One directory up from current directory C++ (Sqlite) - c++

There's probably a simple solution to this but I just can't find it.
When I open my application I want to open an sqlite database one directory up from the current directory the program is running from. It is the 'Database' directory.
This is the relevant lines of code. Nothing else matters at this point.
The database doesn't open. Don't want to create a database, I want to use an existing one.
string d_base = "Database/settings.db";
if(SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_open_v2(d_base.c_str(),&handle,SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE ,NULL))
// does something.


Can't open database using SQLite on an UWP written in C++

I am making an UWP in which I need to access a database. To do so I first downloaded and installed the SQL Universal Windows Platform from this link:
After this was done I added it as a reference and included it in my code with:
#include <sqlite3.h> //Not sure if I need to make any other changes for this to work
To troubleshoot I have just a button and a textbox. This is the code that it's been run when the button is clicked:
int rc;
sqlite3 *testDB;
if (SQLITE_OK == (rc = sqlite3_open("signers.db", &testDB))) {
Message->Text = "It worked!";
else {
Message->Text = "Can't open Database";
signers.db it's a database that I created using SQLite so I could have some data to read from my program. Everytime I run the program the text "Can't open Database" appears. I've tried every solution that I see online but none seem to work for me thus I think that I overseeing something. I am fairly new at UWP and also at using databases.
If you need any additional information feel free to ask for it.
If you have the database in your package folder, then it is read-only. You need to use sqlite3_open_v2 and pass the SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY flag.
If you want to open the database for read / write then you need to copy it to your local folder first.
(Also make sure you actually have the database set to deploy; in the Properties window make sure it is set to Content and that it will be copied to the output directory).
According to
you have some limitations to the location where the db file you want to open is located. sqlite itself should work. Try opening a db in a folder specified in the article.
Could also be just a corrupted db file. Did you try to create an empty one?

QDir currentPath and cd() not working?

I am currently attempting to create a new directory and create a new file inside of this directory. However, QDir recognizes that this file exists, however when I try to cd to my new directory, the currentPath returns the same value before and after the QDir().cd(dirName)
qDebug() << QDir().currentPath(); // returns a path up from exe dir
qDebug() << QDir().currentPath(); //returns the same path as above
Really not sure why this isn't working, I am pretty new to programming and was wondering why this was.
Every time you perform QDir() you're creating a new instance of the object, then you perform an operation on it (i.e., .cd(dirName)), and finally that object goes out of scope and is destroyed; thereby losing all your changes.
Instead you should be creating a single instance and performing all operations on it.
QDir dir;;
The constructor QDir() creates a QDir object pointing to the program's working directory. QDir()::cd() changes that QDir object directory, however it does not change program directory. If you really want to change current application working directory, see QDir()::setCurrent(const QString & path)
That current application directory is used as relative path for files. So, to create a file in a new directory, you can specify the full file path or to use relative path as:

Blueimp Server Side UploadHandler.php -> Where to put custom code

Just tried out the blueimp "out of the box" files.
With a few hurdles, I got the plugin to work on my site.
In my application, I want to store the uploaded files in specific directories based on the file name.
The PHP code to do this is pretty straight forward:
function StoreAudioFiles()
$TempFileName = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$OriginalFileName= $_FILES['file']['name'];
I have no idea where to modify the 'out-of-the-box' file "UploadHandler.php" to insert my code.
Given the fact that the file is 55 pages long when opened in Word, any help would be appreciated.
I worked out a solution and am posting it here for others to use.
In the index.php file that comes with blueimp, add functions after the object is created. Here's what I did:
$upload_handler = new UploadHandler();
//Now Add whatever custom functionality you want from here on.
function MoveFiles()
while (False !== ($FileName = readdir($TheHandle))) MoveThisFile($FileName);
function MoveThisFile($TheFileName)
if(strlen($TheFileName)<4) return;

KDE writing (too many) in the console

I'm developping a Qt GUI application.
My problem is that I use the console for another thread (it write his comunication in it), and the main problem is that when I create a QFileDialog (in order to select a script file), KDE is wrinting useless informations (for me at least).
Is there a way to remove all possibility from my QFileDialog to write anything into the consolethat ? Is there a trick to switch main output to another (useless) target ?
My code (but I don't think it's really gonna help you) :
void MyGUI::setPathWithFileExplorer()
QFileDialog dlg;
QString fileName = dlg.getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open script file"), "~/", tr("Script Files (*.js)"));
if(fileName != "")
Output :
kded(21003) Mollet::KioSlaveNotifier::onDirectoryEntered: "trash:/"
kded(21003) Mollet::KioSlaveNotifier::onDirectoryLeft: "trash:/"
kded(21003) Mollet::KioSlaveNotifier::onDirectoryEntered:
"file://[PATH TO MY USER FOLDER]" kded(21003)
"file://[PATH TO MY USER FOLDER]" kded(21003)
"file://[PATH TO MY USER FOLDER]" kfilemodule(21676)
KSambaSharePrivate::testparmParamValue: We got some errors while
running testparm "Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Loaded services file OK. WARNING: The setting 'security=ads' should
NOT be combined with the 'password server' parameter. (by default
Samba will discover the correct DC to contact automatically). WARNING:
You have some share names that are longer than 12 characters. These
may not be accessible to some older clients. (Eg. Windows9x,
WindowsMe, and smbclient prior to Samba 3.0.) "
QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed:
Permission non accordée QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths:
I would suggest using kdebugdialog and then Deselect All. Here you can see an inline screenshot on my machine.
Failing that, you could always use QFile to log your output into a dedicated file, and then monitor that in a separate prompt or application.
If you go down that way, you could even take a look at the logger functionality added in 5.2 if you happen to be able to use that version.

