Building the 2009.5 QT project - c++

I have gotten a legacy project written in 2010.
Currently I have QT 5.7.0 (Windows 10). QT Creator fails to build the project with following error:
:-1: error: dependent 'c:\Qt\2009.05\qt\mkspecs\win32-g++\qmake.conf' does not exist.
All the links that were pointing to 2009.05 installation I found seems to be dead.
So I need a recommendation how to build the project - it could be a link to a
"2009.05" or some advice for the porting.
Basically I don't have to add much improvements there so it doesn't meter if I have to use old libs or new ones.
I could switch to another IDE if it could ease the porting process.


Unable to compile QT Create Quick Application Project

I am new to QT Creator and I have installed QT Creator 5.6.2 with MinGW 4.9.2 32bit. I have a problem compiling a quick application project as it always shows this error message:
Could not create directory "C:\Users\Hello\Documents\Error in " Util.asciify("build-untitled-Desktop_Qt_5_6_2_MinGW_32bit-Debug")": TypeError: Property 'asciify' of object Core::Internal::UtilsJsExtension(0xb05718) is not a function"
Error while building/deploying project untitled (kit: Desktop Qt 5.6.2 MinGW 32bit)
When executing step "qmake"
By chance I stumbled across the exact same issue today on a native Ubuntu computer and I found the solution here:
"Please go to Preferences > Build & Run > General and click "reset" behind "Default build directory". Looks like this is an incompatibility when using Qt Creator 4.3 without having used Qt Creator 4.2 before, and then going to Qt Creator 4.2 instead."
I thought to share the solution, because it seems to be a quite undocumented issue!
I am a beginer in QT but it is easy to solve...
Just go to Projects and change the content at Build Directory for a valid directory.
Good Luck

Build (compile) a basic standalone .exe application using Qt-creator on Windows 8

I have installed Qt-5.7 on windows 8 because I couldn't build my released .exe from Linux (my favorite) in order to be used on Windows OS even after searching a lot on internet (Where there have to be cross-compilation...). After the installation, I just want to make sure that I can build/run a first application (one of the examples provided by default by Qt-creator "filesystembrows") and I have follow the official guide in order to build Qt as shared libraries, but the issue is that when I type the first command line I get: 'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command' Also it still show the same message even though a update the variable environment of the system with C:\Qt\Qt5.7.0\5.7\mingw53_32\bin which one is the default path set-up when installing Qt on windows. Any help just to make a stand alone .exe for Windows (as shared libraries ) please
Why not build your project by using qtcreator ?
Did you test your build environnement by making a test application with qtcreator ?
P.S.: If you want, I can explain how to build application using Visual Studio as a compiler and QtCreator as an IDE.
nmake is a build tool provided with Visual Studio and with Windows SDK. You don't have it, apparently.
It seems you're using a mingw build of Qt; it comes with a bundled copy of mingw. There, the build tool is simply called make.

How to get Qt working on the blackberry playbook

I am completely frustrated because I have been trying to install Qt on Blackberry Playbook for over a month now. I have followed every single tutorial out there (so much that every time I google Qt and playbook, all links are purple instead of blue). I have downloaded Qt-everywhere source code and tried to compile it using the flags found here, but it tells me that it cannot install opengl, sqlite etc, so I use the --continue option with ./configure and that too crashes saying that it can't find qcc.
I have noticed a Qt library directory when browsing incudes in the qnx IDE, in the project explorer. The thing is when i write a Qt application it can't find the headers.
So Please Help, anyone who has done this in the RECENT past . ps. i am new to cross compiling on linux systems.
Probably quite late to say, but I have created a BlackBerry Native Plugin for Visual Studio 2015, where you can develop apps for BlackBerry PlayBook and Qt in particular.
Simply create new project "Other Languages / BlackBerry Projects / Qt / PlayBook - Qt4 Core Application" and you are ready to go. It downloads all required libraries via NuGet during first build.

Android Dex: trouble processing "javax/transaction/xa/XAException.class":

I am trying to build my project in the new Android Studio IDE and am unable to. I get this error but I cannot find where this class is being used.
I found this:!topic/android-platform/abxNKTFkuj8
According to that page it is caused by the IDE trying to build the android.jar library. However I can't find a reference to it n my Project Structure dialog.
Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 in Android 4?
None of my classes start with the java.* prefix.
This is my project lib view:
It seems as though something is different with Android Studio, my project builds fine with both Ant and Eclipse.
The problem was related to ActionBarSherlock being built and using the support-v4 library too. The solution was to change the dependencies in the Library settings in Android Studio. Since I was already including ActionBarSherlock as a jar I just excluded it from being built at all.
This question helped: Intellij: android-support-v4.jar in included in actionBarSherlock and Project => IllegalArgumentException

Developing QT applications in Xcode?

My IDE of choice for the Mac (at least for C++ and Objective-C development) is Xcode. I have a 64-bit Intel Mac with OS X Lion installed, and Xcode version 4.2 downloaded from the Mac App Store.
My problem is that Qt is apparently not compatible with Xcode 4 (it crashes when launching projects generated by qmake), so I'm basically asking how I can integrate Qt with Xcode. I don't have to be able to run and debug the project from Xcode, just build it.
So I thought it might be a solution to use qmake as an external build system within Xcode, the problem is that I have no idea how to set up qmake as my build system, so that I can develop my Qt applications in Xcode 4.
Please help me! :)
Google shows up many pages, but this Qt4 with Xcode page appeared at first glance to be a fairly definitive resource. However, it was last changed in 2006.
Please check out:
There is a much more recent Qt Developer Network forum post that seems to have good info in it. Specifically, this reply from August 19, 2011 gives a complete recipe.
Update 25/05/2016:
The first two links are now dead, and not archived due to robots.txt.
However, I've updated the link to the forum post.
And here's a copy of emiguel's answer. It is now 5 years old, so I don't know how current it still is.
To solve my problem I did the following.
First I`m going to have a subproject in Qt that mantains the graphical interface, I created this project as a C++ library, so I could include this in the main project.
The main project is a C++ project in Xcode (which is a plugin template with a lot of configurations).
Second, I ported the Qt project to Xcode using the spec macx-xcode parameter.
Third, having both projects in Xcode, I can attatch the library (in Qt) to the main project. To do this, right click in the xcode project and click in the "existing file..." option, select the xcodeproj file from the Qt project. Finally add the library to the linkage phase, this is done by dragging the lib file, wich is under the xcodeproj file, to the "Targets" section in the "Link binary with Libraries".
Fourth, import the Qt framewoks to the main project, to do that, right click in the main project, click in add a existing framework, select the Qt features used by the project (ex. QtSDK/lib/QtCore.framework)
And finally, add the header and library paths in the main project. Click in project menu->project settings, set the header search paths option with the Qt headers (ex QtSDK/include//) and the library search paths (ex QtSDK/lib//**).
That's all, now I can instantiate my own Qt widgets from the C++ project.
Note: I have to do an additional step because my target was i386 and the downloaded Qt version were 64 bit, so I downloaded the sources and compiled it for i386.
Now I have another problems about drawing inner the plugin... but I think that will be for another post.
Thanks a lot for your help
Finally, current information on building Qt in Xcode is available in Qt for OS X - which is too long to copy here, and will be maintained and updated by Qt...