?
There has to be an output of some kind somewhere. If not under the debug tab "issues", then perhaps "Compile output".
I know that on Linux if you are running a QT example, you have to make sure you have made a copy of the code instead of running it in place. Otherwise, Qt will try to create a build folder under /opt and fail due to permission. You could also specify such a build folder when you configure the project. I am not sure whether on Windows it is going to be an issue, but it's a good place to check.
Hope this helps.

Missing compiler in Qt Creator

I recently installed Qt creator 2.8.1 online on my win Vista 32 bit machine.
To start with Qt I wrote simple pushbutton code. And when I tried to build it shows error message saying
Qt Creator needs compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in kit
I tried with that Kit option din't work. what do I do?
PS Thank You
Simply refer to MINGW online install available at Qt's official downloads( http://download.qt-project.org/). You need not do anything. It will automatically detect an kits and will compile successfully.

QtCreator: process jom.exe exited with code 3

I had a working C++/Qt application. I updated MinGW, Qt and Qt Creator to the latest versions, and now I get an error at compile time. This error does not seem to be due to my code, but to the build system.
17:11:15: Running steps for project MyTest...
17:11:15: Starting: "C:\Qt\qtcreator-2.6.0\bin\jom.exe" clean
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
17:11:20: The process "C:\Qt\qtcreator-2.6.0\bin\jom.exe" exited with code 3.
In the project settings there is the message "qmake: No Qt version set. Cannot run qmake."
My source code is just what you get automatically when you create a new application.
I updated the system environment path with the new Qt and QtCreator directories.
I do not know what else to do...
Thank you!
Windows 7
Qt 4.8.4
Qt Creator 2.6.0 (based on Qt 4.8.3 32 bit)
Please go to Tools->Options->Build & Run->Kits and check that there is a Qt version set up in the kit you are using.
If not, then check the Qt versions creator detected in Tools->Options->Build & Run->Qt versions. Is the version you want to use there? If not: Add it here.
Then return to the kits page and set one of the kits to use that version. Double check the other information while there.
Now you should be able to build your project. You might need to close/reopen it though.
Initial setup seems to be a bit bumpy... but it works really well once you get over that initial hurdle:-( There are quite some improvements in the next update for this. Check the Qt 5 RC2 packages, the creator included there already contain most of the fixes if you are curious).