Create registry entry to associate file extension with application in C++

I would like to know the cleanest way of registering a file extension with my C++ application so that when a data file associated with my program is double clicked, the application is opened and the filename is passed as a parameter to the application.
Currently, I do this through my wix installer, but there are some instances where the application will not be installed on ths user's computer, so I also need the option of creating the registry key through the application.
Additionally, will this also mean that if the application is removed, unused entries in the registry will be left lying around?
Your basic overview of the process is found in this MSDN article. The key parts are at the bottom of the list:
Register the ProgID
A ProgID (essentially, the file type registry key) is what contains your important file type properties, such as icon, description, and context menu items including applications used when the file is double clicked. Many extensions may have the same file type. That mapping is done in the next step:
Register the file name extension for the file type
Here, you set a registry value for your extension, setting that extension's file type to the ProgID you created in the previous step.
The minimum amount of work required to get a file to open with your application is setting/creating two registry keys. In this example .reg file, I create a file type (blergcorp.blergapp.v1) and associate a file extension (.blerg) with it.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="c:\path\to\app.exe \"%1\""
Now, you probably want to accomplish this programmatically. To be absolutely kosher, you could check for the existence of these keys, and change your program behavior accordingly, especially if you're assuming control of some common file extension. However, the goal can be accomplished by setting those two keys using the SetValue function.
I'm not positive of the exact C++ syntax, but in C# the syntax looks something like this:
Registry.SetValue(#"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\blergcorp.blergapp.v1\shell\open\command", null, #"c:\path\to\app.exe \"%1\"");
Registry.SetValue(#"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.blerg", null, "blergcorp.blergapp.v1");
Of course you could manually open each sub key, manually create the ProgID and extension subkey, and then set the key value, but a nice thing about the SetValue function is that if the keys or values don't exist, they will automatically be created. Very handy.
Now, a quick word about which hive to use. Many file association examples online, including ones on MSDN, show these keys being set in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. I don't recommend doing this. That hive is a merged, virtual view of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes (the system defaults) and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes (the per-user settings), and writes to any subkey in the hive are redirected to the same key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes. Now, there's no direct problem doing this, but you may run into this issue: If you write to HKCR (redirected to HKLM), and the user has specified the same keys with different values in HKCU, the HKCU values will take precedence. Therefore, your writes will succeed but you won't see any change, because HKEY_CURRENT_USER settings take precedence over HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE settings.
Therefore, you should take this into consideration when designing your application. Now, on the flip side, you can write to only HKEY_CURRENT_USER, as my examples here show. However, that file association setting will only be loaded for the current user, and if your application has been installed for all users, your application won't launch when that other user opens the file in Windows.
That should be a decent primer for what you want to do. For further reading I suggest
Best Practices for File Association
File Types and File Association, especially
How File Associations Work
And see also my similar answer to a similar question:
Associating file extensions with a program
This is a two step process:
1. Define a program that would take care of extension: (unless you want to use existing one)
1.1 create a key in "HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\" for example
1.2 create subkey "Software\\Classes\\YourProgramName.file.ext\\DefaultIcon"
1.2.1 set default value ("") to your application full path to get
icon from resources
1.3 create a subkey "Software\\Classes\\YourProgramName.file.ext\\Shell\\OperationName\\Command"
OperationName = for example Open, Print or Other
1.3.1 set default value ("") to your application full path +optional runtime params (filename)
2.Associate file extension with program.
2.1 create a key HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\.ext - here goes your extension
2.2 set default value to the program definition key
Below is part of the program written in c# which associate file extension. It is not c++ but i think it is simple enought to explain itself and AFAIK it is verv simmilar if not identical to the code in c++
RegistryKey keyPFCTExt0 = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Classes\\PFCT.file.enc", true);
if (keyPFCTExt0 == null)
keyPFCTExt0 = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software\\Classes\\PFCT.file.enc");
RegistryKey keyPFCTExt0ext = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Classes\\PFCT.file.enc\\DefaultIcon", true);
keyPFCTExt0ext.SetValue("", Application.ExecutablePath +",0");
keyPFCTExt0.SetValue("", "PFCT.file.enc");
RegistryKey keyPFCTExt1 = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Classes\\PFCT.file.enc\\Shell\\PFCT_Decrypt\\Command", true);
if (keyPFCTExt1 == null)
keyPFCTExt1 = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software\\Classes\\PFCT.file.enc\\Shell\\PFCT_Decrypt\\Command");
keyPFCTExt1.SetValue("", Application.ExecutablePath + " !d %1"); //!d %1 are optional params, here !d string and full file path
I don't know why people keep saying that HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\<.ext>'s Default value (which will redirect you into another (software-created) class.
It does work, but it will be overridden by
And I believe Microsoft recommends the second practice- because it's what the built-in "open with" is doing. The value of Progid" key is equal to default value of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\<.ext> in this case.
I found the following while trying to manipulate associations using C#:
hkcu\software\microsoft\windows\currentVersion\explorer\fileexts.reg\userchoice -> for user specific settings. The values in the openWithProgIds
key point to the keys in the hkcr.
hkcr\xfile\shell\open\muiVerb value or hkcr\xfile\shell\open\command\default value -> affects open handler. This is the value that contains the path to a program.
hkcr\ .x -> affects context menu (new x) among other things related to the menus.
I don't know the C++ code, but given these info you must be able to manipulate the registry using the registry API.