Passing cookies between requests in Postman runner - cookies

I'm writing a Postman collection to be executed in Postman Runner, which requires that cookies from a first request be used in subsequent requests.
In curl, you can achieve this like so
curl -d "username=x&password=y" -c logincookie.txt
curl -b logincookie.txt
I can't seem to do this in Postman.
As documented, in my test for the first request I save the cookie as an environment variable
var login_cookie = postman.getResponseCookie("LOGIN");
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("login_cookie", login_cookie);
and then, as described in this blog post, I add the following header to the subsequent request,
Cookie: {{login_cookie}}
but the server responds to this request as if the cookie was not provided.
How can I pass the cookie from the first response to the second request?
I'm using the Postman for Mac 4.10.7 and have enabled the interceptor with its default settings, although I don't know how to validate that this actually works!


How to use insomnia with django?

running django locally and with firefox, i login with http://localhost:8000/admin/ and after that i can access http://localhost:8000/myCustomApi successfully.
on insomnia every time i login with http://localhost:8000/admin/ i get {"code": "csrf", "reason": "CSRF cookie not set."} on the response. i tried this but didn't work. is there any tutorial to what should i do?
Install this plugin:
Click on your environment and then on "Manage Environments"
3. In your environment, add a new env var:
"X-CSRFToken": "wSYUpsSIkXxjA8wBiojsCU7YgJGYySGFWiDHNoGhEpCWGxoIyNfIvw7hr2Au1a9J"
Replace the value with one you can find in your browser.
Now, that was for sending data to forms. If you need to make a request while being loggued, click on Cookies and add a new cookie with a name sessionid and the value that you will find in your browser.
Setting the X-CSRFToken didn't worked for me.
So I tried to "copy" the same request in the Insomnia environment.
In my case, what I did was:
Go to your Browser and do at least one successful request.
Go to Network tab and copy the Request Header with name Cookie.
Go to Insomnia and set this same header with it values.
Try debbugging from Insomnia.
But if something seems different to you, just keep the same core: copy the request environment from browser to insomnia.
Remember the server can't see difference between an Insomnia client and the Browser if all the headers are the same.

Flask session lost after redirect - seems like browser doesn't set the cookie. What am I missing?

I have a web app that makes a POST request to:
This endpoint sets some data in flask.session, and then returns a redirect to another endpoint (https://localhost:5000/login/success). I can confirm it attempts to set the session. The response headers for the first endpoint (the 302 response) includes:
On the second endpoint, the session is empty though. I see that when the 302 is processed, there is no cookie header set in the headers:
So the flow is:
Web app makes a XHR request (POST) to https://localhost:5000/processOneTapCredentials
https://localhost:5000/processOneTapCredentials sets some flask.session info and returns a 302 to https://localhost:5000/login/success
https://localhost:5000/login/success gets invoked (I see in dev tools), but there is no cookie, so session is empty.
I have set the Flask key correctly, and the session works between redirects in other situations (such as when Flask-dance redirects to authenticate a user). So I must be doing something wrong.
What am I missing?
make sure your app['SECRET_KEY'] is not changing, and if you are redirecting to an external website or redirect from http to https you need to set your SAMESITE policy properly, with a SAMESITE='Lax' cookies are not forwarded, try setting it to None and see it the problem is related to your SAMESITE policy

Postman cookies not set for subdomain (Postman Inceptor, Postman Native App)

i am playing around with Postman to get some insight on how things work behind the curtain and ran into, what I believe, is an issue but wanted to ask before I create a new issue on GitHub.
I am intercepting the request from my browser to the same site using the Postman Interceptor to use the request values in the native app. I have cookies enabled and the site (the whole domain) whitelisted.
When I use the history to resend the same request that was captured I get an auth error that is caused by the fact that the cookies are not included in the request (found that out by checking the cURL code snippet). I believe the reason for that is, that the cookies are set under another sub domain than that the request is send to.
I will try to include some pictures to clarify. My question here is:
Am I missing something/did I set something up in the wrong way
or is this an issue and I should create an issue in the official Postman Github page
cURL request
Cookies in Postman Native App
you should see if cookie is being send not using code snippet but the console :
its indeed sending cookies ,

How to store and reuse cookies in Postman?

I'm using Postman to test and play with an API.
For the login url, the API requires sending a POST request with username and password as fields. I do this, and I get a 200 response with the message that I am logged in.
I then try another request to get user data. However, I get a response that I am not logged in.
I realized this problem is most likely because the cookie that is sent to me when I log in is not included in the next Postman request.
So my question is, how do I save and include cookies for future requests?
Store the cookie value you want to use in a global variable.In Tests tab of login request, write
postman.setGlobalVariable('key', postman.getResponseCookie("cookieName").value);
Pass along with the value in the Headers tab as a cookie in get user request:
Cookie | cookieName={{key}}
I tried using Ashutosh's answer but got an error. I'm guessing this is because Postman's scripting API changed?
At any rate, the following worked for me:
In the Tests tab of the request that will return cookies you want to save, write
pm.globals.set('<your key>', pm.cookies.get('<cookie name>'));
Then, as described in Ashutosh's answer, add the cookie to the headers by setting the key as cookie and corresponding value as <your cookie name>={{<global variable name>}};.
I found documentation for this at the Postman sandbox API reference.
(Using the native Postman app without the interceptor)
The traditional way of reading the cookie does not work for me pm.cookies.get('<cookie name>')
. Here is a workaround that automatically attaches auth cookie to all requests within a collection:
// The test scripts below run after the api /login returns the response
const authCookie = pm.response.headers.idx(3).value
pm.response.headers.idx(3) is equal to:
{key: "Set-Cookie", value: "xs=eyJhb; Max-Age=3600; Path=/; Expires=Fri, 18 Dec 2020 04:40:34 GMT; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None"}
const token = authCookie.substring(3, authCookie.indexOf(';'))
pm.collectionVariables.set('xs_value', token);
Then add this pre-request scripts to the entire collection:
// Scripts below runs before any request within a collection is sent
const token = pm.collectionVariables.get('xs_value')
pm.request.headers.upsert({ key: 'Cookie', value: `xs=${token}` })
More info on how to attach headers to requests
It seems there are two Interceptor plugin in google chrome. make sure install the correct one.

Get Secured cookie from curl after authentication (c++)

How to get secured cookie from curl after authentication?
curl_easy_getinfo(curl_handler, CURLINFO_COOKIELIST, &cookies);
fetched only one cookie, the other secured cookie wasnt fetched.
Same with
curl_easy_setopt(curl_handler, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt");
However in java we could use cookie manager for login and after all the operations if we iterated the cookie manager there were two of them "Cookie" and "_WL_AUTHCOOKIE_JSESSIONID".
In curl i am not able to fetch "_WL_AUTHCOOKIE_JSESSIONID" .
Any help would be appreciated.
First, curl should get the same set of cookies that any other HTTP client gets.
Unfortunately, that is a should as servers sometimes act different depending on which client it thinks it speaks to and thus it may respond differently. Also, since you're comparing with another client it is possible that the java version you see did some more HTTP requests that made it get the second cookie your curl request doesn't.
To minimize the risk for all this, make sure the requests are as similar as possible so that the server cannot spot a difference between your clients and then it should repond identically and you will get the same set of cookies in both cases.
When the curl based client gets both cookies, you can extract them fine with CURLINFO_COOKIELIST just as you want.