WSO2 Application server Security option - web-services

I'm trying to build an application with a WSO2 Application server and Identity server.
the soap server which is based on Axis2 Framework needs to have WS-Trust based Authentication. For learning, I'm following this blog
At the 14th steps, I have to click on security but In latest WSO2 Application server I'm not able to find how to enable the Security feature.
I'm using 5.3.0 Version of Application Server
As you can see there is no link on Unsecured for HelloWorld Service.
I'm I missing anything?

All the WSO2 products based on carbon kernel 4.4.x doesn't contain QoS features. WSO2 AS 5.3.0 is based on kernel version 4.4.x and therefore it is not supported. You can use WSO2 Developer Studio in order to apply QoS features


Unable to download WSO2 Business Process Server

When I Try to download WSO2 Process Server, It redirects me to API Manager.
The link is
Is the WSO2 Process Server deprecated?
WSO2 Business Process Server(BPS) is now deprecated and discontinued. But you can still use it. WSO2 BPS was merged to WSO2 Enterprise Integrator a couple of years back as a different runtime. So if you want to use BPS capabilities you can download WSO2 EI from here and start the Business Process Profile. You can read more about the BPS Profile here.
Yes, the product is not available now.
You can migrate to EI 6.6.0 if you are using WSO2 BPS 3.6.0 -
In the latest EI/MI versions do not come with the BPS solution.
It's best to migrate to Micro-integrator 4.1.0 and use the latest capabilities of the enterprise integration. Micro-integrator is the latest version of the WSO2 ESB platform. However, it does not support BPS capabilities as moving forward, WSO2 will continue to provide only the interprise integration capabilities through the platform and for some of the features such as Message Broker and BPS have been deprecated. For use cases on Message Broker and BPS, you need to integrate with 3rd party products such as Camunda (for BPS) and RabbitMQ (for Message Broker).

WSO2 IS 5.10 SAML2 Toolkit Missing

I am running WSO2 IS 5.10 on [Linux 4.4.0-176-generic x86_64] and am logged in using the built in admin account. I need to troubleshoot a SAML Request generated from the testing of an IdP and SP that I have setup. I would like to use the SAML2 Toolkit from the Tools tab, but that functionality is missing. I remember this functionality being available in my 5.09 setup. Has this functionality been removed with 5.10 or is there a configuration that needs to be updated to make this available?
Image of carbon UI
You have to add a SAML enabled service provider first in that version in order to use the tool.

WSO DSS 3.5.0 Quality of Service Configuration Panel empty

Kinda new to WSO products. Installed WSO DSS 3.5.0 and created a simple test data service following all the instructions on WSO documentation. it is working fine except I can not find out how to implement the security for data service as mentioned in the documentation :
The problem is that Quality Of Service Configuration Panel is empty in my web console and no menu exists there for security or anything else except the edit data service menu as you can see :
Spending a full day reading docs searching googling etc for the solution I have not found any..
Anyone else facing this same issue? should I activate it in features somehow or is there another product needed to be installed together with DSS for this to work?
WSO2 DSS 3.5.0 is carbon kernel 4.4.x based product. From kernel 4.4.x on wards QoS features are removed from the kernel.
You have to use WSO2 Developer Studio to implemnet QoS for the requirement.

WSO2 Enterprise Store - how can I add mobile apps?

I'm trying out the beta/unreleased code for EMM 2.0 (which I believe is now MDM) and I undestand that the mobile app store and publisher function have been moved to Enterprise Store, however I'm unable to see/add mobile apps - I only see Gadgets and Sites.
I was looking for the source in case I missed the plugin, but at I only see Gadgets and Sites.
Can someone tell me how to enable mobile apps and/or point me to the mobile app plugin source?
FYI, I installed ES from and also master branch from the following:
You can use WSO2 App Manager,
Please read this doc to integrate it with WSO2 EMM
WSO2 is working on integrating app management features with WSO2 EMM 2.0.0. Device and App Management both features will be shipped with EMM 2.0.0 once it is released.

Deploying Different WSO2 product as single carbon application project

I am using WSO2 DSS, ESB and BPS for my project.
They are working fine in respective servers. But my idea is to integrate DSS, ESB & BPS into one car file(or some other deployment archive file) and thus making the deployment easier.
I have a Carbon application project created in Developer studio which has DSS project, ESB Config project, BPEL workflow and a Web application in it.
When I export it, it exports only the ESB & BPS and excludes Web application.
Is there a way to generate one deployment archive which would contain all the mentioned project? And is it possible to deploy a java application in WSO2 server since it has tomcat in it?
Thanks in Advance.
You can deploy webapplications in WSO2 Application server. Refer this. There is a server role which is defined in the server and also in the CAR file for each deployable artifacts. So if you are going to use one server lets say application server with DSS,ESB and BPS installed you need to add DSS's ESB's and BPS's server roles so artifacts which has respective servers role can be deployed in bundled server. Please refer following for server role management.
Is there a way to generate one deployment archive which would contain all the mentioned project?
Ans>> Yes. It is possible. Carbon Application Archive(CAR) file is the single deployable module to package all the above mentioned different artifacts type to a single deployable archive.
You can use either IDE or Maven to generate the CAR file for your artifacts. Please refer to Dev Studio Documentation for more information.
Q> And is it possible to deploy a java application in WSO2 server since it has tomcat in it?
Ans>> You can deploy a Java application in WSO2 Application Server but in order to do that you need to convert your application to a Web-Services since WSO2 provides mechanism to expose your applications as Web Services. For that you can use either Axis2 Web Service or Jax-WS web-Service.
WSO2 Developer Studio supports creation of Axis2 Web-Services as well as Jax-WS web services. Please refer to Axis2 Artifact and Jax-WS Artifact Documentation for more information.
Also if you have a Java based Web-Application, you may deploy that Web-Application in WSO2 Application Server and WSO2 Dev Studio supports implementing Web-Applications as well.
Thanks and Regards,