Facebook authentication by ionic cloud - facebook-graph-api

The photoHas anyone done facebook authentication using ionic cloud before?
Why is my signup false?
this.loginDetails = await this.facebook.login();
The signup turns out false.


angular-oauth2-oidc silent refresh is throwing error with wso2 apim

We are using angular-oauth2-oidc (5.0.2) on the frontend with WSO2 API Manager (4.0) on backend for authentication. We are able to complete the login work flow. But when we trigger silentRefresh() on oauthService to extend the session, it is returning error as "Authentication required".
On some debugging we found out that some of the cookies saved at login are not being sent at refresh request, but not sure if that is the issue.
Any insights are helpful, thanks.

AWS Cognito Login & Signup using google

Currently I have Signin and Signup functionality using username and password via AWS SDK and https://www.npmjs.com/package/amazon-cognito-identity-js
As the next step I want to enable social login as well like google and I have created client and enabled google as well and its working fine using hosted UI.
I want to integrate it programmatically. How can I do that, I have no idea for next step?
The social login feature is supported through OAuth2.0+OIDC. Use the amplify auth package or any OIDC client (such as AppAuth) to handle the OAuth flow. You can pass an additional query string parameter identity_provider on the authorization URI to redirect the user to your IDP so they won't be presented with the IDP selection screen.

how to integrate keycloak with django and angular

i am using keycloak to login to my angular app instead of django rest API (simple token based authentication ) and i am following this below procedure and flow. so is correct? and i was using simple token(never expire) to for my django API from angular app, after implementing keycloak do i need to use jwt in angular app?
angular web page
click on login
went to keycloak login
login successful
and keycloak returned to angular app with access key, id token , refresh token etc..
what is the next flow , what i need to send to django API from angular app to verify the user if so how to do user.is_authenticated if user sigin up through keycloak because i dont have any user instance in my local django user model. what i need to send from django to angular my old token or keycloak token?
is there any django remote authentication required?
remote middleware required?
any help or suggestion please.

Using WSO2 not allow to login any identity provider(Facebook or Gmail) at second time if we try to login

I am new to work with wso2.
I am using Facebook or Gmail identity provider to get authenticate using travelocity application.
At First time wso2 redirect to Facebook login page or Gmail login page by which i want to login.
But at second time wso2 do not redirect to Facebook or Gmail login page direct shows home.jsp page with profile information of Facebook or Gmail.
My question is: What should i do if i logout then try to login then wso2 redirect us Facebook or Gmail login page.
This basically happens when you have the previous session stored in the browser and SAML logout has not happened properly.
Have you tried the logout button in the Travelocity app? Where did you find this smaple. Better to build and take the app from here https://github.com/wso2/product-is/tree/master/modules/samples/sso/sso-agent-sample
Futhermore, we do have two more SAML samples if you want to try. You can find them here https://github.com/wso2/samples-is/tree/master/sso-samples/saml2-sso-sample

After user removes application access to his LinkedIn profile, next OAuth2 reauthorization fails

I'm using django application with python-social-auth responsible for integration with Linkedin OAuth2 API.
Linkedin returns 500 server error:
"error_description":"the authorization server encountered an unexpected condition : Unable to retrieve access token"
Steps to reproduce:
Create new LinkedIn app with OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs set to http://localhost/complete/linkedin-oauth2/?
Setup django app with python-social-auth module:
Run Django server on port 80 and go to: http://localhost/login/linkedin-oauth2/
Go to Linkedin Settings, choose Groups, Companies & Applications > View your applications, select your application name and submit Remove
Logout user from your Django app and start authentication again: http://localhost/login/linkedin-oauth2/
There's a discussion about this issue on the LinkedIn forums.
Apparently this can happen if you move from OAuth1 to OAuth2.
The proposed remedy until they resolve the problem is to create a new authentication key for our applications.